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Simple Dictionary Definition

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end; finish
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) end; final; (2) end of life; death; (adverb) (3) never; not at all; (irregular okurigana usage) the end; (female given name) Owari
End, termination, final, utmost, death, the whole; opposite of 始.

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 ogi(p); ogi
    おぎ(P); オギ
Anaphalis yedoensis (pearly everlasting reed); used in Japanese names with phonetic value Ogi
Amur silvergrass (Miscanthus sacchariflorus); (p,s,f) Ogi

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lower form of animal life, including insects, insect larvae, worms and similar creatures; CL:條|条[tiao2],隻|只[zhi1]; (fig.) person with a particular undesirable characteristic
The animal kingdom including man, but generally applied to worms, snails, insects, etc.; also 蟲 6 q. v.

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(1) (kana only) the public (esp. much-discussed, much-heard); the street (e.g. "word on the street"); (2) (kana only) street; district; quarters; (3) (kana only) location (of a battle, etc.); scene (e.g. of carnage); (4) (kana only) divide (e.g. between life and death); (5) fork (in a road); crossroads
A thoroughfare, a way, cf. 瞿 18.

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 tan; ton; don
    たん; とん; どん
to have a voracious desire for; to covet; greedy; corrupt
(1) coveting; (2) {Buddh} (usu. とん) raga (desire)
rāga; colouring, dyeing, tint, red; affection, passion, vehement longing or desire; cf. M. W. In Chinese: cupidity, desire; intp. tainted by and in bondage to the five desires; it is the first in order of the 五鈍使 pañca-kleśa q. v., and means hankering after, desire for, greed, which causes clinging to earthly life and things, therefore reincarnation.

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to satisfy; to succeed; then; thereupon; finally; unexpectedly; to proceed; to reach
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) end; final; (2) end of life; death; (adverb) (3) never; not at all; (personal name) Toguru
to achieve


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c p
    c p
c p
 shii pii; shiipii(sk) / shi pi; shipi(sk)
    シー・ピー; シーピー(sk)
an imagined romantic relationship between two characters in fiction (or in real life) that one wishes for or fantasizes about (abbr. of "coupling")
(1) (See コマーシャルペーパー) commercial paper; CP; (2) (See 共産党) communist party; CP; (3) (See 脳性麻痺) cerebral palsy; cerebral paralysis; CP; (4) (See カウンターパーチェス) counterpurchase; (5) (See クリーナープロダクション) cleaner production; (6) (See コンプライアンスプログラム) compliance program; (7) {physics} charge parity; C parity; CP; (8) (See カップリング・2) shipping; pairing of characters in a romantic relationship (in fan fiction, manga, etc.)


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 nekama; nekama
    ネかま; ネカマ
(slang) (kana only) (from ネット and お釜) male who pretends to be female online; Guy In Real Life; GIRL


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yī shì
    yi1 shi4
i shih
 issei / isse
generation; period of 30 years; one's whole lifetime; lifelong; age; era; times; the whole world; the First (of numbered European kings)
(1) generation; lifetime; (2) the age; the day; (n,n-suf) (3) the first (e.g. Elizabeth I); (4) issei; first-generation Japanese (or Korean, etc.); (female given name) Hitoyo
one life


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yī huà
    yi1 hua4
i hua
The teaching and influence of a Buddha during one Buddha-period; also the teaching of the whole truth at once; also an instantaneous reform.


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yī mìng
    yi1 ming4
i ming
 ichimei / ichime
(1) one life; one's life; (2) one order; one command
one life


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yī rú
    yi1 ru2
i ju
to be just like
oneness; (personal name) Kazuyuki
The one ru, i.e. the bhūtatathatā, or absolute, as the norm and essence of life. The 眞如 true suchness, or true character, or reality; the 法性 nature of things or beings. The whole of things as they are, or seem; a cosmos; a species; things of the same order. Name of a celebrated monk, Yiru. V. 一眞; 一實.


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yī qí
    yi1 qi2
i ch`i
    i chi
(1) one term; one period; (2) first term; first period; (given name) Kazunori
A date, fixed time; a life time.


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(1) dying; laying down one's life; (2) {baseb} one out


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yī shēng
    yi1 sheng1
i sheng
 isshou / issho
all one's life; throughout one's life
(n,adj-no,adv) (1) whole life; a lifetime; all through life; one existence; a generation; an age; the whole world; the era; (can be adjective with の) (2) (the only, the greatest, etc.) of one's life; (given name) Motonaru
All one's life, a whole life time.


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qī pò
    qi1 po4
ch`i p`o
    chi po
seven mortal forms in Daoism, representing carnal life and desires; contrasted with 三魂 three immortal souls


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 banjou / banjo
hurrah!; long life; congratulations; full vent; (personal name) Matake


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(out-dated kanji) two-person comedy act (usu. presented as a fast-paced dialogue, occ. presented as a skit); comic dialogue; (int,n) (1) crying "banzai" (or raising one's hands in the banzai gesture); (2) something worthy of celebration; (3) (archaism) long time; (4) (archaism) eternal life (and prosperity); (interjection) (5) banzai (a celebratory cheer); hurrah (hooray, hurray); (int,n) (1) crying "banzai" (or raising one's hands in the banzai gesture); (2) something worthy of celebration; (3) giving up; (4) (archaism) long time; (5) (archaism) eternal life (and prosperity); (interjection) (6) banzai (a celebratory cheer); hurrah (hooray, hurray); (place-name, surname) Manzai


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door-to-door comedic duo; (int,n) (1) crying "banzai" (or raising one's hands in the banzai gesture); (2) something worthy of celebration; (3) (archaism) long time; (4) (archaism) eternal life (and prosperity); (interjection) (5) banzai (a celebratory cheer); hurrah (hooray, hurray); (int,n) (1) crying "banzai" (or raising one's hands in the banzai gesture); (2) something worthy of celebration; (3) giving up; (4) (archaism) long time; (5) (archaism) eternal life (and prosperity); (interjection) (6) banzai (a celebratory cheer); hurrah (hooray, hurray); (surname) Manzai


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sān xiū
    san1 xiu1
san hsiu
 san shū
The three ways of discipline, i.e. three śrāvaka and three bodhisattva ways. The three śrāvaka ways are 無常修 no realization of the eternal, seeing everything as transient; 非樂修 joyless, through only contemplating misery and not realizing the ultimate nirvāṇa-joy; 無我修 non-ego discipline, seeing only the perishing self and not realizing the immortal self. The bodhisattva three are the opposite of these.


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sān wèi
    san1 wei4
san wei
three-stringed guitar; (surname) Mitsuaji
The three flavours, or pleasant savours: the monastic life, reading the scriptures, meditation.



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sān jiān
    san1 jian1
san chien
The three sure or certain things are 身, 命 and 財, i.e. the reward of the true disciple is an infinite body or personality, an endless life, and boundless (spiritual) possessions, 無極之身, 無窮之命, 無盡之財, v. 能摩經:菩薩品.



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sān bào
    san1 bao4
san pao
The three recompenses, i.e. 現報 in the present life for deeds now done; 生報 in the next rebirth for deeds now done; and 後報 in subsequent lives.


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sān dà
    san1 da4
san ta
(prefix) (See 三大疾病) the big three ...; (surname) Miou
The three great characteristics of the 眞如 in the 起信論 Awakening of Faith: (1) 體大 The greatness of the bhūtatathatā in its essence or substance; it is 衆生心之體性 the embodied nature of the mind of all the living, universal, immortal, immutable, eternal; (2) 相大 the greatness of its attributes or manifestations, perfect in wisdom and mercy, and every achievement; (3) 用大 the greatness of its functions and operations within and without, perfectly transforming all the living to good works and good karma now and hereafter. There are other groups, e.g. 體, 宗, and 用.


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sān dé
    san1 de2
san te
The three virtues or powers, of which three groups are given below. (1) (a) 法身德 The virtue or potency of the Buddha's eternal, spiritual body, the dharmakāya; (b) 般若德 of his prājñā, or wisdom, knowing all things in their reality; (c) 解脫德 of his freedom from all bonds and his sovereign Iiberty. Each of these has the four qualities of 常, 樂我, 淨eternity, joy, personality, and purity; v. 漫涅槃經 (2) (a) 智德 The potency of his perfect knowledge; (b) 斷德 of his cutting off all illusion and perfecting of supreme nirvāṇa; the above two are 自利 for his own advantage; (c) 恩德 of his universal grace and salvation, which 利他 bestows the benefits he has acquired on others. (3) (a) 因圓德 The perfection of his causative or karmic works during his three great kalpas of preparation; (b) 果圓德 the perfection of the fruit, or results in his own character and wisdom; (c) 恩圓德 the perfection of his grace in the salvation of others.


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sān shī
    san1 shi1
san shih
The three forms of giving: (1) (a) one's goods; (b) the Law or Truth; (c) courage, or confidence: 智度論 11. (2) (a) goods; (b) worship; (c) preaching. (3) (a) food; (b) valuables; (c) life.



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sān yè
    san1 ye4
san yeh
 sangou / sango
{Buddh} (See 身口意) three activities (action, speech and thought)
trividha-dvāra. The three conditions, inheritances, or karma, of which there are several groups. (1) Deed, word, thought, 身, 口, 意. (2) (a) Present-1ife happy karma; (6) present-life unhappy karma; (c) 不動 karma of an imperturbable nature. (3) (a) Good; (b) evil; (c) neutral karma. (4) (a) 漏業 Karma of ordinary rebirth; (6) 無漏業 karma of Hīnayāna nirvana; (c) 非漏非無漏 karma of neither, independent of both, Mahāyāna nirvana. (5) (a) Present deeds and their consequences in this life; (b) present deeds and their next life consequences; (c) present deeds and consequences after the next life, There are other groups of three.


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sān shēng
    san1 sheng1
san sheng
(surname, given name) Mitsuo
The three births, or reincarnations, past, present, future. Tiantai has (a) 種 planting the seed; (b) 熟 ripening; (c) 脫 liberating, stripping, or harvesting, i.e. beginning, development, and reward of bodhi, a process either gradual or instantaneous. Huayan has (a) 見聞生 a past life of seeing and hearing Buddha-truth; (b) 解行生 liberation in the present life; (c) 證入生 realization of life in Buddhahood. This is also called 三生成佛, Buddhahood in the course of three lives. There is also a definition of three rebirths as the shortest term for arhatship, sixty kalpas being the longest. There are other definitions.


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sān děng
    san1 deng3
san teng
third class
The three equal and universal characteristics of the one Tathāgata, an esoteric definition: (1) (a) his 身 body, (b) 語 discourse, (c) 意 mind. (2) (a) his life or works 修行; (b) spiritual body 法身; (c) salvation 度生; in their equal values and universality.


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sān zì
    san1 zi4
san tzu
abbr. for 三自愛國教會|三自爱国教会[San1 zi4 Ai4 guo2 Jiao4 hui4], Three-Self Patriotic Movement
Three divisions of the eight-fold noble path, the first to the third 自調 self-control, the fourth and fifth 自淨 self-purification, the last three 自度 self-development in the religious life and in wisdom. Also 自體, 自相, 自用 substance, form, and function.



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sān yùn
    san1 yun4
san yün
The three kinds of skandhas, aggregations, or combinations, into which all life may be expressed according to the 化地 or Mahīśāsakāh school: 一念蘊 combination for a moment, momentary existence; 一期蘊 combination for a period, e.g. a single human lifetime; 窮生死蘊 the total existence of all beings.


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xià shì
    xia4 shi4
hsia shih
to die; future incarnation; next life; to be born; to come into the world; future generation
(surname) Shimoyo


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(adj-na,n,adj-no) (1) low-life; sleazebag; boor; (2) person of humble rank; humble person; peasant; menial; churl; petty official; (surname) Shimotsukasa


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xià pǐn
    xia4 pin3
hsia p`in
    hsia pin
(noun or adjectival noun) vulgar; indecent; coarse; crude; (place-name) Shimoshina
The three lowest of the nine classes born in the Amitābha Pure Land, v. 無量壽經. These three lowest grades are (1) 下品上生 The highest of the three lowest classes who enter the Pure Land of Amitābha, i.e. those who have committed all sins except dishonouring the sūtras. If at the end of life the sinner clasps hands and says "Namo Amitābha", such a one will be born in His precious lake. (2) 下品中生 The middle class consists of those who have broken all the commandments, even stolen from monks and abused the law. If at death such a one hears of the great power of Amitābha, and assents with but a thought, he will be received into paradise. (3) 下品下生 The lowest class, because of their sins, should have fallen into the lowest gati, but by invoking the name of Amitābha, they can escape countless ages of reincarnation and suffering and on dying will behold a lotus flower like the sun, and, by the response of a single thought, will enter the Pure Land of Amitābha.



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xià zhǒng
    xia4 zhong3
hsia chung
(adj-na,n,adj-no) (1) low-life; sleazebag; boor; (2) person of humble rank; humble person; peasant; menial; churl; petty official; (place-name) Shimodane
To sow the seed; to preach, or teach. Tiantai defines three periods: (1) 種 when the seed of Buddha's teaching is sown in the heart; (2) 熟 when it ripens; (3) 脫 when it is stripped or harvested, i. e when one abandons all things.



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xià zhòng
    xia4 zhong4
hsia chung
(adj-na,n,adj-no) (1) low-life; sleazebag; boor; (2) person of humble rank; humble person; peasant; menial; churl; petty official
The seven lower orders of disciples, who with the monks and nuns in full orders make the 九衆.


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bù shàn
    bu4 shan4
pu shan
bad; ill; not good at; not to be pooh-poohed; quite impressive
evil; sin; vice; mischief
Not good; contrary to the right and harmful to present and future life, e. g. 五逆十惡.



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bù huài
    bu4 huai4
pu huai
avināśya; indestructible, never decaying, eternal.


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(adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) (ant: 可変) eternal; everlasting; unchangeable; immutable; immovable; constant; permanent; indestructible; (2) {math} invariant


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bù shēng
    bu4 sheng1
pu sheng
 fushou / fusho
(place-name) Fushou
anutpatti; anutpāda. Non-birth: not to be reborn, exempt from rebirth; arhan is mistakenly interpreted as 'not born', meaning not born again into mortal worlds. The 'nir' in nirvana is also erroneously said to mean 'not born'; certain schools say that nothing ever has been born, or created, for all is eternal. The Shingon word 'a' is interpreted as symbolizing the uncreated. The unborn or uncreated is a name for the Tathāgata, who is not born, but eternal ; hence by implication the term means "eternal". ādi, which means"at first, " "beginning","primary", is also interpreted as 不生 uncreated.


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shì shì
    shi4 shi4
shih shih
 seji; seiji / seji; seji
    せじ; せいじ
affairs of life; things of the world
worldly affairs; ways of the world
worldly affair


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shì sú
    shi4 su2
shih su
 sezoku; seizoku / sezoku; sezoku
    せぞく; せいぞく
profane; secular; worldly
(1) worldly things; common customs; ordinary life; popular taste; (2) the world; the (common) people; the masses; (3) (See 世俗主義) secularity
laukika; common or ordinary things, custom, experiences, common or worldly ways or views).


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shì xiàng
    shi4 xiang4
shih hsiang
 sesou / seso
the ways of the world
social conditions; phase of life; (sign of) the times; state of society
World-state, or condition; appearances, phenomena.


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(noun, transitive verb) (1) care; looking after; help; assistance; aid; (2) trouble; bother; (noun, transitive verb) (3) good offices; recommendation; introduction; (4) everyday life; everyday affairs; everyday language; (5) (abbreviation) (See 世話物) sewamono (Edo-period drama about contemporary life)


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shì lù
    shi4 lu4
shih lu
 seiro; sero / sero; sero
    せいろ; せろ
path of life; the world
The ways, or procedure, of the world: the phenomenal.


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 seito / seto
(See 世路) path of life; the world; (personal name) Toshimichi


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area of the Edo castle where the shogun would work and spend his daily life; (place-name, surname) Nakaoku



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zhōng bèi
    zhong1 bei4
chung pei
The middle stage of the 三輩 referred to in the 無量壽經 i. e. the middle class of those in the next life; also 中輩生.


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jiǔ dì
    jiu3 di4
chiu ti
 kyuuchi / kyuchi
very low land; (surname) Kuji
The nine lands, i.e. the 欲界 realm of desire or sensuous realm the four 色界 realms of form or material forms; and the four 無色界 formless realms, or realms beyond form; v. 九有, 九有情居, 禪 and 定. The nine realms are:—(1) 欲界五趣地; the desire realm with its five gati, i.e. hells, hungry ghosts, animals, men, and devas. In the four form-realms are:— (2) 離生喜樂地 Paradise after earthly life, this is also the first dhyāna, or subject of meditation, 初禪. (3) 定生喜樂地 Paradise of cessation of rebirth, 二禪. (4) 離喜妙樂地 Land of wondrous joy after the previous joys, 三禪. (5) 捨念淸淨地 The Pure Land of abandonment of thought, or recollection (of past delights), 四禪. The four formless, or infinite realms, catur arūpa dhātu, are:—(6) 空無邊處地 ākāśānantyā-yatanam, the land of infinite space; also the first samādhi, 第一定. (7) 識無邊處地 vijñānānamtyāyatanam, the land of omniscience, or infinite perception, 二定. (8) 無所有處地 ākiñcanyāyatana, the land of nothingness, 三定. (9) 非想非非想處地 naivasaṁjñānā-saṁjñāyatana, the land (of knowledge) without thinking or not thinking, or where there is neither consciousness nor unconsciousness, i.e. above either; this is the 四定. Eitel says that in the last four, "Life lasts 20,000 great kalpas in the 1st, 40,000 in the 2nd, 60,000 in the 3rd, and 80,000 great kalpas in the 4th of these heavens."


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qǐ shí
    qi3 shi2
ch`i shih
    chi shih
 kojiki(p); kotsujiki(ok)
    こじき(P); こつじき(ok)
to beg for food
(1) (sensitive word) beggar; (n,vs,vi) (2) begging
To beg for food, one of the twelve dhūtas prescribing outward conduct of the monk; mendicancy is the 正命 right livelihood of a monk, to work for a living is 邪命 an improper life: mendicancy keeps a monk humble, frees him from the cares of life, and offers the donors a field of blessedness; but he may not ask for food.


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shì jī
    shi4 ji1
shih chi
evidence; trace; vestige
Traces of the deeds or life of an individual; biography.


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èr shì
    er4 shi4
erh shih
the Second (of numbered kings); second generation (e.g. Chinese Americans)
{Buddh} two existences; the present and the future; (female given name) Futase
This life and the hereafter.


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èr xiū
    er4 xiu1
erh hsiu
 niś hu
Two kinds of devotion or practice, 專修 and 雜修 sole or single-minded, and miscellaneous or varied, defined as (1) chief or sole duty, and (2) aids thereto or adjunctive observances. Also 緣修 causative devotion of a bodhisattva in former life, and 眞修 its actual manifestation here.


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èr jiā
    er4 jia1
erh chia
The dual aid bestowed by the Buddha, 顯加 manifest or external aid bestowed by the Buddha, in the blessings and powers of this life; 冥加 invisible aid bestowed by the Buddha, in getting rid of sins, increasing virtue, etc.


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èr guǒ
    er4 guo3
erh kuo
Sakṛdāgāmin; v. 裟 and 斯. The second "fruit" of the four kinds of Hīnayāna arhats, who have only once more to return to mortality. Also the two kinds of fruit or karma: (a) 習氣果 The good or evil characteristics resulting from habit or practice in a former existence; (b) 報果the pain or pleasure resulting (in this life) from the practices of a previous life.


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èr qiú
    er4 qiu2
erh ch`iu
    erh chiu
The two kinds of seeking: 得求 seeking to get (e.g. pleasure) and 命求 seeking long life.


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èr liú
    er4 liu2
erh liu
 niryuu / niryu
second-rate; second-tier
(noun - becomes adjective with の) second-rate; inferior
The two ways in the current of transmigration: 順流 to flow with it in continual re-incarnation; 逆流 resist it and seek a way of escape by getting rid of life's delusions, as in the case of the saints.


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èr yì
    er4 yi4
erh i
The dual advantages or benefits: profitable to the life which now is, and that which is to come.



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wǔ shí
    wu3 shi2
wu shih
(五時教) The five periods or divisions of Śākyamuni's teaching. According to Tiantai they are (1) 華嚴時 the Avataṃsaka or first period in three divisions each of seven days, after his enlightenment, when he preached the content, of this sutra; (2) 鹿苑時 the twelve years of his preaching the Āgamas 阿含 in the Deer Park; (3) 方等時 the eight years of preaching Mahāyāna-cum-Hīnayāna doctrines, the vaipulya period; (4) 般若時 the twenty-two years of his preaching the prajñā or wisdom sutras; (5) 法華涅槃時 the eight years of his preaching the Lotus Sutra and, in a day and a night, the Nirvana Sutra. According to the Nirvana School (now part of the Tiantai) they are (1) 三乘別教 the period when the differentiated teaching began and the distinction of the three vehicles, as represented by the 四諦 Four Noble Truths for śrāvakas, the 十二因緣 Twelve Nidānas for pratyekabuddhas, and the 六度 Six Pāramitās for bodhisattvas; (2) 三乘通教 the teaching common to all three vehicles, as seen in the 般若經; (3) 抑揚教 the teaching of the 維摩經, the 思益梵天所問經, and other sutras olling the bodhisattva teaching at the expense of that for śrāvakas; (4) 同歸教 the common objective teaching calling all three vehicles, through the Lotus, to union in the one vehicle; (5) 常住教 the teaehmg of eternal life i. e. the revelation through the Nirvana sutra of the eternity of Buddhahood; these five are also called 有相; 無相; 抑揚; 曾三歸—; and 圓常. According to 劉虬 Liu Chiu of the 晉 Chin dynasty, the teaching is divided into 頓 immediate and 漸 gradual attainment, the latter having five divisions called 五時教 similar to those of the Tiantai group. According to 法寶 Fabao of the Tang dynasty the five are (1) 小乘; (2) 般着 or 大乘; (3) 深密 or 三乘; (4) 法華 or 一乘; (5) 涅槃 or 佛性教.


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wǔ guǒ
    wu3 guo3
wu kuo
(1) five fruits (peach, Japanese plum, apricot, jujube, Japanese chestnut); (2) (Buddhist term) five types of effect in cause-and-effect relationships; (3) (Buddhist term) five effects of ignorance and formations on one's current life
The five fruits, or effects; there are various groups, e. g. I. (1) 異熟果 fruit ripening divergently, e. g. pleasure and goodness are in different categories; present organs accord in pain or pleasure with their past good or evil deeds; (2) 等流果 fruit of the same order, e. g. goodness reborn from previous goodness; (3) 土用果 present position and function fruit, the rewards of moral merit in previous lives; (4) 增上果 superior fruit, or position arising from previous earnest endeavor and superior capacity: (5) 離繋果 fruit of freedom from all bonds, nirvana fruit. II. Fruit, or rebirth: (1) 識 conception (viewed psychologically); (2) 名色 formation mental and physical; (3) 六處 the six organs of perception complete; (4) 觸 their birth and contact with the world; (5) 受 consciousness. III. Five orders of fruit, with stones, pips, shells (as nuts), chaff-like (as pine seeds), and with pods.



see styles
wǔ zhuó
    wu3 zhuo2
wu cho
the five impurities (Buddhism)
五滓; 五渾 The five kaṣāya periods of turbidity, impurity, or chaos, i. e. of decay; they are accredited to the 住 kalpa, see 四劫, and commence when human life begins to decrease below 20,000 years. (1) 劫濁 the kalpa in decay, when it suffers deterioration and gives rise to the ensuing form; (2) 見濁 deterioration of view, egoism, etc., arising; (3) 煩惱濁 the passions and delusions of desire, anger, stupidity, pride, and doubt prevail; (4) 衆生濁 in consequence human miseries increase and happiness decreases; (5) 命濁 human life time gradually diminishes to ten years. The second and third are described as the 濁 itself and the fourth and fifth its results.



see styles
wǔ shāo
    wu3 shao1
wu shao
The five burnings, or 五痛 five pains, i. e. infraction of the first five commandments leads to state punishment in this life and the hells in the next.



see styles
wǔ jué
    wu3 jue2
wu chüeh
The five bodhi, or states of enlightenment, as described in the 起信論 Awakening of Faith; see also 五菩提 for a different group. (1) 本覺 Absolute eternal wisdom, or bodhi; (2) 始覺 bodhi in its initial stages, or in action, arising from right observances; (3) 相似覺 bodhisattva. attainment of bodhi in action, in the 十信; (4) 隨分覺 further bodhisattva-enlightenment according to capacity, i. e. the stages 十住, 十行, and 十廻向; (5) 究竟覺 final or complete enlightenment, i. e. the stage of 妙覺, which is one with the first, i. e. 本覺. The 本覺 is bodhi in the potential, 始覺 is bodhi in the active state, hence (2), (3), (4), and (5) are all the latter, but the fifth has reached the perfect quiescent stage of original bodhi.


see styles
wǔ nì
    wu3 ni4
wu ni
(1) {Buddh} five cardinal sins (killing one's father, killing one's mother, killing an arhat, shedding the blood of a Buddha, causing a schism within the sangha); (2) (hist) crime of killing one's master, father, grandfather, mother, or grandmother
pañcānantarya; 五無間業 The five rebellious acts or deadly sins, parricide, matricide, killing an arhat, shedding the blood of a Buddha, destroying the harmony of the sangha, or fraternity. The above definition is common both to Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna. The lightest of these sins is the first; the heaviest the last. II. Another group is: (1) sacrilege, such as destroying temples, burning sutras, stealing a Buddha's or a monk's things, inducing others to do so, or taking pleasure therein; (2) slander, or abuse of the teaching of śrāvaka s, pratyekabuddhas, or bodhisattvas; (3) ill-treatment or killing of a monk; (4) any one of the five deadly sins given above; (5) denial of the karma consequences of ill deeds, acting or teaching others accordingly, and unceasing evil life. III. There are also five deadly sins, each of which is equal to each of the first set of five: (1) violation of a mother, or a fully ordained nun; (2) killing a bodhisattva in a sangha; (5) destroying a Buddha's stūpa. IV. The five unpardonable sin of Devadatta who (1) destroyed the harmony of the community; (2) injured Śākyamuni with a stone, shedding his blood; (3) induced the king to let loose a rutting elephant to trample down Śākyamuni; (4) killed a nun; (5) put poison on his finger-nails and saluted Śākyamuni intending to destroy him thereby.


see styles
wǔ zhàng
    wu3 zhang4
wu chang
 goshou / gosho
(1) {Buddh} five hindrances (that prevent a woman from becoming a Buddha, a Brahmā, a Shakra, a devil king, or a wheel-turning king); five obstructions to women's attainment; (2) {Buddh} five hindrances (that impede ascetic practices; sensory desire, ill-will, sloth and torpor, restlessness and worry, doubt)
The five hindrances, or obstacles; also 五礙; 五雲. I. Of women, i. e. inability to become Brahma-kings, Indras, Māra-kings, Caikravarti-kings, or Buddhas. II. The hindrances to the five 五力 powers, i. e. (self-) deception a bar to faith, as sloth is to zeal, anger to remembrance, hatred to meditaton, and discontent to wisdom. III. The hindrances of (1) the passion-nature, e. g. original sin; (2) of karma caused in previous lives; (3) the affairs of life; (4) no friendly or competent preceptor; (5) partial knowledge.


see styles
jǐng hé
    jing3 he2
ching ho
(surname) Igawa
Like the well and the river', indicating the impermanence of life. The 'well ' refers to the legend of the man who running away from a mad elephant fell into a well; the 'river ' to a great tree growing on the river bank yet blown over by the wind.



see styles
jǐng huā
    jing3 hua1
ching hua
The flower of the water, i. e. that drawn from the well in the last watch of the night, at which time the water is supposed not to produce animal life.



see styles
xiǎng lè
    xiang3 le4
hsiang le
to enjoy life; pleasures of life


see styles
(1) sign of life; human presence; (2) humanity; humaneness


see styles
rén shì
    ren2 shi4
jen shih
 jinsei / jinse
the world; this world; the world of the living
this world; life; (given name) Jinsei


see styles
rén shì
    ren2 shi4
jen shih
personnel; human resources; human affairs; ways of the world; (euphemism) sexuality; the facts of life
personnel affairs; human affairs; human resources; HR
human relations


see styles
rén mìng
    ren2 ming4
jen ming
 jinmei / jinme
human life; CL:條|条[tiao2]
(human) life


see styles
rén yīn
    ren2 yin1
jen yin
The causative influences for being reborn as a human being, i.e. a good life. Those in positions of honour have obtained them by former deeds of benevolence, reverence to Buddhas and monks, patience, humility, devotion to the sutras, charity, morality, zeal and exhortation, obedience, loyalty - hence they have obtained affluence, long life, and are held in high regard. Those in mean condition are thus born because of the opposite characteristics in previous incarnation.


see styles
 jingai; ningai
    じんがい; にんがい
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (じんがい only) uninhabited area; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) acting inhumanly; inhuman person; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (3) (じんがい only) (slang) nonhuman life (usu. sentient)


see styles
human life span; human lifespan


see styles
rén shēng
    ren2 sheng1
jen sheng
 jinsei / jinse
life (one's time on earth)
(one's) life; (female given name) Hitoha
human birth


see styles
jīn shì
    jin1 shi4
chin shih
 konse; konze; konsei / konse; konze; konse
    こんせ; こんぜ; こんせい
this life; this age
(1) {Buddh} (See 現世・1) this world; this life; (2) (こんせい only) (obsolete) this generation; present day; (female given name) Imayo
this world


see styles
jīn shēng
    jin1 sheng1
chin sheng
 konjou / konjo
this life
(See 後生・ごしょう・1,前生・ぜんしょう) this life; this world; (female given name) Ibu


see styles
tā shì
    ta1 shi4
t`a shih
    ta shih
Another life, or world, either previous to or after this.


see styles
xiān dān
    xian1 dan1
hsien tan
elixir; magic potion
elixir (of life)


see styles
panacea; elixir (of life)


see styles
yìn à
    yin4 a4
yin a
繕摩 jāuman, 生 jāti, birth, production; rebirth as man, animal, etc.; life, position assigned by birth; race, being; the four methods of birth are egg, womb, water, and transformation.


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) biography; life story


see styles
 yosei / yose
one's remaining years; the rest of one's life


see styles
 yomei / yome
remainder of one's life; one's remaining days; time left (to live)


see styles
lingering life; feeble existence; brink of ruin


see styles
 yoshou / yosho
one's remaining years; the rest of one's life; (surname) Yoshou


see styles
 yorei / yore
life expectancy



see styles
fó shòu
    fo2 shou4
fo shou
 butsu ju
Buddha's life, or age. While he only lived to eighty as a man, in his saṁbhogakāya he is without end, eternal; cf. Lotus Sutra, 壽量品, where Buddha is declared to be eternal.


see styles
fó dé
    fo2 de2
fo te
Buddha-virtue, his perfect life, perfect fruit, and perfect mercy in releasing all beings from misery.


see styles
fó jì
    fo2 ji4
fo chi
major events of the life of the Buddha



see styles
lái shēng
    lai2 sheng1
lai sheng
next life
(female given name) Rai
Future rebirth; the future life.


see styles
sú shì
    su2 shi4
su shih
 zokuse; zokusei / zokuse; zokuse
    ぞくせ; ぞくせい
the mundane world; the world of mortals
this world; everyday world; earthly existence; mundane life
mundane world


see styles
secular life; workaday world


see styles
bǎo mìng
    bao3 ming4
pao ming
 houmei / home
to preserve one's life; to ensure one's survival
preserving one's life; longevity; long life


see styles
xìn gēn
    xin4 gen1
hsin ken
(surname) Nobune
śraddhendriya. Faith, one of the five roots or organs producing a sound moral life.


see styles
(v2m-s,vt) (1) (archaism) to study; to complete (a course); to cultivate; to master; (v2m-s,vt) (2) (archaism) to order (one's life); (v2m-s,vt) (3) (archaism) to repair (a fault one has committed)


see styles
zuò huó
    zuo4 huo2
tso huo
to work for a living (esp. of woman needleworker); life of a group of stones in Go 圍棋|围棋[wei2 qi2]



see styles
shāng mìng
    shang1 ming4
shang ming
Injury to life.



see styles
cháng mìng
    chang2 ming4
ch`ang ming
    chang ming
to pay with one's life

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Eternal Life Everlasting Life - Immortality" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary