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There are 751 total results for your god search. I have created 8 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

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day; sky; heaven
(1) sky; (2) {Christn} heaven; (3) God; (4) {Buddh} svarga (heaven-like realm visited as a stage of death and rebirth); (5) {Buddh} deva (divine being of Buddhism); (6) top (of a book); (7) sole (of a Japanese sandal); (8) beginning; start; (9) (abbreviation) (See 天ぷら) tempura; (10) (abbreviation) (obsolete) (See 天竺・1) India; (given name) Hiroshi
Heaven; the sky; a day; cf. dyo, dyaus also as 提婆 a deva, or divine being, deity; and as 素羅 sura, shining, bright.

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 shin; jin
    しん; じん

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Spirit / Spiritual Essence
god; deity; supernatural; magical; mysterious; spirit; mind; energy; lively; expressive; look; expression; (coll.) awesome; amazing
(1) spirit; psyche; (2) (See 神・かみ・1) god; deity; divinity; kami; (female given name) Miwa
Inscrutable spiritual powers, or power; a spirit; a deva, god, or divinity; the human spirit; divine, spiritual, supernatural.

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 kaminari(p); ikazuchi; ikazuchi(ok); rai
    かみなり(P); いかずち; いかづち(ok); らい

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thunder; (bound form) (military) mine, as in 地雷[di4 lei2] land mine; (coll.) to shock; to stun; to astound; (Tw) (coll.) spoiler; (Tw) (coll.) to reveal plot details to (sb)
(1) lightning; thunder; thunderbolt; (2) (かみなり only) god of thunder; god of lightning; (3) (かみなり only) anger; fit of anger; (surname, female given name) Rai
garjita, thunder, thundering.


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shàng dì
    shang4 di4
shang ti
 joutei; shoutei / jote; shote
    じょうてい; しょうてい

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God of Zion / God of Abraham
(1) Shangdi (creator deity in Chinese folk religion); (2) {Christn} God



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chuàng zào
    chuang4 zao4
ch`uang tsao
    chuang tsao
 souzou / sozo

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Create / Creation
to create; to bring about; to produce; to set (a record)
(noun, transitive verb) (1) creation; (noun, transitive verb) (2) Creation (by God); (given name) Souzou


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dà shén
    da4 shen2
ta shen
 ookami; oogami; daijin
    おおかみ; おおがみ; だいじん

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Okami / God
deity; (Internet slang) guru; expert; whiz
(archaism) (honorific or respectful language) god; (place-name, surname) Daijin



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ào dīng
    ao4 ding1
ao ting

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Odin (god in Norse mythology)


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zhū què
    zhu1 que4
chu ch`üeh
    chu chüeh
 suzaku; sujaku; shujaku
    すざく; すじゃく; しゅじゃく

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rosefinch (genus Carpodacus)
(1) (See 四神) Vermilion Bird (god said to rule over the southern heavens); (2) {astron} (See 二十八宿) seven mansions (Chinese constellations) of the southern heavens; (surname) Sujiyaku
red bird


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Bushin / Bujin
god of military arts; (surname) Bukami


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sǐ shén
    si3 shen2
ssu shen

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Grim Reaper / God of Death
mythological figure (such as the Grim Reaper) in charge of taking the souls of those who die; (fig.) death
god of death; Death


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luò jī
    luo4 ji1
lo chi

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Loki, god of fire and mischievous destroyer in Norse mythology


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hǎi shén
    hai3 shen2
hai shen

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Neptune / Poseidon
Emperor of the Sea; Neptune
sea god; Poseidon; Neptune; (female given name) Watatsumi


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Inugami / Dog Spirit
evil dog spirit; dog god; (surname) Inugami


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xuán wǔ
    xuan2 wu3
hsüan wu
 genbu; genmu
    げんぶ; げんむ

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Xuan Wu / Genbu / Black Tortoise God
Black Tortoise (the seven mansions of the north sky); (in Daoism) God of the north sky
(1) (See 四神) Black Tortoise (god said to rule over the northern heavens); (2) {astron} (See 二十八宿) seven mansions (Chinese constellations) of the northern heavens; (personal name) Hirotake


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bái hǔ
    bai2 hu3
pai hu
 byakko; hakko
    びゃっこ; はっこ

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White Tiger
White Tiger (the seven mansions of the west sky); (slang) hairless female genitalia
(1) (See 四神) White Tiger (Taoist god said to rule over the western heavens); (2) {astron} (See 二十八宿) seven mansions (Chinese constellations) of the western heavens; (given name) Byakko


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zhù fú
    zhu4 fu2
chu fu

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Blessings and Good Wishes
blessings; to wish sb well
(noun, transitive verb) (1) celebration (of a joyous occasion); blessing; giving one's blessing; wishing (someone) good luck; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {Christn} blessing (from God)


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 shinpei / shinpe

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Soldier of the Gods
soldier dispatched by a god; soldier under the protection of the gods


see styles
shén míng
    shen2 ming2
shen ming
 shinmei / shinme

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Deities / Gods
deities; gods
(1) deity; god; (2) (See 天照大神) Amaterasu (as an enshrined deity); (surname) Jinmei
The spirits of heaven and earth, the gods; also the intelligent or spiritual nature.



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suǒ ěr
    suo3 er3
so erh

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Thor (Norse god of thunder)


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měi shén
    mei3 shen2
mei shen

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Goddess of Beauty / Beautiful Spirit
Goddess of beauty
(See ヴィーナス・1) god of beauty; goddess of beauty; Venus; (female given name) Mikan


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thank God it's Friday; TGIF; going out on Friday night; flowery Friday (when young men et al. stay out late)



see styles
cāng lóng
    cang1 long2
ts`ang lung
    tsang lung
 souryuu / soryu

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Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon, other name of the Azure Dragon 青龍|青龙 (the seven mansions of the east sky)
(1) blue dragon; (2) Azure Dragon (god said to rule over the eastern heavens); (3) (astron) seven mansions (Chinese constellations) of the eastern heavens; (4) large horse with a bluish-leaden coat; (5) shape of an old pine tree; (given name) Souryū


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chī yóu
    chi1 you2
ch`ih yu
    chih yu
 shiyuu / shiyu

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God of Warcraft
Chiyou, legendary tribal leader who was defeated and killed by the Yellow Emperor 黃帝|黄帝[Huang2 di4]
(archaism) Chinese god of war


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 gunshin; ikusagami; gunjin(ok)
    ぐんしん; いくさがみ; ぐんじん(ok)

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God of War
(1) god of war; (2) (ぐんしん, ぐんじん only) war hero (who died in battle); (surname) Gunshin



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guān dì
    guan1 di4
kuan ti

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Guandi: God of War
Guandi, the god of War, a deified hero of the Three Kingdoms, a protector of Buddhism.


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léi shén
    lei2 shen2
lei shen

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God of Thunder
god of thunder (Chinese Leigong 雷公[Lei2 gong1], Norse Thor 索爾|索尔[Suo3 er3], Greek Zeus 宙斯[Zhou4 si1] etc)
(1) god of thunder; (2) {Shinto} Raijin (god of thunder); (place-name) Raijin



see styles
lóng shén
    long2 shen2
lung shen
 ryuujin / ryujin

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Dragon Spirit
(1) dragon god; dragon king; (2) (Buddhist term) naga; (place-name, surname) Ryūjin
A dragon-god, or spirit.


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Ares (Greek god); (place-name) Ales (France)


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 kaama / kama

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(1) kama (desire, wish, or longing; one of the goals of life in Hindu tradition) (san:); (2) Kamadeva (Hindu god of human love); (personal name) Khama


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 maazu / mazu

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(1) Mars (Roman god); (2) Mars (planet); (personal name) Maas


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 raama / rama

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Rama (Hindu god); (person) Rama (var. kings of Thailand)


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 hachimanjin; yawatanokami
    はちまんじん; やわたのかみ

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Hachiman: God of War
Hachiman (god of war)



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yīn tuó luó
    yin1 tuo2 luo2
yin t`o lo
    yin to lo

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Indra (a Hindu deity)
Indra, 因坻; 因提; 因提梨; 因達羅; 天帝; 天主帝; 帝釋天; originally a god of the atmosphere, i. e. of thunder and rain; idem Śakra; his symbol is the vajra, or thunderbolt, hence he is the 金剛手; he became 'lord of the gods of the sky', 'regent of the east quarter', 'popularly chief after Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Śiva, '(M.W.); in Buddhism he represents the secular power, and is inferior to a Buddhist saint. Cf. 忉利 and 印.



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tài yáng shén
    tai4 yang2 shen2
t`ai yang shen
    tai yang shen
 taiyoushin / taiyoshin

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Sun God; Apollo
sun god


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Venus / Amor / God of Love
Amor; Eros; Venus; god of love


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Child of God
(exp,n) (1) {Christn} Son of God; Jesus Christ; (exp,n) (2) child of God; Christian; (exp,n) (3) (idiom) prodigy; young ace



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yē hé huá
    ye1 he2 hua2
yeh ho hua

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Jehovah (biblical name for God, Hebrew: YHWH); compare Yahweh 雅威[Ya3 wei1] and God 上帝[Shang4 di4]



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ā xiū luó
    a1 xiu1 luo2
a hsiu lo
 ashura; asura
    あしゅら; あすら

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Frightful Demon / Asura
Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology
{Buddh} Asura; demigod; anti-god; titan; demigods that fight the Devas (gods) in Hindu mythology; (female given name) Ashura
asura, 修羅 originally meaning a spirit, spirits, or even the gods, it generally indicates titanic demons, enemies of the gods, with whom, especially Indra, they wage constant war. They are defined as 'not devas', and 'ugly', and 'without wine'. Other forms are 阿須羅 (or 阿蘇羅, or 阿素羅); 阿修倫 (or羅須倫 or 阿修輪 or 羅須輪); 阿素洛; 阿差. Four classes are named according to their manner of rebirth-egg, born, womb-born, transformation-born, and spawn- or water-born. Their abode is in the ocean, north of Sumeru, but certain of the weaker dwell in a western mountain cave. They have realms, rulers, and palaces, as have the devas. The 阿修羅道 is one of the six gatis, or ways of reincarnation. The 修羅場 or 修羅巷 is the battlefield of the asuras against Indra. The 阿修羅琴 are their harps.


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ā tí lā
    a1 ti2 la1
a t`i la
    a ti la

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Attila (406-453), Hun emperor, known as the scourge of God


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ā ruì sī
    a1 rui4 si1
a jui ssu

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Ares, Greek god of war; Mars


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 paateru / pateru

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(1) (archaism) (early Japanese Christian term) God the Father (lat: pater); (2) (early Japanese Christian term) priest; (personal name) Bertell


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tiān rén hé yī
    tian1 ren2 he2 yi1
t`ien jen ho i
    tien jen ho i
 tenjingouitsu / tenjingoitsu

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Oneness of Heaven and Humanity
oneness of heaven and humanity; the theory that man is an integral part of nature
unification of God and man; acting in accordance with the will of heaven


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mó lì zhī tiān
    mo2 li4 zhi1 tian1
mo li chih t`ien
    mo li chih tien

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Marici / Marishiten
{Buddh} Marici (Buddhist god of war); (place-name) Marishiten


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mù hǎn mò dé
    mu4 han3 mo4 de2
mu han mo te

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Mohammed (c. 570-632), central figure of Islam and prophet of God



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qì lǐ sèn á
    qi4 li3 sen4 a2
ch`i li sen a
    chi li sen a

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kṛṣna, black, dark. dark blue; Krishna, the hero-god of India, 'with Buddhists he is chief of the black demons, who are enemies of Buddha and the white demons.' M. W.


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(1) Odin (god in Norse mythology); (2) (computer terminology) ODIN; (personal name) Oden


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Only God Can Judge Me
(exp,v5r) (proverb) God only knows; it's anyone's call; heaven knows


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shàng tiān
    shang4 tian1
shang t`ien
    shang tien
 jouten / joten
Heaven; Providence; God; the sky above; to fly skywards; (euphemism) to die; to pass away; the previous day (or days)
(1) (See 下土) sky; the heavens; (2) God; the Lord; the Creator; the Supreme Being; (3) ascension (into heaven); (surname) Jōten
to ascend to heaven


see styles
tǔ shén
    tu3 shen2
t`u shen
    tu shen
 tsuchigami; dojin
    つちがみ; どじん
earth God
earth god; earth deity; (place-name) Tsuchigami


see styles
tiān zhǔ
    tian1 zhu3
t`ien chu
    tien chu
God (in Catholicism); abbr. for 天主教[Tian1 zhu3 jiao4], Catholicism
Lord of Heaven; God
Devapati. The Lord of devas, a title of Indra.


see styles
tiān dì
    tian1 di4
t`ien ti
    tien ti
 tentei / tente
God of heaven; Celestial emperor
(1) Shangdi (supreme deity in ancient Chinese religion); (2) {Christn} God; (3) {Buddh} (See 帝釈天・たいしゃくてん) Shakra (king of heaven in Hindu mythology); Indra
King, or emperor of Heaven, i. e. 因陀羅 Indra, i. e. 釋 (釋迦); 釋迦婆; 帝 (帝釋); Śakra, king of the devaloka 忉利天, one of the ancient gods of India, the god of the sky who fights the demons with his vajra, or thunderbolt. He is inferior to the trimūrti, Brahma, Viṣṇu, and Śiva, having taken the place of Varuṇa, or sky. Buddhism adopted him as its defender, though, like all the gods, he is considered inferior to a Buddha or any who have attained bodhi. His wife is Indrāṇī.


see styles
tiān wáng
    tian1 wang2
t`ien wang
    tien wang
 tennou / tenno
emperor; god; Hong Xiuquan's self-proclaimed title; see also 洪秀全[Hong2 Xiu4 quan2]
(1) {Buddh} heavenly king; (2) (See 牛頭天王) Gozu Tenno (deity said to be the Indian god Gavagriva); (place-name, surname) Tennou
Maharāja-devas; 四天王 Caturmahārāja. The four deva kings in the first or lowest devaloka, on its four sides. E. 持國天王 Dhṛtarāṣṭra. S. 增長天王 Virūḍhaka. W. 廣目天王 Virūpākṣa. N. 多聞天王 Dhanada, or Vaiśravaṇa. The four are said to have appeared to 不空 Amogha in a temple in Xianfu, some time between 742-6, and in consequence he introduced their worship to China as guardians of the monasteries, where their images are seen in the hall at the entrance, which is sometimes called the 天王堂 hall of the deva-kings. 天王 is also a designation of Siva the 大白在, i. e. Maheśvara 摩醯首羅, the great sovereign ruler.


see styles
tiān shén
    tian1 shen2
t`ien shen
    tien shen
god; deity
(1) (also pronounced てんしん) heavenly god; heavenly gods; (2) spirit of Sugawara no Michizane; (3) (See 天満宮) Tenmangu shrine (dedicated to Michizane's spirit); (4) (colloquialism) (See 梅干し) pit of a dried plum; dried plum; (5) (abbreviation) (See 天神髷) tenjin hairstyle; (6) prostitute of the second-highest class (Edo period); (7) (See 転軫) tuning peg (on a biwa or shamisen); (place-name, surname) Tenjin
deva 提婆 or devatā 泥縛多. (1) Brahma and the gods in general, including the inhabitants of the devalokas, all subject to metem-psychosis. (2) The fifteenth patriarch, a native of South India, or Ceylon and disciple of Nāgārjuna; he is also styled Devabodhisattva 提婆菩薩, Āryadeva 聖天, and Nilanetra 靑目 blue-eyed, or 分別明 clear discriminator. He was the author of nine works and a famous antagonist of Brahmanism.


see styles
shān shén
    shan1 shen2
shan shen
mountain god
mountain god; (place-name, surname) Yamagami
mountain spirit



see styles
ài shén
    ai4 shen2
ai shen
god of love
god of love; goddess of love; (female given name) Erosu


see styles
shuǐ shén
    shui3 shen2
shui shen
river God
a water god; (surname) Minakami


see styles
hé bó
    he2 bo2
ho po
name or river God associated with Yellow river
river god; (1) kappa (mythical water-dwelling creature); (2) river god
river god


see styles
hé shén
    he2 shen2
ho shen
river god
guardian deity of rivers; river god; (surname) Kawakami


see styles
mù shén
    mu4 shen2
mu shen
shepherd God; faun; Pan in Greek mythology
god of shepherds, herdsmen, flocks and herds; Pan; Faunus; (place-name) Makigami


see styles
shè jì
    she4 ji4
she chi
 shashoku; sumeraoomotoo
    しゃしょく; すめらおおもとお
state; country; the Gods of earth and grain
(1) (しゃしょく only) state; country; nation; (2) tutelary deity; god of grain


see styles
zhù róng
    zhu4 rong2
chu jung
 shukuyuu / shukuyu
Zhurong, god of fire in Chinese mythology
(1) ancient Chinese god of fire (or spring); (2) (disastrous) fire


see styles
shén rén
    shen2 ren2
shen jen
 shinjin; jinin
    しんじん; じにん
God; deity
(1) (しんじん only) gods and men; (2) (しんじん only) godlike person; person as powerful as a god; person as refined as a god; (3) (archaism) low-ranking Shinto priest; (surname) Kamihito
Gods, or spirits, and men.


see styles
shén qí
    shen2 qi2
shen ch`i
    shen chi
god; deity
gods of heaven and earth


see styles
rén gé shén
    ren2 ge2 shen2
jen ko shen
personal god
personal god (i.e. a god who has human form, emotions, etc.)



see styles
yǒu shén lùn
    you3 shen2 lun4
yu shen lun
 yuushinron / yushinron
theism (the belief in the existence of God)
theism; belief in existence of a god or gods


see styles
zào wù zhǔ
    zao4 wu4 zhu3
tsao wu chu
 zoubutsushu / zobutsushu
the Creator (in religion or mythology); God
Creator (of all things); Maker; God


see styles
bù kě kàng lì
    bu4 ke3 kang4 li4
pu k`o k`ang li
    pu ko kang li
 fukakouryoku / fukakoryoku
force majeure; act of God
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (yoji) act of God; irresistible force; inevitability; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) {law} force majeure; vis major

see styles
owner; master; host; individual or party concerned; God; Lord; main; to indicate or signify; trump card (in card games)
(1) head (of a household, etc.); leader; master; (2) owner; proprietor; proprietress; (3) subject (of a rumour, etc.); doer (of a deed); (4) guardian spirit (e.g. long-resident beast, usu. with mystical powers); long-time resident (or employee, etc.); (5) husband; (pronoun) (6) (familiar language) (See おぬし) you; (given name) Mamoru
Chief, lord, master; to control.

see styles
mound; embankment; the earthen altar to the god of the soil

see styles
one-legged mountain demon of Chinese mythology; Chinese mythical figure who invented music and dancing; Chinese rain god; surname Kui

see styles
generic term for weapons (old); army (matters); military affairs
Ebisu; god of fishing and commerce; (1) (archaism) peoples formerly of northern Japan with distinct language and culture (i.e. the Ainu); (2) provincial (i.e. a person who lives far from the city); (3) brutish, unsophisticated warrior (esp. used by Kyoto samurai to refer to samurai from eastern Japan); (4) (derogatory term) foreigner; barbarian; (personal name) Munemori

see styles
abbr. for 梵教[Fan4 jiao4] Brahmanism; abbr. for Sanskrit 梵語|梵语[Fan4 yu3] or 梵文[Fan4 wen2]; abbr. for 梵蒂岡|梵蒂冈[Fan4 di4 gang1], the Vatican
(1) Brahman (ultimate reality of the universe in Hinduism); Brahma; (2) Brahma (Hindu creator god); (3) (abbreviation) (See 梵語) Sanskrit; (given name) Bon
Brahman (from roots bṛh, vṛh, connected with bṛṃh, "religious devotion," "prayer," "a sacred text," or mantra, "the mystic syllable om"; "sacred learning," "the religious life," "the Supreme Being regarded as impersonal," "the Absolute," "the priestly or sacerdotal class," etc. M.W. Translit.

see styles
(bound form) society; organization; agency; (old) god of the land
(Shinto) shrine; (p,s,f) Yashiro
Gods of the land; a village, clan, society.

see styles
Ahura Mazda, the creator deity in Zoroastrianism
Xian, commonly but incorrectly written 祅 a Western Asian name for Heaven, or the 天神 God of Heaven, adopted by the Zoroastrians and borrowed later by the Manicheans; also intp. as Maheśvara.

see styles

god of the earth
To revere, venerate; only; translit. j in 祇園精舍; 祇樹給孤獨園 The vihāra and garden Jetavana, bought by Anāthapiṇḍaka from prince Jeta and given to Śākyamuni.; The Earth-Spirit; repose; vast; translit. j, g.

see styles

millet; God of cereals worshiped by ancient rulers; minister of agriculture
(kana only) (common) millet (Panicum miliaceium); proso millet

see styles
expensive; (bound form) highly valued; precious; (bound form) noble; of high rank; (prefix) (honorific) your
(n,n-suf) (honorific or respectful language) (archaism) lord; god; goddess; honorific title for deities (and high-ranking people); (given name) Motomu
Honourable, dear, precious.

see styles
dry moat; god of city
(surname) Hori

see styles

mask of a god used in ceremonies to exorcise demons and drive away pestilence; (archaic) ugly

see styles
(rare) water god; rain and snow god; dragon god; dragon king


see styles
(interjection) Wow!; Holy smokes!; Aaargh!; O my God!; oops; eep


see styles
(pn,adj-no) (1) (familiar language) (masculine speech) you (formerly honorific, now sometimes derog. term referring to an equal or inferior); (2) presence (of a god, nobleman, etc.); (pn,adj-no) (familiar language) (masculine speech) you (formerly honorific, now sometimes derog. term referring to an equal or inferior)


see styles
(1) (kana only) grace (of God); benevolence (of Buddha); blessing; (2) (kana only) assistance; help; aid; (3) (kana only) effects; influence


see styles
(1) (kana only) grace (of God); benevolence (of Buddha); blessing; (2) (kana only) assistance; help; aid; (3) (kana only) effects; influence


see styles
(interjection) oh!; ah!; oh dear!; dear me!; thank God!


see styles
qī qù
    qi1 qu4
ch`i ch`ü
    chi chü
The seven gati or states of sentient beings- nārakagati, in hell; preta, hungry ghost; tiryagyoni, animal; manuṣya, man; ṛṣi, a genius or higher spiritual being; deva, god; asura, demon of the higher order.


see styles
Ten'ichijin; Nakagami; god of fortune in Onmyodo who descends to the northeast on the 46th day of the sexagenary cycle and completes a clockwise circuit, spending five days on each cardinal point and six days on each ordinal point, returning to heaven from the north on the 30th day of the next sexagenary cycle; travelling in the direction of Ten'ichijin is considered unlucky; (surname) Nakajin


see styles
zhǔ zǎi
    zhu3 zai3
chu tsai
to dominate; to rule; to dictate; master
(noun, transitive verb) (1) chairmanship; presidency; management; (2) (See 主宰者) president; chairman
Lord, master; to dominate, control; the lord within, the soul; the lord of the universe, God.


see styles
chief god


see styles
{Shinto} man-god; person enshrined as a god; (place-name) Ninjin


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) (humble language) to call on someone; to call at a place; to pay a visit; to wait on someone; (transitive verb) (2) (humble language) to ask; to inquire; (transitive verb) (3) (humble language) to hear; to be told; (transitive verb) (4) to implore (a god for an oracle); to seek direction (from your superior); (v5u,vi) (5) (from 御機嫌を伺う) to speak to (a large crowd at a theatre, etc.)



see styles
fó ye
    fo2 ye5
fo yeh
Buddha (term of respect for Sakyamuni 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼[Shi4 jia1 mou2 ni2]); His Holiness (refers to a Buddhist grandee); Buddha; God; emperor; in late Qing court, refers exclusively to Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4]


see styles
gòng fèng
    gong4 feng4
kung feng
to consecrate; to enshrine and worship; an offering (to one's ancestors); a sacrifice (to a god)
(noun/participle) (1) accompanying; being in attendance on; (2) (abbreviation) (See 内供奉) inner offerer (any of the 10 high-ranking monks serving at the inner offering hall)
To offer; the monk who serves at the great altar.


see styles
rice offered to a god



see styles
xiū luó
    xiu1 luo2
hsiu lo
 shura; sura
    しゅら; すら
Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology
(1) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 阿修羅) Asura; demigod; anti-god; titan; demigods that fight the Devas (gods) in Hindu mythology; (2) fighting; carnage; conflict; strife; (3) sledge (for conveying large rocks, logs, etc.); (4) (See 滑道) log slide; chute; flume; (female given name) Shura
asura, demons who war with Indra; v. 阿修羅; it is also sura, which means a god, or deity.



see styles
nuó shén
    nuo2 shen2
no shen
exorcising God; God who drives away plague and evil spirits


see styles
(1) (abbreviation) (See 八幡神) Hachiman (God of War); (2) (abbreviation) (See 八幡宮) Hachiman shrine; (adverb) (3) (archaism) certainly; (place-name, surname) Yawata


see styles
gòng gōng
    gong4 gong1
kung kung
God of Water


see styles
 kyoushoku / kyoshoku
(1) communal eating of food that has been offered to a god; sacrificial meal; (2) eating together (with family, friends, etc.); communal dining


see styles
 uchigami; uggan
    うちがみ; うっがん
(kyu:) {Shinto} patron god; ancestor deified as a kami; (place-name) Uchigami

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "god" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary