Free Chinese & Japanese Online Dictionary

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Mandarin Chinese information.
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Japanese information.
Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
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There are 727 total results for your Path search. I have created 8 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
dì dào
    di4 dao4
ti tao
 taidou / taido
(given name) Taidō
true path



see styles
zǒu shì
    zou3 shi4
tsou shih
tendency; trend; path


see styles
zǒu dào
    zou3 dao4
tsou tao
pavement; sidewalk; path; walk; footpath; aisle


see styles
lù xiàng
    lu4 xiang4
lu hsiang
road direction; (fig.) direction; path


see styles
(1) alley; alleyway; lane; (2) teahouse garden; (3) path through a gate (or through a garden, etc.)



see styles
lù jìng
    lu4 jing4
lu ching
path; route; method; ways and means


see styles
 roji; roshi
    ろじ; ろし
(See 途次) way; path; route; along the way; along the road; (surname) Roji


see styles
lù chéng
    lu4 cheng2
lu ch`eng
    lu cheng
 rotei / rote
route; path traveled; distance traveled; course (of development)


see styles
lù tú
    lu4 tu2
lu t`u
    lu tu
(lit. and fig.) road; path



see styles
xī jìng
    xi1 jing4
hsi ching
path; (fig.) way



see styles
guǐ jì
    gui3 ji4
kuei chi
locus; orbit; trajectory; track
(1) tire track; (2) traces of a person or thing; path one has taken; (3) {math} locus



see styles
guǐ dào
    gui3 dao4
kuei tao
 kidou / kido
track (for trains etc); orbit (of a satellite); (fig.) a person's established path in life; desired trajectory (of a business or other endeavor); (audio engineering) track; (quantum mechanics) orbital
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) {astron;physics} orbit; trajectory; (2) railroad track; (3) (See 軌道に乗る・1) (right) track; proper course


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) (kana only) to follow (a road, path, etc.); to trace; (transitive verb) (2) (kana only) to follow (a clue, scent, tracks, plot, etc.); to trace (a route, history, family tree, etc.); to retrace (e.g. one's memory); to search; to go over; (transitive verb) (3) (kana only) to head towards (of a situation); to go in the direction of; to take (a course); to pursue (a path); to meet (a fate)



see styles
zé jìng
    ze2 jing4
tse ching
narrow path


see styles
tuì lù
    tui4 lu4
t`ui lu
    tui lu
a way out; a way to retreat; leeway
path of retreat


see styles
nì liú
    ni4 liu2
ni liu
 gyakuryuu / gyakuryu
against the stream; adverse current; a countercurrent; fig. reactionary tendency; to go against the trend
(n,vs,vi,adj-no) counter-current; adverse tide; regurgitation (of blood)
To go against the current, i.e. the stream of transmigration, and enter the path of Nirvana, also called 預流, the srota-āpanna, or śrāvaka first stage.



see styles
nì shùn
    ni4 shun4
ni shun
reverse order; following a contrary path
The adversatives, resisting and complying, opposing and according with, reverse or direct, backward or forward.


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to stick through; to force through; (2) to spread throughout; to thoroughly diffuse; (3) to make a path between two points; (4) to proceed in a logical manner; (5) to let pass; to allow through; (6) to lead (someone) into (a house, room, etc.); to show in; (7) to go through (a middleman); (8) to (look, listen) through (a window, wall, etc.); (9) to pass (a law, applicant, etc.); (10) to force to accept; to force agreement; (11) to continue (in a state); to persist in; (12) to do to the entirety of; to cover all of; to span the whole ...; (13) to do from beginning to end without a break; (14) to convey (one's ideas, etc.) to the other party; (15) to do to the end; to carry through; to complete


see styles
 keiro / kero
(1) course; route; path; channel; (2) process; means


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to stick through; to force through; (2) to spread throughout; to thoroughly diffuse; (3) to make a path between two points; (4) to proceed in a logical manner; (5) to let pass; to allow through; (6) to lead (someone) into (a house, room, etc.); to show in; (7) to go through (a middleman); (8) to (look, listen) through (a window, wall, etc.); (9) to pass (a law, applicant, etc.); (10) to force to accept; to force agreement; (11) to continue (in a state); to persist in; (12) to do to the entirety of; to cover all of; to span the whole ...; (13) to do from beginning to end without a break; (14) to convey (one's ideas, etc.) to the other party; (15) to do to the end; to carry through; to complete


see styles
tōng xíng
    tong1 xing2
t`ung hsing
    tung hsing
 tsuukou / tsuko
to go through; to pass through; to be in general use
(n,vs,vi) (1) passage (of people or vehicles); passing (through); traffic; (n,vs,vi) (2) common usage; widespread use
The thoroughfare, or path which leads to nirvāṇa.



see styles
jìn lù
    jin4 lu4
chin lu
way of proceeding; approach (to a task etc)
(1) route; course; path; (2) one's future course (e.g. after graduating high school); (given name) Shinji


see styles
yóu lù
    you2 lu4
yu lu


see styles
dào bàn
    dao4 ban4
tao pan
companion on the path


see styles
dào wèi
    dao4 wei4
tao wei
The stages in the attainment of Buddha-truth.


see styles
dào fēn
    dao4 fen1
tao fen
(surname) Michiwake
the enlightenment part of the path


see styles
dào lì
    dao4 li4
tao li
The power which comes from enlightenment, or the right doctrine.


see styles
dào dì
    dao4 di4
tao ti
 douchi / dochi
authentic; original
(place-name, surname) Dōchi
the ground of the (Buddha-)Path


see styles
dào shī
    dao4 shi1
tao shih
loss of the path


see styles
dào zūn
    dao4 zun1
tao tsun
the supreme (Buddha-)Path


see styles
dào lǜ
    dao4 lv4
tao lü
the (Buddha-)Path and rules of morality


see styles
dào huì
    dao4 hui4
tao hui
the wisdom of the (Buddha-)Path


see styles
dào míng
    dao4 ming2
tao ming
(personal name) Michiakira
the glow, brightness of the (Buddha-)Path


see styles
dào zhì
    dao4 zhi4
tao chih
(male given name) Michitoshi
Religious wisdom; the wisdom which understands the principles of mārga, the eightfold path.


see styles
dào guǒ
    dao4 guo3
tao kuo
The result of the Buddha-way, i.e. nirvāṇa.



see styles
dào lè
    dao4 le4
tao le
The joy of religion.


see styles
dào fǎ
    dao4 fa3
tao fa
 douhou / doho
(surname) Dōhou
The way or methods to obtain nirvāṇa.



see styles
dào miè
    dao4 mie4
tao mieh
path and cessation


see styles
dào fù
    dao4 fu4
tao fu
the father of the (Buddha-)Path


see styles
dào mù
    dao4 mu4
tao mu
 doume / dome
(place-name) Dōme
the eye for the (Buddha-)Path


see styles
dào jīn
    dao4 jin1
tao chin
Whatever is prohibited by the religion, or the religious life; śīla, the second pāramitā, moral purity.


see styles
path; route; itinerary; (surname) Michisuji



see styles
dào zhòng
    dao4 zhong4
tao chung
Those who practise religion, the body of monks.



see styles
dào shù
    dao4 shu4
tao shu
The methods, or arts, of the Buddhist religion.



see styles
dào yí
    dao4 yi2
tao i
the meaning of the (Buddha-)Path



see styles
dào yì
    dao4 yi4
tao i
 dougi / dogi
(abbreviation) (See 道議会議員) member of the Hokkaido Prefectural Assembly
the meaning of the (Buddha-)Path



see styles
dào jī
    dao4 ji1
tao chi
 doushaku / doshaku
(given name) Dōshaku
the course of the (Buddha-)Path


see styles
dào lù
    dao4 lu4
tao lu
 douro / doro
road; path; way; CL:條|条[tiao2]
road; highway; (surname) Michimichi


see styles
dào jī
    dao4 ji1
tao chi
one who has entered upon the course of the (Buddha-)Path


see styles
xié lù
    xie2 lu4
hsieh lu
see 邪道[xie2 dao4]
mistaken path


see styles
xié dào
    xie2 dao4
hsieh tao
 jadou / jado
depraved life; evil ways; fornication
(1) improper way (of doing); wrong way; unorthodox method; (2) evil course; evil path; heresy
Heterodox ways, or doctrines.


see styles
chóng dǎo
    chong2 dao3
ch`ung tao
    chung tao
(fig.) to follow (a path that has proved ill-advised)



see styles
yě jìng
    ye3 jing4
yeh ching
country path; track in the wilderness


see styles
 noji; yaro
    のじ; やろ
path in a field; (surname) Noro


see styles
path in a field; (surname) Nomichi


see styles
(v5k,vi,vt) (1) to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack; (v5k,vi,vt) (2) to bloom; to unfold; to spread out; (v5k,vi,vt) (3) to open (for business, e.g. in the morning); (v5k,vi,vt) (4) to be wide (gap, etc.); to widen; (transitive verb) (5) to hold (meeting, party, etc.); to give; to open; (transitive verb) (6) to found (nation, dynasty, sect, etc.); to open (a new business); to set up; to establish; to start; (transitive verb) (7) to open (ports, borders, etc.); (transitive verb) (8) to open (an account); (transitive verb) (9) (See 拓く) to open up (new land, path, etc.); to clear; to develop; (transitive verb) (10) {comp} to open (a file, etc.); (transitive verb) (11) {math} to extract (root); to reduce (equation); (transitive verb) (12) {food} (as 魚を開く) to cut open (fish); (transitive verb) (13) to change (kanji into hiragana); (v5k,vi) (14) to flare (e.g. skirt); (v5k,vi) (15) {sports} (as 体が開く, 肩が開く, etc.) to slacken (into a poor posture)



see styles
kāi lù
    kai1 lu4
k`ai lu
    kai lu
to open up a path; to make one's way through; to construct a road; (electricity) open circuit


see styles
 inpu; yomi(gikun)
    いんぷ; よみ(gikun)
(See 黄泉) path to the netherworld (underworld); Hades; Hell


see styles
steep path


see styles
ài lù
    ai4 lu4
ai lu
defile; narrow passage
(1) defile; narrow path; (2) bottleneck; impasse



see styles
xiǎn dào
    xian3 dao4
hsien tao
a hard path



see styles
xiǎn zǔ
    xian3 zu3
hsien tsu
dangerous and difficult (path)



see styles
nán xiǎn
    nan2 xian3
nan hsien
a hard path


see styles
rough or steep path



see styles
xiá jìng
    xia2 jing4
hsia ching
a misty path; the path of the Daoist immortals


see styles
(1) alley; alleyway; lane; (2) path through a gate (or through a garden, etc.); (female given name) Romi


see styles
fēi dào
    fei1 dao4
fei tao
 hidou / hido
(adj-na,adj-no,n) unjust; inhuman
Wrong ways, heterodox view, or doctrines.


see styles
track; flight path



see styles
è guǐ
    e4 gui3
o kuei
 gaki; gaki
    がき; ガキ
sb who is always hungry; glutton; (Buddhism) hungry ghost
(1) (kana only) (colloquialism) brat; kid; urchin; little devil; (2) {Buddh} (orig. meaning) preta; hungry ghost
pretas, hungry spirits, one of the three lower destinies. They are of varied classes, numbering nine or thirty-six, and are in differing degrees and kinds of suffering, some wealthy and of light torment, others possessing nothing and in perpetual torment; some are jailers and executioners of Yama in the hells, others wander to and fro amongst men, especially at night. Their city or region is called 餓鬼城; 餓鬼界. Their destination or path is the 餓鬼趣 or 餓鬼道.


see styles
 medou; mendou(ok); medo(ok); umamichi(ik) / medo; mendo(ok); medo(ok); umamichi(ik)
    めどう; めんどう(ok); めど(ok); うまみち(ik)
(めんどう is also written with the ateji 面道) (See 寝殿造り) long roofed passageway (originally having an earthen floor and used as a bridle path); (surname) Badō


see styles
mó dào
    mo2 dao4
mo tao
 madou / mado
(1) heresy; evil ways; path of evil; (2) sorcery; black magic; (3) (Buddhist term) netherworld; world outside the six realms where evil spirits roam
The Māra path, or way, i.e. one of the six destinies.


see styles
 gyodou / gyodo
path taken by school of fish; fish ladder; fishway



see styles
niǎo dào
    niao3 dao4
niao tao
a road only a bird can manage; steep dangerous road
The path of the birds, evasive, mysterious, difficult, as is the mystic life. Also a fabulous island only reached by flight.


see styles
 shii pii emu; shiipiiemu(sk) / shi pi emu; shipiemu(sk)
    シー・ピー・エム; シーピーエム(sk)
(1) (See クリティカルパス法) critical path method; CPM; (2) cost per mille; CPM; cost per thousand; (3) {comp} control program for microcomputers; CP-M


see styles
(1) defile; narrow path; (2) bottleneck; impasse


see styles
(v1,vi) to stray from the right path; to go wrong; to go off the rails; to turn delinquent


see styles
(1) course; route; trail; (2) course (of study); program; (3) lane (in running, swimming, etc.); (4) course (of action); policy; track; path; (5) course (of a multi-course meal); (6) (abbreviation) (See フルコース・1) full-course meal; multi-course meal; (7) plan (type of offered service); course; option; (8) {baseb} pitch; (personal name) Gause; Ghose


see styles
(exp,n) (1) (See 道・みち・7) line (of business); profession; trade; (2) (usual meaning) this road (path, street, way, etc.)


see styles
 daato / dato
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) dirt (road, path, etc.); (2) (abbreviation) (See ダートコース) dirt course; dirt track; (place-name) Dadu (Pakistan)


see styles
narrow path; narrow lane


see styles
yī shèng dào
    yi1 sheng4 dao4
i sheng tao
the one and sole Vehicle and Path


see styles
yī xiàng qù
    yi1 xiang4 qu4
i hsiang ch`ü
    i hsiang chü
 ikkō shu
the sole path


see styles
direct unforked road; straight path



see styles
yī dào yì
    yi1 dao4 yi4
i tao i
 Ichidō gi
Doctrine of the Single Path


see styles
sān shèng dào
    san1 sheng4 dao4
san sheng tao
 sanjō dō
the path of the three vehicles


see styles
sān bá zhì
    san1 ba2 zhi4
san pa chih
(or 諦) saṃpatti. To turn out well, prosper, be on the path of success.


see styles
shàng fó dào
    shang4 fo2 dao4
shang fo tao
 jō butsudō
the supreme Buddha-Path


see styles
shàng pǐn dào
    shang4 pin3 dao4
shang p`in tao
    shang pin tao
 jōhon dō
greatest path


see styles
shàng zūn dào
    shang4 zun1 dao4
shang tsun tao
 jōson dō
the supreme (Buddha-)Path


see styles
xià pō lù
    xia4 po1 lu4
hsia p`o lu
    hsia po lu
downhill road; (fig.) downhill path



see styles
shì jiān qù
    shi4 jian1 qu4
shih chien ch`ü
    shih chien chü
 seken shu
mundane path


see styles
zhōng dào xíng
    zhong1 dao4 xing2
chung tao hsing
 chūdō gyō
the middle path



see styles
èr zī liáng
    er4 zi1 liang2
erh tzu liang
two necessary provisions for the path to enlightenment


see styles
 densouro / densoro
line; transmission line; transmission path; transmission route; link


see styles
fó dà dào
    fo2 da4 dao4
fo ta tao
 butsu daidō
the great Buddha-Path


see styles
fó zūn dào
    fo2 zun1 dao4
fo tsun tao
 busson dō
the pre-eminent Path of a buddha


see styles
fó dào shèng
    fo2 dao4 sheng4
fo tao sheng
 butsu dōjō
the Vehicle of the Buddha-Path



see styles
fó dào chǎng
    fo2 dao4 chang3
fo tao ch`ang
    fo tao chang
 butsu dōjō
the platform or terrace of the Path (enlightenment) of the Buddha


see styles
fó dào xíng
    fo2 dao4 xing2
fo tao hsing
 butsu dōgyō
the practice of the (Buddha-)Path


see styles
xìn xíng dào
    xin4 xing2 dao4
hsin hsing tao
path of belief and practice

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Path" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary