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Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
sān tián
    san1 tian2
san t`ien
    san tien
3 annual hunting bouts; 3 qi points
(surname) Minda
The three "fields" of varying qualities of fertility, i.e. bodhisattvas, śrāvakas, and icchantis, respectively producing a hundred-fold, fifty-fold, onefold. 涅槃經 33.


see styles
sān bìng
    san1 bing4
san ping
The three ailments: (1) (a) 貪 lust, for which the 不淨觀 meditation on uncleanness is the remedy; (b) 瞋 anger, or hate, remedy 慈悲觀 meditation on kindness and pity; (c) 癡 stupidity, or ignorance, remedy 因緣觀 meditation on causality. (2) (a) 謗 Slander of Mahāyāna; (b) 五逆罪 the five gross sins; (c) to be a "heathen" or outsider; the forms recorded seem to be icchantika, ecchantika, and aicchantika. Cf. 三毒.


see styles
sān huáng
    san1 huang2
san huang
the three legendary sovereigns of the third millennium BC: Suiren 燧人[Sui4 ren2], Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1] and Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2], or 天皇|天皇[Tian1 huang2], 地皇|地皇[Di4 huang2] and 人皇|人皇[Ren2 huang2]


see styles
sān mù
    san1 mu4
san mu
(surname) Mitsume
The three-eyed, a term for Śiva, i.e Maheśvara; simile for the dharmakāya, or spiritual body, prajñā, or wisdom, and nirvāṇa emancipation.


see styles
(See 九星) third of nine traditional astrological signs (corresponding to Jupiter and east)


see styles
 sansha; sanja
    さんしゃ; さんじゃ
(1) {Shinto} three shrines (usu. in ref. to Ise Grand Shrine, Iwashimizu Hachimangū and Kamo Shrine, or Kasuga Grand Shrine); (2) (さんしゃ only) three companies; (place-name) Sanja


see styles
sān fú
    san1 fu2
san fu
(place-name, surname) Mifuku
The three (sources of) felicity: (1) The 無量壽經 has the felicity of (a) 世福 filial piety, regard for elders, keeping the ten commandments; (b) 戒福 of keeping the other commandments; (c) 行福 of resolve on complete bodhi and the pursuit of the Buddha-way. (2) The 倶舍論 18, has the blessedness of (a) 施類福 almsgiving, in evoking resultant wealth; (b) 戒類福 observance of the 性戒 (against killing, stealing, adultery, lying) and the 遮戒 (against alcohol, etc.), in obtaining a happy lot in the heavens; (c) 修類福 observance of meditation in obtaining final escape from the mortal round. Cf. 三種淨業.



see styles
sān lǐ
    san1 li3
san li
(female given name) Mire
Worship with 身, 口, 意, body, mouth, and mind.


see styles
sān kē
    san1 ke1
san k`o
    san ko
(surname) Minashi
The three categories of 五蘊, 十二處 or 入, and eighteen 界.


see styles
sān suì
    san1 sui4
san sui
Sansui county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou
(female given name) Miho


see styles
(hist) the three famous ancient calligraphers (Emperor Saga, Tachibana (no) Hayanari and Kooboo Daishi)


see styles
sān děng
    san1 deng3
san teng
third class
The three equal and universal characteristics of the one Tathāgata, an esoteric definition: (1) (a) his 身 body, (b) 語 discourse, (c) 意 mind. (2) (a) his life or works 修行; (b) spiritual body 法身; (c) salvation 度生; in their equal values and universality.



see styles
sān xì
    san1 xi4
san hsi
The three refined, or subtle conceptions, in contrast with the 六麤 cruder or common concepts, in the Awakening of Faith 起信論. The three are 無明業相 "ignorance", or the unenlightened condition, considered as in primal action, the stirring of the perceptive faculty; 能見相 ability to perceive phenomena; perceptive faculties; 境界相 the object perceived, or the empirical world. The first is associated with the 體corpus or substance, the second and third with function, but both must have co-existence, e.g. water and waves. v. 六麤.



see styles
sān yuán
    san1 yuan2
san yüan
The three nidānas or links with the Buddha resulting from calling upon him, a term of the Pure Land sect: (a) 親緣 that he hears those who call his name, sees their worship, knows their hearts and is one with them; (b) 近緣 that he shows himself to those who desire to see him; (c) 增上緣 that at every invocation aeons of sin are blotted out, and he and his sacred host receive such a disciple at death.


see styles
headstall, martingale, and crupper



see styles
sān shèng
    san1 sheng4
san sheng
 sansei / sanse
(1) three enlightened men (Buddha, Confucius and Christ; Lao-tzu, Confucius and Buddha; etc.); three sages; three virtuous men; (2) the three most accomplished people (of a particular craft or trade); (female given name) Misato
The three sages, or holy ones, of whom there are several groups. The 華嚴Huayan have Vairocana in the center with Mañjuśrī on his left and Samantabhadra on his right. The 彌陀 Mituo or Pure-land sect, have Amitābha in the center, with Avalokiteśvara on his left and Mahāsthāmaprāpta on his right. The Tiantai use the term for the 藏, 別, and 圓教v. 三教.


see styles
education of the head and hand and heart


see styles
sān zì
    san1 zi4
san tzu
abbr. for 三自愛國教會|三自爱国教会[San1 zi4 Ai4 guo2 Jiao4 hui4], Three-Self Patriotic Movement
Three divisions of the eight-fold noble path, the first to the third 自調 self-control, the fourth and fifth 自淨 self-purification, the last three 自度 self-development in the religious life and in wisdom. Also 自體, 自相, 自用 substance, form, and function.


see styles
sān sè
    san1 se4
san se
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) three colours; three colors; (2) (abbreviation) {mahj} (See 三色同順) triple run; winning hand containing the same chow in each of the three suits; (3) (abbreviation) {mahj} (See 三色同刻) triple pung; winning hand containing the same pung in each of the three suits
The three kinds of rūpa or form-realms: the five organs (of sense), their objects, and invisible perceptions, or ideas. Cf. 三種色.


see styles
sān zàng
    san1 zang4
san tsang
Tripitaka, the three main types of text that collectively constitute the Buddhist canon of scriptures: sutras, commandments and commentaries
v. 藏.



see styles
sān sū
    san1 su1
san su
the Three Su's (famous Song dynasty writers Su Xun 蘇洵|苏洵[Su1 Xun2] and his sons Su Shi 蘇軾|苏轼[Su1 Shi4] and Su Zhe 蘇轍|苏辙[Su1 Zhe2])


see styles
sān xíng
    san1 xing2
san hsing
(g,p) Miyuki
Three lines of action that affect karma, i.e. the ten good deeds that cause happy karma; the ten evil deeds that cause unhappy karma; 不動業 or 無動行 karma arising without activity, e.g. meditation on error and its remedy.


see styles
sān yǎn
    san1 yan3
san yen
The three yāna, or vehicles to nirvāṇa, i.e. śrāvaka, pratyekabuddha, and bodhisattva, v. 三乘.



see styles
sān shù
    san1 shu4
san shu
Three devices in meditation for getting rid of Māra-hindrances: within, to get rid of passion and delusion; without, to refuse or to withdraw from external temptation.



see styles
sān fù
    san1 fu4
san fu
(personal name) Mitsubuchi
denote a day in each of the first, fifth, and ninth months when the recording angels of the four Lokapālas report on the conduct of each individual. See also 三覆八校.



see styles
sān guān
    san1 guan1
san kuan
The three studies, meditations, or insights. The most general group is that of Tiantai: (a) 空觀 study of all as void, or immaterial; (b) 假觀 of all as unreal, transient, or temporal; (c) 中觀 as the via media inclusive of both. The Huayan group is 眞空觀, 理事無礙觀 and 周遍含容觀, see 華嚴經:法界觀. The 南山 group is 性空觀, 相空觀, and 唯識觀. The 慈恩 group is 有觀, 空觀 and 中觀.



see styles
sān yǔ
    san1 yu3
san yü
Buddha's three modes of discourse, i.e. without reserve, or the whole truth; tactical or partial, adapting truth to the capacity of his hearers; and a combination of both.



see styles
sān shì
    san1 shi4
san shih
The three states of mind or consciousness: 眞識 the original unsullied consciousness or Mind, the tathāgatagarbha, the eighth or ālaya 阿賴耶識 ; 現識 mind or consciousness diversified in contact with or producing phenomena, good and evil; 分別識 consciousness discriminating and evolving the objects of the five senses. Also 意識 manas, 心識 ālaya, and 無垢識 amala, v. 識.



see styles
sān biàn
    san1 bian4
san pien
(土田) The three transformations of his Buddha-realm made by Śākyamuni on the Vulture peak—- first, his revelation of this world, then its vast extension, and again its still vaster extension. See Lotus Sutra.



see styles
sān guǐ
    san1 gui3
san kuei
The three rules 三法 (三法妙) of the Tiantai Lotus School: (a) 眞性軌 The absolute and real, the 眞如 or bhūtatathatā; (b) 觀照軌meditation upon and understanding of it; (c) 資成軌 the extension of this understanding to all its workings. In the 三軌弘經 the three are traced to the 法師品 of the Lotus Sutra and are developed as: (a) 慈悲室 the abode of mercy, or to dwell in mercy; (b) 忍辱衣 the garment of endurance, or patience under opposition; (c) 法空座 the throne of immateriality (or spirituality), a state of nirvāṇa tranquility. Mercy to all is an extension of 資成軌 , patience of 觀照軌 and nirvāṇa tranquility of 眞性軌 .



see styles
sān jun
    san1 jun1
san chün
(in former times) upper, middle and lower army; army of right, center and left; (in modern times) the three armed services: Army, Navy and Air Force
(noun - becomes adjective with の) great army; mighty host; whole army



see styles
sān bèi
    san1 bei4
san pei
The three ranks of those who reach the Pure Land of Amitābha: superior i.e. monks and nuns who become enlightened and devote themselves to invocation of the Buddha of boundless age; medium, i.e. laymen of similar character who do pious deeds; inferior, i.e. laymen less perfect than the last.



see styles
sān lún
    san1 lun2
san lun
three wheels; (p,s,f) Miwa
The three wheels: (1) The Buddha's (a) 身 body or deeds; (b) 口 mouth, or discourse; (c) 意 mind or ideas. (2) (a) 神通 (or 變) His supernatural powers, or powers of (bodily) self-transformation, associated with 身 body; (b) 記心輪 his discriminating understanding of others, associated with 意 mind; (c) 敎誡輪 or 正敎輪 his (oral) powers of teaching, associated with 口. (3) Similarly (a) 神足輪 ; (b) 說法輪 ; (c) 憶念輪 . (4) 惑, 業, and 苦. The wheel of illusion produces karma, that of karma sets rolling that of suffering, which in turn sets rolling the wheel of illusion. (5) (a) Impermanence; (b) uncleanness; (c) suffering. Cf. 三道.



see styles
sān zhuǎn
    san1 zhuan3
san chuan
(三轉法輪) The three turns of the law-wheel when the Buddha preached in the Deer Park: (a) 示轉 indicative, i.e. postulation and definition of the 四諦; (b) 勸轉 hortative, e.g. 苦當知 suffering should be diagnosed; (c) 證轉 evidential, e.g. I have overcome suffering, etc.


see styles
three sides (length, width and height); (surname) Minabe


see styles
sān tuì
    san1 tui4
san t`ui
    san tui
withdrawal from the Communist Party, the Communist Youth League, and the Young Pioneers of China



see styles
sān dá
    san1 da2
san ta
(surname) Mitatsu
Three aspects of the omniscience of Buddha: knowledge of future karma, of past karma, of present illusion and liberation; v. 三明.


see styles
three large cities (esp. Edo, Kyoto, and Osaka during the Edo period); (female given name) Minato


see styles
sān jīn
    san1 jin1
san chin
(surname) Mikane
The three metals, gold, silver, copper. The esoterics have (a) earth, water, fire, representing the 身密 mystic body; (b) space and wind, the 語密 mystic mouth or speech; (c) 識 cognition, the 意密 mystic mind.



see styles
sān gū
    san1 gu1
san ku
 sanko; sango
    さんこ; さんご
{Buddh} (See 金剛杵) trident vajra; (surname) Sanko
A trident; emblem of the Garbhadhātu 三部; and of the 三智, 三觀等, and三軌. Also written 三古 ; 三胡; 三股.



see styles
sān tiě
    san1 tie3
san t`ieh
    san tieh
triathlon (Tw); (athletics) throwing events excluding the hammer throw (i.e. discus, javelin and shot put)



see styles
sān mén
    san1 men2
san men
Sanmen county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang
{Buddh} large triple gate to temple; (surname) Mimon
trividha-dvāra, the three gates; a monastery; purity of body, speech, and thought; idem 三解脫門 also 三業.


see styles
(See 陸前,陸中,陸奥・りくおう) Sanriku (the three former provinces of Rikuzen, Rikuchū and Rikuō); (place-name) Sanriku


see styles
sān zhàng
    san1 zhang4
san chang
The three vighna, i.e. hinderers or barriers, of which three groups are given: (1) (a) 煩惱障 the passions, i.e. 三毒 desire, hate, stupidity; (b) 業障 the deeds done; (c) 報障 the retributions. (2) (a) 皮煩惱障 ; (b) 肉煩惱障 ; (c) 心煩惱障 skin, flesh, and heart (or mind) troublers, i.e. delusions from external objects: internal views, and mental ignorance. (3) 三重障 the three weighty obstructions: (a) self-importance, 我慢; (b) envy, 嫉妬; (c) desire, 貧欲.


see styles
(1) (rare) armor, helmet and shield (armour); (2) (See 陰陽道) kakurei, kakuun and kakumei (first, fifth and fifty-eighth years of the sexagenary cycle; times of civil unrest according to Onmyōdō)


see styles
headstall, martingale, and crupper



see styles
sān yú
    san1 yu2
san yü
The three after death remainders, or continued mortal experiences, of śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas, who mistakenly think they are going to 無餘涅槃final nirvāṇa, but will still find 煩惱餘 further passion and illusion, 業餘 further karma, and 果餘 continued rebirth, in realms beyond the 三界trailokya.



see styles
sān mǎ
    san1 ma3
san ma
(place-name) Minma
The three horses, one young, strong, and tractable; another similar but not tractable; a third old and intractable, i.e. bodhisattvas (or bodhisattva-monks), śrāvakas and icchantis.


see styles
sān mó
    san1 mo2
san mo
The three kinds of evil spirits, of which three groups are given: (1) 煩惱魔 , 陰魔 and他化自在天子魔 ; (2) 煩惱魔 , 天魔 and 死魔 ; (3) 善知識魔 , 三昧魔 , and善提心魔 .


see styles
 sanchou / sancho
(1) {food} chicken, goose and pheasant; (2) (archaism) (orig. meaning) cuckoo, Japanese bush warbler and wagtail


see styles
shàng xià
    shang4 xia4
shang hsia
 jouge / joge
up and down; top and bottom; old and young; length; about
(1) top and bottom; high and low; above and below; upper and lower ends; up and down; (n,vs,vi) (2) going up and down; rising and falling; fluctuating; (n,vs,vi) (3) going and coming back; (4) upper and lower classes; ruler and ruled; the government and the people; (5) first and second volumes; (6) {cloth} top and bottom; two-piece (outfit); (place-name, surname) Jōge
above and below


see styles
shàng zhōng
    shang4 zhong1
shang chung
(surname) Tsujinaka
superior and middle-level


see styles
shàng rén
    shang4 ren2
shang jen
 shounin / shonin
holy priest; saint; (place-name) Shounin
A man of superior wisdom, virtue, and conduct, a term applied to monks during the Tang dynasty.


see styles
shàng dài
    shang4 dai4
shang tai
 joudai; uwadai(ik) / jodai; uwadai(ik)
    じょうだい; うわだい(ik)
previous generation
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (じょうだい only) ancient times (e.g. Heian and Nara periods in Japan); remote ages; early history; (2) (nominal) retail price; (place-name) Wandai


see styles
shàng shì
    shang4 shi4
shang shih
 joushi / joshi
(hist) high-ranking retainer of a daimyo (Edo Period)
The superior disciple, who becomes perfect in (spiritually) profiting himself and others. The 中士 profits self but not others; the 下士 neither.


see styles
shàng zuò
    shang4 zuo4
shang tso
 kamiza; jouza / kamiza; joza
    かみざ; じょうざ
seat of honor
(n,vs,adj-no) chief seat; seat of honor; seat of honour; head of the table; (place-name) Jōza
Sthavira; or Mahāsthavira. Old man, or elder; head monk, president, or abbot; the first Buddhist fathers; a title of Mahākāśyapa; also of monks of twenty to forty-nine years standing, as 中座 are from ten to nineteen and 下座 under ten. The 釋氏要覽 divides presiding elders into four classes, those presiding over monasteries, over assemblies of monks, over sects, and laymen presiding over feasts to monks.


see styles
shàng jiāo
    shang4 jiao1
shang chiao
 joushou / josho
(TCM) upper burner, the part of the body within the thoracic cavity (above the diaphragm, including the heart and lungs)
upper jiao (in traditional Chinese medicine); upper burner


see styles
shàng zhēn
    shang4 zhen1
shang chen
excellent and rare


see styles
shàng tián
    shang4 tian2
shang t`ien
    shang tien
 jouden / joden
Ueda (Japanese surname and place name)
high rice field; very fertile rice field; (surname) Jōda



see styles
shǎng shēng
    shang3 sheng1
shang sheng
falling and rising tone; third tone in modern Mandarin
See: 上声


see styles
shàng yī
    shang4 yi1
shang i
jacket; upper outer garment; CL:件[jian4]
coat; tunic; jacket; outer garment
The superior or outer robe described as of twenty-five patches, and styled the uttarā saṁghātī.



see styles
shàng mén
    shang4 men2
shang men
 joumon / jomon
to drop in; to visit; to lock a door; (of a shop) to close; to go and live with one's wife's family, in effect becoming a member of her family
(See 門・もん・3) superphylum; (surname) Jōmon



see styles
shàng ráo
    shang4 rao2
shang jao
Shangrao, prefecture-level city and county in Jiangxi


see styles
 kamigoma; kamikoma
    かみごま; かみこま
nut (on the head of a shamisen, supporting the second and third strings); (place-name) Kamikoma



see styles
xià lai
    xia4 lai5
hsia lai
to come down; (completed action marker); (after verb of motion, indicates motion down and towards us, also fig.); (indicates continuation from the past towards us); to be harvested (of crops); to be over (of a period of time); to go among the masses (said of leaders)


see styles
xià pǐn
    xia4 pin3
hsia p`in
    hsia pin
(noun or adjectival noun) vulgar; indecent; coarse; crude; (place-name) Shimoshina
The three lowest of the nine classes born in the Amitābha Pure Land, v. 無量壽經. These three lowest grades are (1) 下品上生 The highest of the three lowest classes who enter the Pure Land of Amitābha, i.e. those who have committed all sins except dishonouring the sūtras. If at the end of life the sinner clasps hands and says "Namo Amitābha", such a one will be born in His precious lake. (2) 下品中生 The middle class consists of those who have broken all the commandments, even stolen from monks and abused the law. If at death such a one hears of the great power of Amitābha, and assents with but a thought, he will be received into paradise. (3) 下品下生 The lowest class, because of their sins, should have fallen into the lowest gati, but by invoking the name of Amitābha, they can escape countless ages of reincarnation and suffering and on dying will behold a lotus flower like the sun, and, by the response of a single thought, will enter the Pure Land of Amitābha.


see styles
(noun/participle) (1) boarding; lodging; board and lodging; room and board; (2) boarding house; lodging house; lodgings; (surname) Shimoyado


see styles
xià bài
    xia4 bai4
hsia pai
to bow down low; to make obeisance; to kneel and bow


see styles
xià liú
    xia4 liu2
hsia liu
 karyuu / karyu
lower course of a river; low-class; mean and lowly; vulgar; obscene
(1) downstream; lower reaches of a river; (2) (ant: 上流・3) lower classes; (place-name) Shitaru


see styles
xià jiāo
    xia4 jiao1
hsia chiao
 kashou / kasho
(TCM) lower burner, the part of the body within the pelvic cavity (below the navel, including the kidneys, bladder and intestines)
lower jiao (in traditional Chinese medicine); lower burner


see styles
(1) low-lying part of a city (usu. containing shops, factories, etc.); (2) (See 山の手・2) Shitamachi (low-lying area of eastern Tokyo near Tokyo Bay, incl. Asakusa, Shitaya, Kanda, Fukugawa, Honjo, Nihonbashi, Kyobashi and surrounds); (place-name, surname) Shimomachi


see styles
 shimousa / shimosa
(hist) Shimōsa (former province located in parts of present-day Chiba, Ibaraki, Saitama and Tokyo prefectures); (place-name, surname) Shimofusa


see styles
(food term) clearing up leftover food and dishes



see styles
xià là
    xia4 la4
hsia la
Inferior candles. The 上蠟 and 下蠟 superior and inferior candles are senior and junior monks; those of longer and shorter service; but see 上臈.



see styles
xià zhòng
    xia4 zhong4
hsia chung
(adj-na,n,adj-no) (1) low-life; sleazebag; boor; (2) person of humble rank; humble person; peasant; menial; churl; petty official
The seven lower orders of disciples, who with the monks and nuns in full orders make the 九衆.



see styles
xià zhuāng
    xia4 zhuang1
hsia chuang
to take off costume and makeup; bottom garment (trousers etc)



see styles
xià bèi
    xia4 bei4
hsia pei
 kahai; gehai
    かはい; げはい
offspring; future generations; younger generation of a family; junior members of a group
inferior; low-class person
inferior group


see styles
(1) lower part; substructure; (2) subordinate (office); good and faithful servant; (place-name, surname) Shimobe



see styles
xià fàn
    xia4 fan4
hsia fan
to eat one's rice with an accompanying dish (to make the rice more palatable); (of a dish) to go well with rice
(surname) Shimomeshi



see styles
xià tǐ
    xia4 ti3
hsia t`i
    hsia ti
lower body; euphemism for genitals; root and stem of plants
See: 下体


see styles
bù èr
    bu4 er4
pu erh
the only (choice, way etc); undivided (loyalty)
{Buddh} advaitam (non-duality); (surname, female given name) Fuji
advaya. No second, non-duality, the one and undivided, the unity of all things, the one reality、 the universal Buddha-nature. There are numerous combinations, e. g. 善惡不二 good and evil are not a dualism: nor are 有 and 空 the material and immaterial, nor are 迷 and 悟 delusion and awareness— all these are of the one Buddha-nature.


see styles
bù kě
    bu4 ke3
pu k`o
    pu ko
cannot; should not; must not
(adj-no,adj-na,n,n-suf) (1) wrong; bad; improper; unjustifiable; inadvisable; (adj-no,adj-na,n,n-suf) (2) not allowed; not possible; (3) failing grade; (place-name) Yobazu
May not, can not: unpermissible, for-bidden; unable. Buke, the name of a monk of the 靈妙寺 Ling Miao monastery in the Tang dynasty, a disciple of Subha-karāṣimha, and one of the founders of 眞言 Shingon.


see styles
bù hé
    bu4 he2
pu ho
not to get along well; to be on bad terms; to be at odds; discord
(adj-na,adj-no,n) friction; discord; trouble; dissension; disagreement


see styles
bù shàn
    bu4 shan4
pu shan
bad; ill; not good at; not to be pooh-poohed; quite impressive
evil; sin; vice; mischief
Not good; contrary to the right and harmful to present and future life, e. g. 五逆十惡.


see styles
bù fáng
    bu4 fang2
pu fang
there is no harm in; might as well


see styles
bù bài
    bu4 bai4
pu pai
Lay Buddhists may not pay homage to the gods or demons of other religions; monks and nuns may not pay homage to kings or parents.



see styles
bù shí
    bu4 shi2
pu shih
from time to time; now and then; occasionally; frequently
(noun - becomes adjective with の) emergency; unexpectedness


see styles
bù shuǎng
    bu4 shuang3
pu shuang
not well; out of sorts; in a bad mood; without discrepancy; accurate


see styles
bù mù
    bu4 mu4
pu mu
to not get along well; to be at odds


see styles
bù kōng
    bu4 kong1
pu k`ung
    pu kung
 fukuu / fuku
(given name, person) Fukuu
Amogha, Amoghavajra. 不空三藏; 智藏; 阿目佉跋折羅 Not empty (or not in vain) vajra. The famous head of the Yogācāra school in China. A Singhalese of northern brahmanic descent, having lost his father, he came at the age of 15 with his uncle to 東海, the eastern sea, or China, where in 718 he became a disciple of 金剛智 Vajrabodhi. After the latter's death in 732, and at his wish, Eliot says in 741, he went to India and Ceylon in search of esoteric or tantric writings, and returned in 746, when he baptized the emperor Xuan Tsung. He was especially noted for rain-making and stilling storms. In 749 he received permission to return home, but was stopped by imperial orders when in the south of China. In ?756 under Su Tsung he was recalled to the capital. His time until 771 was spent translating and editing tantric books in 120 volumes, and the Yogacara 密教 rose to its peak of prosperity. He died greatly honoured at 70 years of age, in 774, the twelfth year of Tai Tsung, the third emperor under whom he had served. The festival of feeding the hungry spirits 孟蘭勝會 is attributed to him. His titles of 智藏 and 不空三藏 are Thesaurus of Wisdom and Amogha Tripitaka.



see styles
bù jué
    bu4 jue2
pu chüeh
Unenlightened, uncomprehending, without 'spiritual' insight, the condition of people in general, who mistake the phenomenal for the real, and by ignorance beget karma, reaping its results in the mortal round of transmigration; i. e. people generally.



see styles
bù wù
    bu4 wu4
pu wu
used in expressions of the form 照V不誤|照V不误[zhao4 xx5 bu4 wu4], in which V is a verb, 照[zhao4] means "as before", and the overall meaning is "carry on (doing something) regardless" or "continue (to do something) in spite of changed circumstances", e.g. 照買不誤|照买不误[zhao4 mai3 bu4 wu4], to keep on buying (a product) regardless (of price hikes)


see styles
bù dào
    bu4 dao4
pu tao
 fudou; budou; butou / fudo; budo; buto
    ふどう; ぶどう; ぶとう
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) (archaism) (See 無道) inhuman; immoral; unreasonable; outrageous; wicked; (2) (archaism) (See 八虐) barbarity (one of the eight unpardonable crimes, incl. killing three people in one family, or dismembering a corpse)


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) giving and taking; plundering


see styles
(adv,conj) (kana only) yet; moreover; and


see styles
qiě dào
    qie3 dao4
ch`ieh tao
    chieh tao
well, let's just say it.


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) (obsolete) (as 丕顕なる) great and brilliant; splendid


see styles
shì jiāo
    shi4 jiao1
shih chiao
(long time) friend of the family


see styles
shì jiā
    shi4 jia1
shih chia
family influential for generations; aristocratic family
generational houses


see styles
household; home; family; housekeeping

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Safety and Well-Being of the Family" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary