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There are 22120 total results for your even the 100-foot bamboo can grow one more foot search. I have created 222 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
sāi yá
    sai1 ya2
sai ya
to get food stuck between one's teeth


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sāi ěr
    sai1 er3
sai erh
to block one's ears (not wishing to hear)



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sè zé
    se4 ze2
se tse
to carry out one's duties perfunctorily; to fulfill one's responsibility


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(1) (archaism) (originally, esp. salt and plum vinegar) seasoning; flavour; flavor; (2) (archaism) serving one's lord well (of a retainer); (surname) Shioume



see styles
chén shā
    chen2 sha1
ch`en sha
    chen sha
Dust and sand, i.e. numberless as the atoms. Tiantai uses the term as one of the three illusions, i.e. the trial of the bodhisattva in facing the vast amount of detail in knowledge and operation required for his task of saving the world.


see styles
garbage can; garbage box; rubbish bin; trash can; dust bin; dustbin


see styles
jìng dì
    jing4 di4
ching ti
 kyouchi / kyochi
(1) state (of mind); mental state; emotional condition; (2) field (of activity); (3) one's lot; circumstance; situation in life; (4) (orig. meaning) place; region; area; land; (surname) Sakaichi


see styles
 kyougai / kyogai
circumstances; one's situation or lot in life


see styles
jìng yù
    jing4 yu4
ching yü
 kyouguu / kyogu
one's circumstances; environment; situation (in life)


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shāng qíng
    shang1 qing2
shang ch`ing
    shang ching
the state of moisture in the soil (and whether it can support a crop)


see styles
(adverb) (kana only) increasingly; more and more; decreasingly (when declining); less and less


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 mashi(p); mashi
    まし(P); マシ
(adjectival noun) (1) (kana only) (esp. マシ) better; preferable; less objectionable; least-worst; (suffix noun) (2) more; increase; extra; (3) (archaism) increase; growth


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(transitive verb) to increase; to grow


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 zouin / zoin
(n,vs,vt,vi) increasing the number of staff; hiring more people


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(adverb) (kana only) increasingly; more and more; decreasingly (when declining); less and less


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 zouwaku / zowaku
(noun/participle) quota increase; allowance increase; limit increase; increase in one's share


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 zouchi / zochi
(noun, transitive verb) establishment of more (offices)


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 zousetsu / zosetsu
(noun, transitive verb) adding (equipment, facilities, etc.); establishing more; installing more; increase; extension; expansion


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 zouchou / zocho
(n,vs,vi) (1) growing impudent; becoming arrogant; getting stuck-up; (n,vs,vi) (2) becoming more severe; increasing; (surname) Masunaga


see styles
(v2t-k,vi) (1) (archaism) to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); (2) (archaism) to be omitted; to be missing; (3) (archaism) to crash; to degenerate; to degrade; to fall behind; (4) (archaism) to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list); (5) (archaism) to fall (into someone's hands); to become someone's possession; (6) (archaism) to fall; to be defeated; to surrender



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zhuì wáng
    zhui4 wang2
chui wang
to fall to one's death


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(n,vs,vi) falling to one's death


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zēng duō
    zeng1 duo1
tseng to
to increase; to grow in number


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zēng chí
    zeng1 chi2
tseng ch`ih
    tseng chih
(of an investor) to increase one's holdings



see styles
zēng zhǎng
    zeng1 zhang3
tseng chang
to grow; to increase
Increasing both broad and long, 增 referring to breadth and 長 to height, or length.



see styles
duò lóu
    duo4 lou2
to lou
to jump to one's death



see styles
fén yíng
    fen2 ying2
fen ying
 funei / fune
grave; tomb; graveyard; cemetery; fig. one's native place (where one's ancestors are buried)
(archaism) grave; tomb; graveyard


see styles
bì dōng
    bi4 dong1
pi tung
(slang) to kabedon; to corner (sb in whom one has a romantic interest) against a wall (loanword from Japanese 壁ドン "kabedon")


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(astron) Chinese "Wall" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)


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(transitive verb) (1) to stop up; to close up; to block (up); to plug up; to shut up; to cover (ears, eyes, etc.); to close (eyes, mouth); (2) to stand in the way; to obstruct; (3) to occupy; to fill up; to take up; (4) to perform one's role; to do one's duty; (Godan verb with "gu" ending) (5) to feel depressed; to mope



see styles
yā dī
    ya1 di1
ya ti
to lower (one's voice)



see styles
huài jié
    huai4 jie2
huai chieh
 e kō
saṃvarta, v. 劫 7, the periodical gradual destruction of a universe, one of its four kalpas, i.e. 成 vivarta, formation; 住 vivarta-siddha; abiding, or existence; 壞 saṃvarta, decay, or destruction; 滅 saṃvarta-siddha, final annihilation.



see styles
zhuàng dǎn
    zhuang4 dan3
chuang tan
to get one’s courage up; to embolden



see styles
zhuàng yáng
    zhuang4 yang2
chuang yang
(TCM) to build up one's kidney yang; to boost male sex drive


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 shouten / shoten
tone mark; mark placed in one of the four corners of a Chinese character to indicate the tone


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(transitive verb) (1) to sell; (transitive verb) (2) (See 国を売る) to betray; to sell out (one's friend, country, etc.); (transitive verb) (3) (See 名を売る) to make (oneself) known; to establish (a reputation) for oneself; (transitive verb) (4) (See 喧嘩を売る,恩を売る) to pick (a fight, quarrel, etc.); to provoke; to force on someone


see styles
selling out one's country; betraying one's country; treason


see styles
selling one's blood (for money); donating blood for money


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to remove; to take off; to detach; to unfasten; to undo; (transitive verb) (2) to drop (e.g. from a team); to remove (from a position); to exclude; to expel; (transitive verb) (3) to leave (e.g. one's seat); to go away from; to step out; to slip away; (transitive verb) (4) to dodge (a question, blow, etc.); to evade; to sidestep; to avoid (e.g. peak season); (transitive verb) (5) (ant: 当たる・1) to miss (a target, chance, punch, etc.)


see styles
wài rén
    wai4 ren2
wai jen
 gaijin(p); gaijin(sk)
    がいじん(P); ガイジン(sk)
outsider; foreigner; stranger
(1) (sensitive word) (See 外国人) foreigner (esp. one of European ancestry); gaijin; (2) (archaism) (orig. meaning) outsider; (given name) Hokato


see styles
wài chū
    wai4 chu1
wai ch`u
    wai chu
 gaishutsu(p); sotode(ok)
    がいしゅつ(P); そとで(ok)
to go out; to go away (on a trip etc)
(n,vs,vi) going out; outing; leaving (one's home, office, etc.); (place-name) Hokade


see styles
wài dì
    wai4 di4
wai ti
parts of the country other than where one is
(1) foreign land; overseas land; (2) (hist) overseas territories of the Empire of Japan (e.g. Korea, Taiwan); (surname) Sotochi


see styles
wài xuān
    wai4 xuan1
wai hsüan
(abbr. for 對外宣傳|对外宣传[dui4 wai4 xuan1 chuan2]) (one's own) international public relations efforts; (another nation's) external propaganda


see styles
(1) (abbreviation) outside daimyo; non-Tokugawa daimyo; (2) outsider; one not included in the favored (favoured) group; (place-name) Tozama


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(1) appearance; how one looks to others; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) towards the outside; outside part; (place-name) Sotome


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outer thigh; (n,adv) (walking with) one's toes turned out; duckfooted


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wài dào
    wai4 dao4
wai tao
 gedou / gedo
(1) {Buddh} (See 内道) tirthika; non-Buddhist teachings; non-Buddhist; (2) heterodoxy; unorthodoxy; heresy; heretic; (3) (oft. used as a pejorative) demon; devil; fiend; brute; wretch; (4) type of fish one did not intend to catch; (person) Gedō
Outside doctrines; non-Buddhist; heresy, heretics; the Tīrthyas or Tīrthikas; there are many groups of these: that of the 二天三仙 two devas and three sages, i. e. the Viṣṇuites, the Maheśvarites (or Śivaites), and the followers of Kapila, Ulūka, and Ṛṣabha. Another group of four is given as Kapila, Ulūka, Nirgrantha-putra (Jainas), and Jñātṛ (Jainas). A group of six, known as the外道六師 six heretical masters, is Pūraṇa-Kāśyapa, Maskari-Gośālīputra, Sañjaya-Vairāṭīputra, Ajita-Keśakambala, Kakuda-Kātyāyana, and Nirgrantha-Jñātṛputra; there are also two other groupings of six, one of them indicative of their various forms of asceticism and self-torture. There are also groups of 13, 1, 20, 30, 95, and 96 heretics, or forms of non-Buddhist doctrine, the 95 being divided into 11 classes, beginning with the Saṃkhyā philosophy and ending with that of no-cause, or existence as accidental.



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wài bian
    wai4 bian5
wai pien
outside; outer surface; abroad; place other than one's home



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wài wù
    wai4 wu4
wai wu
to get involved in things which are not one's business



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wài wù
    wai4 wu4
wai wu
to get involved in things which are not one's business


see styles
(adj-na,adv,adv-to) (kana only) in tufts; tufty; bushy; thick; luxuriant; (adverb) very much; very many; more and more; (surname) Tada


see styles
duō zuǐ
    duo1 zui3
to tsui
talkative; to speak out of turn; to blab; to shoot one's mouth off; rumors fly


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duō duō
    duo1 duo1
to to
many; much; a lot; lots and lots; more; even more
(adj-na,adv,adv-to) (kana only) in tufts; tufty; bushy; thick; luxuriant; (adverb) very much; very many; more and more; (surname) Tada
a father



see styles
duō yú
    duo1 yu2
to yü
more than; greater than


see styles
 taapai; taahai / tapai; tahai
    ターパイ; ターはい
{mahj} having too many tiles on one's hand (chi:)



see styles
duō wén
    duo1 wen2
to wen
(1) row house built on top of a castle wall; (2) row houses surrounding a main residence; (3) {Buddh} having great knowledge about Buddhism; (4) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 多聞天) Vaisravana (one of the Four Heavenly Kings); (surname, given name) Tamon
bahu-sruta; learned, one who has heard much.


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) one who generally eats a lot



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duō líng
    duo1 ling2
to ling
(多齡路迦也吠闍也); 帝隷 etc. Trailokyavijaya, one of the 明王 Ming Wang, the term being tr. literally as 三世降 (明王) the Ming-Wang defeater (of evil) in the three spheres.


see styles
yè mó
    ye4 mo2
yeh mo
Yama, 'originally the Aryan god of the dead, living in a heaven above the world, the regent of the South; but Brahminism transferred his abode to hell. Both views have been retained by Buddhism.' Eitel. Yama in Indian mythology is ruler over the dead and judge in the hells, is 'grim in aspect, green in colour, clothed in red, riding on a buffalo, and holding a club in one hand and noose in the other': he has two four-eyed watch-dogs. M. W. The usual form is 閻摩 q. v.


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cutting one's nails at night (said to cause one to miss the deathbed of one's parents)



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gòu běn
    gou4 ben3
kou pen
to break even; to get one's money's worth


see styles
(adverb) (1) (not even) a little bit; (2) diligently; (3) dreams; (female given name) Yuyu



see styles
mèng yì
    meng4 yi4
meng i
talking in one's sleep; delirious ravings; nonsense; sheer fantasy



see styles
mèng mèng
    meng4 meng4
meng meng
(adverb) (1) (not even) a little bit; (2) diligently; (3) dreams; (female given name) Mumu


see styles
at the bedside where one dreams; (surname) Yumemakura



see styles
mèng jiàn
    meng4 jian4
meng chien
to dream about (something or sb); to see in a dream
having a dream; (female given name) Yumemi
To see in a dream, to imagine one sees, or has seen.



see styles
mèng huà
    meng4 hua4
meng hua
talking in one's sleep; words spoken during sleep; fig. speech bearing no relation to reality; delusions



see styles
yín yuán
    yin2 yuan2
yin yüan
to curry favor; to advance one's career by toadying


see styles
dà shèng
    da4 sheng4
ta sheng
Mahayana, the Great Vehicle; Buddhism based on the Mayahana sutras, as spread to Central Asia, China and beyond; also pr. [Da4 cheng2]
(surname) Oonori
Mahāyāna; also called 上乘; 妙乘; 勝乘; 無上乘; 無上上乘; 不惡乘; 無等乘, 無等等乘; 摩訶衍 The great yāna, wain, or conveyance, or the greater vehicle in comparison with the 小乘 Hīnayāna. It indicates universalism, or Salvation for all, for all are Buddha and will attain bodhi. It is the form of Buddhism prevalent in Tibet, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan, and in other places in the Far East. It is also called Northern Buddhism. It is interpreted as 大教 the greater teaching as compared with 小教 the smaller, or inferior. Hīnayāna, which is undoubtedly nearer to the original teaching of the Buddha, is unfairly described as an endeavour to seek nirvana through an ash-covered body, an extinguished intellect, and solitariness; its followers are sravakas and pratyekabuddhas (i.e. those who are striving for their own deliverance through ascetic works). Mahāyāna, on the other hand, is described as seeking to find and extend all knowledge, and, in certain schools, to lead all to Buddhahood. It has a conception of an Eternal Buddha, or Buddhahood as Eternal (Adi-Buddha), but its especial doctrines are, inter alia, (a) the bodhisattvas 菩薩 , i.e. beings who deny themselves final Nirvana until, according to their vows, they have first saved all the living; (b) salvation by faith in, or invocation of the Buddhas or bodhisattvas; (c) Paradise as a nirvana of bliss in the company of Buddhas, bodhisattvas, saints, and believers. Hīnayāna is sometimes described as 自利 self-benefiting, and Mahāyāna as 自利利他 self-benefit for the benefit of others, unlimited altruism and pity being the theory of Mahāyāna. There is a further division into one-yana and three-yanas: the trīyāna may be śrāvaka, pratyeka-buddha, and bodhisattva, represented by a goat, deer, or bullock cart; the one-yāna is that represented by the Lotus School as the one doctrine of the Buddha, which had been variously taught by him according to the capacity of his hearers, v. 方便. Though Mahāyāna tendencies are seen in later forms of the older Buddhism, the foundation of Mahāyāna has been attributed to Nāgārjuna 龍樹. "The characteristics of this system are an excess of transcendental speculation tending to abstract nihilism, and the substitution of fanciful degrees of meditation and contemplation (v. Samādhi and Dhyāna) in place of the practical asceticism of the Hīnayāna school."[Eitel 68-9.] Two of its foundation books are the 起信論and the 妙法蓮華經 but a larnge numberof Mahāyāna sutras are ascribed to the Buddha。.


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(surname) One



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dà jié
    da4 jie2
ta chieh
mahākalpa. The great kalpa, from the beginning of a universe till it is destroyed and another begins in its place. It has four kalpas or periods known as vivarta 成刧 the creation period; vivarta‐siddha 住刧 the appearance of sun and moon, i.e. light, and the period of life, human and general; saṃvarta 壤刧 or 滅刧 destruction first by fire, then water, then fire, then deluge, then a great wind, i.e. water during seven small kalpas, fire during 56 and wind one, in all 64; saṃvartatthāhi 増滅刧 total destruction gradually reaching the void. A great kalpa is calculated as eighty small kalpas and to last 1,347,000,000 years.


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dà huà
    da4 hua4
ta hua
(hist) Taika era (645.6.19-650.2.15); (place-name) Taika
The transforming teaching and work of a Buddha in one lifetime.


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dà bàn
    da4 ban4
ta pan
more than half; greater part; most; probably; most likely
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) majority; more than half; most (of); (n,adv) (2) mostly; largely; mainly; predominately; nearly


see styles
dà shū
    da4 shu1
ta shu
eldest of father's younger brothers; uncle (term used to address a man about the age of one's father)


see styles
(1) (major) mark; level; barrier; (2) {finc} 100-yen unit (stock market); (place-name, surname) Oodai


see styles
dà shì
    da4 shi4
ta shih
(personal name) Futoshi
Mahasattva. 開士 A great being, noble, a leader of men, a bodhisattva; also a śrāvaka, a Buddha; especially one who 自利利他 benefits himself to help others.


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dà yí
    da4 yi2
ta i
aunt (mother's eldest sister); (respectful term of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother)


see styles
(1) post-secondary education institution, incl. university, college, etc.; (2) (abbreviation) former central university of Kyoto (established under the ritsuryo system for the training of government administrators); (3) the Great Learning (one of the Four Books); (p,s,g) Daigaku



see styles
dà xué
    da4 xue2
ta hsüeh
university; college; CL:所[suo3]
(out-dated kanji) (1) post-secondary education institution, incl. university, college, etc.; (2) (abbreviation) former central university of Kyoto (established under the ritsuryo system for the training of government administrators); (3) the Great Learning (one of the Four Books); (surname) Daigaku


see styles
full length of one's arm (from shoulder to fingertip); (surname) Oode


see styles
dà jiào
    da4 jiao4
ta chiao
The great teaching. (1) That of the Buddha. (2) Tantrayāna. The mahātantra, yoga, yogacarya, or tantra school which claims Samantabhadra as its founder. It aims at ecstatic union of the individual soul with the world soul, Iśvara. From this result the eight great powers of Siddhi (aṣṭa-mahāsiddhi), namely, ability to (1) make one's body lighter (laghiman); (2) heavier (gaiman); (3) smaller (aṇiman); (4) larger (mahiman) than anything in the world ; (5) reach any place (prāpti) ; (6) assume any shape (prākāmya) ; (7) control all natural laws (īśitva) ; (8) make everything depend upon oneself; all at will (v.如意身 and 神足). By means of mystic formulas (Tantras or dhāraṇīs), or spells (mantras), accompanied by music and manipulation of the hands (mūdra), a state of mental fixity characterized neither by thought nor the annihilation of thought, can be reached. This consists of six-fold bodily and mental happiness (yoga), and from this results power to work miracles. Asaṅga compiled his mystic doctrines circa A.D. 500. The system was introduced into China A.D. 647 by Xuanzang's translation of the Yogācārya-bhūmi-śāstra 瑜伽師地論 ; v. 瑜. On the basis of this, Amoghavajra established the Chinese branch of the school A.D. 720 ; v. 阿目. This was popularized by the labours of Vajrabodhi A.D. 732 ; v. 金剛智.



see styles
dà yú
    da4 yu2
ta yü
greater than; bigger than; more than


see styles
dà rì
    da4 ri4
ta jih
Mahavairocana (Tathagata); Great Sun; Supreme Buddha of Sino-Japanese esoteric Buddhism; (place-name, surname) Dainichi
Vairocana, or Mahāvairocana 大日如來; 遍照如來; 摩訶毘盧遮那; 毘盧遮那; 大日覺王 The sun, "shining everywhere" The chief object of worship of the Shingon sect in Japan, "represented by the gigantic image in the temple at Nara." (Eliot.) There he is known as Dai-nichi-nyorai. He is counted as the first, and according to some, the origin of the five celestial Buddhas (dhyāni-buddhas, or jinas). He dwells quiescent in Arūpa-dhātu, the Heaven beyond form, and is the essence of wisdom (bodhi) and of absolute purity. Samantabhadra 普賢 is his dhyāni-bodhisattva. The 大日經 "teaches that Vairocana is the whole world, which is divided into Garbhadhātu (material) and Vajradhātu (indestructible), the two together forming Dharmadhātu. The manifestations of Vairocana's body to himself―that is, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas ―are represented symbolically by diagrams of several circles ". Eliot. In the 金剛界 or vajradhātu maṇḍala he is the center of the five groups. In the 胎藏界 or Garbhadhātu he is the center of the eight-leaf (lotus) court. His appearance, symbols, esoteric word, differ according to the two above distinctions. Generally he is considered as an embodiment of the Truth 法, both in the sense of dharmakāya 法身 and dharmaratna 法寳. Some hold Vairocana to be the dharmakāya of Śākyamuni 大日與釋迦同一佛 but the esoteric school denies this identity. Also known as 最高顯廣眼藏如來, the Tathagata who, in the highest, reveals the far-reaching treasure of his eye, i.e. the sun. 大日大聖不動明王 is described as one of his transformations. Also, a śramaņa of Kashmir (contemporary of Padma-saṃbhava); he is credited with introducing Buddhism into Khotan and being an incarnation of Mañjuśrī; the king Vijaya Saṃbhava built a monastery for him.


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dà fàn
    da4 fan4
ta fan
Mahābrāhmaṇas; the third Brahmaloka, the third region of the first dhyāna. Mahābrahman; the great Brahma, 大梵天; it is also a title of one of the six Guanyin of the Tiantai sect.



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dà lóu
    da4 lou2
ta lou
building (a relatively large, multistory one); CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4]



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dà qiáo
    da4 qiao2
ta ch`iao
    ta chiao
Da Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, according to Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4], the two great beauties of ancient China
large bridge; big bridge; (surname) Kiohashi


see styles
(1) Taisai; one of the eight gods of the koyomi; (2) (archaism) Jupiter (planet); (1) (archaism) New Year's Eve; December 31st; (2) (archaism) Jupiter (planet); (surname) Daisai


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dà diàn
    da4 dian4
ta tien
main hall of a Buddhist temple
(1) (honorific or respectful language) (See 若殿・わかとの・2) current master; father of one's current master; (2) (honorific or respectful language) minister (of government); noble; (3) (honorific or respectful language) (archaism) nobleman's residence; (surname) Daiden
great shrine hall


see styles
dà zhōu
    da4 zhou1
ta chou
continent; (place-name, surname) Oozu
A great continent; one of the four great continents of a world; v. 四洲.


see styles
(1) important person; influential figure; big shot; big name; bigwig; heavyweight; (2) big thing; big one; big game; big catch; whopper; valuable thing; (place-name) Daimotsu



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dà pào
    da4 pao4
ta p`ao
    ta pao
 taihou / taiho
big gun; cannon; artillery; one who talks big; CL:門|门[men2],尊[zun1]
(1) (large) gun; cannon; artillery; (2) {baseb} long-ball hitter; home-run hitter; (surname) Oozutsu


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 tairei / taire
(1) state ceremony (esp. an enthronement); imperial ceremony; (2) important ceremony (in one's life, e.g. wedding, funeral); (surname) Oorei


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dà kōng
    da4 kong1
ta k`ung
    ta kung
wide open sky; the blue; heavens; firmament; (male given name) Masataka
The great void, or the Mahāyāna parinirvāṇa, as being more complete and final than the nirvāṇa of Hīnayāna. It is used in the Shingon sect for the great immaterial or spiritual wisdom, with its esoteric symbols; its weapons, such as the vajra; its samādhis; its sacred circles, or maṇḍalas, etc. It is used also for space, in which there is neither east, west, north, nor south.



see styles
dà shèng
    da4 sheng4
ta sheng
 daishou / daisho
great sage; mahatma; king; emperor; outstanding personage; Buddha
(1) (honorific or respectful language) {Buddh} Buddha; (2) {Buddh} high-ranked bodhisattva; (surname) Daishou
The great sage or saint, a title of a Buddha or a bodhisattva of high rank; as also are 大聖世尊 and 大聖主 the great holy honored one, or lord.


see styles
dà zhì
    da4 zhi4
ta chih
more or less; roughly; approximately


see styles
dà jiě
    da4 jie3
ta chieh
to defecate; to empty one's bowels


see styles
dà xiàn
    da4 xian4
ta hsien
the limit; maximum; one's allocated lifespan


see styles
(See 八将神) Daion; one of the eight gods of the traditional calendar; (surname) Ookage


see styles
dà yǎ
    da4 ya3
ta ya
one of the three main divisions of the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经
(See 雅・2) major festal song (subgenre of the Shi Jing); (given name) Hiromasa



see styles
dà tǐ
    da4 ti3
ta t`i
    ta ti
in general; more or less; in rough terms; basically; on the whole; overall situation; the big picture; cadaver for dissection in training medical students
great essence

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "even the 100-foot bamboo can grow one more foot" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary