Free Chinese & Japanese Online Dictionary

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There are 566 total results for your Beauti search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
zēng sè
    zeng1 se4
tseng se
to enrich; to enhance; to beautify



see styles
dà qiáo
    da4 qiao2
ta ch`iao
    ta chiao
Da Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, according to Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4], the two great beauties of ancient China
large bridge; big bridge; (surname) Kiohashi


see styles
tiān xiān
    tian1 xian1
t`ien hsien
    tien hsien
immortal (esp. female); deity; fairy; Goddess; fig. beautiful woman
(See 仙人・せんにん・1) heavenly immortal (in Taoism); (given name) Tensen
deva-ṛṣi, or devas and rsis, or immortals. Nāgārjuna gives ten classes of ṛṣis whose lifetime is 100, 000 years, then they are reincarnated. Another category is fivefold: 天仙 deva-ṛṣis in the mountains round Sumeru: 神仙 spirit-ṛṣis who roam the air: 人仙 humans who have attained the powers of immortals; 地仙 earth ṛṣis, subterranean; 鬼仙 pretas, or malevolent ṛṣis.


see styles
tiān nǚ
    tian1 nv3
t`ien nü
    tien nü
(1) heavenly nymph; celestial maiden; (2) beautiful and kind woman; (female given name) Tennyo
devakanyā; apsaras; goddesses in general; attendants on the regents of the sun and moon; wives of Gandharvas, the division of the sexes is maintained throughout the devalokas 六 天.



see styles
tiān lài
    tian1 lai4
t`ien lai
    tien lai
sounds of nature
(1) sound of wind; (2) beautiful poetry; (given name) Tenrai


see styles
 kishou / kisho
(1) beauty spot; place with beautiful scenery; (2) unexpected victory; victory by uncommon stratagem


see styles
qí miào
    qi2 miao4
ch`i miao
    chi miao
 kimyou / kimyo
fantastic; wonderful
(noun or adjectival noun) strange; odd; peculiar; queer; curious
Beautiful, or wonderful beyond compare.



see styles
qí lì
    qi2 li4
ch`i li
    chi li
 kirei / kire
singularly beautiful; weird and wonderful
(adjectival noun) (1) (kana only) pretty; lovely; beautiful; fair; (2) (kana only) clean; clear; pure; tidy; neat; (3) (kana only) completely; entirely; (female given name) Kirei


see styles
(adjective) (1) (archaism) brilliant; glorious; shining; (2) (archaism) beautiful and thriving; (3) (archaism) piled high; large; (4) (archaism) (obscure) indecisive with fear


see styles
(adjective) (1) (archaism) brilliant; glorious; shining; (2) (archaism) beautiful and thriving; (3) (archaism) piled high; large; (4) (archaism) (obscure) indecisive with fear



see styles
chà nǚ
    cha4 nu:3
ch`a nü
    cha nü
beautiful girl; mercury


see styles
 kouho / koho
(noun, transitive verb) {baseb} good catch; nice catch; beautiful catch



see styles
hǎo niǎo
    hao3 niao3
hao niao
person of good character; nice person; bird with a melodious voice or beautiful plumage



see styles
yán lì
    yan2 li4
yen li


see styles
yāo nǚ
    yao1 nu:3
yao nü
 youjo / yojo
beautiful woman
enchantress; vamp


see styles
 youki / yoki
(1) ghostly, beautiful woman; (2) ghost of a beautiful woman


see styles
 youka / yoka
enchantingly beautiful flower; bewitching beauty


see styles
miào jìng
    miao4 jing4
miao ching
 myoukyou / myokyo
(rare) beautiful place
wondrous object



see styles
miào jiàn
    miao4 jian4
miao chien
 myouken / myoken
(place-name, surname) Myōken
The beautiful sight, i.e. Ursa Major, or the Bodhisattva who rules there, styled 妙見大士 (or 妙見菩薩), though some say Śākyamuni, others Guanyin, others 藥師 Bhaiṣajya, others the seven Buddhas. His image is that of a youth in golden armour.


see styles
(archaism) beautiful woman


see styles
pīng tíng
    ping1 ting2
p`ing t`ing
    ping ting
(literary) (of a woman) to have a graceful demeanor; beautiful woman


see styles
juān xiù
    juan1 xiu4
chüan hsiu
beautiful; graceful


see styles
ē nuó
    e1 nuo2
o no
(of a woman's bearing) graceful; elegant; lithe
(adj-na,adv-to) (1) (kana only) coquettish; charming; seductive; (adj-nari,adj-t) (2) (archaism) (orig. meaning) beautiful; graceful


see styles
(adv-to,adj-t) graceful; beautiful


see styles
yān rán
    yan1 ran2
yen jan
beautiful; sweet; engaging
(adj-t,adv-to) sweetly smiling; like the smiling of a beauty; gracious


see styles
(adj-t,adv-to) graceful; slim and beautiful



see styles
chán juān
    chan2 juan1
ch`an chüan
    chan chüan
(literary) beautiful woman; (literary) lovely; graceful; (literary) the moon
(adj-t,adv-to) graceful; slim and beautiful



see styles
jiāo mèi
    jiao1 mei4
chiao mei
flirtatious; coquettish; sweet and charming; beautiful young woman (old)



see styles
jiāo yàn
    jiao1 yan4
chiao yen
tender and beautiful



see styles
xiǎo qiáo
    xiao3 qiao2
hsiao ch`iao
    hsiao chiao
Xiao Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, according to Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4], the two great beauties of ancient China
(surname) Kobayashi


see styles
yóu wù
    you2 wu4
yu wu
 yuubutsu / yubutsu
rarity; rare object; rare person; extraordinarily beautiful woman
(1) something superior; (2) beautiful woman


see styles
 yuushou / yusho
beautiful and quiet scene


see styles
 yuuen / yuen
(noun or adjectival noun) modest and beautiful; profound and elegant


see styles
yōu měi
    you1 mei3
yu mei
(of a location) beautiful and tranquil
(personal name) Yumi


see styles
 yuuen / yuen
(noun or adjectival noun) modest and beautiful; profound and elegant


see styles
 teikei / teke
(beautiful) scenery of a garden; gardenscape



see styles
yuè ěr
    yue4 er3
yüeh erh
sweet-sounding; beautiful (of sound)


see styles
(1) (See 指輪) (finger) ring; (2) (See 指貫・ゆびぬき) metal thimble; (3) (archaism) ring used to constrict a finger to make it small and beautiful; (place-name) Sashigane


see styles
wén shū
    wen2 shu1
wen shu
Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness
(Buddhist term) Manjushri; Manjusri; Bodhisattva that represents transcendent wisdom; (p,s,f) Monju
(文殊師利) Mañjuśrī 滿殊尸利 -later 曼殊室利. 文殊 is also used for Mañjunātha, Mañjudeva, Mañjughoṣa, Mañjuṣvara, et al. T., hjamdpal; J., Monju. Origin unknown; presumably, like most Buddhas and bodhisattvas, an idealization of a particular quality, in his case of Wisdom. Mañju is beautiful, Śrī; good fortune, virtue, majesty, lord, an epithet of a god. Six definitions are obtained from various scriptures: 妙首 (or 頭 ) wonderful or beautiful) head; 普首 universal head; 濡首 glossy head (probably a transliteration); 敬首 revered head; 妙德 wonderful virtue (or power); 妙吉祥 wonderfully auspicious; the last is a later translation in the 西域記. As guardian of wisdom 智慧 he is often placed on Śākyamuni's left, with 普顯 on the right as guardian of law 理, the latter holding the Law, the former the wisdom or exposition of it; formerly they held the reverse positions. He is often represented with five curls or waves to his hair indicating the 五智 q. v. or the five peaks; his hand holds the sword of wisdom and he sits on a lion emblematic of its stern majesty: but he has other forms. He is represented as a youth, i. e. eternal youth. His present abode is given as east of the universe, known as 淸涼山 clear and cool mountain, or a region 寶住 precious abode, or Abode of Treasures, or 寶氏 from which he derives one of his titles, 寶相如來. One of his dhāraṇīs prophesies China as his post-nirvāṇa realm. In past incarnations he is described as being the parent of many Buddhas and as having assisted the Buddha into existence; his title was 龍種上佛 the supreme Buddha of the nāgas, also 大身佛 or 神仙佛; now his title is 歡喜藏摩尼寶精佛 The spiritual Buddha who joyfully cares for the jewel: and his future title is to be 普現佛 Buddha universally revealed. In the 序品 Introductory Chapter of the Lotus Sutra he is also described as the ninth predecessor or Buddha-ancestor of Śākyamuni. He is looked on as the chief of the Bodhisattvas and represents them, as the chief disciple of the Buddha, or as his son 法王子. Hīnayāna counts Śāriputra as the wisest of the disciples, Mahāyāna gives Mañjuśrī the chief place, hence he is also styled 覺母 mother, or begetter of understanding. He is shown riding on either a lion or a peacock, or sitting on a white lotus; often he holds a book, emblem of wisdom, or a blue lotus; in certain rooms of a monastery he is shown as a monk; and he appears in military array as defender of the faith. His signs, magic words, and so on, are found in various sutras. His most famous centre in China is Wu-tai shan in Shansi. where he is the object of pilgrimages, especially of Mongols. The legends about him are many. He takes the place in Buddhism of Viśvakarman as Vulcan, or architect, of the universe. He is one of the eight Dhyāni-bodhisattvas, and sometimes has the image of Akṣobhya in his crown. He was mentioned in China as early as the fourth century and in the Lotus Sutra he frequently appears, especially as the converter of the daughter of the Dragon-king of the Ocean. He has five messengers 五使者 and eight youths 八童子 attending on him. His hall in the Garbhadhātu maṇḍala is the seventh, in which his group numbers twenty-five. His position is northeast. There are numerous sutras and other works with his name as title, e. g. 文殊師利問菩提經 Gayaśīrṣa sūtra, tr. by Kumārajīva 384-417: and its 論 or .Tīkā of Vasubandhu, tr. by Bodhiruci 535. see list in B. N.


see styles
fěi rán
    fei3 ran2
fei jan
(literary) of great literary talent; (literary) (of achievements etc) brilliant; outstanding
(adj-t,adv-to) beautiful; florid


see styles
míng mèi
    ming2 mei4
ming mei
 meibi / mebi
bright and beautiful
(noun or adjectival noun) picturesque (scenery); unspoilt; beautiful; (female given name) Meibi


see styles
 meibou / mebo
bright or beautiful eyes; (personal name) Akemu


see styles
 meimi / memi
(irregular kanji usage) (noun or adjectival noun) picturesque (scenery); unspoilt; beautiful; (female given name) Meimi



see styles
míng lì
    ming2 li4
ming li
bright and beautiful; (of a landscape) gorgeous; (of a color) vibrant
(female given name) Akari


see styles
 kirei / kire
(out-dated kanji) (adjectival noun) (1) (kana only) pretty; lovely; beautiful; fair; (2) (kana only) clean; clear; pure; tidy; neat; (3) (kana only) completely; entirely


see styles
xìng yǎn
    xing4 yan3
hsing yen
large, round eyes (considered beautiful)


see styles
róu měi
    rou2 mei3
jou mei
gentle and beautiful
(female given name) Yumi


see styles
 ryuubi / ryubi
beautiful eyebrows


see styles
liǔ méi
    liu3 mei2
liu mei
 ryuubi / ryubi
long, shapely eyebrows
beautiful eyebrows


see styles
guì lín
    gui4 lin2
kuei lin
 keirin / kerin
Guilin prefecture-level city in Guangxi
(rare) katsura forest; beautiful forest; (place-name) Guilin (China); Kweilin



see styles
biāo zhi
    biao1 zhi5
piao chih
(of a woman) beautiful; pretty


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to deceive; to delude; to trick; to fool; (transitive verb) (2) (in form Aを欺くB) to be as ... as ... (e.g. "as bright as day", "as beautiful as a rose")


see styles
zhèng mèi
    zheng4 mei4
cheng mei
(Tw) beautiful woman; sexy woman


see styles
shū sè
    shu1 se4
shu se
beautiful girl; a beauty


see styles
 suigou / suigo
beautiful riverside location; lakeside district; canal district; (female given name) Misato


see styles
dòng tiān
    dong4 tian1
tung t`ien
    tung tien
paradise; heavenly or beautiful place; fairyland


see styles
(adjectival noun) (rare) exquisite; truly beautiful



see styles
qī měi
    qi1 mei3
ch`i mei
    chi mei
poignant; sad and beautiful


see styles
qīng yōu
    qing1 you1
ch`ing yu
    ching yu
(of a location) quiet and secluded; beautiful and secluded



see styles
qīng qǐ
    qing1 qi3
ch`ing ch`i
    ching chi
beautiful; elegant


see styles
 seibi / sebi
(noun or adjectival noun) (rare) pure and beautiful; (female given name) Seimi



see styles
qīng lì
    qing1 li4
ch`ing li
    ching li
 seirei / sere
(of writing, scenery, a woman etc) graceful; elegant; charming; beautiful
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) (form) clean; tidy; pure; untarnished; (2) {shogi} Seirei (one of the eight major professional female titles); (female given name) Seira



see styles
mǎn rú
    man3 ru2
man ju
曼殊 or 曼乳 mañju, beautiful, lovely.



see styles
mǎn mù
    man3 mu4
man mu
fills the eyes (of a beautiful view, scene of desolation etc)


see styles
piào liang
    piao4 liang5
p`iao liang
    piao liang
pretty; beautiful


see styles
beautiful shiny autumn leaves; (female given name) Teruha



see styles
yān zhào
    yan1 zhao4
yen chao
Yan and Zhao, two of the Warring States in Hebei and Shanxi; beautiful women; women dancers and singers


see styles
hú nǚ
    hu2 nu:3
hu nü
fox lady; in folk stories, a beautiful girl who will seduce you then reveal herself as a ghost


see styles
yù rén
    yu4 ren2
yü jen
a jade worker; a jade statuette; a beautiful person; (term of endearment)


see styles
yù nǚ
    yu4 nu:3
yü nü
beautiful woman; fairy maiden attending the Daoist immortals; (polite) sb else's daughter; Chinese dodder (Cuscuta chinensis), plant whose seeds are used for TCM
(female given name) Tamame


see styles
(1) eyes made of crystal, glass, etc. inserted into the head of a Buddhist statue; (2) beautiful female eyes



see styles
yù mén
    yu4 men2
yü men
(literary) vaginal opening; vulva
(1) beautifully decorated gate; (2) (euph) female genitalia


see styles
yù yīn
    yu4 yin1
yü yin
 gyokuon; gyokuin
    ぎょくおん; ぎょくいん
(deferential) your letter
(1) the Emperor's voice; (2) beautiful voice; beautiful sound



see styles
guī lì
    gui1 li4
kuei li
 kairei / kaire
elegant; magnificent; exceptionally beautiful
(adjectival noun) (rare) extraordinarily beautiful; exceptionally pretty; gorgeous; magnificent


see styles
 youdai / yodai
fairyland; beautiful building ornamented with gems


see styles
 youchi / yochi
beautiful pond; place where immortals live


see styles
 yougan / yogan
beautiful face; exquisite countenance


see styles
gān pú
    gan1 pu2
kan p`u
    kan pu
(甘菩遮, 甘菩國); 紺蒲; 劍蒲 Kamboja, one of the 'sixteen great countries of India', noted for its beautiful women.


see styles
yǎn fú
    yan3 fu2
yen fu
a treat for the eyes; the rare chance of seeing something beautiful
(noun - becomes adjective with の) a sight for sore eyes; seeing something beautiful or precious


see styles
jù shā
    ju4 sha1
chü sha
ghoṣa, murmur; sound of voices, etc., noise, roar; tr. sound of speaking, and 妙音; 美音 beautiful voice or speech; name of a famous dialectician and preacher who is accredited with restoration of sight to Dharmavivardhana, i.e. Kuṇāla, son of Aśoka, "by washing his eyes with the tears of people who were moved by his eloquence." Eitel. Also author of the Abhidharmāmṛta śāstra, which is called瞿沙經.



see styles
shuò lì
    shuo4 li4
shuo li
large and beautiful


see styles
xiù fēng
    xiu4 feng1
hsiu feng
 shuuhou / shuho
Xiufeng district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi
beautiful mountain; magnificent mountain; (personal name) Hidemine



see styles
xiù fà
    xiu4 fa4
hsiu fa
beautiful hair



see styles
xiù lì
    xiu4 li4
hsiu li
 shuurei / shure
pretty; beautiful
(noun or adjectival noun) graceful; beautiful; (female given name) Shuurei


see styles
qiū shuǐ
    qiu1 shui3
ch`iu shui
    chiu shui
 shuusui / shusui
limpid autumn waters (trad. description of girl's beautiful eyes)
clear autumn water; clear fall water; (female given name) Toshimi


see styles
yǎo tiǎo
    yao3 tiao3
yao t`iao
    yao tiao
 youchou / yocho
(literary) (of a woman) graceful and refined; comely; (esp.) slender; slim; (literary) (of a bower, a mountain stream or a boudoir within a palace etc) secluded
(adj-t,adv-to) graceful; slim and beautiful


see styles
 tanrei / tanre
(noun or adjectival noun) fine-looking; beautiful; handsome; graceful; elegant



see styles
jìng xiù
    jing4 xiu4
ching hsiu
to compete to be the most beautiful or impressive


see styles
fěn dài
    fen3 dai4
fen tai
face powder and eyebrow liner; cosmetics; (fig.) beautiful woman


see styles
 kourou / koro
(1) family or brothel with a beautiful woman; (2) (orig. meaning) vermillion-lacquered mansion; (personal name) Kōrou


see styles
 kougyoku / kogyoku
(1) (See ルビー・1) ruby; (2) Jonathan apple; (3) (archaism) glowing skin; beautiful looks; (female given name) Rubii



see styles
hóng yán
    hong2 yan2
hung yen
a beautiful woman; young beauties; youths; rosy cheeks


see styles
(ateji / phonetic) (adjectival noun) lovely; dreamy; beautiful; great; fantastic; superb; cool; capital


see styles
(ateji / phonetic) (adjectival noun) lovely; dreamy; beautiful; great; fantastic; superb; cool; capital


see styles
(ateji / phonetic) (adjectival noun) lovely; dreamy; beautiful; great; fantastic; superb; cool; capital



see styles
jué sè
    jue2 se4
chüeh se
(of a woman) remarkably beautiful; stunning


see styles
(adjectival noun) (form) incredibly beautiful; gorgeous; (personal name) Zetsubi



see styles
qǐ sī
    qi3 si1
ch`i ssu
    chi ssu
beautiful thoughts (in writing)



see styles
qǐ chuāng
    qi3 chuang1
ch`i ch`uang
    chi chuang
beautifully decorated window



see styles
qǐ luó
    qi3 luo2
ch`i lo
    chi lo
beautiful silk fabrics; person in beautiful silk dress
fine clothes; (female given name) Kirara

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Beauti" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary