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There are 4179 total results for your prideful mind self-respecting heart search. I have created 42 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
(adjective) embarrassed; self-conscious; bashful; abashed


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 sayaate / sayate
(1) (See 恋の鞘当て・こいのさやあて) rivalry for the heart of a woman; (2) (from two samurai quarreling because the sheaths of their swords happened to touch) quarrel over something trivial



see styles
pǒ luó duò
    po3 luo2 duo4
p`o lo to
    po lo to
(or 頗羅吒) Bhāradvāja, descendant of the ancient sage Bharadvāja, intp. as one of the six (or eighteen) Brahmin surnames, and as meaning 利根 of keen mind, clever.


see styles
chí qiú xīn
    chi2 qiu2 xin1
ch`ih ch`iu hsin
    chih chiu hsin
the mind that chases after things


see styles
 onikachou / onikacho
unsympathetic manager; section chief with a heart of stone


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 bui esu oo pii; buiesuoopii(sk) / bui esu oo pi; buiesuoopi(sk)
    ブイ・エス・オー・ピー; ブイエスオーピー(sk)
(1) very superior old pale (cognac); VSOP; (2) (joc) (abbreviation) (See ベリースペシャルワンパターン) one-track mind; person who always acts the same or says the same thing (esp. person who always cracks the same kind of jokes); (3) (See 超長距離干渉計) VLBI Space Observatory Programme; Very Long Baseline Interferometry Space Observatory Programme


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 iikai / ikai
(interjection) (1) (colloquialism) Listen! (used to get someone's attention); (expression) (2) (colloquialism) You see ...; Mind you ...; Remember ...


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 iikara / ikara
(expression) (1) never mind that; don't worry about that; (expression) (2) (colloquialism) (used at start of command sentences for emphasis) listen up


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) (1) image (in one's mind); impression; imagining; mental image; (forming a) mental picture; (2) {comp} (computer) image; (3) depiction (e.g. of a product); rendition; impression


see styles
(abbreviation) (See イメージトレーニング) training method in sports, etc. where one imagines how a scenario would play out; mental rehearsal; mental preparation; visualization (for practicing a skill in one's mind)(practising); practicing under simulated conditions (e.g. while watching a video)


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to drive in (e.g. nail, stake); to hammer in; (2) to hit (a ball, etc.); to drive; to smash; (3) to fire into (e.g. a crowd); to launch (e.g. missiles); to lob (e.g. grenades); (4) to input (data); to enter; (5) to devote oneself to; to go heart and soul into; to throw oneself into; to go head over heels for; (6) (sports) to practice hitting (baseball, tennis, etc.); (7) (martial arts term) to hit (an opponent in kendo, boxing, etc.); to get a blow in; (8) to invade one's opponent's territory (in the game of go); to place a stone in an opponent's formation; (9) to pour (concrete, etc.) into a form


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child's mind; child's heart; young mind


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making arbitrary decisions which benefit oneself; self-approved plan


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seeing through (e.g. a trick, someone's mind)


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(adv,n,vs,adv-to) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) feel disappointed; dejected; lose heart; feel emotionally drained; feel let down


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(noun/participle) (colloquialism) one's chest tightening up (from emotion) so much that one feels one's heart might stop; "dying of cuteness"


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(1) self-sown seed; self-sown seedling; (2) illegitimate child (e.g. of one's servant)


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 goyougakusha / goyogakusha
(yoji) scholar beholden to the government; self-serving academic; scholar who toadies up to government authorities


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 samoshii / samoshi
(adjective) low; vulgar; base; ignoble; mean; selfish; self-seeking


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 jiinto / jinto
(adverb) (1) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) extremely cold feeling that makes one feel numb; sharp pain that is almost numbing; (2) heartrending; touching the heart


see styles
 jiinto / jinto
(adverb) (1) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) extremely cold feeling that makes one feel numb; sharp pain that is almost numbing; (2) heartrending; touching the heart


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(abbreviation) (slang) self-satisfaction; (self-)complacency


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(noun - becomes adjective with の) self-satisfied look; triumphant expression


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(adv,adv-to,vs) (1) quietly; softly; seriously; intimately; heart-to-heart; (2) solemn; sad


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 sukuuba / sukuba
scuba; self-contained under-water breathing apparatus


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(See セルシンモーター) selsyn; synchro; self-synchronizing motor


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(adjectival noun) (1) madly in love; completely charmed by; (adverb) (2) from the heart; entirely; completely; seriously; (3) the bottom of one's heart


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(expression) (abbreviation) don't worry about it (wasei: don't mind); never mind; that's OK


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(adv,adv-to) (1) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) thump-thump; bang-bang; pit-a-pat; pitapat; pitter-patter; (noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) (2) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) to beat fast (of one's heart); to throb; to pound; to palpitate


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beating (of the heart, with joy, excitement, etc.); palpitation; throbbing; pounding; fluttering


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(v5k,vi) to beat fast (of one's heart); to flutter (with joy, anticipation, etc.); to throb; to pound; to palpitate


see styles
(interjection) (esp. in sports) don't worry about it (eng: don't mind); never mind; that's OK


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 haatogawa / hatogawa
(place-name) Heart (river)


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 haatogata / hatogata
heart shape


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(adv,adv-to,vs) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) thumping (heart); banging; pounding; racing


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(adj-na,n,adj-no) moderate; reserved; conservative; humble; mild-mannered; self-effacing; unassuming; well-behaved; low-key; temperate; in small quantities


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pride; dignity; self-worth; (personal name) Pride; Pryde


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(adj-na,adv-to,vs,adj-no) (1) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) unsteady (e.g. on one's feet); staggering; reeling; tottering; dizzy; (2) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) wandering; without knowing what one is doing; having no goal in mind


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(v5r,vi) (1) to be exhausted; to be tired out; to be worn out; to collapse (from exhaustion); (v5r,vi) (2) to be discouraged; to lose heart; to give in


see styles
(1) ahem (kor:); (2) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) (slang) (derogatory term) self-satisfied laugh; allegedly from the way that Koreans laugh in Internet dialogues


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(adv,adv-to,vs) (1) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) dimly; faintly; indistinctly; vaguely; (2) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) absentmindedly; vacantly; carelessly; (3) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) idly; aimlessly; (4) absence of mind; fool; blockhead; dunce


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mind; mindset; mentality; sentiment


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{vidg} self-imposed challenge (e.g. speedrun, 100% completion, no deaths)


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 riizumo / rizumo
{mahj} (See 立直・1) rīchi with self-draw win (common pair of melds) (chi:)


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(abbreviation) (oft. used self-referentially) (See ロリータコンプレックス) lolicon; sexual attraction to prepubescent girls; male pedophile; male pedophilia


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(adjectival noun) (See 自分勝手) (very) selfish; self-centered; self-centred; without consulting anybody (else)


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(yoji) self-conceited person; ego-tripper; swelled head


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 hitorigeiko / hitorigeko
practicing by oneself; self-instruction


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self-employed person (esp. in the construction industry)


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yī qiè zhì xīn
    yi1 qie4 zhi4 xin1
i ch`ieh chih hsin
    i chieh chih hsin
 issaichi shin
The Buddha-wisdom mind.


see styles
yī qiè yǒu xīn
    yi1 qie4 you3 xin1
i ch`ieh yu hsin
    i chieh yu hsin
 issai ushin
all possess mind


see styles
yī qiè xiàng zhì
    yi1 qie4 xiang4 zhi4
i ch`ieh hsiang chih
    i chieh hsiang chih
 issaisō chi
omniscient mind


see styles
yī xīn yī dé
    yi1 xin1 yi1 de2
i hsin i te
of one heart and one mind (idiom)


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yī xīn sān huò
    yi1 xin1 san1 huo4
i hsin san huo
 isshin sanwaku
同體三惑The Tiantai "three doubts' in the mind of a bodhisattva, producing fear of illusion, confusion through multiplicity of duties, and ignorance, i.e. 見思; 塵沙 and 無明 q.v.


see styles
yī xīn sān zhì
    yi1 xin1 san1 zhi4
i hsin san chih
 isshin sanchi
One mind and three aspects of knowledge. The 別教 separates the three aspects into 空, 假, and 中 q.v.; Tiantai unifies them into one immediate vision, or regards the three as aspects of the one mind.


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(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) wholeheartedly; with heart and soul; intently; with undivided attention; with intense concentration; single-mindedly



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yī xīn èr mén
    yi1 xin1 er4 men2
i hsin erh men
 isshin nimon
one mind, two aspects


see styles
yī xīn zhì yì
    yi1 xin1 zhi4 yi4
i hsin chih i
 isshin seii
to focus the mind and control thoughts



see styles
yī xīn chēng míng
    yi1 xin1 cheng1 ming2
i hsin ch`eng ming
    i hsin cheng ming
 isshin shōmyō
With undivided mind to call on the name (of Guanyin).


see styles
 ichiisenshin / ichisenshin
(adv,n,adj-no) (yoji) single-mindedly; wholeheartedly; with all one's heart; with one's heart and soul


see styles
yī fǎ jiè xīn
    yi1 fa3 jie4 xin1
i fa chieh hsin
 ippokkai shin
A mind universal, above limitations of existence or differentiation.


see styles
 ikkyuunyuukon / ikkyunyukon
(yoji) {baseb} putting one's heart and soul into each pitch


see styles
yī xiàng yī wèi
    yi1 xiang4 yi1 wei4
i hsiang i wei
 issō ichimi
The term 一相 is defined as the common mind in all beings, or the universal mind; the 一味 is the Buddha's Mahāyāna teaching; the former is symbolized by the land, the latter by the rain fertilizing it.


see styles
yī xiàng sān mèi
    yi1 xiang4 san1 mei4
i hsiang san mei
 ichisō zanmai
A state of samādhi in which are repressed hate and love, accepting and rejecting, etc., and in which the mind reaches an undivided state, being anchored in calm and quiet.



see styles
yī zhēn wú wéi
    yi1 zhen1 wu2 wei2
i chen wu wei
 isshin mui
The 一眞法界 one reality, or undivided absolute, is static, not phenomenal, it is effortless, just as it is 自然 self-existing.


see styles
yī xíng sān mèi
    yi1 xing2 san1 mei4
i hsing san mei
 ichigyouzanmai / ichigyozanmai
(yoji) (See 念仏三昧) complete concentration on one subject (usu. prayer); one-practice absorption
眞如三昧, 一相三昧 A samādhi for realizing that the nature of all Buddhas is the same; the 起信論 says all Buddhas and all beings. Another meaning is entire concentration of the mind on Buddha.



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yī mén xīn si
    yi1 men2 xin1 si5
i men hsin ssu
to set one's heart on something (idiom)



see styles
yī tǐ sān bǎo
    yi1 ti3 san1 bao3
i t`i san pao
    i ti san pao
 ittai no sanbō
In the one body of the saṅgha is the whole triratna, Buddha, Dharma, and saṅgha. Also, Mind, Buddha, and the living, these three are without differentiation, 心佛與衆生是三無差別, i.e. are all one.


see styles
qī shàng bā xià
    qi1 shang4 ba1 xia4
ch`i shang pa hsia
    chi shang pa hsia
at sixes and sevens; perturbed state of mind; in a mess


see styles
qī shí wǔ fǎ
    qi1 shi2 wu3 fa3
ch`i shih wu fa
    chi shih wu fa
 shichijū go hō
The seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharmakośa-bhāsya, which classifies all phenomena under seventy-five categories or elements, divided into five groups; cf. 五根, 五境, 無表色. (1) Material 色法 rūpāṇi, 11 . (2) Mind 心法 cittam, 1. (3) Mental qualities 心所有法 citta-saṃprayukta-saṃskārāḥ, 46. (4) Non-mental 心不相應行法 cittaviprayukta-saṃskārāḥ, 14. These are the seventy-two Sarvastivadin divisions (v. Keith, B. I. , p. 201 ). (5) In addition there are three unconditioned or non-phenomenal elements 無爲法 asaṃskṛta dharma, 3 (v. Keith, p. 160) .



see styles
qī zhǒng zì xìng
    qi1 zhong3 zi4 xing4
ch`i chung tzu hsing
    chi chung tzu hsing
 shichishu jishō
The seven characteristics of a Buddha's nature, v. 自性.


see styles
qī pú tí fēn
    qi1 pu2 ti2 fen1
ch`i p`u t`i fen
    chi pu ti fen
 shichi bodai bun
saptabodhyaṅga, also 七菩提寶, 七覺分, 七覺支, 七等覺支. Seven characteristics of bodhi; the sixth of the 七科七道品 in the seven categories of the bodhipakṣika dharma, v. 三十七菩提分 it represents seven grades in bodhi,viz,(1)擇法覺支(or 擇法菩提分 and so throughout), dharma-pravicaya-saṃbodhyaṇga, discrimination of the true and the fa1se : (2) 精進 vīrya-saṃbodhyaṇga, zeal, or undeflected progress;(3) 喜prīti-saṃbodhyaṇga., joy, delight; (4) 輕安 or 除 praśrabdhi-saṃbodhyaṇga. Riddance of all grossness or weight of body or mind, so that they may be light, free, and at ease; (5) 念 smrti-saṃbodhyaṇga, power of remembering the various states passed through in contemplation; (6) 定 samādhi-saṃbodhyaṇga.the power to keep the mind in a given realm undiverted; (7) 行捨 or 捨 upekṣā-saṃbodhyaṇga or upekṣaka, complete abandonment, auto-hypnosis, or indifference to all disturbances of the sub-conscious or ecstatic mind.



see styles
sān pǐn tīng fǎ
    san1 pin3 ting1 fa3
san p`in t`ing fa
    san pin ting fa
 sanbon chōhō
The three grades of hearers, i.e. 上 with the 神 spirit; 中 with the 心 mind; 下 with the 耳 ear.


see styles
sān mì liù dà
    san1 mi4 liu4 da4
san mi liu ta
 sanmitsu rokudai
The three mystic things associated with the six elements, i.e. the mystic body is associated with earth, water, and fire; the mystic words with wind and space; the mystic mind with 識 cognition.



see styles
sān mì xiāng yìng
    san1 mi4 xiang1 ying4
san mi hsiang ying
 sanmitsu sōō
The three mystic things, body, mouth, and mind, of the Tathāgata are identical with those of all the living, so that even the fleshly body born of parents is the dharmakāya, or body of Buddha: 父母所生之肉身卽爲佛身也.



see styles
sān yè gōng yǎng
    san1 ye4 gong1 yang3
san yeh kung yang
 sangō kuyō
三業相應 To serve or worship with perfect sincerity of body, mouth and mind; the second form means that in worship an three correspond.


see styles
sān jiè yī xīn
    san1 jie4 yi1 xin1
san chieh i hsin
 sangai isshin
three worlds are (nothing other than the) one mind


see styles
sān jiè wéi xīn
    san1 jie4 wei2 xin1
san chieh wei hsin
 sangai yuishin
three realms are only mind



see styles
sān zhǒng dà zhì
    san1 zhong3 da4 zhi4
san chung ta chih
 sanshu daichi
The three major kinds of wisdom: (a) self-acquired, no master needed; (b) unacquired and natural; (c) universal.



see styles
sān zhǒng rěn xíng
    san1 zhong3 ren3 xing2
san chung jen hsing
 sanshu ningyō
Patience or forbearance of body, mouth, and mind.



see styles
sān zhǒng qīng jìng
    san1 zhong3 qing1 jing4
san chung ch`ing ching
    san chung ching ching
 sanshu shōjō
The three purities of a bodhisattva— a mind free from all impurity, a body pure because never to be reborn save by transformation, an appearance 相 perfectly pure and adorned.



see styles
sān zhǒng jiàn huò
    san1 zhong3 jian4 huo4
san chung chien huo
 sanshu kenwaku
Three classes of delusive views, or illusions — those common to humanity; those of the inquiring mind; and those of the learned and settled mind.



see styles
sān zì jiào huì
    san1 zi4 jiao4 hui4
san tzu chiao hui
Three-Self Patriotic Movement, PRC government-sanctioned Protestant church from 1949



see styles
sān chù chuán xīn
    san1 chu4 chuan2 xin1
san ch`u ch`uan hsin
    san chu chuan hsin
 san sho denshin
The three places where Śākyamuni is said to have transmitted his mind or thought direct and without speech to Kāśyapa: at the 靈山 by a smile when plucking a flower; at the 多子塔 when he shared his seat with him; finally by putting his foot out of his coffin.



see styles
sān chù mù chā
    san1 chu4 mu4 cha1
san ch`u mu ch`a
    san chu mu cha
 san sho mokusha
The mokṣa of the three places, i.e. moral control over body, mouth, and mind.


see styles
sān dào zhēn yán
    san1 dao4 zhen1 yan2
san tao chen yen
 sandō shingon
Three magical "true words" or terms of Shingon for self-purification, i.e. 吽M004603 M067153 which is the "true word" for 身 the body; 訶囉鶴 for 語 the mouth or speech; and M004603 M067153 for 意 the mind.


see styles
sān zhòng fǎ jiè
    san1 zhong4 fa3 jie4
san chung fa chieh
 sanjū hokkai
The three meditations, on the relationship of the noumenal and phenomenal, of the 華嚴宗 Huayan School: (a) 理法界 the universe as law or mind, that all things are 眞如, i.e. all things or phenomena are of the same Buddha-nature, or the Absolute; (b) 理事無礙法界 that the Buddha-nature and the thing, or the Absolute and phenomena are not mutually exclusive; (c) 事事無礙法界 that phenomena are not mutually exclusive, but in a common harmony as parts of the whole.



see styles
shàng xīn fán nǎo
    shang4 xin1 fan2 nao3
shang hsin fan nao
 jōshin bonnō
afflictions of those of advanced states of mind



see styles
bù yǐ wéi yì
    bu4 yi3 wei2 yi4
pu i wei i
not to mind; unconcerned



see styles
bù yàn qí fán
    bu4 yan4 qi2 fan2
pu yen ch`i fan
    pu yen chi fan
not to mind taking all the trouble (idiom); to take great pains; to be very patient


see styles
bù tǔ bù kuài
    bu4 tu3 bu4 kuai4
pu t`u pu k`uai
    pu tu pu kuai
to have to pour out what's on one's mind (idiom)



see styles
bù huài sì chán
    bu4 huai4 si4 chan2
pu huai ssu ch`an
    pu huai ssu chan
 fue (no) shizen
The four dhyāna heavens, where the samādhi mind of meditation is indestructible, and the external world is indestructible by the three final catastrophes.



see styles
bù sī yì xīn
    bu4 si1 yi4 xin1
pu ssu i hsin
inconceivable mind



see styles
bù tí yě bà
    bu4 ti2 ye3 ba4
pu t`i yeh pa
    pu ti yeh pa
best not to mention it; drop it; never mind; let's not talk about it



see styles
bù xiāng yìng xīn
    bu4 xiang1 ying4 xin1
pu hsiang ying hsin
 fu sōō shin
The non-interrelated mind, see 起信論.



see styles
bù xiāng yìng fǎ
    bu4 xiang1 ying4 fa3
pu hsiang ying fa
 fu sōō hō
[mental] factors not directly associated [with the mind]



see styles
bù xiāng yìng xíng
    bu4 xiang1 ying4 xing2
pu hsiang ying hsing
 fu sōō gyō
Actions non-interrelated (with mind).


see styles
bù lì wén zì
    bu4 li4 wen2 zi4
pu li wen tzu
 furyuumonji; furitsumonji / furyumonji; furitsumonji
    ふりゅうもんじ; ふりつもんじ
(expression) (yoji) Buddhist revelation through intuitive discernment; Spiritual awakening cannot be experienced with words and letters; Spiritual enlightenment can be attained only by means of communion of mind with mind (Zen Buddhism)
(不立文字教) The 禪 ch'an or intuitive School does 'not set up scriptures'; it lays stress on meditation and intuition rather than on books and other external aids: cf. Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra.


see styles
bù lì zì chéng
    bu4 li4 zi4 cheng2
pu li tzu ch`eng
    pu li tzu cheng
 furyū jijō
to be self-evident



see styles
bù jué xīn qǐ
    bu4 jue2 xin1 qi3
pu chüeh hsin ch`i
    pu chüeh hsin chi
 fukakushin ki
unenlightened mind arises

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "prideful mind self-respecting heart" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary