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earth; ground; field; place; land; CL:片[pian4]
(n,n-suf) (1) earth; ground; land; soil; (n,n-suf) (2) place; (n,n-suf) (3) territory; (n,n-suf) (4) (See 天地無用) bottom (of a package, book, etc.); (n,n-suf) (5) (See 五大・1,土・ど・2) earth (one of the five elements); (surname) Hamaji
pṛthivī, 鉢里體尾 the earth, ground; bhūmi, 歩弭 the earth, place, situation; talima, 託史麽 (or 託吏麽) ground, site; explained by 土地 earth, ground; 能生 capable of producing; 所依 that on which things rely. It is also the spiritual rank, position, or character attained by a Bodhisattva as a result of 住 remaining and developing in a given state in order to attain this 地 rank; v. 十住; 住位 and 十地.

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(1) law (esp. ancient East Asian criminal code); regulation; (2) {Buddh} vinaya (rules for the monastic community); (3) (abbreviation) (See 律宗) Ritsu (school of Buddhism); (4) (abbreviation) (See 律詩) lüshi (style of Chinese poem); (5) (also りち) (musical) pitch; (6) (See 十二律,呂・2) six odd-numbered notes of the ancient chromatic scale; (7) (abbreviation) (See 律旋) Japanese seven-tone gagaku scale, similar to Dorian mode (corresponding to: re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do); (n,n-suf,ctr) (8) step (in traditional Eastern music, corresponding to a Western semitone); (personal name) Ritsuji
vinaya, from vi-ni, to 1ead, train: discipline: v. 毘奈耶; other names are Prātimokṣa, śīla, and upalakṣa. The discipline, or monastic rules; one of the three divisions of the Canon, or Tripiṭaka, and said to have been compiled by Upāli.

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Moral and Virtuous
virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind
Virtue, moral excellence, moral power, power; also translates guṇa; translit. ta.

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Heart / Mind / Spirit
heart; mind; intention; center; core; CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4]
(1) (See 心・こころ・1) heart; mind; spirit; vitality; inner strength; (2) bottom of one's heart; core (of one's character); nature; (3) (usu. written as 芯) (See 芯・2) centre; center; core; heart; (4) (See 心臓・1) heart (organ); (5) {astron} (See 二十八宿) Chinese "Heart" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (6) (archaism) (child. language) friend; (given name) Haato
hṛd, hṛdaya 汗栗太 (or 汗栗馱); 紀哩馱 the heart, mind, soul; citta 質多 the heart as the seat of thought or intelligence. In both senses the heart is likened to a lotus. There are various definitions, of which the following are six instances: (1) 肉團心 hṛd, the physical heart of sentient or nonsentient living beings, e. g. men, trees, etc. (2) 集起心 citta, the ālayavijñāna, or totality of mind, and the source of all mental activity. (3) 思量心 manas, the thinking and calculating mind; (4) 緣慮心; 了別心; 慮知心; citta; the discriminating mind; (5) 堅實心 the bhūtatathatā mind, or the permanent mind; (6) 積聚精要心 the mind essence of the sutras.

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language; culture; writing; formal; literary; gentle; (old) classifier for coins; Kangxi radical 67
(1) (hist) mon; one-thousandth of a kan (unit of currency 1336-1870); (2) mon; traditional unit used for shoe and sock sizes (approx. 2.4 cm); (3) letter; character; sentence; (4) (abbreviation) (See 経文,呪文) scripture; incantation; (female given name) Remon
Letters, literature, writing; refined; culture; civil; a despatch; veined; a cash; to gloss.

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line of business; industry; occupation; job; employment; school studies; enterprise; property; (Buddhism) karma; deed; to engage in; already
deed; act; work; performance; (personal name) Hajime
karman, karma, "action, work, deed"; "moral duty"; "product, result, effect." M.W. The doctrine of the act; deeds and their effects on the character, especially in their relation to succeeding forms of transmigration. The 三業 are thought, word, and deed, each as good, bad, or indifferent. Karma from former lives is 宿業, from present conduct 現業. Karma is moral action that causes future retribution, and either good or evil transmigration. It is also that moral kernel in which each being survives death for further rebirth or metempsychosis. There are categories of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 10; the 六業 are rebirth in the hells, or as animals, hungry ghosts, men, devas, or asuras: v. 六趣.

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 hou / ho

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Dharma / The Law
law; method; way; to emulate; (Buddhism) dharma; (abbr. for 法家[Fa3 jia1]) the Legalists; (physics) farad (abbr. for 法拉[fa3 la1])
(n,n-suf) (1) law; act; principle; (n,n-suf) (2) method; (n,n-suf) (3) {gramm} mood; (n,n-suf) (4) {Buddh} dharma; law; (female given name) Minori
Dharma, 達磨; 曇無 (or 曇摩); 達摩 (or 達謨) Law, truth, religion, thing, anything Buddhist. Dharma is 'that which is held fast or kept, ordinance, statute, law, usage, practice, custom'; 'duty'; 'right'; 'proper'; 'morality'; 'character'. M. W. It is used in the sense of 一切 all things, or anything small or great, visible or invisible, real or unreal, affairs, truth, principle, method, concrete things, abstract ideas, etc. Dharma is described as that which has entity and bears its own attributes. It connotes Buddhism as the perfect religion; it also has the second place in the triratna 佛法僧, and in the sense of 法身 dharmakāya it approaches the Western idea of 'spiritual'. It is also one of the six media of sensation, i. e. the thing or object in relation to mind, v. 六塵.

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white; snowy; pure; bright; empty; blank; plain; clear; to make clear; in vain; gratuitous; free of charge; reactionary; anti-communist; funeral; to stare coldly; to write wrong character; to state; to explain; vernacular; spoken lines in opera
(1) white; (2) (See ボラ・1) striped mullet fry (Mugil cephalus); (3) (See 科白・1) (spoken) line (in a play, film, etc.); one's lines; (4) {mahj} white dragon tile; (5) {mahj} winning hand with a pung (or kong) of white dragon tiles; (6) (abbreviation) (rare) (See 白耳義・ベルギー) Belgium; (7) (abbreviation) (archaism) (See 白人・1) white person; Caucasian; (female given name) Yuki
White, pure, clear; make clear, inform.

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simple; uncomplicated; letter; to choose; to select; bamboo strips used for writing (old)
(1) (See 簡にして要を得る) (ant: 繁・1) simplicity; brevity; (2) letter; note; correspondence; (3) bamboo writing strip (in ancient China); (4) (abbreviation) (See 簡体字) simplified Chinese character; (surname) Kan
A tablet, memorandum; to abridge; appoint; examine; abrupt, concise, direct.

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The Saint
(bound form) peerless (in wisdom, moral virtue, skill etc); (bound form) peerless individual; paragon (sage, saint, emperor, master of a skill etc); (bound form) holy; sacred
(1) highly virtuous monk; (2) (honorific or respectful language) monk; (3) Buddhist solitary; (4) (See 高野聖・1) Buddhist missionary; (5) saint (i.e. a virtuous person); (6) (archaism) (honorific or respectful language) emperor; (7) (in form 〜の聖) master; expert; (female given name) Mina
ārya; sādhu; a sage; wise and good; upright, or correct in all his character; sacred, holy, saintly.

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Wise and Virtuous
worthy or virtuous person; honorific used for a person of the same or a younger generation
(noun or adjectival noun) (archaism) intelligence; genius; scholarship; virtue; (male given name) Masaru
Wise and virtuous, sage, second rank to a 聖 saint; good, excellent in character, virtuous.


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(abbreviation) (slang) (See コスプレ) cosplay (dressing up as a character from an anime, manga, video game, etc.); (personal name) Goss; Gosse; Goth


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(noun or adjectival noun) personality; character; personal appearance; gentility


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kè jǐ
    ke4 ji3
k`o chi
    ko chi

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Self-Restraint / Self-Control
self-restraint; discipline; selflessness
(n,vs,vi) self-control; self-mastery; self-restraint; self-denial; (given name) Yoshimi



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gāng yì
    gang1 yi4
kang i

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Fortitude / Strength of Character
resolute; steadfast; stalwart
(noun or adjectival noun) fortitude; firmness of character; hardihood; manliness; (personal name) Tsuyotake
a strong



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sī mǎ
    si1 ma3
ssu ma

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Minister of War (official title in pre-Han Chinese states); two-character surname Sima
(hist) (See 六卿) Minister of War (Zhou dynasty China); (given name) Shime


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jun zǐ
    jun1 zi3
chün tzu

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nobleman; person of noble character
(1) man of virtue; wise man; (true) gentleman; (2) person of high rank; (3) (See 四君子) the four gentlemen (plum, chrysanthemum, orchid, and bamboo); (female given name) Kunshi
superior man


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sì dà
    si4 da4
ssu ta

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Shidai / Sida / Mahabhuta
the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind (Buddhism); the four freedoms: speaking out freely, airing views fully, holding great debates, and writing big-character posters, 大鳴大放|大鸣大放[da4 ming2 da4 fang4], 大辯論|大辩论[da4 bian4 lun4], 大字報|大字报[da4 zi4 bao4] (PRC)
(1) {Buddh} the four elements (earth, water, fire, wind); (2) the human body; (3) Tao, heaven, earth and king
mahābhūta, 四界; 四大界. The four elements of which all things are made; or the four realms; i. e. earth, water, fire, and wind (or air); they represent 堅, 濕, 煖, and 動 solid, liquid, heat, and motion; motion produces and maintains life. As 實 active or formative forces they are styled 四界 (四大界) ; as 假 passive or material objects they are 四大; but the 成實論 Satyasiddhi śāstra disputes the 實 and recognizes only the 假.



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nǚ jié
    nu:3 jie2
nü chieh
woman of distinction; a woman to be admired or respected
heroine; great woman; brave woman; woman of strong character; Amazon


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wù kōng
    wu4 kong1
wu k`ung
    wu kung
 gokuu / goku

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Wukong / Goku
Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural powers from the novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 You2 Ji4]
(surname, given name) Gokuu


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dù duō
    du4 duo1
tu to

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(surname) Toda
杜茶; 頭陀 q. v. dhūta, discipline (to shake off sin, etc. ).


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tài shān
    tai4 shan1
t`ai shan
    tai shan

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Tarzan (fictional character reared by apes in the jungle); Taishan township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
large mountain; Mt Taishan (China); (surname) Yasuyama
Tai Shan in Shandong, the eastern sacred mountain of China.



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wú wǒ
    wu2 wo3
wu wo

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anatta (Buddhist concept of "non-self")
(1) selflessness; self-effacement; self-renunciation; (2) {Buddh} anatta; anatman; doctrine that states that humans do not possess souls; (female given name) Muga
anātman; nairātmya; no ego, no soul (of an independent and self-contained character), impersonal, no individual independent existence (of conscious or unconscious beings, anātmaka). The empirical ego is merely an aggregation of various elements, and with their disintegration it ceases to exist; therefore it has nm ultimate reality of its own, but the Nirvāṇa Sūtra asserts the reality of the ego in the transcendental realm. The non-Buddhist definition of ego is that it has permanent individuality 常一之體 and is independent or sovereign 有主宰之用. When applied to men it is 人我, when to things it is 法我. Cf. 常 11.


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hóu wáng
    hou2 wang2
hou wang

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Monkey King
Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural powers in the novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4]



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jì lǜ
    ji4 lu:4
chi lü

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(1) order; observance; discipline; (2) rules; law; regulations


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yào xī
    yao4 xi1
yao hsi

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Yoshi (Nintendo video game character)


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zì lǜ
    zi4 lu:4
tzu lü

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Self-Discipline / Will-Power
self-discipline; self-regulation; autonomy (ethics); autonomic (physiology)
(1) {phil} (See 他律・1) autonomy (in Kantian ethics); (2) self-control



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pú sà
    pu2 sa4
p`u sa
    pu sa
 bosatsu(p); bosachi(ok)
    ぼさつ(P); ぼさち(ok)

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Bodhisattva (Buddhism)
(n,n-suf) (1) {Buddh} bodhisattva; one who has reached enlightenment but vows to save all beings before becoming a buddha; (n,n-suf) (2) High Monk (title bestowed by the imperial court); (n,n-suf) (3) (See 本地垂迹説) title bestowed to Shinto kami in manifestation theory; (surname) Mizoro
bodhisattva, cf. 菩提薩埵. While the idea is not foreign to Hīnayāna, its extension of meaning is one of the chief marks of Mahāyāna. 'The Bodhisattva is indeed the characteristic feature of the Mahāyāna.' Keith. According to Mahāyāna the Hinayanists, i.e. the śrāvaka and pratyekabuddha, seek their own salvation, while the bodhisattva's aim is the salvation of others and of all. The earlier intp. of bodhisattva was 大道心衆生 all beings with mind for the truth; later it became 大覺有情 conscious beings of or for the great intelligence, or enlightenment. It is also intp. in terms of leadership, heroism, etc. In general it is a Mahayanist seeking Buddhahood, but seeking it altruistically; whether monk or layman, he seeks enlightenment to enlighten others, and he will sacrifice himself to save others; he is devoid of egoism and devoted to helping others. All conscious beings having the Buddha-nature are natural bodhisattvas, but require to undergo development. The mahāsattva is sufficiently advanced to become a Buddha and enter nirvāṇa, but according to his vow he remains in the realm of incarnation to save all conscious beings. A monk should enter on the arduous course of discipline which leads to Bodhisattvahood and Buddhahood.


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xíng dé
    xing2 de2
hsing te
 gyō toku

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Morality of Deed
The virtue of performance, or discipline; to perform virtuous deeds.



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jiàn xìng
    jian4 xing4
chien hsing
 kenshou / kensho

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Kensho - Initial Enlightenment
self-awareness; consciousness of one's own character
To behold the Buddha-nature within oneself, a common saying of the Chan (Zen) or Intuitive School.



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guī lǜ
    gui1 lu:4
kuei lü

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rule (e.g. of science); law of behavior; regular pattern; rhythm; discipline
(1) order; observance; discipline; (2) rules; law; regulations


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Military Discipline
(1) military discipline; (2) military regulations; military rules



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gǔ qì
    gu3 qi4
ku ch`i
    ku chi

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Courageous Spirit
unyielding character; courageous spirit; integrity; moral backbone


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Person of Character
person of character


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dà zhàng fu
    da4 zhang4 fu5
ta chang fu
 daijoubu(p); daijobu / daijobu(p); daijobu
    だいじょうぶ(P); だいじょぶ

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Man of Character
a manly man; a man of character
(adjectival noun) (1) safe; secure; sound; problem-free; without fear; all right; alright; OK; okay; (adverb) (2) certainly; surely; undoubtedly; (int,adj-na) (3) (colloquialism) no thanks; I'm good; that's alright; (4) (だいじょうぶ only) (archaism) (See 大丈夫・だいじょうふ) great man; fine figure of a man; (given name) Masurao
a great man



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sūn wù kōng
    sun1 wu4 kong1
sun wu k`ung
    sun wu kung
 songokuu / songoku

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Sun Wukong / Son Goku
Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural powers in the novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4]; Son Goku, the main character in Dragon Ball 七龍珠|七龙珠[Qi1 long2 zhu1]
(1) (char) Sun Wukong (character in the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West); Monkey King; (2) (char) Son Goku (Dragon Ball); (ch) Sun Wukong (character in the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West); Monkey King; (ch) Son Goku (Dragon Ball)


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quǎn yè chà
    quan3 ye4 cha4
ch`üan yeh ch`a
    chüan yeh cha

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Inuyasha, fictional character
(work) Inuyasha (manga series); (wk) Inuyasha (manga series)



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kuáng zhàn shì
    kuang2 zhan4 shi4
k`uang chan shih
    kuang chan shih

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berserker (Norse warrior or fantasy role-playing character)


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ā lā dīng
    a1 la1 ding1
a la ting

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Aladdin, character in one of the tales in the The Book of One Thousand and One Nights


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 yosshii / yosshi

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(char) Yoshi (Nintendo character); (ch) Yoshi (Nintendo character)


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kǎ sāng dé lā
    ka3 sang1 de2 la1
k`a sang te la
    ka sang te la

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Cassandra (given name); Cassandra (character in Greek mythology)


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kǎ shān dé lā
    ka3 shan1 de2 la1
k`a shan te la
    ka shan te la

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Cassandra (given name); Cassandra (character in Greek mythology)



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jiǎo tà shí dì
    jiao3 ta4 shi2 di4
chiao t`a shih ti
    chiao ta shih ti

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Keep Your Feet on the Ground
to have one's feet firmly planted on the ground (idiom); realistic without flights of fancy; steady and serious character

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character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English); variant of 〇[ling2]

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 noma; noma
    のま; ノマ
iteration mark (used to represent a duplicated character)
(unc) (See 同の字点) kanji repetition mark

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iteration mark (used to represent a duplicated character)

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 chouon / choon
(unc) (indicates that the preceding character is pronounced with a long vowel sound; used mainly in katakana writing) (See 長音符・1) long-vowel mark

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first character in place name 乤浦 "Halpho" (Korean gugja)

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 hito(p); hito
    ひと(P); ヒト
person; people; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
(1) person; someone; somebody; (2) human beings; mankind; man; people; humans; (3) (kana only) (usu. ヒト) human (Homo sapiens); (4) (other) people; others; (5) character; personality; nature; (6) capable person; competent person; suitable person; right person; (7) adult; grown-up; (8) (used when rebuking or criticizing someone) I; me; one; (surname) Hitotaka
manuṣya; nara; puruṣa; pudgala. Man, the sentient thinking being in the desire-realm, whose past deeds affect his present condition.

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to lean; to slant; oblique; prejudiced; to deviate from average; to stray from the intended line; stubbornly; contrary to expectations
(See 旁・つくり) left-hand radical of a character
To or on one side, deflected, one-sided, biased, partial, prejudiced.

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shí kè
    shi2 ke4
shih k`o
    shih ko
decagram (old) (single-character equivalent of 十克[shi2 ke4])

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qiān kè
    qian1 ke4
ch`ien k`o
    chien ko
kilogram (old) (single-character equivalent of 千克[qian1 ke4])

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fēn kè
    fen1 ke4
fen k`o
    fen ko
decigram (old) (single-character equivalent of 分克[fen1 ke4])

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háo kè
    hao2 ke4
hao k`o
    hao ko
milligram (old) (single-character equivalent of 毫克[hao2 ke4])

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bǎi kè
    bai3 ke4
pai k`o
    pai ko
hectogram (old) (single-character equivalent of 百克[bai3 ke4])

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lí kè
    li2 ke4
li k`o
    li ko
centigram (old) (single-character equivalent of 釐克|厘克[li2 ke4])

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to delimit; to transfer; to assign; to plan; to draw (a line); stroke of a Chinese character
(n,n-suf,ctr) stroke (of a kanji, etc.)

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(bound form) article; commodity; product; goods; (bound form) grade; rank; kind; type; variety; character; disposition; nature; temperament; to taste something; to sample; to criticize; to comment; to judge; to size up; fret (on a guitar or lute)
(1) court rank; (suffix) (2) {Buddh} (sometimes pronounced ぼん, ぽん as a suffix) (See 九品・1) level; grade; (suffix) (3) {Buddh} chapter; section; volume; (surname) Shina
varga, 跋渠 class, series, rank, character; a chapter of a sutra.

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large place used for a specific purpose; stage; scene (of a play); classifier for sporting or recreational activities; classifier for number of exams
(1) place; spot; space; (2) field; discipline; sphere; realm; (3) (See その場・1) occasion; situation; (4) scene (of a play, movie, etc.); (5) {stockm} session; (6) {cards} field; table; area in which cards are laid out; (7) {mahj} (See 東場,南場) round (east, south, etc.); (8) {physics} field; (9) {psych} field (in Gestalt psychology); (surname) Bazaki
Area, arena, field, especially the bodhi-plot, or place of enlightenment, etc.; cf. 道場; 菩提場.

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 shou / sho
(1) {Buddh} (See 六境) voice; sound; (2) {ling} (also read せい) (See 四声,声点) tone (of Chinese character); tone mark; (3) stress (in pronunciation); intonation; accent; (female given name) Chika

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old character used in female names

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letter; symbol; character; word; CL:個|个[ge4]; courtesy or style name traditionally given to males aged 20 in dynastic China
(1) character (esp. kanji); letter; written text; (2) handwriting; penmanship; (3) (as 〜の字) (See ほの字) the ... word (e.g. "the L word" = "love"); (place-name) Aza
akṣara, 阿乞史囉; 阿刹羅; a letter, character; akṣara is also used for a vowel, especially the vowed 'a' as distinguished from the other vowels; a word, words.

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character used in place names

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forced labor; corvée; obligatory task; military service; to use as servant; to enserf; servant (old); war; campaign; battle
(1) role; assignment; responsibility; duty; function; job; service; (2) position (of responsibility); post; office; (3) part (in a play, film, etc.); role; character; (4) {mahj;cards;hanaf} scoring combination; hand; yaku; meld; (given name) Mamoru

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nature; character; property; quality; attribute; sexuality; sex; gender; suffix forming adjective from verb; suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding to -ness or -ity; essence; CL:個|个[ge4]
(archaism) disposition; nature; character; (surname) Shou
svabhāva, prakṛti, pradhāna. The nature intp. as embodied, causative, unchanging; also as independent or self-dependent; fundamental nature behind the manifestation or expression. Also, the Buddha-nature immanent in all beings, the Buddha heart or mind.

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 kai; ingoto(ok)
    かい; いんごと(ok)
to guard against; to exhort; to admonish or warn; to give up or stop doing something; Buddhist monastic discipline; ring (for a finger)
(1) (かい only) {Buddh} admonition; commandment; (2) sila (precept)
śīla, 尸羅. Precept, command, prohibition, discipline, rule; morality. It is applied to the five, eight, ten, 250, and other commandments. The five are: (1) not to kill; (2 ) not to steal; (3) not to commit adultery; (4) not to speak falsely; (5) not to drink wine. These are the commands for lay disciples; those who observe them will be reborn in the human realm. The Sarvāstivādins did not sanction the observance of a limited selection from them as did the 成實宗 Satyasiddhi school. Each of the five precepts has five guardian spirits, in all twenty-five, 五戒二十五神. The eight for lay disciples are the above five together with Nos. 7, 8, and 9 of the following; the ten commands for the ordained, monks and nuns, are the above five with the following: (6) not to use adornments of flowers, nor perfumes; (7) not to perform as an actor, juggler, acrobat, or go to watch and hear them; (8) not to sit on elevated, broad, and large divans (or beds); (9) not to eat except in regulation hours; (10) not to possess money, gold or silver, or precious things. The 具足戒full commands for a monk number 250, those for a nun are 348, commonly called 500. Śīla is also the first of the 五分法身, i.e. a condition above all moral error. The Sutra of Brahma's Net has the following after the first five: (6) not to speak of the sins of those in orders; (7) not to vaunt self and depreciate others; (8) not to be avaricious; (9) not to be angry; (10) not to slander the triratna.

see styles

to carry (hanging down from the hand); to lift; to put forward; to mention; to raise (an issue); upwards character stroke; lifting brush stroke (in painting); scoop for measuring liquid
(kana only) ceremonial sake decanter with a spout and semicircular handle; (place-name) Hisage
To raise, mention, bring forward, summon, lead.

see styles
one side; other; different; lateral component of a Chinese character (such as 刂[dao1], 亻[ren2] etc)
(e.g. 形 の 彡) (See 偏) right-hand radical of a character
A side, beside, adjoining, near.

see styles
dark clouds
cloudiness; cloudy weather; shadow; (surname) Kumori
Clouds covering the sun, spreading clouds; translit. dh in dharma 曇摩, 曇磨, 曇無; v. 達 and 法. Dharma is also the initial character for a number of names of noted Indian monks, e.g. 曇磨毱多; 達摩瞿諦; 曇無德 Dharmagupta, founder of a school, the 曇無德部 which flourished in Ceylon A.D 400. Also Dharmajātayaśas, Dharmakāla, Dharmākara, Dharmamitra, Dharmanandi, Dharmapriya, Dharmarakṣa, Dharmaruci, Dharmasatva, Dharmayaśas, etc.

see styles

square; frame; rule; (legal) case; style; character; standard; pattern; (grammar) case; (classical) to obstruct; to hinder; (classical) to arrive; to come; (classical) to investigate; to study exhaustively
(hist) (See 律令) amendment (to ritsuryō); (given name) Wataru
A rule, line, pattern; reach, research, science.

see styles
see historical character Lao Ai 嫪毐; by extension, person of reprehensible morals; immoral; adulterer

see styles
(ancient character used in posomethingumous titles of monarchs); old variant of 憫|悯[min3]

see styles
(1) dot; spot; point; speck; mark; (2) mark (in an exam, etc.); grade; score; points; (3) point (in a game); score; goal; run; (4) {geom} point; (5) point; aspect; matter; detail; part; respect; way; viewpoint; (6) (punctuation) mark (e.g. comma, period, decimal point); dot; (7) "dot" stroke (in a Chinese character); (counter) (8) counter for points, marks, goals, etc.; (counter) (9) counter for goods, items, articles of clothing, works of art, etc.; (female given name) Tomoru

see styles
entropy (character created in 1923)

see styles
impetuous; rash; upright (character)

see styles
bead; pearl; CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1]
(1) ball; sphere; globe; orb; (2) bead (of sweat, dew, etc.); drop; droplet; (3) ball (in sports); (4) pile (of noodles, etc.); (5) bullet; (6) bulb (i.e. a light bulb); (7) lens (of glasses, etc.); (8) bead (of an abacus); (9) (slang) (abbreviation) ball (i.e. a testicle); (10) gem; jewel (esp. spherical; sometimes used figuratively); pearl; (11) female entertainer (e.g. a geisha); (12) (derogatory term) person (when commenting on their nature); character; (13) item, funds or person used as part of a plot; (n,n-suf) (14) egg; (suffix noun) (15) coin; (16) precious; beautiful; excellent; (female given name) Megumi
mani. A pearl; a bead; synonym for buddha-truth.

see styles

(phonetic character used in transliteration of foreign names); Taiwan pr. [li4]; variant of 璃[li2]

see styles
decawatt (old); pr. [shi2 wa3]; single-character equivalent of 十瓦[shi2 wa3]

see styles
qiān wǎ
    qian1 wa3
ch`ien wa
    chien wa
kilowatt (old); single-character equivalent of 千瓦[qian1 wa3]
(kana only) kilogram (fre:); kilogramme

see styles
fēn wǎ
    fen1 wa3
fen wa
deciwatt (old); single-character equivalent of 分瓦[fen1 wa3]

see styles
háo wǎ
    hao2 wa3
hao wa
milliwatt (old); single-character equivalent of 毫瓦[hao2 wa3]

see styles
bǎi wǎ
    bai3 wa3
pai wa
hectowatt (old); single-character equivalent of 百瓦

see styles
brief; sketchy; outline; summary; to omit; (bound form before a single-character verb) a bit; somewhat; slightly; plan; strategy; to capture (territory)
(n,n-suf) (1) abbreviation; omission; (2) outline; gist; (3) plan; strategy; scheme
To mark off, define: abridge, outline, sketch; summarize in general; rather, somewhat.

see styles
to draw; to paint; picture; painting (CL:幅[fu2],張|张[zhang1]); to draw (a line) (variant of 劃|划[hua4]); stroke of a Chinese character (variant of 劃|划[hua4]); (calligraphy) horizontal stroke (variant of 劃|划[hua4])
Draw, paint, picture, sketch; devise, fix.

see styles
bǎi mǐ
    bai3 mi3
pai mi
hectometer (old); single-character equivalent of 百米[bai3 mi3]

see styles

order; discipline; age; era; period; to chronicle
(n,n-suf) (1) {geol} period; (2) (abbreviation) (See 日本書紀) Nihon Shoki (second oldest work of Japanese history, compiled in 720 CE); Nihongi; Chronicles of Japan; (3) (abbreviation) (hist) Kii (former province located in present-day Wakayama and southern Mie prefectures); (personal name) Motoi
To record; regulate; a year, a period (of twelve years).

see styles
complicated; many; in great numbers; abbr. for 繁體|繁体[fan2 ti3], traditional form of Chinese characters
(1) (ant: 簡・1) complexity; frequency; trouble; (2) (abbreviation) (See 繁体字) traditional Chinese character; unsimplified Chinese character; (surname) Tokushige

see styles

(bound form) flesh; muscle
(1) skin; (2) body (in the context of intimate bodily contact); (n,n-suf) (3) surface; grain (e.g. of wood); texture; (4) disposition; temperament; character; type

see styles

(1) skin; (2) body (in the context of intimate bodily contact); (n,n-suf) (3) surface; grain (e.g. of wood); texture; (4) disposition; temperament; character; type

see styles
(bound form) to sprout; to bud; (coll.) cute; adorable (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 萌え "moe", affection for an anime or manga character); (literary) common people (variant of 氓[meng2])
(female given name) Moyuru
a sprout

see styles
 wan; man
    ワン; マン
ten thousand; a great number
(counter) {mahj} counter for character tiles; (surname) Yorozu
Myriad, 10,000; all.

see styles

Bodhisattva; surname Sa
(surname) Satsusa
A character introduced by the Buddhists, used as a translit. of sa sounds.

see styles

to disobey; contrary; against; to go against; to violate; obscure character, possibly variant of 惡|恶[e4]

see styles
 kun(p); kuni(ok)
    くん(P); くに(ok)
to teach; to train; to admonish; (bound form) instruction (from superiors); teachings; rule
(1) native Japanese reading of a Chinese character; (n,suf) (2) (See 処世訓・しょせいくん) precept; lesson; one's teachings; (female given name) Yomi
To teach.

see styles
to bid farewell; tricks of the trade; pithy mnemonic formula (e.g. Mao Zedong's 16-character mantra 十六字訣|十六字诀 on guerrilla warfare)
(male given name) Satoshi
to branch off

see styles
opinion; view; theory; doctrine; to discuss; to talk about; to regard; to consider; per; by the (kilometer, hour etc)
(n,n-suf) (1) argument; discussion; dispute; controversy; discourse; debate; (n,n-suf) (2) theory (e.g. of evolution); doctrine; (n,n-suf) (3) essay; treatise; comment; (surname) Ron
To discourse upon, discuss, reason over; tr. for śāstra, abhidharma, and upadeśa, i.e. discourses, discussions, or treatises on dogma, philosophy, discipline, etc.

see styles

resources; capital; to provide; to supply; to support; money; expense
(1) funds; capital; (2) material; basis; (3) character; qualities; disposition; (female given name) Moto
Funds, basis, property, supplies; fees; to depend on: disposition: expenditure.

see styles
character; nature; quality; plain; to pawn; pledge; hostage; to question; Taiwan pr. [zhi2]
(1) (kana only) nature (of a person); disposition; temperament; (2) (kana only) nature (of something); character; kind; sort; (given name) Tadashi
Substance, matter; to substantiate, to confront; substantial honest, sound; translit. ci, ce.

see styles
to walk (side part of split character)

see styles
to walk (side part of split character)

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Discipline - Training - Tempering Character" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary