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 myou / myo

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Clever / Superb / Wonderful
clever; wonderful
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) strange; weird; odd; curious; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) wonder; mystery; miracle; excellence; (noun or adjectival noun) (3) cleverness; adroitness; knack; skill; (surname) Myō
su, sat, mañju, sūkṣma. Wonderful, beautiful, mystic, supernatural, profound, subtle, mysterious. su means good, excellent, surpassing, beautiful, fine, easy. sat means existing, real, good. mañju means beautiful, lovely, charming. Intp. in Chinese as 不可思議 beyond thought or discussion; 絕待 special, outstanding; 無比 incomparable; 精微深遠 subtle and profound.

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real; true; honest; really; solid; fruit; seed; definitely
(s,m) Minoru
Real, true, honest, sincere; solid; fixed; full; to fill; fruit, kernel, effects; verily, in fact; it is used for 眞, as in 一實 the supreme fact, or ultimate reality; also for bhūta.

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(bound form) root; stem; (bound form) origin; source; (bound form) one's own; this; (bound form) this; the current (year etc); (bound form) original; (bound form) inherent; originally; initially; capital; principal; classifier for books, periodicals, files etc
(1) book; volume; script; (prefix) (2) this; present; current; ... in question; ... at issue; (prefix) (3) main; head; principal; (prefix) (4) real; genuine; regular; proper; (counter) (5) counter for long, cylindrical things; counter for films, TV shows, etc.; counter for goals, home runs, etc.; counter for telephone calls; (surname) Yanakamoto
Radical, fundamental, original, principal, one's own; the Buddha himself, contrasted with 蹟 chi, traces left by him among men to educate them; also a volume of a book.

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 hou / ho

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Dharma / The Law
law; method; way; to emulate; (Buddhism) dharma; (abbr. for 法家[Fa3 jia1]) the Legalists; (physics) farad (abbr. for 法拉[fa3 la1])
(n,n-suf) (1) law; act; principle; (n,n-suf) (2) method; (n,n-suf) (3) {gramm} mood; (n,n-suf) (4) {Buddh} dharma; law; (female given name) Minori
Dharma, 達磨; 曇無 (or 曇摩); 達摩 (or 達謨) Law, truth, religion, thing, anything Buddhist. Dharma is 'that which is held fast or kept, ordinance, statute, law, usage, practice, custom'; 'duty'; 'right'; 'proper'; 'morality'; 'character'. M. W. It is used in the sense of 一切 all things, or anything small or great, visible or invisible, real or unreal, affairs, truth, principle, method, concrete things, abstract ideas, etc. Dharma is described as that which has entity and bears its own attributes. It connotes Buddhism as the perfect religion; it also has the second place in the triratna 佛法僧, and in the sense of 法身 dharmakāya it approaches the Western idea of 'spiritual'. It is also one of the six media of sensation, i. e. the thing or object in relation to mind, v. 六塵.

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True / Real / Genuine
really; truly; indeed; real; true; genuine
(prefix) (1) (See 真上・まうえ) just; right; due (east); (prefix) (2) (See 真っ白・まっしろ・1) pure; genuine; true; (3) (See 真に受ける) truth; (surname) Mayanagi

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 futa(p); futa
    ふた(P); フタ

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lid; top; cover; canopy; to cover; to conceal; to build
cover; lid; cap; (surname) Kinugasa
A cover, anything that screens, hides, or hinders; to build; then, for. The passions which delude the real mind so that it does not develop. A hat, or umbrella, or any cover. The canopy over a Buddha.

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to feel; to find that; thinking; awake; aware
(personal name) Satoru
bodhi, from bodha, 'knowing, understanding', means enlightenment, illumination; 覺 is to awake, apprehend, perceive, realize; awake, aware; (also, to sleep). It is illumination, enlightenment, or awakening in regard to the real in contrast to the seeming; also, enlightenment in regard to moral evil. Cf. 菩提 and 佛.

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(bound form) sincere; authentic; (literary) really; truly
(adv,n) (1) truth; reality; (2) sincerity; honesty; integrity; fidelity; (3) (archaism) that's right (used when recalling forgotten information, suddenly changing the subject, etc.); (personal name) Masakatsu
Truthful, true, truth; real; sincere, sincerity.; See under Fourteen Strokes.



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sān dì
    san1 di4
san ti
 santai; sandai
    さんたい; さんだい

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The Three Truths
{Buddh} threefold truth (all things are void; all things are temporary; all things are in the middle state between these two) (in Tendai)
The three dogmas. The "middle" school of Tiantai says 卽空, 卽假. 卽中 i.e. 就是空, 假, 中; (a) by 空śūnya is meant that things causally produced are intheir essential nature unreal (or immaterial) 實空無; (b) 假, though thingsare unreal in their essential nature their derived forms are real; (c) 中;but both are one, being of the one 如 reality. These three dogmas arefounded on a verse of Nāgārjuna's— 因緣所生法, 我說卽是空 亦爲是假名, 亦是中道義 "All causally produced phenomena, I say, areunreal, Are but a passing name, and indicate the 'mean'." There are otherexplanations— the 圓教 interprets the 空 and 假 as 中; the 別教 makes 中 independent. 空 is the all, i.e. the totality of all things, and is spokenof as the 眞 or 實 true, or real; 假 is the differentiation of all thingsand is spoken of as 俗 common, i.e. things as commonly named; 中 is theconnecting idea which makes a unity of both, e.g. "all are but parts of onestupendous whole." The 中 makes all and the all into one whole, unifying thewhole and its parts. 空 may be taken as the immaterial, the undifferentiatedall, the sum of existences, by some as the tathāgatagarbha 如來藏; 假as theunreal, or impermanent, the material or transient form, the temporal thatcan be named, the relative or discrete; 中 as the unifier, which places eachin the other and all in all. The "shallower" 山外 school associated 空 and 中 with the noumenal universe as opposed to the phenomenal and illusoryexistence represented by 假. The "profounder" 山内 school teaches that allthree are aspects of the same.


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fó xīn
    fo2 xin1
fo hsin

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Buddha Heart / Mind of Buddha
Buddha-like heart (full of compassion); spirit of Buddha (awakened to reality and no longer clinging to appearances)
The mind of Buddha, the spiritually enlightened heart. A heart of mercy; a heart abiding in the real, not the seeming; detached from good and evil and other such contrasts.


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běn xīn
    ben3 xin1
pen hsin

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The Original Mind
(1) true feelings; real intention; one's heart; (2) one's right mind; one's senses; one's conscience
The original heart, or mind; one's own heart.



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wú xīn
    wu2 xin1
wu hsin

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No Mind / Mushin
unintentionally; not in the mood to
(adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) innocence; (adj-na,n,adj-no) (2) insentient (i.e. plants, inanimate objects, etc.); (adj-na,n,adj-no) (3) {Buddh} (See 有心) free from obstructive thoughts; (vs,vt) (4) to pester someone (for cash, etc.)
Mindless, without thought, will, or purpose; the real immaterial mind free from illusion; unconsciousness, or effortless action.


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Intense / Serious
(adjectival noun) (1) serious; earnest; (2) real sword (as opposed to a wooden practice weapon); (surname) Honki



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zhēn shí
    zhen1 shi2
chen shih
true; real


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zhēn xiàng
    zhen1 xiang4
chen hsiang
 shinsou / shinso

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the truth about something; the actual facts
truth; real situation; (personal name) Shinsou



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zhēn dì
    zhen1 di4
chen ti
 shintai; shintei / shintai; shinte
    しんたい; しんてい

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True Essence
the real meaning; the true essence
(1) {Buddh} (esp. しんたい) (See 俗諦) ultimate truth; (2) (esp. しんてい) essence; (person) Paramartha (499-569 CE)



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shèng dì
    sheng4 di4
sheng ti
 seichi / sechi

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Holy Land
holy land (of a religion); sacred place; shrine; holy city (such as Jerusalem, Mecca etc); center of historic interest
(1) sacred place; holy ground; the Holy Land; (2) (slang) real-life location used as a setting in a novel, film, anime, etc.; (place-name) Seichi
stage of enlightenment


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pú tí xīn
    pu2 ti2 xin1
p`u t`i hsin
    pu ti hsin

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The Bodhi Mind
aspiration for Buddhahood
The mind for or of bodhi; the awakened, or enlightened mind; the mind that perceives the real behind the seeming, believes in moral consequences, and that all have the Buddha-nature, and aims at Buddhahood.


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 shinkenshoubu / shinkenshobu

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Shinken Shobu
(1) (yoji) fighting with real swords; (2) (yoji) game played in real earnest


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běn míng
    ben3 ming2
pen ming
 honmyou(p); honmei / honmyo(p); honme
    ほんみょう(P); ほんめい
original name; real name; (of foreigners) first name; given name
real name; (surname) Motona


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běn yì
    ben3 yi4
pen i
 honi; hoi
    ほんい; ほい
original idea; real intention; etymon
(1) real intention; true motive; true will; (2) original intention; original purpose; original hope
original intention (of the Buddha)



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zhēn gè
    zhen1 ge4
chen ko
(dialect) really; truly; indeed
(adj-na,n-adv,n-t) real; true


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zhēn yì
    zhen1 yi4
chen i
real intention; true meaning; correct interpretation
real intention; true motive; true meaning; (female given name) Mai


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sān cì yuán
    san1 ci4 yuan2
san tz`u yüan
    san tzu yüan
three-dimensional; the real world (cf. 二次元[er4 ci4 yuan2])
(1) three dimensions; three dimensional; 3D; 3-D; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (slang) (joc) real world; IRL (in real life)

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character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English); variant of 〇[ling2]

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(expression) (abbreviation) (slang) (See マジ・1) for real; (personal name) Ma

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(abbreviation) (bra:) (See レアル) real (Brazilian currency); (personal name) Le

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To borrow, pretend, assume, suppose; unreal, false, fallacious. In Buddhism it means empirical; nothing is real and permanent, all is temporal and merely phenomenal, fallacious, and unreal; hence the term is used in the sense of empirical, phenomenal, temporal, relative, unreal, seeming, fallacious, etc. The three fundamental propositions or 三諦 are 空假中 the void, or noumenon; the empirical, or phenomenal; and the mean.

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as; as if; such as
{Buddh} (See 真如) tathata (the ultimate nature of all things); (female given name) Yuki
tathā 多陀; 但他 (or 怛他), so, thus, in such manner, like, as. It is used in the sense of the absolute, the 空 śūnya, which is 諸佛之實相 the reality of all Buddhas; hence 如 ru is 賃相 the undifferentiated whole of things, the ultimate reality; it is 諸法之性 the nature of all things, hence it connotes 法性 faxing which is 眞實之際極 the ultimate of reality, or the absolute, and therefore connotes 實際 ultimate reality. The ultimate nature of all things being 如 ru, the one undivided same, it also connotes 理 li, the principle or theory behind all things, and this 理 li universal law, being the 眞實 truth or ultimate reality; 如 ru is termed 眞如 bhūtatathatā, the real so, or suchness, or reality, the ultimate or the all, i. e. the 一如 yiru. In regard to 如 ju as 理 li the Prajñā-pāramitā puṇḍarīka makes it the 中 zhong, neither matter nor nothingness. It is also used in the ordinary sense of so, like, as (cf yathā).

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to sauté; to stir-fry; to speculate (in real estate etc); to scalp; to hype up; to sack; to fire (sb)

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imbecile; sentimental; stupid; foolish; silly
(1) foolishness; fool; (2) (Buddhist term) moha (ignorance, folly); (noun or adjectival noun) foolish thing; stupid thing; absurdity
moha, 'unconsciousness,' 'delusion,' 'perplexity,' 'ignorance, folly,' 'infatuation,' etc. M.W. Also, mūḍha. In Chinese it is silly, foolish, daft, stupid. It is intp. by 無明 unenlightened, i.e. misled by appearances, taking the seeming for real; from this unenlightened condition arises every kind of kleśa, i.e. affliction or defilement by the passions, etc. It is one of the three poisons, desire, dislike, delusion.

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variant of 真[zhen1]
(surname) Mayanagi
True, real; verisimilitude, e.g. a portrait.

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authenticated; solid; firm; real; true
(adj-t,adv-to) (See 確たる証拠) certain; definite; (male given name) Tsuyoshi

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(1) abdomen; belly; stomach; (2) womb; (3) one's mind; one's real intentions; one's true motive; (4) courage; nerve; willpower; (5) generosity; magnanimity; (6) feelings; emotions; (7) wide middle part; bulging part; (8) inside; interior; inner part; (9) (physics) anti-node; (suf,ctr) (10) counter for hard roe; (11) counter for containers with bulging middles (pots, vases, etc.)

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abdomen; stomach; belly
(1) abdomen; belly; stomach; (2) womb; (3) one's mind; one's real intentions; one's true motive; (4) courage; nerve; willpower; (5) generosity; magnanimity; (6) feelings; emotions; (7) wide middle part; bulging part; (8) inside; interior; inner part; (9) (physics) anti-node; (suf,ctr) (10) counter for hard roe; (11) counter for containers with bulging middles (pots, vases, etc.)
The belly.

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to appear; also written 現|现[xian4]
(n-suf,n) (1) looking; viewing; (expression) (2) (colloquialism) (kana only) (after the -te form of a verb; irreg. imperative conj. of 見る) (See 見る・5) (please) try (to); (female given name) Miru
darśana, 捺喇捨曩; also dṛṣṭi; seeing, discerning, judgment, views, opinions; it is thinking, reasoning, discriminating, selecting truth, including the whole process of deducing conclusions from premises. It is commonly used in the sense of wrong or heterodox views or theories, i. e. 邪見 or 有見, especially such as viewing the seeming as real and the ego as real. There are groups of two, four, five, seven, ten and sixty-two kinds of 見.

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Taoist monastery; palace gate watchtower; platform
vipaśyanā; vidarśanā. To look into, study, examine, contemplate; contemplation, insight; a study, a Taoist monastery; to consider illusion and discern illusion, or discern the seeming from the real; to contemplate and mentally enter into truth. 覺 is defined as awakening, or awareness, 觀 as examination or study. It is also an old tr. of the word Yoga; and cf. 禪 17. Guan is especially a doctrine of the Tiantai school as shown in the 止觀 q.v.

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to examine; truth (Buddhism)
{Buddh} satya; truth; (given name) Tai
To judge, examine into, investigate, used in Buddhism for satya, a truth, a dogma, an axiom; applied to the āryasatyāni, the four dogmas, or noble truths, of 苦, 集, 滅, and 道 suffering, (the cause of its) assembly, the ( possibility of its cure, or) extinction, and the way (to extinction), i.e. the eightfold noble path, v. 四諦 and 八聖道. There are other categories of 諦, e.g. (2) 眞 and 俗 Reality in contrast with ordinary ideas of things; (3) 空, 假 and 中 q.v. (6) by the 勝論宗; and(8) by the 法相宗.; Two forms of statement: (a) 俗諦 saṃvṛti-satya, also called 世諦, 世俗諦, 覆俗諦, 覆諦, meaning common or ordinary statement, as if phenomena were real; (b) 眞諦 paramartha-satya, also called 第一諦, 勝義諦, meaning the correct dogma or averment of the enlightened. Another definition is 王法 and 佛法, royal law and Buddha law.

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 imina; tadanomina
    いみな; ただのみな
to avoid mentioning; taboo word; name of deceased emperor or superior
(1) real name (of a deceased person or a noble); (2) (いみな only) (See 贈り名) posthumous name; (surname) Imina
posthumous (canonical) name


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c p
    c p
c p
 shii pii; shiipii(sk) / shi pi; shipi(sk)
    シー・ピー; シーピー(sk)
an imagined romantic relationship between two characters in fiction (or in real life) that one wishes for or fantasizes about (abbr. of "coupling")
(1) (See コマーシャルペーパー) commercial paper; CP; (2) (See 共産党) communist party; CP; (3) (See 脳性麻痺) cerebral palsy; cerebral paralysis; CP; (4) (See カウンターパーチェス) counterpurchase; (5) (See クリーナープロダクション) cleaner production; (6) (See コンプライアンスプログラム) compliance program; (7) {physics} charge parity; C parity; CP; (8) (See カップリング・2) shipping; pairing of characters in a romantic relationship (in fan fiction, manga, etc.)


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(expression) (abbreviation) (slang) (abbr. of それマジ?) (See マジ) are you serious?; is that for real?; (female given name) Soma


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 nekama; nekama
    ネかま; ネカマ
(slang) (kana only) (from ネット and お釜) male who pretends to be female online; Guy In Real Life; GIRL


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(1) difficult, dirty, and dangerous (work); (2) three bedrooms and a kitchen (in real estate); (3) three kilograms (or kilometers, etc.)


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sān jiǎ
    san1 jia3
san chia
prajñāpti. The word 假 q.v. in Buddhist terminology means that everything is merely phenomenal, and consists of derived elements; nothing therefore has real existeme, but all is empty and unreal, 虛妄不實. The three 假 are 法 things, 受 sensations, and 名 names.



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sān guǐ
    san1 gui3
san kuei
The three rules 三法 (三法妙) of the Tiantai Lotus School: (a) 眞性軌 The absolute and real, the 眞如 or bhūtatathatā; (b) 觀照軌meditation upon and understanding of it; (c) 資成軌 the extension of this understanding to all its workings. In the 三軌弘經 the three are traced to the 法師品 of the Lotus Sutra and are developed as: (a) 慈悲室 the abode of mercy, or to dwell in mercy; (b) 忍辱衣 the garment of endurance, or patience under opposition; (c) 法空座 the throne of immateriality (or spirituality), a state of nirvāṇa tranquility. Mercy to all is an extension of 資成軌 , patience of 觀照軌 and nirvāṇa tranquility of 眞性軌 .



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bù jué
    bu4 jue2
pu chüeh
Unenlightened, uncomprehending, without 'spiritual' insight, the condition of people in general, who mistake the phenomenal for the real, and by ignorance beget karma, reaping its results in the mortal round of transmigration; i. e. people generally.


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dān zhōng
    dan1 zhong1
tan chung
real sincerity


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èr jiǎ
    er4 jia3
erh chia
Two hypotheses in the 唯識論1:— (1) 無體隨情假the non-substantial hypothesis, that there is no substantial entity or individuality, i.e. no 見分 and 相分, no 實我 and 實法, no real subject and object but that all is transient subject and object, but that all is transient emotion; (2) 有體施設假 the factual hypothesis, that there is entity or individuality, subject and object, etc.


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èr zhì
    er4 zhi4
erh chih
The two kinds of wisdom; there are various pairs. The Huayan school uses 如理智 and 如量智; the Faxiang (法相) uses 根本智 and 後得智; the Tiantai uses 權智 and 實智. (1) (a) 如理智 or 根本智, 無分別智, 正體智, 眞智, 實智 is Buddha-wisdom, or Bodhisattva real wisdom; (b) 如量智 or 後得智, the same wisdom in its limitation and relation to ordinary human affairs. (2) (a) 實智 Absolute wisdom and (b) 權智 or 方便智 | relative or temporal wisdom. (3) (a) 一切智 wisdom of the all, (b) 一切種智 wisdom of all the particulars.



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èr jiàn
    er4 jian4
erh chien
(can be adjective with の) forked (road, river); (place-name, surname) Futami
Two (wrong) views: (1) Looking on people grudgingly with regard to almsgiving and preaching the Buddha-truth. (2) (a) 有見 Holding to the real existence of (material) things; (b) 無見 holding to their entire unreality. (3) (a) 斷見 Holding to the view of total annihilation; (b) 常見 to that of permanence or immortality.



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èr guān
    er4 guan1
erh kuan
The two universal bases of meditation: 事觀 the external forms, or the phenomenal, and 理觀 the real or underlying nature, i. e. practice and theory.


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èr zhàng
    er4 zhang4
erh chang
The two hindrances:(1) (a) 煩惱障 The passions and delusion which aid rebirth and hinder entrance into nirvana; (b) 智障 or所知障, worldly wisdom e.g. accounting the seeming as real, a hindrance to true wisdom. (2) (a) 煩惱障 as above; (b) 解脱障 hindrances to deliverance. (3) (a)理障 hindrances to truth; (b) 事障 hindrances of the passions, etc.



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wǔ jiàn
    wu3 jian4
wu chien
(surname) Gomi
The five wrong views: (1) 身見 satkāya-dṛṣṭi, i. e. 我見 and 我所見 the view that there is a real self, an ego, and a mine and thine: (2) 邊見 antar-grāha, extreme views. e. g. extinction or permanence; (3) 邪見 mithyā, perverse views, which, denying cause and effect, destroy the foundations of morality; (4) 見取見 dṛṣṭi-parāmarśa, stubborn perverted views, viewing inferior things as superior, or counting the worse as the better; (5) 戒禁取見 śīla-vrata-parāmarśa, rigid views in favour of rigorous ascetic prohibitions, e. g. covering oneself with ashes. Cf. 五利使.



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rén zhí
    ren2 zhi2
jen chih
The (false) tenet of a soul, or ego, or permanent individual, i.e. that the individual is real, the ego an independent unit and not a mere combination of the five skandhas produced by cause and in effect disintegrating; v. 我執.


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rén kōng
    ren2 kong1
jen k`ung
    jen kung
Man is only a temporary combination formed by the five skandhas and the twelve nidānas, being the product of previous causes, and without a real self or permanent soul. Hīnayāna is said to end these causes and consequent reincarnation by discipline in subjection of the passions and entry into nirvana by the emptying of the self. Mahāyāna fills the "void" with the Absolute, declaring that when man has emptied himself of the ego he realizes his nature to be that of the absolute, bhūtatathatā; v. 二空.



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jiǎ shí
    jia3 shi2
chia shih
 ke jitsu
False and true, unreal and real, empirical and real, etc.


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xiàng fǎ
    xiang4 fa3
hsiang fa
 zoubou / zobo
{Buddh} age of the copied law (one of the three ages of Buddhism); middle day of the law; age of semblance dharma
saddharma-pratirūpaka; the formal or image period of Buddhism; the three periods are 正像末, those of the real, the formal, and the final; or correct, semblance, and termination. The first period is of 500 years; the second of 1,000 years; the third 3,000 years, when Maitreya is to appear and restore all things. There are varied statements about periods and dates, e.g. there is a division of four periods, that while the Buddha was alive, the early stage after his death, then the formal and the final periods.



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bā dì
    ba1 di4
pa ti
The eight truths, postulates, or judgments of the 法相 Dharmalakṣana school, i.e. four common or mundane, and four of higher meaning. The first four are (1) common postulates on reality, considering the nominal as real, e.g. a pot; (2) common doctrinal postulates, e.g. the five skandhas; (3) abstract postulates, e.g. the four noble truths 四諦; and (4) temporal postulates in regard to the spiritual in the material. The second abstract or philosophical four are (5) postulates on constitution and function, e.g. of the skandhas; (6) on cause and effect, e.g. the 四諦; (7) on the void, the immaterial, or reality; and (8) on the pure inexpressible ultimate or absolute.



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bā shì
    ba1 shi4
pa shih
 hasshiki; hachishiki
    はっしき; はちしき
{Buddh} eight consciousnesses (one for each of the five senses, consciousness of the mind, self-consciousness and store consciousness)
The eight parijñāna, or kinds of cognition, perception, or consciousness. They are the five senses of cakṣur-vijñāna, śrotra-v., ghrāna-v., jihvā-v., and kāya-v., i.e. seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touch. The sixth is mano-vijñāna, the mental sense, or intellect, v. 末那. It is defined as 意 mentality, apprehension, or by some as will. The seventh is styled kliṣṭa-mano-vijñāna 末那識 discriminated from the last as 思量 pondering, calculating; it is the discriminating and constructive sense, more than the intellectually perceptive; as infected by the ālaya-vijñāna., or receiving "seeds" from it, it is considered as the cause of all egoism and individualizing, i.e. of men and things, therefore of all illusion arising from assuming the seeming as the real. The eighth is the ālaya-vijñāna, 阿頼耶識 which is the storehouse, or basis from which come all "seeds"of consciousness. The seventh is also defined as the ādāna 阿陀那識 or "laying hold of" or "holding on to" consciousness.


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(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) inner thoughts; real intention; inmost heart; one's mind; (n,adv) (2) at heart; deep down; on the inside; (3) {math} (See 外心・がいしん) inner center (centre)


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inside pocket; bosom; real intention


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 bunjou / bunjo
(noun, transitive verb) selling (real-estate) lots



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bié huò
    bie2 huo4
pieh huo
別見 Delusions arising from differentiation, mistaking the seeming for the real; these delusions according to the 別教 are gradually eradicated by the Bodhisattva during his first stage.


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lì shǐ
    li4 shi3
li shih
The sharp or clever envoy, i.e. the chief illusion of regarding the ego and its experiences and ideas as real, one of the five chief illusions.



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chuàng liàn
    chuang4 lian4
ch`uang lien
    chuang lien
to form and train (a military unit); to create and practice (a martial art); to train oneself (by real-life experience)


see styles
shí zōng
    shi2 zong1
shih tsung
The ten schools of Chinese Buddhism: I. The (1) 律宗 Vinaya-discipline, or 南山|; (2) 倶舍 Kośa, Abhidharma, or Reality (Sarvāstivādin) 有宗; (3) 成實宗 Satyasiddhi sect founded on this śāstra by Harivarman; (4) 三論宗 Mādhyamika or 性空宗; (5) 法華宗 Lotus, "Law-flower" or Tiantai 天台宗; (6) 華嚴Huayan or法性 or賢首宗; ( 7) 法相宗 Dharmalakṣana or 慈恩宗 founded on the唯識論 (8) 心宗 Ch'an or Zen, mind-only or intuitive, v. 禪宗 ; (9) 眞言宗 (Jap. Shingon) or esoteric 密宗 ; (10) 蓮宗 Amitābha-lotus or Pure Land (Jap. Jōdo) 淨士宗. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 9th are found in Japan rather than in China, where they have ceased to be of importance. II. The Hua-yen has also ten divisions into ten schools of thought: (1) 我法倶有 the reality of self (or soul) and things, e.g. mind and matter; (2) 法有我無 the reality of things but not of soul; (3) 法無去來 things have neither creation nor destruction; (4) 現通假實 present things are both apparent and real; (5) 俗妄眞實 common or phenomenal ideas are wrong, fundamental reality is the only truth; (6) things are merely names; (7) all things are unreal 空; (8) the bhūtatathatā is not unreal; (9) phenomena and their perception are to be got rid of; (10) the perfect, all-inclusive, and complete teaching of the One Vehicle. III. There are two old Japanese divisions: 大乘律宗, 倶舎宗 , 成實 宗 , 法和宗 , 三論宗 , 天台宗 , 華嚴宗 , 眞言宗 , 小乘律宗 , and 淨土宗 ; the second list adds 禪宗 and omits 大乘律宗. They are the Ritsu, Kusha, Jōjitsu, Hossō, Sanron, Tendai, Kegon, Shingon, (Hīnayāna) Ritsu, and Jōdo; the addition being Zen.


see styles
shí zhàng
    shi2 zhang4
shih chang
Ten hindrances; bodhisattvas in the stage of 十地 overcome these ten hindrances and realize the十眞如 q.v. The hindrances are: (1) 異生性障 the hindrance of the common illusions of the unenlightened, taking the seeming for real; (2) 邪行障 the hindrance of common unenlightened conduct; (3) 暗鈍障 the hindrance of ignorant and dull ideas; (4) 細惑現行障 the hindrance of the illusion that things are real and have independent existence; (5)下乘涅槃障 the hindrance of the lower ideals in Hīnayāna of nirvāṇa; (6) 細相現行障 the hindrance of the ordinary ideas of the pure and impure; (7) 細相現行障 the hindrance of the idea of reincarnation; (8) 無相加行障 the hindrance of the continuance of activity even in the formless world; (9) 不欲行障 the hindrance of no desire to act for the salvation of others; (10) 法未自在障 the hindrance of non- attainment of complete mastery of all things. v. 唯識論 10.



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jí shí
    ji2 shi2
chi shih
(adj-no,n,adv) prompt; immediate; in real time


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(n,vs,vi) real existence


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mìng gēn
    ming4 gen1
ming ken
 meikon / mekon
lifeblood; the thing that one cherishes most in life; (coll.) family jewels (male genitals)
A root, or basis for life, or reincarnation, the nexus of Hīnayāna between two life-periods, accepted by Mahāyāna as nominal but not real.



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wéi shí
    wei2 shi2
wei shih
only real


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sì zōng
    si4 zong1
ssu tsung
The four kinds of inference in logic— common, prejudged or opposing, insufficiently founded, arbitrary. Also, the four schools of thought I. According to 淨影 Jingying they are (1) 立性宗 that everything exists, or has its own nature; e. g. Sarvāstivāda, in the 'lower' schools of Hīnayāna; (2) 破性宗 that everything has not a nature of its own; e. g. the 成實宗 a 'higher' Hīnayāna school, the Satyasiddhi; (3) 破相宗 that form has no reality, because of the doctrine of the void, 'lower' Mahāyāna; (4) 願實宗 revelation of reality, that all comes from the bhūtatathatā, 'higher ' Mahāyāna. II. According to 曇隱 Tanyin of the 大衍 monastery they are (1) 因緣宗, i. e. 立性宗 all things are causally produced; (2) 假名宗, i. e. 破性宗 things are but names; (3) 不眞宗, i. e. 破相宗, denying the reality of form, this school fails to define reality; (4) 眞宗, i. e. 顯實宗 the school of the real, in contrast with the seeming.



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sì mén
    si4 men2
ssu men
(surname) Yotsukado
The four doors, schools of thought, or theories: 有 is the phenomenal world real, or 空 unreal, or both, or neither ? According to the Tiantai school each of the four schools 四教 in discussing these four questions emphasizes one of them, i. e. 三藏教 that it is real 通教 unreal, 別通 both, 圓通 neither; v. 有 and 空, and each of the four schools. In esoteric symbolism the 四門 are four stages of initiation, development, enlightenment, and nirvana, and are associated with E., S., W., and N.; with the four seasons; with warmth, heat, coolness and cold, etc.



see styles
yuán shí
    yuan2 shi2
yüan shih
(surname) Enjitsu
Perfect reality; the Tiantai perfect doctrine which enables one to attain reality or Buddhahood at once.


see styles
real hair; one's own hair



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dì chǎn
    di4 chan3
ti ch`an
    ti chan
real estate; landed estate; landed property



see styles
gòu shì
    gou4 shi4
kou shih
Defiling knowledge, the common worldly knowledge that does not discriminate the seeming from the real.



see styles
zhí xīn
    zhi2 xin1
chih hsin
 shuushin / shushin
(n,vs,vi) devotion; attachment; infatuation
The mind which clings to (things as real).



see styles
zhí zhuó
    zhi2 zhuo2
chih cho
to be strongly attached to; to be dedicated; to cling to; (Buddhism) attachment
(noun/participle) attachment; adhesion; tenacity; fixation; obsession
To cling to things as real ; used for abhiniveśa.



see styles
bào nǚ
    bao4 nv3
pao nü
a (real) female body obtained based on karmic retribution


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dà yǒng
    da4 yong3
ta yung
 taiyuu / taiyu
real courage; (personal name) Daiyū
Āryaśūra. Also 聖勇 The great brave, or ārya the brave. An Indian Buddhist author of several works.


see styles
fèng jiào
    feng4 jiao4
feng chiao
to do real practice according to the teachings



see styles
bēn xiàn
    ben1 xian4
pen hsien
(neologism) to meet sb in real life after forming a relationship online



see styles
rú shí
    ru2 shi2
ju shih
 nyo jitsu
as things really are; realistic
Real, reality, according to reality ( yathābhūtam); true; the 眞如 zhenru, or bhūtatathatā, for which it is also used; the universal undifferentiated, i. e. 平等不二, or the primary essence out of which the phenomenal arises; 如實空 is this essence in its purity; 如實不空 is this essence in its differentiation.



see styles
wàng jiàn
    wang4 jian4
wang chien
False views (of reality), taking the seeming as real.


see styles
(abbreviation) (See 宅地建物取引主任者) registered real-estate broker



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dìng qian
    ding4 qian5
ting ch`ien
    ting chien
security deposit; earnest money (real estate); good-faith deposit


see styles
(pre-noun adjective) (1) true; real; (pre-noun adjective) (2) blood-related; biological (father, etc.)


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 jitsuzou / jitsuzo
(1) {physics} (See 虚像・きょぞう・1) real image; (2) (See 虚像・きょぞう・2) real form; real-life image; true picture; actual conditions; actual circumstances


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(1) live action (as opposed to animation); (noun, transitive verb) (2) photograph (of a real scene, event, etc.); real image; actual footage; (noun, transitive verb) (3) depiction of a real scene (in writing or a picture); description


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(1) (real) ability; true strength; merit; efficiency; competency; (2) (See 実力行使) arms; force


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 jissei / jisse
(noun - becomes adjective with の) actual; real; true; (place-name) Jitsuse


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 jitsumei / jitsume
real name; (personal name) Mina


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(n,vs,vi,adj-no) actual existence; real existence; existing in real life


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biological older sister; real elder sister


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real harm; actual damage


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(1) real bullet; live ammunition; live round; loaded cartridge; loaded shell; (2) (colloquialism) money (for bribery); cash


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 jitsujou / jitsujo
real condition; actual circumstances; actual state of affairs


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sincerity; real intentions


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(1) real feeling; actual feeling; (noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) (2) to actually feel; to have a real feeling (that ...); to experience personally

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "real" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary