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Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 382 total results for your Religious search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
(See 社日,戊・つちのえ) spring "tsuchinoe" day that falls closest to the vernal equinox (a day of religious significance for harvests)



see styles
huì shì
    hui4 shi4
hui shih
member of religious order; penitent; frater; translation of French agregé (holder of teaching certificate)



see styles
huì zhòng
    hui4 zhong4
hui chung
audience; participants; congregation (of religious sect)



see styles
huì shè
    hui4 she4
hui she
a guild; (in olden times) an association such as a political party, religious group or trade guild; the Japanese word for company
See: 会社



see styles
mò yuàn
    mo4 yuan4
mo yüan
final vows (in a religious order or congregation of the Catholic Church)


see styles
 tougaku / togaku
Tonghak (19th century Korean religious movement); (surname) Tōgaku



see styles
gēn jī
    gen1 ji1
ken chi
Motive power, fundamental ability, opportunity.



see styles
gēn què
    gen1 que4
ken ch`üeh
    ken chüeh
根缺 Defective in any organ of sense, e.g. blind or deaf.



see styles
fàn bài
    fan4 bai4
fan pai
(Buddhism) chanting of prayers
(1) {Buddh} song praising the virtues of the Buddha; (2) {Buddh} (See 声明・2) chanting of Buddhist hymns
Buddhist hymns, cf. 唄. They are sung to repress externals and calm the mind within for religious service; also in praise of Buddha.



see styles
fàn tán
    fan4 tan2
fan t`an
    fan tan
or 梵怛 brahmadaṇda, brahma-staff 梵杖, the brahma (i.e. religious) punishment (stick), but the derivation is uncertain; the explanation is "to send to Coventry" a recalcitrant monk, the forbidding of any conversation with him, called also 默擯 exclusion to silence.


see styles
fàn tiān
    fan4 tian1
fan t`ien
    fan tien
 bonten; bonden
    ぼんてん; ぼんでん
Nirvana (in Buddhist scripture); Lord Brahma (the Hindu Creator)
(1) Brahma (Hindu creator god); (2) (See 御幣) large staff with plaited paper streamers (used at religious festivals or as a sign); (3) buoy (used in longline fishing, gillnetting, etc.); (4) down puff (on the end of an ear pick); (given name) Bonten
Brahmadeva. Brahmā, the ruler of this world. India. brahmaloka, the eighteen heavens of the realm of form, divided into four dhyāna regions (sixteen heavens in Southern Buddhism). The first three contain the 梵衆天 assembly of brahmadevas, i.e. the brahmakāyika; the 梵輔天 brahmspurohitas, retinue of Brahmā; and 大梵天 Mahābrahman, Brahman himself.



see styles
fàn zhòng
    fan4 zhong4
fan chung
Monks, so called because of their religious practices.


see styles
bǐ qiū
    bi3 qiu1
pi ch`iu
    pi chiu
Buddhist monk (loanword from Sanskrit "bhiksu")
bhikkhu (fully ordained Buddhist monk) (san: bhiksu)
比呼; 苾芻; 煏芻 bhikṣu, a religious mendicant, an almsman, one who has left home, been fully ordained, and depends on alms for a living. Some are styled 乞士 mendicant scholars, all are 釋種 Śākya-seed, offspring of Buddha. The Chinese characters are clearly used as a phonetic equivalent, but many attempts have been made to give meanings to the two words, e. g. 比 as 破 and 丘 as 煩惱, hence one who destroys the passions and delusions, also 悕能 able to overawe Māra and his minions; also 除饉 to get rid of dearth, moral and spiritual. Two kinds 内乞 and 外乞; both indicate self-control, the first by internal mental or spiritual methods, the second by externals such as strict diet. 苾芻 is a fragrant plant, emblem of the monastic life.



see styles
shā mí
    sha1 mi2
sha mi
novice Buddhist monk
śrāmaṇera, 室羅摩拏洛迦; 室末那伊洛迦; 室羅摩尼羅 The male religious novice, who has taken vows to obey the ten commandments. The term is explained by 息惡行慈 one who ceases from evil and does works of mercy, or lives altruistically; 勤策男 a zealous man; 求寂 one who seeks rest; 求涅槃寂 one who seeks the peace of nirvāṇa. Three kinds are recognized according to age, i. e. 7 to 13 years old, old enough to 驅鳥 'drive away crows'; 14 to 19, called 應法 able to respond to or follow the doctrine; 20 to 70.


see styles
fǎ shì
    fa3 shi4
fa shih
 houji / hoji
religious ceremony; ritual
Buddhist memorial service; (place-name) Houji
佛事 Religious affairs, e. g. assemblies and services; discipline and ritual.



see styles
fǎ chǎng
    fa3 chang3
fa ch`ang
    fa chang
 nori no niwa
execution ground
Any place set aside for religious practices, or purposes; also 道場.


see styles
fǎ zuò
    fa3 zuo4
fa tso
 houza / hoza
(1) dharma seat (seat from which one gives Buddhist sermons); (2) Buddhist religious service


see styles
 houetsu / hoetsu
religious exultation; ecstasy



see styles
fǎ ài
    fa3 ai4
fa ai
(female given name) Noa
Religious love in contrast with 欲愛 ordinary love; Dharma-love may be Hīnayāna desire for nirvāṇa; or bodhisattva attachment to illusory things, both of which are to be eradicated; or Tathāgata-love, which goes out to all beings for salvation.



see styles
fǎ huì
    fa3 hui4
fa hui
(Buddhist) religious assembly
An assembly for worship or preaching.



see styles
fǎ lè
    fa3 le4
fa le
Religious joy, in contrast with the joy of common desire; that of hearing the dharma, worshipping Buddha, laying up merit, making offerings, repeating sūtras, etc.


see styles
fǎ yī
    fa3 yi1
fa i
 houi; houe / hoi; hoe
    ほうい; ほうえ
robe of a Buddhist priest; ceremonial garment of a Daoist priest; robe of a judge, nun, priest etc; cassock; vestment
(noun - becomes adjective with の) vestment; priest's robe
The religious dress, general name of monastic garments.


see styles
fǎ shì
    fa3 shi4
fa shih
A religious vow.



see styles
fǎ yǔ
    fa3 yu3
fa yü
 hougo / hogo
French (language)
Buddhist sermon
Dharma-words, religious discourses.


see styles
 hounan / honan
religious persecution


see styles
liú shī
    liu2 shi1
liu shih
 ryuushitsu / ryushitsu
(of soil etc) to wash away; to be eroded; (fig.) (of talented staff, followers of a religious faith, investment funds etc) to go elsewhere; to fail to be retained
(n,vs,vi) being washed away


see styles
(n,vs,vi) religious abstinence; purification


see styles
light (esp. as a religious offering); lamp



see styles
wú biǎo
    wu2 biao3
wu piao
avijñapti. Unconscious, latent, not expressed, subjective, e.g. 'the taking of a religious vow impresses on a man's character a peculiar bent,' Keith. This is internal and not visible to others. It has a 'quasi-material' basis styled 無表色 or 無作色 which has power to resist evil. It is the Sarvāstivādin view, though certain other schools repudiated the material basis and defined it as mental. This invisible power may be both for good and evil, and may perhaps be compared to 'animal magnetism' or hypnotic powers. It means occult: power whether for higher spiritual ends or for base purposes.



see styles
shāo zhǐ
    shao1 zhi3
shao chih
to burn paper offerings (as part of religious ceremony)


see styles
burnt offering (i.e. religious animal sacrifice)


see styles
fàn jiè
    fan4 jie4
fan chieh
to go against the rules (of a religious order); to break a ban (e.g. medical)
To offend against or break the moral or ceremonial laws (of Buddhism).


see styles
xuán mì
    xuan2 mi4
hsüan mi
mystery; mysterious; occult; abstruse doctrine (e.g. religious)



see styles
zhēn quán
    zhen1 quan2
chen ch`üan
    chen chüan
to explain truly (esp. of classic or religious text); true commentary; correct exegesis



see styles
shè xì
    she4 xi4
she hsi
theatrical performance (e.g. on religious festival)


see styles
 shanichi; shajitsu
    しゃにち; しゃじつ
(See 戊) "tsuchinoe" day that falls closest to the vernal or autumnal equinox (a day of religious significance for harvests); (place-name) Shanichi



see styles
zǔ shī
    zu3 shi1
tsu shih
founder (of a craft, religious sect etc)
founder of a sect; (surname) Soshi
A first teacher, or leader, founder of a school or sect; it has particular reference to Bodhidharma.


see styles
shén qì
    shen2 qi4
shen ch`i
    shen chi
 jingi; shinki; shingi(ok)
    じんぎ; しんき; しんぎ(ok)
magical object; object symbolic of imperial power; fine weapon; very useful tool
(1) (See 三種の神器・1) sacred treasure; the three sacred treasures (sword, jewel, mirror); (2) implement used in religious ceremonies


see styles
cí sì
    ci2 si4
tz`u ssu
    tzu ssu
religious ritual


see styles
jì diǎn
    ji4 dian3
chi tien
sacrificial ceremony; religious festival
festival; (female given name) Matsuri


see styles
 sairei / saire
(religious) festival


see styles
jì sì
    ji4 si4
chi ssu
to offer sacrifices to the gods or ancestors
(noun, transitive verb) ritual; religious service; festival
[non-Buddhist] festivals



see styles
lǐ bài
    li3 bai4
li pai
to attend a religious service; (coll.) week; (coll.) Sunday
vandana; or, when invoking the name of the object of worship, namas-kāra; to worship, pay reverence.


see styles
lì jiào
    li4 jiao4
li chiao
 rikkyou / rikkyo
establishment (of religious teachings); formulation; (surname) Rikkyō
To establish a 'school', sect, or church.


see styles
fú zhòu
    fu2 zhou4
fu chou
charm; amulet (religious object conferring blessing)


see styles
(n,vs-c) (archaism) (See 精進潔斎) religious purification on fast days by abstaining from meat; day for abstention from eating meat and devotion



see styles
jié jiè
    jie2 jie4
chieh chieh
(Buddhism) to designate the boundaries of a sacred place within which monks are to be trained; a place so designated; (fantasy fiction) force field; invisible barrier (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 結界 "kekkai")
(1) {Buddh} (fixing) boundaries for religious practices; (2) {Buddh} prohibition (of items, people, spirits, etc. that would hinder Buddhist practice); (3) {Buddh} fence between inner and outer sanctums in a temple; (4) (archaism) (See 帳場格子) short two or three-fold lattice around the front desk of a store; (5) (colloquialism) (esp. in games, manga, etc.) barrier; dimensional barrier; containment zone; containment barrier; mystical barrier
A fixed place, or territory; a definite area; to fix a place for a monastery, or an altar; a determined number, e.g. for an assembly of monks; a limit. It is a term specially used by the esoteric sects for an altar and its area, altars being of five different shapes.



see styles
jié shè
    jie2 she4
chieh she
to form an association
association; society
community dedicated to a common goal in religious practice



see styles
jīng jí
    jing1 ji2
ching chi
religious text
a scriptural text



see styles
liàn xíng
    lian4 xing2
lien hsing
Religious training or discipline.


see styles
jié mó
    jie2 mo2
chieh mo
karma (loanword)
{Buddh} (read as かつま in the Tendai sect, etc.; as こんま in Shingon, Ritsu, etc.) (See 業・ごう・1) karma; (surname) Katsuma
karma; action, work, deed, performance, service, 'duty'; religious action, moral duty; especially a meeting of the monks for the purpose of ordination, or for the confession of sins and absolution, or for expulsion of the unrepentant. There are numerous kinds of karma, or assemblies for such business, ordinarily requiring the presence of four monks, but others five, ten, or twenty. Cf. 業 for definition of karma, deeds or character as the cause of future conditions; also 五蘊 for karma as the fourth skandha.



see styles
shèng xiàng
    sheng4 xiang4
sheng hsiang
 seizou / sezo
icon; iconic; religious image; figure (of Confucius, Buddha, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary etc); CL:張|张[zhang1]
(noun - becomes adjective with の) sacred image; icon


see styles
 seiga / sega
religious painting; sacred painting


see styles
zì zōng
    zi4 zong1
tzu tsung
 jishuu / jishu
one's religious sect
one's own position, thesis


see styles
kǔ xíng
    ku3 xing2
k`u hsing
    ku hsing
 kugyou / kugyo
ascetic practice
(n,vs,vi,adj-no) penance; austerities; mortification; asceticism
duṣkara-caryā, undergoing difficulties, hardships, or sufferings; also tapas, burning, torment; hence asceticism, religious austerity, mortification.



see styles
bì chú
    bi4 chu2
pi ch`u
    pi chu
煏芻; 比丘 q. v. bhikṣu, a beggar, religious mendicant; a Buddhist monk.


see styles
 gyouzui / gyozui
(n,vs,vi) (1) tub bath; washing oneself in a tub; taking a bath in a washtub; (n,vs,vi) (2) cleaning oneself for religious purification; ablution



see styles
xíng zhèng
    xing2 zheng4
hsing cheng
Action and proof; knowledge or assurance derived from doing; practice of religious discipline and the resulting enlightenment.


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (1) mark; sign; (2) symbol; emblem; (3) badge; crest; flag; (4) evidence; proof; (5) (kana only) token (of gratitude, affection, etc.); (1) proof (e.g. of love, of innocence); evidence; testimony; vindication (of innocence); (noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) (2) to testify (usu. Christian religious context)


see styles
(n-suf,n) visit (to a religious site, e.g. shrine, temple, grave)



see styles
shì yuàn
    shi4 yuan4
shih yüan
 seigan / segan
(noun/participle) (1) (religious) vow; (noun/participle) (2) prayer (for something by making a vow)
To swear and vow, e.g. the forty-eight vows of Amitābha to save all beings.


see styles
 koujuu / koju
religious association


see styles
 kousha / kosha
religious association



see styles
hù fǎ
    hu4 fa3
hu fa
 gohou / goho
to keep the law; to protect Buddha's teachings; protector of Buddhist law (i.e. temple donor)
(1) {Buddh} defence of Buddhist doctrines; god who defends Buddhist doctrines; (2) defence of the constitution; (3) religious power to dispel demons and diseases; (surname) Gohou
To protect or maintain the Buddha-truth; also name of Dharmapāla q.v.



see styles
sài huì
    sai4 hui4
sai hui
religious procession; exposition


see styles
chāo dù
    chao1 du4
ch`ao tu
    chao tu
to surpass; to transcend; to perform religious ceremonies to help the soul find peace
to transcend



see styles
ruǎn zéi
    ruan3 zei2
juan tsei
Treacherous thieves, i.e. fame and gain, which injure the aspiration of the religious man.



see styles
bàn dào
    ban4 dao4
pan tao
To carry out religious duty or discipline.


see styles
biàn dào
    bian4 dao4
pien tao
to carry out religious duty or discipline



see styles
biàn dào
    bian4 dao4
pien tao
to carry out religious duty or discipline


see styles
(n,vs,vi) (1) {Buddh} idling in one's training; backsliding; retrogression (to a lower level of religious practice); (n,vs,vi) (2) withdrawal (from a place due to financial ruin or loss of position)


see styles
dào rén
    dao4 ren2
tao jen
Taoist devotee (honorific)
(given name) Michihito
One who has entered the way, one who seeks enlightenment, a general name for early Buddhists and also for Taoists.


see styles
dào pǐn
    dao4 pin3
tao p`in
    tao pin
Religious or monastic grade, or grades.


see styles
dào zhì
    dao4 zhi4
tao chih
(male given name) Michitoshi
Religious wisdom; the wisdom which understands the principles of mārga, the eightfold path.


see styles
dào jīn
    dao4 jin1
tao chin
Whatever is prohibited by the religion, or the religious life; śīla, the second pāramitā, moral purity.



see styles
dào jiù
    dao4 jiu4
tao chiu
An old monastic, or religious, friend.


see styles
dào héng
    dao4 heng2
tao heng
skills acquired through religious practice; (fig.) ability; skill; Taiwan pr. [dao4 hang5]
(irregular okurigana usage) (1) going down the road; travelling; traveling; (2) lyric composition describing scenery a traveler sees on the way (traveller); (3) eloping; (surname, given name) Michiyuki
Conduct according to Buddha-truth; the discipline of religion.



see styles
dào guàn
    dao4 guan4
tao kuan
Daoist temple
Religious practice (or external influence) and internal vision.



see styles
dào fēng
    dao4 feng1
tao feng
(surname, given name) Michikaze
The wind of Buddha-truth, as a transforming power; also as a prognosis of future events.


see styles
zūn shǒu
    zun1 shou3
tsun shou
to comply with; to abide by; to respect (an agreement)
(noun/participle) compliance; adherence (to a set of rules); (religious) observance
To obey and keep, e.g. the rules.


see styles
bù pài
    bu4 pai4
pu p`ai
    pu pai
sect, or branch of a religious tradition



see styles
shì yì
    shi4 yi4
shih i
 shaku gi
the meaning of something; an explanation of the meaning of words or phrases; definition; an interpretation (of doctrine); religious doctrine
explicating the meanings


see styles
(noun/participle) religious ceremony (to appease the gods)



see styles
mén pài
    men2 pai4
men p`ai
    men pai
sect; school (group of followers of a particular doctrine)
division of a religious sect; branch of a school
門流; 門葉; 門跡 The followers, or development of any sect.



see styles
kāi guāng
    kai1 guang1
k`ai kuang
    kai kuang
 kaikou / kaiko
eye-opening ceremony for a religious idol (Buddhism); to consecrate; to bless; transparent; translucent; haircut; shaving the head or face (humorous); a method of decoration; first light (astronomy)
(surname) Kaikou
Introducing the light, the ceremony of 'opening the eyes' of an image, i.e. painting or touching in the pupil; also 開眼.


see styles
jiàng shēng
    jiang4 sheng1
chiang sheng
to be born; arrival of newborn; birth (of a savior or religious leader)
To descend into the world, as the Buddha is said to have done from the Tuṣita heaven.


see styles
(noun/participle) compliance; adherence (to a set of rules); (religious) observance



see styles
yù yán
    yu4 yan2
yü yen
to predict; prophecy
(noun, transitive verb) (religious) prophecy


see styles
(See 天満宮) annual religious ceremony that occurs in Tenmangu where worshippers come to exchange their wooden bullfinch birds



see styles
zhāi guǒ
    zhai1 guo3
chai kuo
(religious) offerings


see styles
icon (religious) (ger: Ikon)


see styles
 gojintou / gojinto
    goshintou / goshinto
(1) light used as a religious offering; (2) paper lantern (hung up near the door of performers and geishas)


see styles
 gojintou / gojinto
    goshintou / goshinto
(1) light used as a religious offering; (2) paper lantern (hung up near the door of performers and geishas)


see styles
 rebijin; rebibito
    レビじん; レビびと
Levite; member of the Hebrew tribe of Levi (who served a religious function)



see styles
sān zhuāng yán
    san1 zhuang1 yan2
san chuang yen
 san shōgon
The three adornments, or glories, of a country: material attractions; religion and learning; men, i.e. religious men and bodhisattvas.


see styles
world tree (religious or mythological motif)


see styles
jiǔ fāng biàn
    jiu3 fang1 bian4
chiu fang pien
 ku hōben
The nine suitable stages in religious service; cf. 大日經, 7; 作禮 salutation to the universal Triratna; 出罪 repentance and confession; 歸依 trust (in the Triratna); 施身 giving of self (to the Tathāgata); 發菩提心 vowing to devote the mind to bodhi; 隨喜 rejoicing (in all good); 勸請 beseeching (all Tathāgatas to rain down the saving law); 奉請法身 praying for the Buddha-nature in self and others for entry in the Pure Land; 迴向 demitting the good produced by the above eight methods, to others, universally, past, present, and future. This form of service is generally performed before engaging in esoteric observances. The verses in which these nine stages are presented are of a commendably devotional character.


see styles
rén xiāng yìn
    ren2 xiang1 yin4
jen hsiang yin
Sealed with the sign of manhood, i.e. of the religious life. 大仙 Maharsi. Great sages, applied to Buddhist saints as superior to ordinary "immortals"; also to sravakas, and especially to Buddha; | | 戒 are the Buddha's laws or commands. Vasistha 婆私瑟侘 was one of the seven rsis 大仙 of Brahmanic mythology.


see styles
 isekou / iseko
fraternal religious group formed by Ise Shrine worshippers


see styles
 shinkoushin / shinkoshin
(religious) piety; faith; devotion

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Religious" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary