Free Chinese & Japanese Online Dictionary

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There are 1047 total results for your Angi search. I have created 11 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


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(personal name) Sangihitoshi


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(personal name) Sangitakamura


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 sangiin / sangin
House of Councillors (upper house of the National Diet of Japan)


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{gramm} (See 反意語) antonym


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 koukyouen / kokyoen
{med} sore throat; acute tonsillitis; angina


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(1) hanger (e.g. for mosquito net); hanging strap; (2) fisherman; angler


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hanging flowerpot


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temple bell; hanging bell; funeral bell


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hanging cupboard; wall cabinet


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diào sǐ guǐ
    diao4 si3 gui3
tiao ssu kuei
ghost of a person who died by hanging; hanged person; (coll.) inchworm; hangman (word game)



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yān xiá yán
    yan1 xia2 yan2
yen hsia yen
angina; sore throat


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kabuki performance in commemoration of Danjuro and Kikugoro


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(personal name) Dangikusai


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hair tied behind and hanging down; long flowing hair


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hanging partition wall (e.g. against smoke)


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(archaism) (See とばり) hanging curtain used in place of a wall (Heian period)


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hanging banner; hanging screen; curtain


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(kana only) hanging silk; curtain; tapestry; veil


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 tareei / taree
hanging tail (of a traditional Japanese hat); drooping tail


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hair tied behind and hanging down; long flowing hair


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(noun/participle) (1) (slang) slamming one's hand into the wall in front of someone (e.g. to stop them from leaving; often viewed as romantic); (noun/participle) (2) (colloquialism) banging on the wall (e.g. to quieten one's neighbour)


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(1) wall-mounted ornament; wall hanging; (can act as adjective) (2) wall-mounted; wall ...



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dà huān xǐ
    da4 huan1 xi3
ta huan hsi
 dai kangi
great joy (delight, rapture)


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 chuuzuri / chuzuri
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) hanging in midair; suspended in midair; (2) midair stunt; aerial stunt


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 chuuzuri / chuzuri
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) hanging in midair; suspended in midair; (2) midair stunt; aerial stunt


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 chuuzuri / chuzuri
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) hanging in midair; suspended in midair; (2) midair stunt; aerial stunt


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 shimakangiku; shimakangiku
    しまかんぎく; シマカンギク
(kana only) (See 油菊) chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum indicum)


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(1) changing nests; (2) (obscure) changing one's place of merriment


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(1) changing nests; (2) (obscure) changing one's place of merriment


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 yukadon; yukadon
    ゆかドン; ユカドン
(noun/participle) (1) (colloquialism) (See 壁ドン・かべドン・1) pinning someone on the floor by lying on them; (noun/participle) (2) (colloquialism) (See 壁ドン・かべドン・2) banging on the floor (e.g. to quieten one's neighbor)


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(irregular okurigana usage) (noun/participle) moving (dwelling, office, etc.); changing residence


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lecture (i.e. an admonishment); sermon



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xīn jiǎo tòng
    xin1 jiao3 tong4
hsin chiao t`ung
    hsin chiao tung



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è chán à
    e4 chan2 a4
o ch`an a
    o chan a
(or 惡察羅) akṣara; imperishable, unalterable; a syllable; words; intp. as unchanging word, a root word, or word-root. Also 惡刹羅; 阿乞史羅.


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(slang) (vulgar) finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs)


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 teike / teke
(expression) (1) doing one's own flower arranging; (2) marrying or making a mistress of a geisha


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 teike / teke
(expression) (1) doing one's own flower arranging; (2) marrying or making a mistress of a geisha


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helping oneself to (food or other objects); arranging things to suit oneself


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(slang) (vulgar) (See 手マン) finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs)


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(irregular okurigana usage) sunken kotatsu; low table over a hole in the floor (may have a heat source underneath and a hanging quilt to retain warmth)


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(irregular okurigana usage) sunken kotatsu; low table over a hole in the floor (may have a heat source underneath and a hanging quilt to retain warmth)


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hanging scroll


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(1) hanging scroll; (2) sugared sweets; (3) quilt


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hanging scroll


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(1) old-fashioned boys' hairstyle; (2) Meiji period women's hairstyle; (3) type of dance in kabuki; (4) (sumo) knots in colour of four cardinal points hanging from the roof above the ring (color); (5) (abbreviation) constricted tagelus (Sinonovacula constricta); Chinese razor clam



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mó dèng qié
    mo2 deng4 qie2
mo teng ch`ieh
    mo teng chieh
Mātaṇga, also 摩登伽 (or 摩燈伽) Elephant, greatest, utmost, lowest caste, outcast, barbarian. 摩鄧祇 Mātaṅgī. Both words bear a low meaning in Chinese, e.g. low caste. Mātaṅgī is the name of the low-caste woman who inveigled Ānanda. The 摩鄧祇咒 spell is performed with blood, etc.



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mō de zháo
    mo1 de5 zhao2
mo te chao
to be able to touch; tangible


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cutting short



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shí mèi guǐ
    shi2 mei4 gui3
shih mei kuei
 jimi ki
(or 精媚鬼) One of the three classes of demons; capable of changing at the 子 zi hour (midnight) into the form of a rat, boy, girl, or old, sick person.


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casual wear; ordinary clothes; everyday clothes; home wear


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goodwill; intangible assets (part of the acquisition price of a business paid for the name and reputation of the company rather than tangible assets)


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 kouijou / koijo
(rare) changing room


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gēng yī shì
    geng1 yi1 shi4
keng i shih
 kouishitsu / koishitsu
change room; dressing room; locker room; (euphemism) toilet
locker room; changing room; dressing room


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 yuutaibutsu / yutaibutsu
{law} tangible thing; corporeal thing; material object


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 yuuryouka / yuryoka
(noun/participle) changing from free to paid (e.g. a service); starting to charge


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(exp,n) (1) wooden floor; room with a wooden floor; (exp,n) (2) changing room (at a public bath)


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(surname) Hangiya


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(1) makuragaeshi; monster that flips pillows over at night; (2) (See 北枕・1) changing a pillow position (esp. for a dead body); (3) acrobatic routine involving multiple wooden pillows


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(obscure) Edo-era street merchant who carried wares hanging from a pole, hawking them in the street


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(n,vs,vi) (colloquialism) (abbreviation) (See 機種変更) change of mobile phone (without changing carrier or phone number); model upgrade


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{Buddh} Nandikesvara (Ganesh in the Buddhist pantheon); (place-name) Kankiten


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(place-name) Kangiji



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huān xǐ wán
    huan1 xi3 wan2
huan hsi wan
 kangi gan
(or 歡喜團, 喜團) Joy-buns, a name for a kind of honey-cake.



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huān xǐ yuán
    huan1 xi3 yuan2
huan hsi yüan
 Kangi on
joy-grove garden



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huān xǐ tuán
    huan1 xi3 tuan2
huan hsi t`uan
    huan hsi tuan
 kangi dan



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huān xǐ dì
    huan1 xi3 di4
huan hsi ti
 kangi ji
pramuditā. The bodhisattva's stage of joy, the first of his ten stages (bhūmi).



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huān xǐ tiān tiān
    huan1 xi3 tian1 tian1
huan hsi t`ien t`ien
    huan hsi tien tien
 kangi ten
大聖歡喜天; 聖天; (大聖天) The joyful devas, or devas of pleasure, represented as two figures embracing each other, with elephants' heads and human bodies; the two embracing figures are interpreted as Gaṇeśa (the eldest son of Śiva) and an incarnation of Guanyin; the elephant-head represents Gaṇeśa; the origin is older than the Guanyin idea and seems to be a derivation from the Śivaitic linga-worship.



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huān xǐ rì
    huan1 xi3 ri4
huan hsi jih
 kangi nichi
The happy day of the Buddha, and of the order, i.e. that ending the 'retreat', 15th day of the 7th (or 8th) moon; also every 15th day of the month.



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huān xǐ huì
    huan1 xi3 hui4
huan hsi hui
 kangi e
The festival of All Souls, v. 盂.



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huān xǐ yuàn
    huan1 xi3 yuan4
huan hsi yüan
 kangi on
歡樂園; 喜林苑 Nandana-vana. Garden of joy; one of the four gardens of Indra's paradise, north of his central city.


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(noun/participle) changing one's mind


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{sumo} purple curtain on the hanging roof above the ring


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 mizuhikigani; mizuhikigani
    ミズヒキガニ; みずひきがに
(kana only) Eplumula phalangium (crab species)


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niè pán shān
    nie4 pan2 shan1
nieh p`an shan
    nieh pan shan
 nehan san
The steadfast mountain of nirvāṇa in contrast with the changing stream of mortality.



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dàn zǐ shī
    dan4 zi3 shi1
tan tzu shih
(bird species of China) yellow-billed nuthatch (Sitta solangiae)


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pān jī wén
    pan1 ji1 wen2
p`an chi wen
    pan chi wen
Ban Ki Moon (1944-), Korean diplomat, UN secretary-general 2007-2016
(person) Ban Ki-Moon


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 tourou / toro
garden lantern; hanging lantern


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an intangible



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wú zuò jiè
    wu2 zuo4 jie4
wu tso chieh
 musa kai
無表戒 The intangible, invisible moral law that influences the ordinand when he receives visible ordination; i.e. the internal spiritual moral law and its influence; the invisible grace of which the visible ordination is a sign; v. 無表 avijñapti.


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changing weather; fickle weather


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 kyoushinshou / kyoshinsho
{med} angina pectoris


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wáng fū zhī
    wang2 fu1 zhi1
wang fu chih
Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692), wide-ranging scholar of the Ming-Qing transition


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(noun, transitive verb) changing into cash; encashment; cashing


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(kana only) Alangium platanifolium var. trilobum


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way of arranging flowers


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liú lǐ kè
    liu2 li3 ke4
liu li k`o
    liu li ko
Rurik (c. 830-879), Varangian chieftain of the Rus' people



see styles
yú lán pén
    yu2 lan2 pen2
yü lan p`en
    yü lan pen
see 盂蘭盆會|盂兰盆会[Yu2 lan2 pen2 hui4]
Bon festival (Buddhist ceremony held around July 15); Feast of Lanterns
(盂蘭); 鳥藍婆 (鳥藍婆拏) ullambana 盂蘭 may be another form of lambana or avalamba, "hanging down," "depending," "support"; it is intp. "to hang upside down", or "to be in suspense", referring to extreme suffering in purgatory; but there is a suggestion of the dependence of the dead on the living. By some 盆 is regarded as a Chinese word, not part of the transliteration, meaning a vessel filled with offerings of food. The term is applied to the festival of All Souls, held about the 15th of the 7th moon, when masses are read by Buddhist and Taoist priests and elaborate offerings made to the Buddhist Trinity for the purpose of releasing from purgatory the souls of those who have died on land or sea. The Ullambanapātra Sutra is attributed to Śākyamuni, of course incorrectly; it was first tr. into Chinese by Dharmaraksha, A.D. 266-313 or 317; the first masses are not reported until the time of Liang Wudi, A.D. 538; and were popularized by Amogha (A.D. 732) under the influence of the Yogācārya School. They are generally observed in China, but are unknown to Southern Buddhism. The "idea of intercession on the part of the priesthood for the benefit of" souls in hell "is utterly antagonistic to the explicit teaching of primitive Buddhism'" The origin of the custom is unknown, but it is foisted on to Śākyamuni, whose disciple Maudgalyāyana is represented as having been to purgatory to relieve his mother's sufferings. Śākyamuni told him that only the united efforts of the whole priesthood 十方衆會 could alleviate the pains of the suffering. The mere suggestion of an All Souls Day with a great national day for the monks is sufficient to account for the spread of the festival. Eitel says: "Engrafted upon the narrative ancestral worship, this ceremonial for feeding the ghost of deceased ancestors of seven generations obtained immense popularity and is now practised by everybody in China, by Taoists even and by Confucianists." All kinds of food offerings are made and paper garments, etc., burnt. The occasion, 7th moon, 15th day, is known as the盂蘭會 (or 盂蘭盆會 or 盂蘭齋 or 盂蘭盆齋) and the sutra as 盂蘭經 (or 盂蘭盆經).


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(personal name) Bangiyama


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(noun/participle) exchanging looks; winking; making an eye signal


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(noun/participle) changing clothes; change of clothes



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xiāo suān yín
    xiao1 suan1 yin2
hsiao suan yin
 shousangin / shosangin
silver nitrate
(abbreviation) silver nitrate; AgNO3


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(1) change; changing; vicissitudes; (2) fading; waning


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 keikogoto / kekogoto
accomplishments; taking lessons (dance, music, tea ceremony, flower arranging, etc.)


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revamping; reshaping; rearranging; reorganizing


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(slang) (derogatory term) Xbox fanboy; Xbox fangirl



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jiǎo xíng jià
    jiao3 xing2 jia4
chiao hsing chia
gibbet; hanging post


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 koushukei / koshuke
death by hanging; execution by hanging


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(death by) hanging


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(1) (See 実葛・さねかずら) scarlet kadsura (Kadsura japonica); (2) white sash tied around the head, with ends hanging down and tucked into belt, worn in kyogen to indicate a female character being played by a man


see styles
"ear-hanging" scallop spat, i.e. piercing the resilium to string them

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Angi" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary