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Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
yī qiè yè
    yi1 qie4 ye4
i ch`ieh yeh
    i chieh yeh
 issai gō
all activities (or karmas)


see styles
yī qiè yù
    yi1 qie4 yu4
i ch`ieh yü
    i chieh yü
 issai yoku
all desires


see styles
yī qiè fǎ
    yi1 qie4 fa3
i ch`ieh fa
    i chieh fa
 issai hō
一切萬法; 一切諸法 sarvadharma. All things; all laws, existences, or beings.


see styles
yī qiè shēng
    yi1 qie4 sheng1
i ch`ieh sheng
    i chieh sheng
 issai shō
all births


see styles
yī qiè jiè
    yi1 qie4 jie4
i ch`ieh chieh
    i chieh chieh
 issai kai
all factors


see styles
yī qiè jiē
    yi1 qie4 jie1
i ch`ieh chieh
    i chieh chieh
 issai kai


see styles
yī qiè xiàng
    yi1 qie4 xiang4
i ch`ieh hsiang
    i chieh hsiang
 issai sō
all signs



see styles
yī qiè chán
    yi1 qie4 chan2
i ch`ieh ch`an
    i chieh chan
 issai zen
meditation on achieving the development of self and all others to the utmost



see styles
yī qiè zhǒng
    yi1 qie4 zhong3
i ch`ieh chung
    i chieh chung
 issai shu
all kinds


see styles
yī qiè kōng
    yi1 qie4 kong1
i ch`ieh k`ung
    i chieh kung
 issai kū
all empty



see styles
yī qiè yì
    yi1 qie4 yi4
i ch`ieh i
    i chieh i
 issai gi
all objects


see styles
yī qiè kǔ
    yi1 qie4 ku3
i ch`ieh k`u
    i chieh ku
 issai ku
all suffering



see styles
yī qiè wàn
    yi1 qie4 wan4
i ch`ieh wan
    i chieh wan
 issai man
一切諸法; 一切物 All things, idem 一切法.



see styles
yī qiè zhòng
    yi1 qie4 zhong4
i ch`ieh chung
    i chieh chung
 issai shu
all groups


see styles
yī qiè xíng
    yi1 qie4 xing2
i ch`ieh hsing
    i chieh hsing
 issai gyō
all (compounded) things



see styles
yī qiè jiàn
    yi1 qie4 jian4
i ch`ieh chien
    i chieh chien
 issai ken
all views



see styles
yī qiè jué
    yi1 qie4 jue2
i ch`ieh chüeh
    i chieh chüeh
 issai kaku
all enlightenment



see styles
yī qiè shuō
    yi1 qie4 shuo1
i ch`ieh shuo
    i chieh shuo
 issai setsu
all explanations



see styles
yī qiè lùn
    yi1 qie4 lun4
i ch`ieh lun
    i chieh lun
 issai ron
all treatises



see styles
yī qiè shì
    yi1 qie4 shi4
i ch`ieh shih
    i chieh shih
 issai shiki
all consciousnesses


see styles
yī qiè shēn
    yi1 qie4 shen1
i ch`ieh shen
    i chieh shen
 issai shin
all bodies


see styles
yī qiè zhàng
    yi1 qie4 zhang4
i ch`ieh chang
    i chieh chang
 issai shō
all hindrances



see styles
yī qiè xiǎn
    yi1 qie4 xian3
i ch`ieh hsien
    i chieh hsien
all risks (insurance)


see styles
yī qiè mó
    yi1 qie4 mo2
i ch`ieh mo
    i chieh mo
 issai ma
all Māras (evil demons)


see styles
yī jí shí
    yi1 ji2 shi2
i chi shih
 ichi soku jū
One is ten, or, if one then ten, one being the root or seed of numbers, and containing all the rest. There are many other forms, e.g. 一心卽一切心 and so on.


see styles
 ikkouni / ikkoni
(adverb) (1) completely; absolutely; totally; (adverb) (2) (in a negative sentence) (not) at all; (not) a bit; (not) in the least; (adverb) (3) earnestly; intently; determinedly



see styles
yī xiàng jì
    yi1 xiang4 ji4
i hsiang chi
 ikkō ki
A confirmatory reply to a question, e.g. Do not all die? All die.



see styles
yī cháng kōng
    yi1 chang2 kong1
i ch`ang k`ung
    i chang kung
all in vain; futile


see styles
(See 一夜) one night; all night


see styles
 ichiyajuu; hitoyajuu / ichiyaju; hitoyaju
    いちやじゅう; ひとやじゅう
all-night through



see styles
yī shí xiàng
    yi1 shi2 xiang4
i shih hsiang
 ichi jissō
The state of bhūtatathatā, above all differentiation, immutable; it implies the Buddha-nature, or the immateriality and unity of all things; 眞如之理無二無別, 離諸虛妄之相; it is undivided unity apart from all phenomena.


see styles
(adverb) (kana only) (with neg. sentence) (See ちっとも) (not) at all; (not) a bit; (not) in the least; (not) in the slightest


see styles
 ichinenjuu / ichinenju
(n-adv,n-t) all year round


see styles
(adverb) all at once


see styles
yī xìng zōng
    yi1 xing4 zong1
i hsing tsung
 isshō shū
Monophysitic or "pantheistic' sects of Mahāyāna, which assert that all beings have one and the same nature with Buddha.


see styles
yī bǎ zhuā
    yi1 ba3 zhua1
i pa chua
to attempt all tasks at once; to manage every detail regardless of its importance


see styles
lump together; put all together



see styles
yī lǎn zi
    yi1 lan3 zi5
i lan tzu
all-inclusive; undiscriminating


see styles
 isseini / isseni
(adverb) simultaneously; all at once; in unison


see styles
 isseiyasu / isseyasu
all-round (market) decline


see styles
 isseidaka / issedaka
all-round (market) advance


see styles
 ichinichijuu / ichinichiju
(n,n-adv) all day long; all the day; throughout the day


see styles
 hitobanjuu / hitobanju
(n,n-adv) all night long; all through the night


see styles
yī yuè rì
    yi1 yue4 ri4
i yüeh jih
all the days of one month


see styles
yī duàn shì
    yi1 duan4 shi4
i tuan shih
 ichidan no ji
The unity or continuity in the unbroken processes of nature; all nature, all being is but one continuous process.


see styles
(adverb) (1) in one go; in one gulp; in one breath; without stopping; without pausing; without a rest; in one sitting; at a stretch; (adverb) (2) suddenly; all of a sudden; all at once


see styles
yī fǎ yìn
    yi1 fa3 yin4
i fa yin
The seal or assurance of the one truth or law, see 一如 and 一實; the criterion of Mahāyāna doctrine, that all is bhūtatathatā, as contrasted with the Hīnayāna criteria of impermanence, non-personality, and nirvāṇa.


see styles
 isshougai / isshogai
(n,adv) lifetime; one's whole life; all through life


see styles
(1) one-hit wonder; flash in the pan; (2) all-or-nothing gambler; one-shot speculator; someone who puts all one's eggs in one basket; (3) {baseb} slugger; home-run batter


see styles
yī xiàng zhì
    yi1 xiang4 zhi4
i hsiang chih
 issō chi
The wisdom that all is bhūtatathatā and a unity.


see styles
one place; (all in) the same place; one spot; one location; one part; one passage



see styles
yī gǔ nǎo
    yi1 gu3 nao3
i ku nao
all of it; lock, stock and barrel



see styles
yī lù lái
    yi1 lu4 lai2
i lu lai
all the way; all along; since the start


see styles
yī shēn hàn
    yi1 shen1 han4
i shen han
sweating all over


see styles
(n,adj-no,adv) (1) generally; in the main; briefly (look over, explain, etc.); roughly; more or less; (2) (more or less) everything; all parts; bit of everything; whole process; (can be adjective with の) (3) (usu. in the negative) ordinary; usual; average; common; (4) one method


see styles
(adverb) (1) (kana only) (all) at once; at the same time; in one go; in one sitting; (adverb) (2) (kana only) right away; in an instant



see styles
yī chǎn tí
    yi1 chan3 ti2
i ch`an t`i
    i chan ti
(一闡提迦) icchantika. Also 一顚迦, 阿闡底迦 One without desire for Buddha enlightenment; an unbeliever; shameless, an enemy of the good; full of desires; 斷善根者 one who has cut off his roots of goodness; it is applied also to a bodhisattva who has made a vow not to become a Buddha until all beings are saved. This is called 大悲闡提 the icchantika of great mercy.



see styles
yī diǎn bù
    yi1 dian3 bu4
i tien pu
not at all


see styles
qī fāng biàn
    qi1 fang1 bian4
ch`i fang pien
    chi fang pien
 shichi hōben
(七方便位) (1) The seven "expedient" or temporary attainments or positions of Hīnayāna, superseded in Mahayana by the 七賢 (位) or 七加行 (位) all preparatory to the 七聖 (位) (2) The seven vehicles, i.e. those of ordinary human beings, of devas, of śrāvakas, of pratyekabuddhas' and of the three bodhisattvas of the three teachings 藏, 通 and 別. (3) Also, 藏教之聲縁二人, 通教之聲縁菩三人, 別教and 圓教之二菩薩; (2) and (3) are Tiantai groups.



see styles
qī zuì shèng
    qi1 zui4 sheng4
ch`i tsui sheng
    chi tsui sheng
 shichi saishō
The seven perfections, see唯識論, 9. 安住最勝 Perfect rest in the bodhisattva nature. 依止最勝 perfect reliance on, or holding fast to the great bodhi (awakened mind). 意果最勝 perfect resultant aim in-pity for all 事業最勝 Perfect in constant performance. 巧便最勝 Perfect in able device (for spiritual presentation). 廻向最勝 Perfect direction towards the highest bodhi. 滿淨最勝 Perfect purity and peace.



see styles
qī zhǒng yǔ
    qi1 zhong3 yu3
ch`i chung yü
    chi chung yü
 shichishu go
Buddha's seven modes of discourse: 因語 from present cause to future effect; 果語 from present effect to past cause; 因果語 inherent cause and effect; 喩語 illustrative or figurative; 不應説語 spontaneous or parabolic; 世界流語 ordinary or popular; 如意語 unreserved, or as he really thought, e.g. as when he said that all things have the Buddha-nature.


see styles
 bankokuki; bankokki
    ばんこくき; ばんこっき
flags of all nations


see styles
the people of all nations


see styles
 manbyouyaku / manbyoyaku
cure-all; panacea; heal-all


see styles
 banseisetsu / bansesetsu
(See 諸聖人の祝日) All Saints' Day; All Hallows' Day


see styles
 bannouyaku / bannoyaku
universal medicine; cure-all; panacea


see styles
 banreisai / banresai
All Souls' Day


see styles
 banreisetsu / banresetsu
All Souls' Day


see styles
sān sān mèi
    san1 san1 mei4
san san mei
 san zanmai
(三三昧地) The three samādhis, or the samādhi on three subjects; 三三摩 (三三摩地); 三定, 三等持; 三空; 三治; 三解脫門; 三重三昧; 三重等持. There are two forms of such meditation, that of 有漏 reincarnational, or temporal, called 三三昧; and that of 無 漏 liberation, or nirvāṇa, called 三解脫. The three subjects and objects of the meditation are (1) 空 to empty the mind of the ideas of me and mine and suffering, which are unreal; (2) 無相to get rid of the idea of form, or externals, i.e. the 十相 which are the five senses, and male and female, and the three 有; (3) 無願 to get rid of all wish or desire, also termed無作 and 無起. A more advanced meditation is called the Double Three Samādhi 重三三昧 in which each term is doubled 空空, 無相無相, 無願無願. The esoteric sect has also a group of its own.


see styles
sān bù zhī
    san1 bu4 zhi1
san pu chih
to know nothing about the beginning, the middle or the end; to know nothing at all


see styles
sān fó zǐ
    san1 fo2 zi3
san fo tzu
 san busshi
All the living are Buddha-sons, but they are of three kinds—the commonalty are 外子 external sons; the followers of the two inferior Buddhist vehicles, 小and 中 乘, are 庶子 secondary sons (i.e. of concubines); the bodhisattvas, i.e. mahāyānists) are 子 true sons, or sons in the truth.


see styles
sān fó xìng
    san1 fo2 xing4
san fo hsing
 san busshō
The three kinds of Buddha-nature: (1) 自性住佛性 the Buddha-nature which is in all living beings, even those in the three evil paths (gati). (2) 引出佛性 the Buddha-nature developed by the right discipline. (3) 至得果佛性 the final or perfected Buddha-nature resulting from the development of the original potentiality.


see styles
sān jí yī
    san1 ji2 yi1
san chi i
The three vehicles (Hīnayāna, Madhyamayāna, Mahāyāna) are one, i. e. the three lead to bodhisattvaship and Buddhahood for all.



see styles
sān bǎo zàng
    san1 bao3 zang4
san pao tsang
 sanbō zō
The tritratna as the treasury of all virtue and merit; also the tripiṭaka, sūtras 經 vinaya 律, abhidharma 論; also śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, and bodhisattvas.



see styles
sān mí dǐ
    san1 mi2 di3
san mi ti
三蜜 The Sammatīya school.; 彌底; 彌離底; 三密 (or 蜜) 栗底尼迦耶; 三眉底與量弟子 Saṃmatīyanikāya, Saṃmata, or Saṃmitīyas. A Hīnayāna sect the 正量部 correctly commensurate or logical school, very numerous and widely spread during the early centuries of our era. The 三彌底部論 is in the Tripiṭaka. It taught "that a soul exists in the highest and truest sense", "that an arhat can fall from arhatship, that a god can enter the paths of the Order, and that even an unconverted man can get rid of all lust and ill-will" (Eliot, i, 260). It split into the three branches of Kaurukullakāḥ Āvantikāh, and Vātsīputrīyāḥ.


see styles
sān niàn zhù
    san1 nian4 zhu4
san nien chu
 san nenjū
(or 三念處). Whether all creatures believe, do not believe, or part believe and part do not believe, the Buddha neither rejoices, nor grieves, but rests in his proper mind and wisdom, i.e. though full of pity, his far-seeing wisdom 正念正智 keeps him above the disturbances of joy and sorrow. 倶舍論 27.


see styles
sān míng zhì
    san1 ming2 zhi4
san ming chih
trividyā. The three clear conceptions that (1) all is impermanent 無常 anitya; (2) all is sorrowful 苦 duḥkha; (3) all is devoid of a self 無我 anātman.



see styles
sān shí jiào
    san1 shi2 jiao4
san shih chiao
 sanji kyō
(三時教判) The three periods and characteristics of Buddha's teaching, as defined by the Dharmalakṣana school 法相宗. They are: (1) 有, when he taught the 實有 reality of the skandhas and elements, but denied the common belief in 實我 real personality or a permanent soul; this period is represented by the four 阿含經 āgamas and other Hīnayāna sūtras. (2) 空 Śūnya, when he negatived the idea of 實法 the reality of things and advocated that all was 空 unreal; the period of the 般若經 prajñā sūtras. (3) 中 Madhyama, the mean, that mind or spirit is real, while things are unreal; the period of this school's specific sūtra the 解深密經, also the 法華 and later sūtras. In the two earlier periods he is said to have 方便 adapted his teaching to the development of his hearers; in the third to have delivered his complete and perfect doctrine. Another division by the 空宗 is (1) as above; (2) the early period of the Mahāyāna represented, by the 深密經; (3) the higher Mahāyāna as in the 般若經. v. also 三敎.



see styles
sān wú chā
    san1 wu2 cha1
san wu ch`a
    san wu cha
 san musha
三無差別)The three that are without (essential) difference, i.e. are of the same nature: (a) 心 The nature of mind is the same in Buddhas, and men, and all the living; (b) 佛 the nature and enlightenment of all Buddhas is the same; (c) 衆生 the nature and enlightenment of all the living is the same. The 華嚴經 says 心佛及衆生, 是三無差別.


see styles
sān jiè yù
    san1 jie4 yu4
san chieh yü
 sankai yoku
desire of [all] three realms


see styles
sān jiè yǎn
    san1 jie4 yan3
san chieh yen
 sangai gen
The trailokya eye, i.e. Buddha, who sees all the realms and the way of universal escape.


see styles
sān jiè zàng
    san1 jie4 zang4
san chieh tsang
 sangai zō
The trailokya-garbha, the womb or storehouse of all the transmigrational.



see styles
sān xiāng xù
    san1 xiang1 xu4
san hsiang hsü
 san sōzoku
The three links, or consequences: (a) the worlds with their kingdoms, which arise from the karma of existence; (b) all beings, who arise out of the five skandhas; (c) rewards and punishments, which arise out of moral karma causes.



see styles
sān zhǒng duàn
    san1 zhong3 duan4
san chung tuan
 sanshu dan
The three kinds of uccheda— cutting-off, excision, or bringing to an end: (1) (a) 自性斷 with the incoming of wisdom, passion or illusion ceases of itself; (b) 不生斷 with realization of the doctrine that all is 空 unreal, evil karma ceases to arise; (c) 緣縛斷 illusion being ended, the causal nexus of the passions disappears and the attraction of the external ceases. (2) The three śrāvaka or ascetic stages are (a) 見所斷 ending the condition of false views; (b) 修行斷 getting rid of desire and illusion in practice; (c) 非所斷 no more illusion or desire to be cut off.



see styles
sān zhǒng xiàng
    san1 zhong3 xiang4
san chung hsiang
 sanshu sō
The three kinds of appearance: (1) In logic, the three kinds of percepts: (a) 標相 inferential, as fire is inferred from smoke; (b) 形相 formal or spatial, as length, breadth, etc.; (c) 體相 qualitative, as heat is in fire, etc. (2) (a) 假名相 names, which are merely indications of the temporal; (b) 法相 dharmas, or "things"; (c) 無相相 the formless— all three are incorrect positions.



see styles
sān lùn zōng
    san1 lun4 zong1
san lun tsung
 sanronshuu / sanronshu
Three Treatise School (Buddhism)
Sanron sect (of Buddhism)
The Sanlun, Mādhyamika, or Middle School, founded in India by Nāgārjuna, in China by 嘉祥 Jiaxiang during the reign of 安帝 An Di, Eastern Jin, A.D. 397-419. It flourished up to the latter part of the Tang dynasty. In 625 it was carried to Japan as Sanron. After the death of Jiaxiang, who wrote the 三論玄義, a northern and southern division took place. While the Mādhyamika denied the reality of all phenomenal existence, and defined the noumenal world in negative terms, its aim seems not to have been nihilistic, but the advocacy of a reality beyond human conception and expression, which in our terminology may be termed a spiritual realm.



see styles
sān lún jiào
    san1 lun2 jiao4
san lun chiao
 sanrin kyō
The three periods of the Buddha's teaching as defined by Paramārtha: (a) 轉法輪 the first rolling onwards of the Law-wheel, the first seven years' teaching of Hīnayāna, i.e. the 四諦 four axioms and 空 unreality; (b) 照法輪 illuminating or explaining the law-wheel, the thirty years' teaching of the 般若 prajñā or wisdom sūtras, illuminating 空 and by 空 illuminating 有 reality; (c) 持法輪 maintaining the law-wheel, i.e. the remaining years of teaching of the deeper truths of 空有 both unreality and reality. Also the three-fold group of the Lotus School: (a) 根本法輪 radical, or fundamental, as found in the 華嚴經 sūtra; (b) 枝末法輪 branch and leaf, i.e. all other teaching; until (c) 攝末歸本法輪 branches and leaves are reunited with the root in the Lotus Sutra, 法華經.



see styles
sān jiā yè
    san1 jia1 ye4
san chia yeh
 san Kashō
Three brothers Kāsyapa, all three said to be disciples of the Buddha.


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to raise; to elevate; (2) to do up (one's hair); (3) to fly (a kite, etc.); to launch (fireworks, etc.); to surface (a submarine, etc.); (4) to land (a boat); (5) to show someone (into a room); (6) to send someone (away); (7) to enrol (one's child in school); to enroll; (8) to increase (price, quality, status, etc.); to develop (talent, skill); to improve; (9) to make (a loud sound); to raise (one's voice); (10) to earn (something desirable); (11) to praise; (12) to give (an example, etc.); to cite; (13) to summon up (all of one's energy, etc.); (14) (polite language) to give; (15) to offer up (incense, a prayer, etc.) to the gods (or Buddha, etc.); (16) to bear (a child); (17) to conduct (a ceremony, esp. a wedding); (v1,vi) (18) (of the tide) to come in; (v1,vi,vt) (19) to vomit; (aux-v,v1) (20) (kana only) (polite language) to do for (the sake of someone else); (21) to complete ...; (22) (humble language) to humbly do ...



see styles
shàng shèng chán
    shang4 sheng4 chan2
shang sheng ch`an
    shang sheng chan
 jōjō zen
The Mahāyāna Ch'an (Zen) School, which considers that it alone attains the highest realization of Mahāyāna truth. Hīnayāna philosophy is said only to realize the unreality of the ego and not the unreality of all things. The Mahāyāna realizes the unreality of the ego and of all things. But the Ch'an school is pure idealism, all being mind. This mind is Buddha, and is the universal fundamental mind.



see styles
bù èr jià
    bu4 er4 jia4
pu erh chia
one price for all; fixed price


see styles
bù gòng fǎ
    bu4 gong4 fa3
pu kung fa
 fugu hō
āveṇika-buddhadharma. The characteristics, achievements, and doctrine of Buddha which distinguish him from all others. See 十八不共法.



see styles
bù shī wéi
    bu4 shi1 wei2
pu shih wei
can still be considered (to be...); may after all be accepted as



see styles
bù yín yù
    bu4 yin2 yu4
pu yin yü
abrahamacaryā-veramaṇī, the third commandment, thou shalt not commit adultery, i. e. against fornication and adultery for the lay, and against all unchastity for the clerics.


see styles
bù dìng xìng
    bu4 ding4 xing4
pu ting hsing
 fujō shō
(不定種性) Of indeterminate nature. The 法相宗 Dharmalakṣana school divides all beings into five classes according to their potentialities. This is one of the divisions and contains four combinations: (1) Bodhisattva-cum-śrāvaka, with uncertain result depending on the more dominant of the two; (2) bodhisattva-cum-pratyekabuddha; (3) śrāvaka-cum-pratyekabuddha; (4) the characteristcs of all three vehicles intermingled with uncertain results; the third cannot attain Buddhahood, the rest may.


see styles
bù huó wèi
    bu4 huo2 wei4
pu huo wei
 fukatsu i
The fear of giving all and having nothing to keep one alive: one of the five fears.



see styles
bù jìng ròu
    bu4 jing4 rou4
pu ching jou
 fujō niku
Unclean', flesh, i. e. that of animals, fishes, etc., seen being killed, heard being killed, or suspected of being killed; Hīnayāna forbids these, Mahāyāna forbids all flesh.



see styles
bù jìng guān
    bu4 jing4 guan1
pu ching kuan
 fujō kan
The meditation on the uncleanness of the human body of self and others, e. g. the nine stages of disintegration of the dead body 九想 q.v.; it is a meditation to destroy 貪 desire; other details are: parental seed, womb, the nine excretory passages, the body's component parts, worm-devoured corpse — all unclean.



see styles
bù gěi lì
    bu4 gei3 li4
pu kei li
lame (unimpressive); a huge letdown; not to try at all



see styles
bù yào jǐn
    bu4 yao4 jin3
pu yao chin
unimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind; it looks all right, but

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "loving-kindness conquers all" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary