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Buddhism / Buddha
Buddha; Buddhism (abbr. for 佛陀[Fo2tuo2])
(surname) Hotoke
Buddha, from budh to "be aware of", "conceive", "observe", "wake"; also 佛陀; 浮圖; 浮陀; 浮頭; 浮塔; 勃陀; 勃馱; 沒馱; 母馱; 母陀; 部陀; 休屠. Buddha means "completely conscious, enlightened", and came to mean the enlightener. he Chinese translation is 覺 to perceive, aware, awake; and 智 gnosis, knowledge. There is an Eternal Buddha, see e.g. the Lotus Sutra, cap. 16, and multitudes of Buddhas, but the personality of a Supreme Buddha, an Ādi-Buddha, is not defined. Buddha is in and through all things, and some schools are definitely Pan-Buddhist in the pantheistic sense. In the triratna 三寳 commonly known as 三寳佛, while Śākyamuni Buddha is the first "person" of the Trinity, his Law the second, and the Order the third, all three by some are accounted as manifestations of the All-Buddha. As Śākyamuni, the title indicates him as the last of the line of Buddhas who have appeared in this world, Maitreya is to be the next. As such he is the one who has achieved enlightenment, having discovered the essential evil of existence (some say mundane existence, others all existence), and the way of deliverance from the constant round of reincarnations; this way is through the moral life into nirvana, by means of self-abnegation, the monastic life, and meditation. By this method a Buddha, or enlightened one, himself obtains Supreme Enlightenment, or Omniscience, and according to Māhāyanism leads all beings into the same enlightenment. He sees things not as they seem in their phenomenal but in their noumenal aspects, as they really are. The term is also applied to those who understand the chain of causality (twelve nidānas) and have attained enlightenment surpassing that of the arhat. Four types of the Buddha are referred to: (1) 三藏佛the Buddha of the Tripiṭaka who attained enlightenment on the bare ground under the bodhi-tree; (2) 通佛the Buddha on the deva robe under the bodhi-tree of the seven precious things; (3) 別佛the Buddha on the great precious Lotus throne under the Lotus realm bodhi-tree; and (4) 圓佛the Buddha on the throne of Space in the realm of eternal rest and glory where he is Vairocana. The Hīnayāna only admits the existence of one Buddha at a time; Mahāyāna claims the existence of many Buddhas at one and the same time, as many Buddhas as there are Buddha-universes, which are infinite in number.

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 sou / so

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Sangha / Order of Monks
(bound form) Buddhist monk (abbr. for 僧伽[seng1 qie2])
(1) monk; priest; (2) (abbreviation) (See 僧伽・そうぎゃ) sangha (the Buddhist community); (surname) Sou
僧伽 saṅgha, an assembly, collection, company, society. The corporate assembly of at least three (formerly four) monks under a chairman, empowered to hear confession, grant absolution, and ordain. The church or monastic order, the third member of the triratna. The term 僧 used alone has come to mean a monk, or monks in general. Also僧佉, 僧加, 僧企耶.; A fully ordained monk, i.e. a bhikṣu as contrasted with the śramaņa.

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Nan / South
(1) {mahj} south wind tile; (2) {mahj} winning hand with a pung (or kong) of south wind tiles; (personal name) Minnami
dakṣina, south; translit. nāṃ and as a suffix intp. as meaning plural, several, i.e. more than three.

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(1) law (esp. ancient East Asian criminal code); regulation; (2) {Buddh} vinaya (rules for the monastic community); (3) (abbreviation) (See 律宗) Ritsu (school of Buddhism); (4) (abbreviation) (See 律詩) lüshi (style of Chinese poem); (5) (also りち) (musical) pitch; (6) (See 十二律,呂・2) six odd-numbered notes of the ancient chromatic scale; (7) (abbreviation) (See 律旋) Japanese seven-tone gagaku scale, similar to Dorian mode (corresponding to: re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do); (n,n-suf,ctr) (8) step (in traditional Eastern music, corresponding to a Western semitone); (personal name) Ritsuji
vinaya, from vi-ni, to 1ead, train: discipline: v. 毘奈耶; other names are Prātimokṣa, śīla, and upalakṣa. The discipline, or monastic rules; one of the three divisions of the Canon, or Tripiṭaka, and said to have been compiled by Upāli.

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Patience / Perseverance
to bear; to endure; to tolerate; to restrain oneself
(archaism) endurance; forbearance; patience; self-restraint; (given name) Nin
kṣānti, 羼提 (or 羼底); patience, endurance, (a) in adverse circumstances, (b) in the religious state. There are groups of two, three, four, five, six, ten, and fourteen, indicating various forms of patience, equanimity, repression, forbearance, endurance, constancy, or "perseverance of the saints," both in mundane and spiritual things.

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Wisdom / Intelligence
(1) wisdom; enlightenment; (2) (Buddhist term) prajna (one of the three divisions of the noble eightfold path); wisdom; (female given name) Megumi
prajñā ; sometimes jñāna. Wisdom, discernment, understanding; the power to discern things and their underlying principles and to decide the doubtful. It is often interchanged with 智, though not correctly, for zhi means knowledge, the science of the phenomenal, while hui refers more generally to principles or morals. It is part of the name of many monks, e.g. 慧可 Huike; 慧思Huisi.

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 matsu(p); matsu
    まつ(P); マツ

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pine; CL:棵[ke1]
(1) pine tree (Pinus spp.); (2) (See 梅・うめ・2,竹・たけ・2) highest (of a three-tier ranking system); (personal name) Yoshiaki

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 mei / me

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plum; plum flower; Japanese apricot (Prunus mume)
(out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (1) Japanese apricot (Prunus mume); Chinese plum; (2) lowest (of a three-tier ranking system); (1) Japanese apricot (Prunus mume); Chinese plum; (2) lowest (of a three-tier ranking system); (surname) Mei
The plum.

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variant of 梅[mei2]
(1) Japanese apricot (Prunus mume); Chinese plum; (2) lowest (of a three-tier ranking system); (surname) Umezaki

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to wish for; to desire; variant of 慾|欲[yu4]
greed; craving; desire; avarice; wants; (surname) Yoku
rājas, passion. Also kāma, desire, love. The Chinese word means to breathe after, aspire to, desire, and is also used as 慾 for lust, passion; it is inter alia intp. as 染愛塵 tainted with the dust (or dirt) of love, or lust. The three desires are for beauty, demeanour, and softness; the five are those of the five physical senses.

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Zen / Chan / Meditation
to abdicate
(out-dated kanji) (1) (Buddhist term) dhyana (profound meditation); (2) (abbreviation) Zen (Buddhism); (surname) Yuzuri
To level a place for an altar, to sacrifice to the hills and fountains; to abdicate. Adopted by Buddhists for dhyāna, 禪 or 禪那, i.e. meditation, abstraction, trance. dhyāna is 'meditation, thought, reflection, especially profound and abstract religious contemplation'. M.W. It was intp. as 'getting rid of evil', etc., later as 靜慮 quiet meditation. It is a form of 定, but that word is more closely allied with samādhi, cf. 禪定. The term also connotes Buddhism and Buddhist things in general, but has special application to the 禪宗 q.v. It is one of the six pāramitās, cf. 波. There are numerous methods and subjects of meditation. The eighteen brahmalokas are divided into four dhyāna regions 'corresponding to certain frames of mind where individuals might be reborn in strict accordance with their spiritual state'. The first three are the first dhyāna, the second three the second dhyāna, the third three the third dhyāna, and the remaining nine the fourth dhyāna. See Eitel. According to Childers' Pali Dictionary, 'The four jhānas are four stages of mystic meditation, whereby the believer's mind is purged from all earthly emotions, and detached as it were from his body, which remains plunged in a profound trance.' Seated cross-legged, the practiser 'concentrates his mind upon a single thought. Gradually his soul becomes filled with a supernatural ecstasy and serenity', his mind still reasoning: this is the first jhāna. Concentrating his mind on the same subject, he frees it from reasoning, the ecstasy and serenity remaining, which is the second jhāna. Then he divests himself of ecstasy, reaching the third stage of serenity. Lastly, in the fourth stage the mind becomes indifferent to all emotions, being exalted above them and purified. There are differences in the Mahāyāna methods, but similarity of aim.


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Three Kingdoms
(1) three countries; (2) (hist) (See 魏・ぎ・1,蜀・しょく・2,呉・ご・3) Three Kingdoms (in China, 220 CE-280 CE); (3) (hist) (See 新羅・しらぎ,百済・くだら,高句麗・こうくり) Three Kingdoms (in Korea, 57 BCE-668 CE); (4) (archaism) Japan, China and India; Japan, Korea and China; the whole world; (p,s,f) Mikuni



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sān guó
    san1 guo2
san kuo

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Three Kingdoms
Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history; any of several Three Kingdoms periods in Korean history, esp. from 1st century AD to unification under Silla 新羅|新罗[Xin1luo2] in 658
(surname) Mitsukuni


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 sanbou; sanpou / sanbo; sanpo
    さんぼう; さんぽう

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Three Treasures of Buddhism
{Buddh} the Three Jewels; the Triple Gem; Triratna; the Three Treasures; Buddha, Dharma, Sangha; Buddha, the teachings of Buddha, and the community of monks and nuns; (surname) Sanpou



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sān bǎo
    san1 bao3
san pao
 sanbou / sanbo

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Three Treasures of Buddhism
the Three Precious Treasures of Buddhism, namely: the Buddha 佛, the Dharma 法 (his teaching), and the Sangha 僧 (his monastic order)
(surname) Sanbou
three treasures


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 sanbou(p); sanpou / sanbo(p); sanpo
    さんぼう(P); さんぽう

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(1) three sides; (2) small offering stand; (surname) Mitsukata


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sān yuè
    san1 yue4
san yüeh

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Month of March
March; third month (of the lunar year)
three months; (female given name) Yayoi


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sān duàn
    san1 duan4
san tuan

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third stage; three stages; (surname) Sandan
three levels



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sān dì
    san1 di4
san ti
 santai; sandai
    さんたい; さんだい

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The Three Truths
{Buddh} threefold truth (all things are void; all things are temporary; all things are in the middle state between these two) (in Tendai)
The three dogmas. The "middle" school of Tiantai says 卽空, 卽假. 卽中 i.e. 就是空, 假, 中; (a) by 空śūnya is meant that things causally produced are intheir essential nature unreal (or immaterial) 實空無; (b) 假, though thingsare unreal in their essential nature their derived forms are real; (c) 中;but both are one, being of the one 如 reality. These three dogmas arefounded on a verse of Nāgārjuna's— 因緣所生法, 我說卽是空 亦爲是假名, 亦是中道義 "All causally produced phenomena, I say, areunreal, Are but a passing name, and indicate the 'mean'." There are otherexplanations— the 圓教 interprets the 空 and 假 as 中; the 別教 makes 中 independent. 空 is the all, i.e. the totality of all things, and is spokenof as the 眞 or 實 true, or real; 假 is the differentiation of all thingsand is spoken of as 俗 common, i.e. things as commonly named; 中 is theconnecting idea which makes a unity of both, e.g. "all are but parts of onestupendous whole." The 中 makes all and the all into one whole, unifying thewhole and its parts. 空 may be taken as the immaterial, the undifferentiatedall, the sum of existences, by some as the tathāgatagarbha 如來藏; 假as theunreal, or impermanent, the material or transient form, the temporal thatcan be named, the relative or discrete; 中 as the unifier, which places eachin the other and all in all. The "shallower" 山外 school associated 空 and 中 with the noumenal universe as opposed to the phenomenal and illusoryexistence represented by 假. The "profounder" 山内 school teaches that allthree are aspects of the same.


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sān hún
    san1 hun2
san hun

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Three Souls
three immortal souls in Daoism, representing spirit and intellect



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dòng lì
    dong4 li4
tung li
 douryoku / doryoku

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motive power; force; (fig.) motivation; impetus
(1) power; motive power; (2) {engr} (See 三相交流) three-phase electricity; (personal name) Ichiriki


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yìn dù
    yin4 du4
yin tu

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(ateji / phonetic) (kana only) India; (place-name) India
印特伽; 身毒; 賢豆; 天竺 Indu (meaning 'moon' in Sanskrit), Hindu, Sindhu; see also 信度 and 閻浮 India in general. In the Tang dynasty its territory is described as extending over 90, 000 li in circuit, being bounded on three sides by the sea; north it rested on the Snow mountains 雪山, i. e. Himālayas; wide at the north, narrowing to the south, shaped like a half-moon; it contained over seventy kingdoms, was extremely hot, well watered and damp; from the centre eastwards to 震旦 China was 58, 000 li; and the same distance southwards to 金地國, westwards to 阿拘遮國, and northwards to 小香山阿耨達.



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dì yù
    di4 yu4
ti yü

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hell; infernal; underworld; (Buddhism) Naraka
(1) {Buddh} hell realm; Naraka; (2) {Christn} Hell; (3) hell; misery; nightmare; inferno; (4) place where a volcano or hot springs constantly spew smoke or steam; (place-name) Jigoku
naraka, 捺落迦 (or 那落迦) ; niraya 泥犂; explained by 不樂 joyless; 可厭 disgusting, hateful; 苦具, 苦器 means of suffering; if 地獄 earth-prison; 冥府 the shades, or departments of darkness. Earth-prison is generally intp. as hell or the hells; it may also be termed purgatory; one of the six gati or ways of transmigration. The hells are divided into three classes: I. Central, or radical, 根本地獄 consisting of (1) The eight hot hells. These were the original hells of primitive Buddhism, and are supposed to be located umder the southern continent Jambudvīpa 瞻部州, 500 yojanas below the surface. (a) 等活 or 更活 Saṃjīva, rebirth, where after many kinds of suffering a cold wind blows over the soul and returns it to this life as it was before, hence the name 等活. (b) 黑繩 Kaslasūtra, where the sufferer is bound with black chains and chopped or sawn asunder. (c) 線合; 衆合; 堆壓 Saṃghāta, where are multitudes of implements of torture, or the falling of mountains upon the sufferer. (d) 號呌; 呼呼; 叫喚 Raurava, hell of wailing. (e) 大呌; 大號呌; 大呼 Mahāraurava, hell of great wailing. (f) 炎熱; 燒炙 Tapana, hell of fames and burning. (g) 大熱; 大燒炙; 大炎熱 Pratāpana, hell of molten lead. (h) 無間; 河鼻旨; 阿惟越致; 阿毗至; 阿鼻; 阿毗 Avīci, unintermitted suffering, where sinners die and are reborn to suffer without interval. (2) The eight cold hells 八寒地獄. (a) 頞浮陀地獄 Arbuda, where the cold causes blisters. (b) 尼刺部陀 Nirarbuda, colder still causing the blisters to burst. (c) 頞哳吒; 阿吒吒 Atata, where this is the only possible sound from frozen lips. (d) 臛臛婆; 阿波波 Hahava or Apapa, where it is so cold that only this sound can be uttered. (e) 虎虎婆 Hāhādhara or Huhuva, where only this sound can be uttered. (f) 嗢鉢羅; 鬱鉢羅 (or 優鉢羅) Utpala, or 尼羅鳥 (or 漚) 鉢羅 Nīlotpala, where the skin is frozen like blue lotus buds. (g) 鉢特摩 Padma, where the skin is frozen and bursts open like red lotus buds. (h) 摩訶鉢特摩 Mahāpadma, ditto like great red lotus buds. Somewhat different names are also given. Cf. 倶舍論 8; 智度論 16; 涅槃經 11. II. The secondary hells are called 近邊地獄 adjacent hells or 十六遊增 each of its four sides, opening from each such door are four adjacent hells, in all sixteen; thus with the original eight there are 136. A list of eighteen hells is given in the 十八泥梨經. III. A third class is called the 孤地獄 (獨地獄) Lokāntarika, or isolated hells in mountains, deserts, below the earth and above it. Eitel says in regard to the eight hot hells that they range 'one beneath the other in tiers which begin at a depth of 11,900 yojanas and reach to a depth of 40,000 yojanas'. The cold hells are under 'the two Tchahavālas and range shaft-like one below the other, but so that this shaft is gradually widening to the fourth hell and then narrowing itself again so that the first and last hell have the shortest, those in the centre the longest diameter'. 'Every universe has the same number of hells, ' but 'the northern continent has no hell whatever, the two continents east and west of Meru have only small Lokāntarika hells... whilst all the other hells are required for the inhabitants of the southern continent '. It may be noted that the purpose of these hells is definitely punitive, as well as purgatorial. Yama is the judge and ruler, assisted by eighteen officers and a host of demons, who order or administer the various degrees of torture. 'His sister performs the same duties with regard to female criminals, ' and it may be mentioned that the Chinese have added the 血盆池 Lake of the bloody bath, or 'placenta tank' for women who die in childbirth. Release from the hells is in the power of the monks by tantric means.


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tiān shǐ
    tian1 shi3
t`ien shih
    tien shih

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Angel / Messenger of Heaven
(noun - becomes adjective with の) angel; (female given name) Yukari
Divine messengers, especially those of Yama; also his 三天使 three messengers, or lictors— old age, sickness, death; and his 五天使 or 五大使, i. e. the last three together with rebirth and prisons or punishments on earth.


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tiān huáng
    tian1 huang2
t`ien huang
    tien huang
 tennou / tenno

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Emperor of Japan
Heavenly Sovereign, one of the three legendary sovereigns 三皇[san1 huang2]; emperor; emperor of Japan
Emperor of Japan; (place-name) Tennou
Deva-king; the Tang monk 道悟 Daowu of the 天皇 Tianhuang monastery at 荊州 Jingzhou.


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bù shī
    bu4 shi1
pu shih

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Dana: Almsgiving and Generosity
Dana (Buddhist practice of giving)
(n,vs,vi) (1) {Buddh} alms-giving; charity; (n,vs,vi) (2) {Buddh} offerings (usu. money) to a priest (for reading sutras, etc.); (surname) Fuho
dāna 檀那; the sixth pāramitā, almsgiving, i. e. of goods, or the doctrine, with resultant benefits now and also hereafter in the forms of reincarnation, as neglect or refusal will produce the opposite consequences. The 二種布施 two kinds of dāna are the pure, or unsullied charity, which looks for no reward here but only hereafter; and the sullied almsgiving whose object is personal benefit. The three kinds of dāna are goods, the doctrine, and courage, or fearlessness. The four kinds are pens to write the sutras, ink, the sutras themselves, and preaching. The five kinds are giving to those who have come from a distance, those who are going to a distance, the sick, the hungry, those wise in the doctrine. The seven kinds are giving to visitors, travellers, the sick, their nurses, monasteries, endowments for the sustenance of monks or nuns, and clothing and food according to season. The eight kinds are giving to those who come for aid, giving for fear (of evil), return for kindness received, anticipating gifts in return, continuing the parental example of giving, giving in hope of rebirth in a particular heaven, in hope of an honoured name, for the adornment of the heart and life. 倶舍論 18.



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zhāng fēi
    zhang1 fei1
chang fei
 chouhi / chohi

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Zhang Fei
Zhang Fei (168-221), general of Shu and blood-brother of Liu Bei in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, famous as fearsome fighter and lover of wine
(personal name) Chōhi



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rì lián
    ri4 lian2
jih lien

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(given name) Nichiren; (person) Nichiren (Buddhist priest, 1222-82, founder of the Nichiren sect)
Nichiren, the Japanese founder, in A. D. 1252, of the 日蓮宗 Nichiren sect, which is also known as the 法華宗 or Lotus sect. Its chief tenets are the three great mysteries 三大祕法, representing the trikāya: (1) 本尊 or chief object of worship, being the great maṇḍala of the worlds of the ten directions, or universe, i. e. the body or nirmāṇakāya of Buddha; (2) 題目 the title of the Lotus Sutra 妙法蓮華經 Myo-ho-ren-gwe-kyo, preceded by Namo, or, 'Adoration to the scripture of the lotus of the wonderful law, ' for it is Buddha's spiritual body; (3) 戒壇 the altar of the law, which is also the title of the Lotus as above; the believer, wherever he is, dwells in the Pure-land of calm light 寂光淨土, the saṃbhogakāya.


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yuè guāng
    yue4 guang1
yüeh kuang
 gekkou / gekko

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moonlight; moonbeam; (female given name) Rumi
Candraprabha, 戰達羅鉢刺婆 Moonlight. One of the three honoured ones in the Vajradhātu, and in the Mañjuśrī court of the Garbhadhātu, known also as 淸涼金剛.


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yú jiā
    yu2 jia1
yü chia

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yoga (loanword)
{Buddh} (See ヨーガ) yoga; (surname) Yuga
yoga; also 瑜誐; 遊迦; a yoke, yoking, union, especially an ecstatic union of the individual soul with a divine being, or spirit, also of the individual soul with the universal soul. The method requires the mutual response or relation of 境, 行, 理, 果 and 機; i.e. (1) state, or environment, referred to mind; (2) action, or mode of practice; (3) right principle; (4) results in enlightenment; (5) motivity, i.e. practical application in saving others. Also the mutual relation of hand, mouth, and mind referring to manifestation, incantation, and mental operation; these are known as 瑜伽三密, the three esoteric (means) of Yoga. The older practice of meditation as a means of obtaining spiritual or magical power was distorted in Tantrism to exorcism, sorcery, and juggling in general.



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guān dì
    guan1 di4
kuan ti

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Guandi: God of War
Guandi, the god of War, a deified hero of the Three Kingdoms, a protector of Buddhism.



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guān yǔ
    guan1 yu3
kuan yü

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Guan Yu
Guan Yu (-219), general of Shu and blood-brother of Liu Bei in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, fearsome fighter famous for virtue and loyalty; posomethingumously worshipped and identified with the guardian Bodhisattva Sangharama


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Shuhari; three stages of mastery: the fundamentals, breaking with tradition, creating one's own techniques


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Shingitai / Shin Gi Tai
{MA;sports} three qualities of a martial artist or athlete: heart, technique, strength



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jīng qì shén
    jing1 qi4 shen2
ching ch`i shen
    ching chi shen

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Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine
the three energies of Chinese medicine: 精[jing1], 氣|气[qi4], and 神[shen2]



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guān shì yīn
    guan1 shi4 yin1
kuan shih yin

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Guan Shi Yin: Protector Of Life
Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara)
(out-dated kanji) Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva); Avalokitesvara; Kannon; Kwannon; Guanyin; Buddhist deity of compassion
Regarder of the world's sounds, or cries, the so-called Goddess of Mercy; also known as 觀音; 觀世音善薩; 觀自在 (觀世自在); 觀尹; 光世音 (the last being the older form). Avalokiteśvara, v. 阿 8. Originally represented as a male, the images are now generally those of a female figure. The meaning of the term is in doubt; it is intp. as above, but the term 觀自在 (觀世自在) accords with the idea of Sovereign Regarder and is not associated with sounds or cries. Guanyin is one of the triad of Amida, is represented on his left, and is also represented as crowned with Amida; but there are as many as thirty-three different forms of Guanyin, sometimes with a bird, a vase, a willow wand, a pearl, a 'thousand' eyes and hands, etc., and, when as bestower of children, carrying a child. The island of Putuo (Potala) is the chief centre of Guanyin worship, where she is the protector of all in distress, especially of those who go to sea. There are many sūtras, etc., devoted to the cult, but its provenance and the date of its introduction to China are still in doubt. Chapter 25 of the Lotus Sūtra is devoted to Guanyin, and is the principal scripture of the cult; its date is uncertain. Guanyin is sometimes confounded with Amitābha and Maitreya. She is said to be the daughter of king Śubhavyūha 妙莊王, who had her killed by 'stifling because the sword of the executioner broke without hurting her. Her spirit went to hell; but hell changed into paradise. Yama sent her back to life to save his hell, when she was miraculously transported on a Lotus flower to the island of Poo-too'. Eitel.



see styles
zhū gě liàng
    zhu1 ge3 liang4
chu ko liang
 juugaa ryan / juga ryan

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Zhuge Liang
Zhuge Liang (181-234), military leader and prime minister of Shu Han 蜀漢|蜀汉[Shu3 Han4] during the Three Kingdoms period; the main hero of the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1guo2 Yan3yi4], where he is portrayed as a sage and military genius; (fig.) a mastermind
(person) Zhuge Liang (181-234; Chinese statesman and military strategist)


see styles
sān rén chéng hǔ
    san1 ren2 cheng2 hu3
san jen ch`eng hu
    san jen cheng hu

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Tiger Rumor
three men talking makes a tiger (idiom); repeated rumor becomes a fact


see styles
 sanmiittai / sanmittai

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The Holy Trinity
(1) (yoji) {Christn} the Trinity; (2) (yoji) three parts; three components; three factors; three aspects



see styles
sān guó yǎn yì
    san1 guo2 yan3 yi4
san kuo yen i

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Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中|罗贯中[Luo2 Guan4 zhong1], one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature, a fictional account of the Three Kingdoms at the break-up of the Han around 200 AD, portraying Liu Bei's 劉備|刘备[Liu2 Bei4] Shu Han 蜀漢|蜀汉[Shu3 Han4] as heroes and Cao Cao's 曹操[Cao2 Cao1] Wei 魏[Wei4] as villains



see styles
nán wú sān bǎo
    nan2 wu2 san1 bao3
nan wu san pao
 namu sanbō

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Take Refuge in the Three Treasures
to take refuge in the three treasures



see styles
guī yī sān bǎo
    gui1 yi1 san1 bao3
kuei i san pao
 kie sanbō

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Take Refuge in the Three Treasures
take refuge in the three treasures


see styles
jiǎo tù sān kū
    jiao3 tu4 san1 ku1
chiao t`u san k`u
    chiao tu san ku
lit. a crafty rabbit has three burrows; a sly individual has more than one plan to fall back on (idiom)

see styles
three; 3
(numeric) three (chi: sān); (personal name) Miyoshi
Tri, trayas; three.

see styles
short name for Sichuan 四川[Si4 chuan1] province; one of the Three Kingdoms 三國|三国[San1 guo2] after the Han dynasty, also called 蜀漢|蜀汉[Shu3 Han4], situated around what is now Sichuan province
(1) (See 四川) Sichuan (province in China); (2) (hist) (See 三国・2,蜀漢) Shu (kingdom in China during the Three Kingdoms era; 221-263); Shu Han; (3) (hist) Shu (kingdom in ancient China; ??-316 BCE)

see styles

ancient ceramic three-legged vessel used for cooking with cord markings on the outside and hollow legs
(rare) Chinese kettle with three legs

see styles
 kanae; tei / kanae; te
    かなえ; てい
ancient cooking cauldron with two looped handles and three or four legs; pot (dialect); to enter upon a period of (classical); Kangxi radical 206; one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes
(hist) three-legged bronze vessel (used in ancient China); (given name) Tei


see styles
sān dài
    san1 dai4
san tai
three generations of a family; the three earliest dynasties (Xia, Shang and Zhou)
(1) three generations; three periods; (2) third generation; (personal name) Miyotsugu


see styles
sān jiào
    san1 jiao4
san chiao
 sankyou; sangyou / sankyo; sangyo
    さんきょう; さんぎょう
the Three Doctrines (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism)
(1) Shinto, Buddhism and Confucianism; the three religions; (2) Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism; (3) Buddhism, Shinto and Christianity; (given name) Mitsunori
The three teachings, i.e. 儒, 佛 (or 釋), and 道Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism; or, 孔, 老, 釋 Confucianism, Taoism (aIso known as 神敎), and Buddhism. In Japan they are Shinto, Confucianism, and Buddhism. In Buddhism the term is applied to the three periods of Śākyamuni's own teaching, of which there are several definitions: (1) The Jiangnan 南中 School describe his teaching as (a) 漸progressive or gradual; (b) 頓 immediate, i.e. as one whole, especially in the 華嚴經; and (c) 不定 or indeterminate. (2) 光統 Guangtong, a writer of the Iater Wei dynasty, describes the three as (a) 漸 progressive for beginners, i.e. from impermanence to permanence, from the void to reality, etc.; (b) 頓 immediate for the more advanced; and (c) 圓complete, to the most advanced, i.e. the Huayan as above. (3) The 三時敎q.v. (4) The 南山 Southern school deals with (a) the 性空of Hīnayāna; (b) 相空of Mahāyāna; and (c) 唯識圓 the perfect idealism. v. 行事鈔中 4. Tiantai accepts the division of 漸, 頓, and 不定 for pre-Lotus teaching, but adopts 漸 gradual, 頓 immediate, and 圓 perfect, with the Lotus as the perfect teaching; it also has the division of 三藏敎 , 通敎 , and 別敎 q.v.


see styles
sān zú
    san1 zu2
san tsu
(old) three generations (father, self and sons); three clans (your own, your mother's, your wife's)
three types of relatives (e.g. father, children and grandchildren; parents, siblings, wife and children; etc.)


see styles
sān chūn
    san1 chun1
san ch`un
    san chun
the three spring months
three spring months; (p,s,f) Miharu


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cáo wèi
    cao2 wei4
ts`ao wei
    tsao wei
 sougi / sogi
Cao Wei, the most powerful of the Three Kingdoms, established as a dynasty in 220 by Cao Pi 曹丕, son of Cao Cao, replaced by Jin dynasty in 265
(hist) (See 魏・1) Cao Wei (kingdom in China during the Three Kingdoms period; 220-266); Wei



see styles
shǔ hàn
    shu3 han4
shu han
 shokkan; shokukan
    しょっかん; しょくかん
Shu Han (c. 200-263), Liu Bei's kingdom in Sichuan during the Three Kingdoms, claiming legitimacy as successor of Han
(hist) (See 蜀・2) Shu Han (kingdom in China during the Three Kingdoms era; 221-263); Shu


see styles
dǐng lì
    ding3 li4
ting li
 teiritsu / teritsu
lit. to stand like the three legs of a tripod; tripartite confrontation or balance of forces
(n,vs,vi) triangular position; three-cornered contest



see styles
sān wèi xiàn
    san1 wei4 xian4
san wei hsien
 shamisen(p); samisen
    しゃみせん(P); さみせん
shamisen, three-stringed Japanese musical instrument
shamisen; samisen; three-stringed Japanese lute; (surname) Shamisen


see styles
sān cì yuán
    san1 ci4 yuan2
san tz`u yüan
    san tzu yüan
three-dimensional; the real world (cf. 二次元[er4 ci4 yuan2])
(1) three dimensions; three dimensional; 3D; 3-D; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (slang) (joc) real world; IRL (in real life)



see styles
sān mín zhǔ yì
    san1 min2 zhu3 yi4
san min chu i
Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three Principles of the People (late 1890s)
(Sun Yat-sen's) Three Principles of the People


see styles
sān huáng wǔ dì
    san1 huang2 wu3 di4
san huang wu ti
 sankougotei / sankogote
three sovereigns 三皇[san1 huang2] and five emperors 五帝[wu3 di4] of myth and legend; the earliest system of Chinese historiography
(leg) Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors (mythological rulers of ancient China)



see styles
liù tāo sān lüè
    liu4 tao1 san1 lu:e4
liu t`ao san lu:e
    liu tao san lu:e
 rikutousanryaku / rikutosanryaku
"Six Secret Strategic Teachings" 六韜|六韬[Liu4 tao1] and "Three Strategies of Huang Shigong" 三略[San1 lu:e4], two of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], attributed to Jiang Ziya 姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2]
(1) (yoji) The Six Secret Teachings and The Three Strategies of Huang Shigong (two ancient Chinese military treatises); (2) (yoji) secrets (of the art of war, etc.); mysteries

see styles
 jou / jo
(bound form) up; upper; above; previous; first (of multiple parts); to climb; to get onto; to go up; to attend (class or university); (directional complement) up; (noun suffix) on; above
(suffix) (1) from the standpoint of; from the viewpoint of; with respect to; in terms of; as a matter of; in view of; so far as ... is concerned; (suffix) (2) on; above; on top of; aboard (a ship or vehicle); (noun - becomes adjective with の) (3) the best; top; first class; first grade; (4) (See 下・2,中・6) first volume (of a two or three-volume set); first book; (expression) (5) (written on a gift's wrapping paper) with my compliments; (surname) Noboru
uttarā 嗢呾羅; above upper, superior; on; former. To ascend, offer to a superior.

see styles
(archaic) four horse military chariot; (archaic) four; generic term for history books
Yāna 衍; 野那 a vehicle, wain, any means of conveyance; a term applied to Buddhism as carrying men to salvation. The two chief divisions are the 小乘 Hīnayāna and 大乘 Mahāyāna; but there are categories of one, two, three, four, and five sheng q.v., and they have further subdivisions.

see styles

three (colloquial equivalent of 三個|三个)

see styles
(two, three etc) -fold; times (multiplier); double; to increase or multiply
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) double; twice (as much); (counter) (2) times (as much); -fold; (counter) (3) (e.g. 40倍 = 1 in 40) 1-nth; 1 to n; 1 in n; (surname) Bai
Double, double-fold, a fold; to turn from or against, to revolt.

see styles
To borrow, pretend, assume, suppose; unreal, false, fallacious. In Buddhism it means empirical; nothing is real and permanent, all is temporal and merely phenomenal, fallacious, and unreal; hence the term is used in the sense of empirical, phenomenal, temporal, relative, unreal, seeming, fallacious, etc. The three fundamental propositions or 三諦 are 空假中 the void, or noumenon; the empirical, or phenomenal; and the mean.

see styles
 kou; gou; kou / ko; go; ko
    こう; ごう; コウ
to rob; to plunder; to seize by force; to coerce; calamity; abbr. for kalpa 劫波[jie2 bo1]
(1) (こう, ごう only) {Buddh} kalpa (eon, aeon); (2) (kana only) {go} (usu. コウ) ko; position that allows for eternal capture and recapture of the same stones
刧 A kalpa, aeon, age; also translit. ka; 'a fabulous period of time, a day of Brahmā or 1, 000 Yugas, a period of four hundred and thirty-two million years of mortals, measuring the duration of the world; (a month of Brahmā is supposed to contain thirty such kalpas; according to the Mahābhārata twelve months of Brahmā constitute his year, and one hundred such years his lifetime; fifty years of Brahmā are supposed to have elapsed... ).' M. W. An aeon of incalculable time, therefore called a 大時節 great time-node. v. 劫波.; The three asaṃkhyeya kalpas, the three countless aeons, the period of a bodhisattva's development; also the past 莊嚴劫, the present 賢劫, and the future 星宿劫 kalpas. There are other groups. 三劫三千佛 The thousand Buddhas in each of the three kalpas.

see styles

variant of 即[ji2]; promptly
To draw up to, or near; approach; forthwith; to be; i.e. alias; if, even if; 就是. It is intp. as 和融 united together; 不二not two, i.e. identical; 不離 not separate, inseparable. It resembles implication, e.g. the afflictions or passions imply, or are, bodhi; births-and-deaths imply, or are, nirvana; the indication being that the one is contained in or leads to the other. Tiantai has three definitions: (1) The union, or unity, of two things, e.g. 煩惱 and 菩提, i.e. the passions and enlightenment, the former being taken as the 相 form, the latter 性 spirit, which two are inseparable; in other words, apart from the subjugation of the passions there is no enlightenment. (2) Back and front are inseparables; also (3) substance and quality, e.g. water and wave.

see styles
{astron} (See 二十八宿,白虎・びゃっこ・2) Chinese "Three Stars" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (given name) Hakaru

see styles
mouth; classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, wells etc); classifier for bites or mouthfuls
(1) mouth; (2) opening; hole; gap; orifice; (3) mouth (of a bottle); spout; nozzle; mouthpiece; (4) gate; door; entrance; exit; (5) (See 口を利く・1) speaking; speech; talk (i.e. gossip); (6) (See 口に合う) taste; palate; (7) mouth (to feed); (8) (See 働き口) opening (i.e. vacancy); available position; (9) (See 口がかかる・1) invitation; summons; (10) kind; sort; type; (11) opening (i.e. beginning); (suf,ctr) (12) counter for mouthfuls, shares (of money), stove burners, and swords; (surname) Hamanoguchi
mukha, the mouth, especially as the organ of speech. 身, 口, 意 are the three media of corruption, body or deed , mouth or word, and mind or thought.

see styles

Japanese variant of 吳|吴[Wu2]
(1) Wu (region in China, south of the lower Yangtze); (2) (hist) Wu (kingdom in China during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms era; 902-937 CE); Southern Wu; (3) (hist) (See 三国・2) Wu (kingdom in China during the Three Kingdoms era; 222-280 CE); Eastern Wu; Sun Wu; (4) (hist) Wu (kingdom in China during the Spring and Autumn era; 11th century-473 BCE); (surname) Gou

see styles
contraction of the three characters of 圖書館|图书馆[tu2 shu1 guan3]; library

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see 大夫[dai4 fu5]
(pref,adj-na,n) (1) large; big; great; huge; vast; major; important; serious; severe; (prefix) (2) great; prominent; eminent; distinguished; (suffix) (3) -sized; as big as; the size of; (suffix noun) (4) (abbreviation) (See 大学・1) university; (5) large (e.g. serving size); large option; (6) (abbreviation) (See 大の月) long month (i.e. having 31 days); (given name) Yutaka
Maha. 摩訶; 麼賀. Great, large, big; all pervading, all-embracing; numerous 多; surpassing ; mysterious 妙; beyond comprehension 不可思議; omnipresent 體無不在. The elements, or essential things, i.e. (a) 三大 The three all-pervasive qualities of the 眞如 q.v. : its 體, 相 , 用 substance, form, and functions, v. 起信論 . (b) 四大 The four tanmātra or elements, earth, water, fire, air (or wind) of the 倶舍論. (c)五大 The five, i.e. the last four and space 空, v. 大日經. (d) 六大 The six elements, earth, water, fire, wind, space (or ether), mind 識. Hīnayāna, emphasizing impersonality 人空, considers these six as the elements of all sentient beings; Mahāyāna, emphasizing the unreality of all things 法空, counts them as elements, but fluid in a flowing stream of life, with mind 識 dominant; the esoteric sect emphasizing nonproduction, or non-creation, regards them as universal and as the Absolute in differentiation. (e) 七大 The 楞嚴經 adds 見 perception, to the six above named to cover the perceptions of the six organs 根.

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(Internet slang) the three 子's that symbolize success in life: a house, a car and a wife (房子[fang2 zi5], 車子|车子[che1 zi5] and 妻子[qi1 zi5]); (archaic) cautious; cowardly

see styles
a Chinese foot; one-third of a meter; a ruler; a tape-measure; one of the three acupoints for measuring pulse in Chinese medicine; CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3]
(1) shaku (unit of distance approximately equal to 30.3 cm); (2) rule; measure; scale; (3) length; (surname) Seki

see styles
archaic variant of 參|叁, banker's anti-fraud numeral three

see styles
Japanese variant of 惠[hui4]
(1) wisdom; enlightenment; (2) (Buddhist term) prajna (one of the three divisions of the noble eightfold path); wisdom; (female given name) Meguru

see styles
 yuu / yu
to have; there is; (bound form) having; with; -ful; -ed; -al (as in 有意[you3yi4] intentional)
(1) existence; (n,n-pref) (2) possession; having; (3) (abbreviation) (in company names; written as (有)) (See 有限会社) limited company; (personal name) Yumi
bhāva: that which exists, the existing, existence; to have, possess, be. It is defined as (1) the opposite of 無 wu and 空 kong the non-existent; (2) one of the twelve nidānas, existence; the condition which, considered as cause, produces effect; (3) effect, the consequence of cause; (4) anything that can be relied upon in the visible or invisible realm. It means any state which lies between birth and death, or beginning and end. There are numerous categories— 3, 4, 7, 9, 18, 25, and 29. The 三有 are the 三界 trailokya, i. e. 欲, 色 and 無色界 the realms of desire, of form, and of non-form, all of them realms of mortality; another three are 本有 the present body and mind, or existence, 當有 the future ditto, 中有 the intermediate ditto. Other definitions give the different forms or modes of existence.

see styles
a thorny tree; sugarcane; Cudrania triloba; three-bristle cudrania (Cudrania tricuspidata); Chinese mulberry (Cudrania)
(archaism) (See 山桑) Chinese mulberry (Morus bombycis); (surname) Yamaguwa

see styles
to stop; to prohibit; until; only
(given name) Tomeru
To stop, halt, cease; one of the seven definitions of 禪定 dhyāna described as 奢摩他 śamatha or 三摩地 samādhi; it is defined as 靜息動心 silencing, or putting to rest the active mind, or auto-hypnosis; also 心定止於一處 the mind centred, lit. the mind steadily fixed on one place, or in one position. It differs from 觀 which observes, examines, sifts evidence; 止 has to do with 拂妄 getting rid of distraction for moral ends; it is abstraction, rather than contemplation; see 止觀 In practice there are three methods of attaining such abstraction: (a) by fixing the mind on the nose, navel, etc.; (b) by stopping every thought as it arises; (c) by dwelling on the thought that nothing exists of itself, but from a preceding cause.

see styles
to wash; to rinse; any of three 10-day division of the month (during Tang dynasty); Taiwan pr. [huan3]; also pr. [wan3]
(given name) Kan
to wash

see styles
three-cornered stove

see styles
three-stroke form of Kangxi radical 94 犬[quan3]

see styles
dog giving birth to three puppies

see styles
imbecile; sentimental; stupid; foolish; silly
(1) foolishness; fool; (2) (Buddhist term) moha (ignorance, folly); (noun or adjectival noun) foolish thing; stupid thing; absurdity
moha, 'unconsciousness,' 'delusion,' 'perplexity,' 'ignorance, folly,' 'infatuation,' etc. M.W. Also, mūḍha. In Chinese it is silly, foolish, daft, stupid. It is intp. by 無明 unenlightened, i.e. misled by appearances, taking the seeming for real; from this unenlightened condition arises every kind of kleśa, i.e. affliction or defilement by the passions, etc. It is one of the three poisons, desire, dislike, delusion.

see styles

vessel similar to a kettle, but with three or four legs, used in ancient times for warming wine

see styles
(literary) to stare angrily; to glare
(Buddhist term) dosa (ill will, antipathy)
krodha; pratigha; dveṣa; one of the six fundamental kleśas, anger, ire, wrath, resentment, one of the three poisons; also called 瞋恚.

see styles
 take(p); take
    たけ(P); タケ
bamboo; CL:棵[ke1],支[zhi1],根[gen1]; Kangxi radical 118
(1) bamboo (any grass of subfamily Bambusoideae); (2) (See 梅・うめ・2,松・まつ・2) middle (of a three-tier ranking system); (surname) Chikusaki

see styles
knot; sturdy; bond; to tie; to bind; to check out (of a hotel)
(female given name) Ribon
Knot, tie, bond; bound; settle, wind up; to form. The bond of transmigration. There are categories of three, five, and nine bonds; e.g. false views, the passions, etc.

see styles

to bind; to tie; Taiwan pr. [fu2]
(See 縛につく) tying up; restraint; restriction; arrest
bandha. Tie, attachment, bind, bond, another name for kleśa-afflictions, the passions, etc., which bind men; the 'three bonds' are 貪瞋痴 desire, resentment, stupidity; translit. pa, ba, va; cf. 跋, 婆, 飯.

see styles
(See 耒偏) kanji "plow" or "three-branch tree" radical; (surname) Rai

see styles

 rou / ro
ancient practice of offering sacrifices to the gods in the 12th lunar month; the 12th lunar month; (bound form) (of meat, fish etc) cured in winter, esp. in the 12th lunar month
(1) {Buddh} offering ceremony held on the third day of the dog after the winter solstice; (2) twelfth month of the lunisolar calendar; (3) (See 臈) year in the Buddhist order (after the completion of the first meditation retreat)
Dried flesh; to sacrifice to the gods three days after the winter solstice; the end of the year; a year; a monastic year, i.e. the end of the annual summer retreat, also called 戒臘; 夏臘; 法臘.

see styles
(coll.) color; used in 色子[shai3zi5]
(counter) counter for colours; (female given name) Shiki
rūpa, outward appearance, form, colour, matter, thing; the desirable, especially feminine attraction. It is defined as that which has resistance; or which changes and disappears, i. e. the phenomenal; also as 顯, 形 and 表色 colour and quality, form or the measurable, and mode or action. There are divisions of two, i. e. inner and outer, as the organs and objects of sense; also colour and form; of three, i. e. the visible object, e. g. colour, the invisible object, e. g. sound, the invisible and immaterial; of eleven, i. e. the five organs and five objects of sense and the immaterial object; of fourteen, the five organs and five objects of sense and the four elements, earth, water, fire, air. rūpa is one of the six bāhya-āyatana, the 六塵; also one of the five skandhas, 五蘊, i. e. the 色身. Keith refers to rūpa as 'material form or matter which is underived (no-utpādā) and which is derived (utpādā)', the underived or independent being the tangible; the derived or dependent being the senses, e. g. of hearing; most of their objects, e. g. sound; the qualities or faculties of feminity, masculinity, vitality; intimation by act and speech, space; qualities of matter, e. g. buoyancy and physical nutriment.

see styles

bitter; hardship; pain; to suffer; to bring suffering to; painstakingly
(1) pain; anguish; suffering; distress; anxiety; worry; trouble; difficulty; hardship; (2) {Buddh} (See 八苦) duhkha (suffering)
duḥkha, 豆佉 bitterness; unhappiness, suffering, pain, distress, misery; difficulty. There are lists of two, three, four, five, eight, and ten categories; the two are internal, i. e. physical and mental, and external, i. e. attacks from without. The four are birth, growing old, illness, and death. The eight are these four along with the pain of parting from the loved, of meeting with the hated, of failure in one's aims, and that caused by the five skandhas; cf. 四諦.

see styles
storehouse; depository; Buddhist or Taoist scripture
(surname) Kura
Treasury, thesaurus, store, to hide; the Canon. An intp. of piṭaka, a basket, box, granary, collection of writings. The 二藏 twofold canon may be the sutras and the vinaya; or the Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna scriptures. The 三藏 or tripiṭaka consists of the sutras, vinaya, and śāstras (abhidharma). The 四藏 fourfold canon adds a miscellaneous collection. The 五藏 fivefold collection is sutras, vinaya, abhidharma, miscellaneous, and spells, or, instead of the spells, a bodhisattva collection. There is also an esoteric fivefold canon, the first three being the above, the last two being the prājñāpāramitā and the dhāraṇīs.

see styles
toad ("chán" represents the sound of its croaking); (mythology) the three-legged toad said to exist in the moon; (metonym) the moon
(kana only) toad (esp. the Japanese toad, Bufo japonicus)

see styles
 shuu(p); shu / shu(p); shu
    しゅう(P); しゅ
variant of 眾|众[zhong4]
(1) (ant: 寡・か・1) great numbers (of people); numerical superiority; masses; (n,n-suf) (2) (honorific or respectful language) (familiar language) people; folk; clique; bunch; (personal name) Muneyasu
All, the many; a company of at least three.

see styles

to dress; to wear; to put on (clothes)
(1) clothes; garment; (2) gown; robe; (3) coating (e.g. glaze, batter, icing); (female given name) Matoi
Clothes, especially a monk's robes which are of two kinds, the compulsory three garments of five, seven, or nine pieces; and the permissive clothing for the manual work of the monastery, etc. The 三衣 or three garments are (1) 安陀會衣 antarvāsas, an inner garment; the five-piece 袈裟 cassock; (2) 鬱多羅僧衣 uttarāsaṇga, outer garment, the seven-piece cassock; (3) 僧伽梨衣 saṁghāti, assembly cassock of from nine to twenty-five pieces. The permissive clothing is of ten kinds.

see styles
role (theater); to compete; ancient three legged wine vessel; third note of pentatonic scale
(1) horn; antler; (2) antenna; feeler; tentacle (e.g. of a snail); (3) horn-like projection (e.g. peaks of whipped cream); (surname) Tsumo
viṣāna ; a horn, a trumpet: also a corner, an angle; to contend.

see styles
wheel; disk; ring; steamship; to take turns; to rotate; classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn
(counter) counter for wheels and flowers; (female given name) Run
cakra; wheel, disc, rotation, to revolve; v. 研. The three wheels are 惑業苦illusion, karma, suffering, in constant revolution. The five are earth, water, fire, wind, and space; the earth rests on revolving spheres of water, fire, wind, and space. The nine are seen on the tops of pagodas, cf. 九輪.; The two wheels of a cart compared by the Tiantai school to 定 (or to its Tiantai form 止觀) and 慧 meditation and wisdom; see 止觀 5. Also 食 food and 法 the doctrine, i. e. food physical and spiritual.

see styles

three legged cauldron (old); woodworking chisel (old)

see styles
three edged spear; (used in given names)

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Three" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary