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There are 3539 total results for your Self-Love Love Yourself Love Oneself search. I have created 36 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

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Simple Dictionary Definition


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sān bù xiǔ
    san1 bu4 xiu3
san pu hsiu
the three imperishables, three ways to distinguish oneself that aren't forgotten by history: through one's virtue 立德[li4 de2], one's service 立功[li4 gong1] and one's writings 立言[li4 yan2] (from the Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传[Zuo3 Zhuan4])


see styles
sān míng zhì
    san1 ming2 zhi4
san ming chih
trividyā. The three clear conceptions that (1) all is impermanent 無常 anitya; (2) all is sorrowful 苦 duḥkha; (3) all is devoid of a self 無我 anātman.


see styles
sān fǎ yìn
    san1 fa3 yin4
san fa yin
 sanbouin / sanboin
Dharma seals; three marks of existence (suffering, impermanence, non-Self)
idem 三印.


see styles
(conjunction) (1) humble conjunction used when referring to oneself in a letter to one's superior; (2) after a time; later



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xià tái jiē
    xia4 tai2 jie1
hsia t`ai chieh
    hsia tai chieh
to extricate oneself; way out


see styles
bù xiū xí
    bu4 xiu1 xi2
pu hsiu hsi
to apply oneself unstintingly


see styles
bù dǎo wēng
    bu4 dao3 weng1
pu tao weng
 futouou / futoo
roly-poly toy
(See 起き上がり小法師・おきあがりこぼし) tumbler; self-righting doll



see styles
bù jìng guān
    bu4 jing4 guan1
pu ching kuan
 fujō kan
The meditation on the uncleanness of the human body of self and others, e. g. the nine stages of disintegration of the dead body 九想 q.v.; it is a meditation to destroy 貪 desire; other details are: parental seed, womb, the nine excretory passages, the body's component parts, worm-devoured corpse — all unclean.


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bù zì liàng
    bu4 zi4 liang4
pu tzu liang
not take a proper measure of oneself; to overrate one's own abilities


see styles
zhōng èr bìng
    zhong1 er4 bing4
chung erh ping
 chuunibyou / chunibyo
(neologism) strange behavior characteristic of a teenager going through puberty (loanword from Japanese "chūnibyō")
(slang) (joc) behaving in a way characteristic of teenagers going through puberty, esp. by being overly self-conscious; 2nd year of junior high sickness


see styles
 shutaisei / shutaise
independence of will or action; self-direction; autonomy; initiative; identity


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jiǔ fāng biàn
    jiu3 fang1 bian4
chiu fang pien
 ku hōben
The nine suitable stages in religious service; cf. 大日經, 7; 作禮 salutation to the universal Triratna; 出罪 repentance and confession; 歸依 trust (in the Triratna); 施身 giving of self (to the Tathāgata); 發菩提心 vowing to devote the mind to bodhi; 隨喜 rejoicing (in all good); 勸請 beseeching (all Tathāgatas to rain down the saving law); 奉請法身 praying for the Buddha-nature in self and others for entry in the Pure Land; 迴向 demitting the good produced by the above eight methods, to others, universally, past, present, and future. This form of service is generally performed before engaging in esoteric observances. The verses in which these nine stages are presented are of a commendably devotional character.



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liǎo bié wǒ
    liao3 bie2 wo3
liao pieh wo
 ryōbetsu ga
cognizing a self



see styles
èr wǒ zhí
    er4 wo3 zhi2
erh wo chih
 ni gashū
The two reasons for clinging to the idea of the self: (a) 具生我執 the natural, or instinctive cleaving to the idea of a self, or soul; (b) 分別我執 the same idea developed as the result of (erroneous) reasoning. Cf. 二法執.



see styles
èr wǒ jiàn
    er4 wo3 jian4
erh wo chien
 ni gaken
two views of self



see styles
èr wú wǒ
    er4 wu2 wo3
erh wu wo
 ni muga
The two categories of anātman: — 人無我 no (permanent) human ego, or soul; 法無我 no (permanent) individuality in or independence of self or of things.


see styles
èr zì xìng
    er4 zi4 xing4
erh tzu hsing
 ni jishō
dual self-nature


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(1) five-family unit; five-man group; quintet; (2) (archaism) five-household neighborhood unit (for mutual aid, self-protection, etc.; Edo period); (place-name) Goningumi


see styles
wǔ shén tōng
    wu3 shen2 tong1
wu shen t`ung
    wu shen tung
 go jinzū
(or 五神變) pañcabhijñā; also 五通 (力) the five supernatural powers. (1 ) 天眼通 (天眼智證通) divyacakṣus ; deva-vision, instantaneous view of anything anywhere in the form-realm. (2) 天耳通 (天耳智證通) divyaśrotra, ability to hear any sound anywhere. (3) 他心通 (他心智證通) paracitta-jñāna, ability to know the thoughts of all other minds. (4) 宿命通 (宿命智證通) pūrvanivāsānusmṛti-jñāna, knowledge of all formed existences of self and others. (5) 神通 (神通智證通) 通; 神足通; 神如意通 ṛddhi-sākṣātkriyā, power to be anywhere or do anything at will. See 智度論 5. Powers similar to these are also attainable by meditation, incantations, and drugs, hence heterodox teachers also may possess them.



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rén wǒ zhí
    ren2 wo3 zhi2
jen wo chih
inherently existent self



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rén wǒ jiàn
    ren2 wo3 jian4
jen wo chien
 ninga ken
view of attachment to an inherently existent self



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rén kōng guān
    ren2 kong1 guan1
jen k`ung kuan
    jen kung kuan
 ningū kan
The meditation on, or insight into the selflessness of person 人空.


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(transitive verb) (1) to partition; to divide; to mark off; (transitive verb) (2) to direct; to manage; to run; to organize; to take responsibility for; (transitive verb) (3) to settle accounts; (v5r,vi) (4) {sumo} to assume a crouching posture (at the start of a bout); to poise oneself for the initial charge


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(vs-s,vi,vt) (1) to crouch; to stoop; to bend down; to prostrate oneself; to lie down; (vs-s,vi,vt) (2) to yield; to submit; to surrender; (vs-s,vi,vt) (3) to hide; to conceal oneself



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shēn lǎn yāo
    shen1 lan3 yao1
shen lan yao
to stretch oneself (on waking or when tired etc)



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zhù hǎi biān
    zhu4 hai3 bian1
chu hai pien
(fig.) (slang) to stick one's nose in other people's affairs (i.e. the scope of other people's business that one concerns oneself with is as wide as an ocean vista)


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(noun/participle) (1) ramming attack; hurling oneself (at); (2) throwing oneself into (e.g. a role); going all out


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zuò xià liè
    zuo4 xia4 lie4
tso hsia lieh
 sa geretsu



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zuò yuàn mén
    zuo4 yuan4 men2
tso yüan men
 sagan mon
To make a vow to benefit self and others, and to fulfil the vow so as to be born in the Pure Land of Amitābha. The third of the five doors or ways of entering the Pure Land.



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zuò gāo shèng
    zuo4 gao1 sheng4
tso kao sheng
 sa kōshō


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(slang) having lunch in a toilet cubicle by oneself


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art of self-protection


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(v5r,vi) to reform (oneself); to conduct oneself well



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gè tǐ hù
    ge4 ti3 hu4
ko t`i hu
    ko ti hu
self-employed; a private firm (PRC usage)



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jiǎ shuō wǒ
    jia3 shuo1 wo3
chia shuo wo
 kesetsu ga
provisionally explained self


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(v5r,vi) to be conceited; to think highly of oneself


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 erasou; erasoo(sk); erasoo(sk) / eraso; erasoo(sk); erasoo(sk)
    えらそう; エラソー(sk); えらそー(sk)
(adjectival noun) self-important; important-looking; pompous; proud; conceited; snobbish


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(v5r,vi) to put on airs; to swagger; to act self-importantly


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(v5r,vi) to act first; to act precipitously; to be rash; to get ahead of oneself; to jump the gun


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spirit of self-denial


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(org) All-Japan Federation of Student Self-Government Associations (abbreviation); Zengakuren; (o) All-Japan Federation of Student Self-Government Associations (abbreviation); Zengakuren


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quán shēn xīn
    quan2 shen1 xin1
ch`üan shen hsin
    chüan shen hsin
wholeheartedly; (to devote oneself) heart and soul



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bā biàn huà
    ba1 bian4 hua4
pa pien hua
 hachi henge
Eight supernatural powers of transformation, characteristics of every Buddha: (1) to shrink self or others, or the world and all things to an atom; (2) to enlarge ditto to fill all space; (3) to make the same light as a feather; (4) to make the same any size or anywhere at will; (5) everywhere and in everything to be omnipotent; (6) to be anywhere at will, either by self-transportation, or bringing the destination to himself, etc; (7) to shake all things (in the six, or eighteen ways); (8) to be one or many and at will pass through the solid or through space, or through fire or water, or transform the four elements at will, e.g. turn earth into water. Also 八神變; 八自在.


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gōng zhǔ bìng
    gong1 zhu3 bing4
kung chu ping
(neologism c. 1997) (coll.) self-entitlement


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 rokushakubou / rokushakubo
(1) (See 尺・1) 6-shaku-long wooden pole (traditionally used for self-defence, capturing lawbreakers, etc.); (2) (See 天秤棒) carrying pole; shoulder pole



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liù shì shēn
    liu4 shi4 shen1
liu shih shen
 rokushiki shin
the [self-] body, comprised of the six consciousnesses


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(pronoun) (1) (archaism) that; (pronoun) (2) (archaism) you; (pronoun) (3) (archaism) oneself; themself


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(pre-noun adjective) (See 外なる・そとなる) inner (self, voice, man, etc.); internal (conflict, tension, competition, etc.); interior


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(adjectival noun) (See 自責的) intropunitive; tending to blame oneself (rather than others)


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(transitive verb) (1) to concentrate; to focus on; to devote; to apply oneself; (transitive verb) (2) to stiffen; to become tense


see styles
chū yáng xiàng
    chu1 yang2 xiang4
ch`u yang hsiang
    chu yang hsiang
to make a fool of oneself



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chū fēng tou
    chu1 feng1 tou5
ch`u feng t`ou
    chu feng tou
to push oneself forward; to seek fame; to be in the limelight



see styles
chū fēng tou
    chu1 feng1 tou5
ch`u feng t`ou
    chu feng tou
to push oneself forward; to seek fame; to be in the limelight; same as 出鋒頭|出锋头[chu1 feng1 tou5]



see styles
fēn bié wǒ
    fen1 bie2 wo3
fen pieh wo
 funbetsu ga
imputed self


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fēn zhēn jí
    fen1 zhen1 ji2
fen chen chi
 funshin soku
idem 分證卽.



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bié miáo tou
    bie2 miao2 tou5
pieh miao t`ou
    pieh miao tou
(dialect) to compete with; to pit oneself against


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(adjectival noun) selfish; egoistic; self-serving; self-interested


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lì zì tā
    li4 zi4 ta1
li tzu t`a
    li tzu ta
 ri jita
the improvement of self and others


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(transitive verb) (1) to garnish; to accompany (as a card does a gift); (2) to add to as support; to prop up; (3) to accompany (as an aid, guide, translator, etc.); (4) (archaism) to mimic; to imitate; (5) (archaism) to draw something near to oneself; to approach nearby


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(1) queue jumping; breaking into a line; muscling in on; wedging oneself in; interruption; sharing a theater box (theatre); (2) (computer terminology) interrupt


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(transitive verb) to cut in; to thrust oneself into; to wedge oneself in; to muscle in on; to interrupt; to disturb


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(transitive verb) to endeavor (endeavour); to try; to strive; to make an effort; to exert oneself; to be diligent; to be committed (to doing something)


see styles
(transitive verb) to endeavor (endeavour); to try; to strive; to make an effort; to exert oneself; to be diligent; to be committed (to doing something)


see styles
(transitive verb) to endeavor (endeavour); to try; to strive; to make an effort; to exert oneself; to be diligent; to be committed (to doing something)



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shì lì yǎn
    shi4 li4 yan3
shih li yen
to be self-interested


see styles
(v5m,vi) (kana only) to work hard at; to devote oneself to; to be diligent in



see styles
qín xiū xué
    qin2 xiu1 xue2
ch`in hsiu hsüeh
    chin hsiu hsüeh
 gon shugaku
to apply oneself in practice [toward enlightenment]


see styles
(v5r,vi) (kana only) to be wrapped up (e.g. in a blanket); to cover oneself


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(v1,vi) (1) to take the form of (esp. in ref. to a spirit, fox, raccoon dog, etc.); to assume the shape of; to turn oneself into; to transform oneself into; (v1,vi) (2) to disguise oneself as; (v1,vi) (3) to change radically; to metamorphose; (v1,vi) (4) to improve unexpectedly and dramatically (esp. of an actor, artist, rikishi, etc.)


see styles
(v1,vi) to hide; to be hidden; to conceal oneself; to disappear


see styles
shí zhēn rú
    shi2 zhen1 ru2
shih chen ju
 jū shinnyo
The ten aspects of the bhūtatathatā or reality attained by a bodhisattva during his fifty-two stages of development, cf. 十地 and 十障, each of which is associated with one of these zhenru: (1) 遍行眞如 the universality of the zhenru; (2) 最勝眞如 its superiority over all else; (3) 流眞如 its ubiquity; (4) 無攝受眞如 its independence or self-containedness; (5) 無別眞如 subjective indifferentiation; (6) 無染淨眞如 above differences of impurity and purity; (7) 法無別眞如 objective indifferentiation; (8) 不增減眞如 invariable, i.e. can be neither added to nor taken from; (9) 智自在所依 the basis of all wisdom; (10) 業自在等所依眞如 and all power. The above are the 別教 group from the 唯識論 10. Another group, of the 圓教, is the same as the 十如是 q.v.



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nán ní wān
    nan2 ni2 wan1
nan ni wan
Nanniwan, township 45 km south of Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi; "Nanniwan", a song written in 1943 to celebrate the achievements of communist revolutionaries in Nanniwan, where the 359th brigade of the Eighth Route Army reclaimed barren land as part of a campaign to become self-sufficient in food during a blockade by enemy forces


see styles
 chuunibyou / chunibyo
(slang) (joc) behaving in a way characteristic of teenagers going through puberty, esp. by being overly self-conscious; 2nd year of junior high sickness


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to put in disorder; to mess up; to disturb; to scatter about; (v5s,vi) (2) to be upset; to lose one's composure; to lose self-control; to go to pieces; to be shaken up; to break down; to be flustered; to blow one's cool


see styles
(irregular kanji usage) (transitive verb) to hum; to sing to oneself; to compose impromptu (poems)


see styles
(transitive verb) to hum; to sing to oneself; to compose impromptu (poems)


see styles
(transitive verb) to hum; to sing to oneself; to compose impromptu (poems)


see styles
(v5k,vi) to kowtow (to bow from a kneeling position such that the forehead touches the ground); to prostrate oneself; to give a deep, reverent bow


see styles
(noun/participle) (1) giving one's name (or rank, etc.); self-introduction; (2) name readings of kanji


see styles
(v5r,vi,vt) (1) to give one's name (as); to introduce oneself (as); (2) to claim to be; to call oneself; to wear the title of; (3) to reveal oneself (as); to admit to being; (transitive verb) (4) to adopt as one's name; to take (a name); (v5r,vi) (5) (archaism) to call out the goods one is selling


see styles
(noun/participle) (1) giving one's name (or rank, etc.); self-introduction; (2) name readings of kanji


see styles
(v5r,vi,vt) (1) to give one's name (as); to introduce oneself (as); (2) to claim to be; to call oneself; to wear the title of; (3) to reveal oneself (as); to admit to being; (transitive verb) (4) to adopt as one's name; to take (a name); (v5r,vi) (5) (archaism) to call out the goods one is selling


see styles
(noun/participle) (1) giving one's name (or rank, etc.); self-introduction; (2) name readings of kanji


see styles
(v5r,vi,vt) (1) to give one's name (as); to introduce oneself (as); (2) to claim to be; to call oneself; to wear the title of; (3) to reveal oneself (as); to admit to being; (transitive verb) (4) to adopt as one's name; to take (a name); (v5r,vi) (5) (archaism) to call out the goods one is selling


see styles
 koujoushin / kojoshin
ambition; aspiration; desire to improve oneself


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(pronoun) (1) (archaism) you; (pronoun) (2) (archaism) (original meaning) (See 我が身・1) myself; oneself


see styles
(noun/participle) (1) call; summons; paging; curtain call; (2) (sumo) usher who calls the names of wrestlers, sweeps the ring, etc.; (3) (abbreviation) telephone number at which a person without a telephone can be reached; (4) (archaism) box-shaped area containing clean water for rinsing oneself (in an Edo-period bathhouse); (5) (archaism) high-ranking prostitute in the Yoshiwara district (Edo period); (6) (archaism) unlicensed prostitute in the Fukagawa red-light district (Edo period)



see styles
shāng pǐn liáng
    shang1 pin3 liang2
shang p`in liang
    shang pin liang
commodity grain (grain produced as a commodity rather than for self-sufficiency)


see styles
(v5r,vi) (kana only) to satisfy oneself; to feel satisfied; to be proud



see styles
dān shēn wāng
    dan1 shen1 wang1
tan shen wang
(Internet slang) person who is neither married nor in a relationship (used self-deprecatingly)



see styles
dān shēn gǒu
    dan1 shen1 gou3
tan shen kou
(Internet slang) person who is neither married nor in a relationship (used self-deprecatingly)


see styles
(transitive verb) (kana only) to talk oneself hoarse; to shout oneself hoarse


see styles
(irregular kanji usage) (v5k,vi) (1) (kana only) to boast; to brag; (2) (kana only) to recite (a song or poem to oneself); (3) (kana only) to bark; to roar; to howl



see styles
huí xīn jiè
    hui2 xin1 jie4
hui hsin chieh
 eshin kai
Commandments bestowed on the converted, or repentant.



see styles
sì fán nǎo
    si4 fan2 nao3
ssu fan nao
 shi bonnō
The four delusions in reference to the ego: 我痴 ignorance in regard to the ego; 我見 holding to the ego idea; 我慢 self-esteem, egotism, pride; 我愛 self-seeking, or desire, both the latter arising from belief in the ego. Also 四惑.



see styles
sì zhǒng wǒ
    si4 zhong3 wo3
ssu chung wo
 shishu no ga
four kinds of self


see styles
sì zì qīn
    si4 zi4 qin1
ssu tzu ch`in
    ssu tzu chin
 shi jishin
The four self-raidings, or self-injuries — in youth not to study from morn till night; in advancing years not to cease sexual intercourse; wealthy and not being charitable; not accepting the Buddha's teaching.


see styles
huí mò yìn
    hui2 mo4 yin4
hui mo yin
self-inking stamp


see styles
(n,vs,vi) kneeling down on the ground; prostrate oneself


see styles
tǔ bāo zi
    tu3 bao1 zi5
t`u pao tzu
    tu pao tzu
country bumpkin; boor; unsophisticated country person (humble, applied to oneself); burial mound

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Self-Love Love Yourself Love Oneself" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

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