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There are 422 total results for your Hund search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
bǎi shí
    bai3 shi2
pai shih
a hundred or so


see styles
bǎi qiān
    bai3 qian1
pai ch`ien
    pai chien
 hyakusen; momochi
    ひゃくせん; ももち
(can be adjective with の) a large number; all sorts; hundreds and thousands; (given name) Momochi
one hundred thousand


see styles
(abbreviation) hundred-yen store; 100 yen shop


see styles
many nights; hundred nights; (female given name) Yuya


see styles
bǎi chuān
    bai3 chuan1
pai ch`uan
    pai chuan
(rare) hundred rivers; many rivers; all rivers; (place-name) Momogawa


see styles
bǎi nián
    bai3 nian2
pai nien
hundred years; century; lifetime
century; hundred years; a long time
a hundred years



see styles
bǎi jǐ
    bai3 ji3
pai chi
more than a hundred


see styles
(See 百戦錬磨,百戦百勝) hundred battles; many battles


see styles
(out-dated kanji) (n-suf,n) top hundred; hundred best


see styles
hundred days; lengthy time; (surname) Momohi


see styles
bǎi zhàng
    bai3 zhang4
pai chang
A hundred fathoms of 10 feet each, 1, 0O0 feet; the name of a noted Tang abbot of百杖山 Baizhangshan, the monastery of this name in 洪州 Hongzhou.


see styles
century; hundred years; a long time; (female given name) Momose


see styles
bǎi fǎ
    bai3 fa3
pai fa
The hundred divisions of all mental qualities and their agents, of the 唯識 School; also known as the 五位百法five groups of the 100 modes or 'things': (1) 心法 the eight 識 perceptions, or forms of consciousness; (2) 心所有法 the fifty-one mental ideas; (3) 色法 the five physical organs and their six modes of sense, e. g. ear and sound; (4) 不相應行 twenty-four indefinites, or unconditioned elements; (5) 無爲 six inactive or metaphysical concepts.


see styles
hundred points; perfect mark


see styles
bǎi jiè
    bai3 jie4
pai chieh
The ten realms each of ten divisions, so called by the Tiantai school, i. e. of hells, ghosts, animals, asuras, men, devas, śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, bodhisattvas, and Buddhas. Each of the hundred has ten qualities, making in all 百界千如 the thousand qualities of the hundred realms; this 1, 000 being multiplied by the three of past, present, future, there are 3, 000; to behold these 3, 000 in an instant is called 一念三千 (一念三千之觀法) and the sphere envisaged is the 百界千如.


see styles
bǎi fú
    bai3 fu2
pai fu
(given name) Momofuku
The hundred blessings, every kind of happiness.


see styles
bǎi bān
    bai3 ban1
pai pan
in hundred and one ways; in every possible way; by every means
(noun - becomes adjective with の) all; every; all kinds of


see styles
(n-suf,n) top hundred; hundred best


see styles
hundred thunderclaps



see styles
bǎi yú
    bai3 yu2
pai yü
a hundred or more
more than a hundred


see styles
pí dàn
    pi2 dan4
p`i tan
    pi tan
 piitan / pitan
century egg; preserved egg
century egg (chi: pídàn); thousand-year old egg; hundred-year old egg; preserved egg (Chinese delicacy)


see styles
(abbreviation) power flicker



see styles
yì jìng
    yi4 jing4
i ching
Yijing, A.D. 635-713, the famous monk who in 671 set out by the sea-route for India, where he remained for over twenty years, spending half this period in the Nālandā monastery. He returned to China in 695, was received with much honour, brought back some four hundred works, tr. with Śikṣānanda the Avataṃsaka-sūtra, later tr. many other works and left a valuable account of his travels and life in India, died aged 79.


see styles
(personal name) Shundai


see styles
 shundou / shundo
(given name) Shundou



see styles
wàn luán
    wan4 luan2
wan luan
hundreds and thousands of mountains



see styles
jì mǎ
    ji4 ma3
chi ma
 azamiuma; azamiuma
    あざみうま; アザミウマ
(zoology) thrips (order Thysanoptera); thunderbug
(kana only) thrips (any insect of order Thysanoptera); thrip


see styles
huǐ huǐ
    hui3 hui3
hui hui
rumbling (of thunder etc)



see styles
chǔn dòng
    chun3 dong4
ch`un tung
    chun tung
 shundou / shundo
to wriggle; (fig.) to stir up trouble; (of a sentiment) to stir
(n,vs,vi) (1) wriggling; squirming; writhing; (n,vs,vi) (2) maneuvering (behind the scenes; of insignificant people); manoeuvring; planning mischief



see styles
zhū gǒu
    zhu1 gou3
chu kou
pig-dog (intended as insult); Schweinhund


see styles
    gougou / gogo
(out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (adverb taking the "to" particle) (kana only) thunderously; rumblingly; (adj-t,adj-no) (1) thunderous; rumbling; (adverb taking the "to" particle) (2) (kana only) thunderously; rumblingly


see styles
(v5k,vi) (1) to roar; to thunder; to boom; to rumble; to resound; to reverberate; (v5k,vi) (2) to become well known; to become famous; (v5k,vi) (3) to pound (of one's heart); to throb; to palpitate



see styles
hōng rán
    hong1 ran2
hung jan
 gouzen / gozen
loudly; with a loud bang; a loud rumble
(adj-t,adv-to) roaring; thundering; thunderous; deafening; ear-splitting


see styles
 gouhatsu / gohatsu
(n,vs,vi) (1) (rare) loud explosion; thunderous blast; (noun, transitive verb) (2) (rare) firing (a cannon, etc.) with a loud bang



see styles
hōng hōng
    hong1 hong1
hung hung
    gougou / gogo
booming; roaring
(out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (adverb taking the "to" particle) (kana only) thunderously; rumblingly; (adj-t,adj-no) (1) thunderous; rumbling; (adverb taking the "to" particle) (2) (kana only) thunderously; rumblingly


see styles
 gouon / goon
thunderous roar; roaring sound



see styles
hōng xiǎng
    hong1 xiang3
hung hsiang
loud sound, such as that of thunder or a bomb; to rumble; to roar


see styles
bì léi
    bi4 lei2
pi lei
To rend as thunder, to thunder.


see styles
xùn léi
    xun4 lei2
hsün lei
(form) sudden peal of thunder; thunderclap



see styles
jiā luó
    jia1 luo2
chia lo
(place-name) Gaya (4th-6th century confederacy of chiefdoms in the Nakdong River valley of southern Korea)
kalā, 哥羅; 歌羅; a minute part, an atom; the hundredth part lengthwise of a human hair; also a sixteenth part of anything. Also kāla (and 迦攞), a definite time, a division of time; the time of work, study, etc., as opposed to leisure time. kāla, among other meanings, also means black, for which 迦羅迦 kālaka is sometimes used, e.g. the black nāga.


see styles
distant thunder


see styles
léi gōng
    lei2 gong1
lei kung
 raikou / raiko
Lei Gong or Duke of Thunder, the God of Thunder in Chinese mythology
(colloquialism) thunder


see styles
 raisei; kaminarigoe / raise; kaminarigoe
    らいせい; かみなりごえ
(1) (らいせい only) sound of thunder; (2) large, thunderous voice



see styles
léi jī
    lei2 ji1
lei chi
lightning strike; thunderbolt


see styles
léi bào
    lei2 bao4
lei pao


see styles
(honorific or respectful language) thunder; god of thunder


see styles
 raijuu / raiju
beast which descends from the sky with a thunderbolt (in Chinese mythology)


see styles
(noun/participle) outbreak of thunder



see styles
léi shēng
    lei2 sheng1
lei sheng
See: 雷声



see styles
léi hōng
    lei2 hong1
lei hung
sound of thunder


see styles
léi yǔ
    lei2 yu3
lei yü
thunderstorm; (female given name) Raiu


see styles
 raiun; kaminarigumo; ikazuchigumo(ok)
    らいうん; かみなりぐも; いかずちぐも(ok)



see styles
léi diàn
    lei2 dian4
lei tien
thunder and lightning
thunder and lightning; (g,p) Raiden


see styles
léi tíng
    lei2 ting2
lei t`ing
    lei ting
 raitei / raite
sound of thunder
(See 雷・1) thunder



see styles
léi niǎo
    lei2 niao3
lei niao
 raichou; raichou / raicho; raicho
    らいちょう; ライチョウ
capercaillie (Lagopus, several species); thunderbird (in native American mythology)
(kana only) ptarmigan (Lagopus muta, esp. the Japanese ptarmigan, Lagopus muta japonica); grouse; (personal name) Raiteu



see styles
léi míng
    lei2 ming2
lei ming
 raimei / raime
thunder rolls
thunder; thunderclap; crash of thunder; (female given name) Raina


see styles
pī léi
    pi1 lei2
p`i lei
    pi lei



see styles
pī lì
    pi1 li4
p`i li
    pi li
thunderclap; (slang) awesome; shocking; terrifying
thunder; thunderclap
A thunder-crash.



see styles
xiǎng léi
    xiang3 lei2
hsiang lei
to be thundering; thunder clap; CL:個|个[ge4]



see styles
shùn dé
    shun4 de2
shun te
Shunde, a district of Foshan 佛山市[Fo2shan1 Shi4], Guangdong


see styles
(place-name) Shundatsu



see styles
jīng léi
    jing1 lei2
ching lei
sudden clap of thunder; fig. surprising turn of events


see styles
(archaism) thunder; (place-name) Narugami


see styles
gǔ tiān
    gu3 tian1
ku t`ien
    ku tien
The drum-deva, thunder.


see styles
hundred times worship (e.g. walking back and forth a hundred times before a shrine offering a prayer each time)


see styles
 gouon / goon
thunderous roar; roaring sound


see styles
(adverb taking the "to" particle) (1) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) (with a) slap; smack; whack; sound of a sharp blow with something flat; (2) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) wham; sound of striking with something solid; (3) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) zap; crack; sound of thunder; (place-name) Al Batin (Saudi Arabia)


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) wholesale delegation; hundred-percent subcontracting; leaving (all the decision-making) to someone else


see styles
wǔ bǎi jiè
    wu3 bai3 jie4
wu pai chieh
 gohyaku kai
The 'five hundred ' rules for nuns, really 348, viz. 8 波羅夷, 17 僧殘, 30 捨墮, 178 單提, 8 提捨尼, 100 衆學, and 7 滅諍.



see styles
fá zhé luó
    fa2 zhe2 luo2
fa che lo
vajra. 伐闍羅; 縛日羅 (or 嚩日羅 or 跋日羅) (or 跋日囉); 嚩馹囉; 跋折羅 (or 跋闍羅); 跋折多; 波闍羅 (or 髮闍羅), tr. by 金剛 (金剛杵) Diamond club; the thunderbolt, svastika; recently defined by Western scholars as a sun symbol. It is one of the saptaratna, seven precious things; the sceptre of Indra as god of thunder and lightning, with which he slays the enemies of Buddhism; the sceptre of the exorcist; the symbol of the all conquering power of Buddha.


see styles
(slang) (See 億) person who has a fortune of at least one hundred million yen; millionaire


see styles
 nyuudougumo / nyudogumo
(See 積乱雲) cumulonimbus; gigantic columns of clouds (in summer); thunderhead


see styles
bā jìng jiè
    ba1 jing4 jie4
pa ching chieh
The eight commands given by the Buddha to his foster-mother, i.e. aunt, when she was admitted to the order, and which remain as commands to nuns: (1) even though a hundred years old a nun must pay respect to a monk, however young, and offer her seat to him; (2) must never scold a monk; (3) never accuse, or speak of his misdeeds; but a monk may speak of hers; (4) at his hands obtain reception into the order; (5) confess sin (sexual or other) before the assembly of monks and nuns; (6) ask the fraternity for a monk as preceptor; (7) never share the same summer resort with monks; (8) after the summer retreat she must report and ask for a responsible confessor. Also 八敬法; 八不可越法 (or 八不可過法) ; 八尊重法; v. 四分律 48.


see styles
shí èr fēn
    shi2 er4 fen1
shih erh fen
 juunibun / junibun
exceedingly; hundred percent; everything and more
(noun or adjectival noun) (See 十分・じゅうぶん・1) more than enough; more than ample; exhaustive



see styles
shí wàn wèi
    shi2 wan4 wei4
shih wan wei
the hundred thousands place (or column) in the decimal system


see styles
qiān rú shì
    qian1 ru2 shi4
ch`ien ju shih
    chien ju shih
 sen nyoze
The thousand "suchnesses" or characteristics, a term of the Tiantai sect. In each of the ten realms 十界, from Buddha to purgatory, the ten are present, totaling one hundred. These multiplied by the ten categories of existence make a thousand, and multiplied by the three categories of group existence make 3,000.


see styles
 daibakushou / daibakusho
thunderous roar of laughter (from multiple people); loud burst of laughter; explosive laughter


see styles
tiān gǔ yīn
    tian1 gu3 yin1
t`ien ku yin
    tien ku yin
 Tenko on
雲自在燈王 Dundubhisvara-rāja. Lord of the sound of celestial drums, i. e. the thunder. Name of each of 2, 000 kotis of Buddhas who attained Buddhahood.


see styles
hundred times worship (e.g. walking back and forth a hundred times before a shrine offering a prayer each time)



see styles
chāi yú gēng
    chai1 yu2 geng1
ch`ai yü keng
    chai yü keng
hand-shredded fish soup, a speciality of Shunde 順德|顺德[Shun4de2]



see styles
chí jīn gāng
    chi2 jin1 gang1
ch`ih chin kang
    chih chin kang
 ji kongō
執全剛 Vajradhara' or Vajrapāṇi, a Bodhisattva who holds a vajra or thunderbolt, of these there are several; a name for Indra.


see styles
mó lì zhī
    mo2 li4 zhi1
mo li chih
{Buddh} Marici
(or 摩梨支, or 摩里支); 末利支 Marīci. Rays of light, the sun's rays, said to go before the sun; mirage; also intp. as a wreath. A goddess, independent and sovereign, protectress against all violence and peril. 'In Brahmanic mythology, the personification of light, offspring of Brahmā, parent of Sūrya.' 'Among Chinese Buddhists Maritchi is represented as a female with eight arms, two of which are holding aloft emblems of sun and moon, and worshipped as goddess of light and as the guardian of all nations, whom she protects from the fury of war. She is addressed as 天后 queen of heaven, or as 斗姥 lit. mother of the Southern measure (μλρστζ Sagittarī), and identified with Tchundi' and 'with Mahēśvarī, the wife of Maheśvara, and has therefore the attribute Mātrikā', mother of Buddhas. Eitel. Taoists address her as Queen of Heaven.


see styles
 suuokunen / suokunen
several hundred million years


see styles
 shundachou / shundacho
(place-name) Shundachō



see styles
zhēng cāng yuàn
    zheng1 cang1 yuan4
cheng ts`ang yüan
    cheng tsang yüan
 shousouin / shosoin
Shōsō-in, a timber structure in Nara, Japan, built to house hundreds of artifacts bequeathed to the Tōdai-ji temple by the Japanese emperor Shōmu, who died in 756
(place-name) Shōsōin (treasure house of Tōdai Temple in Nara)


see styles
zhèng liáng bù
    zheng4 liang2 bu4
cheng liang pu
 Shōryō bu
Saṃmatīya, Saṃmitīya (三彌底); the school of correct measures, or correct evaluation. Three hundred years after the Nirvana it is said that from the Vātsīputrīyāḥ school four divisions were formed, of which this was the third.


see styles
volcanic thunderstorm


see styles
(idiom) tremendous strength; strength of a hundred people


see styles
(numeric) 108; one hundred and eight


see styles
bǎi fēn zhì
    bai3 fen1 zhi4
pai fen chih
hundred mark system


see styles
bǎi fēn bǎi
    bai3 fen1 bai3
pai fen pai
one hundred percent; totally (effective)


see styles
 hyakumeizan / hyakumezan
(from a list compiled by mountaineer Kyūya Fukada) one hundred famous mountains (of Japan)


see styles
(expression) one hundred years ago; a hundred year previously


see styles
(1) the hundredth year; (2) out of luck; (at the) end of one's rope; (3) rare chance; unusually good fortune


see styles
(See 百度参り・ひゃくどまいり・1) stone used as a marker for hundred times worship


see styles
bǎi fǎ jiè
    bai3 fa3 jie4
pai fa chieh
The realm of the hundred qualities, i. e. the phenomenal realm; the ten stages from Hades to Buddha, each has ten 如是 or qualities which make up the hundred; cf. 百界.



see styles
bǎi huā jiǎng
    bai3 hua1 jiang3
pai hua chiang
Hundred Flowers Awards, film prize awarded since 1962


see styles
pán shí jié
    pan2 shi2 jie2
p`an shih chieh
    pan shih chieh
The rock kalpa. Let a rock 40 li in extent be brushed once in a hundred years by a deva garment; when brushed away the kalpa is ended.


see styles
 komehyappyou / komehyappyo
(expression) (idiom) kome hyappyō; (ideal of) enduring pain today for the sake of a better tomorrow; hundred sacks of rice



see styles
fú rì luó
    fu2 ri4 luo2
fu jih lo
vajra, 嚩日囉 (or 嚩馹囉); 跋日囉 (or 跋折囉, or 跋闍囉); 跋折囉; 波闍羅; 伐折羅 (or 伐闍羅); intp. as 金剛 (金剛杵), a diamond (club). Adamantine, hard. The sceptre of Indra as god of thunder and lightning with which he slays the enemies of Buddhism. Used by monks to indicate spiritual authority, and the all-subduing power of Buddha.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Hund" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

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Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

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Japanese Chinese Dictionary