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Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition

see styles

 suu / su
four; 4
(numeric) four (chi: sì); (personal name) Yotsu
catur. Four.


see styles
(numeric) four; (surname) Yotsuyanagi


see styles
(place-name) Shika


see styles
sì yī
    si4 yi1
ssu i
 shippin; shippin
    しっぴん; シッピン
{cards} (See おいちょかぶ) scoring combination of a 4 and a 1 in oicho-kabu; (given name) Yoichi
The four 'ones', or the unity contained (according to Tiantai) in the 方便品 of the Lotus Sutra; i. e. 教一 its teaching of one Vehicle; 行一 its sole bodhisattva procedure; 人一 its men all and only as bodhisattvas; 理一 its one ultimate truth of the reality of all existence.


see styles
 shitei / shite
(kana only) ladder (in go); (given name) Shitei


see styles
sì qī
    si4 qi1
ssu ch`i
    ssu chi
(surname) Shina
four sevens


see styles
(place-name) Shima


see styles
 shisou; shizou; shisan / shiso; shizo; shisan
    しそう; しぞう; しさん
(1) {hanaf} (See 手役) one four-of-a-kind and one three-of-a-kind in a dealt hand; (2) three and a four (in dice games); (personal name) Yomi


see styles
sì shàng
    si4 shang4
ssu shang
The four times a day of going up to worship— daybreak, noon, evening, and midnight.


see styles
sì xià
    si4 xia4
ssu hsia
(surname) Yoshishita


see styles
(female given name) Shiyo


see styles
sì shì
    si4 shi4
ssu shih
 yonsei / yonse
(1) four generations; (2) fourth generation immigrant; yonsei; (3) the fourth (e.g. George IV)
The period of the Buddha's earthly life, styled 聖世 the sacred period (or period of the sage), is added to the three periods of 正法 correct Law; 像法 semblance of the Law; and 末法 decadence of the Law.


see styles
(surname) Shimaru


see styles
(surname) Shitan


see styles
sì zhǔ
    si4 zhu3
ssu chu
The four Lords of the world, whose domains were supposed to stretch E., S., W., and N. of the Himālayas; E. 人主 the lord of men; S. 象主 of elephants; W. 寳主 of jewels (or precious things); N. 馬主of horses. 西域記.


see styles
sì shèng
    si4 sheng4
ssu sheng
The goat, deer, and ox carts and the great white-bullock cart of the Lotus Sutra, see 車.


see styles
(surname) Shikama


see styles
sì shì
    si4 shi4
ssu shih
The four necessaries of a monk clothing, victuals, bedding, medicine (or herbs). Another set is a dwelling, clothing, victuals, medicine.


see styles
(given name) Shigo


see styles
(surname) Yotsui


see styles
 yontei / yonte
(surname) Yontei


see styles
sì rén
    si4 ren2
ssu jen
four people
four people


see styles
sì xiān
    si4 xian1
ssu hsien
The three genī, or founders of systems, together with 若提子 Nirgranthajñāti; v. 二天三仙.


see styles
(personal name) Yotsuyo


see styles
(place-name) Yotsue


see styles
sì wèi
    si4 wei4
ssu wei
 shii / shi
fourth court rank; (surname) Yon'i
four stages


see styles
sì zhù
    si4 zhu4
ssu chu
(surname) Shizumi
The four abodes or states in the 智度論 3, i. e. (1) 天住 the devalokas, equivalents of charity, morality, and goodness of heart; (2) 梵住 the brahmalokas, equivalents of benevolence, pity, joy, and indifference; (3) 聖住 the abode of śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, and bodhisattvas, equivalent of the samādhi of the immaterial realm, formless and still; (4) 佛住 the Buddha-abode, the equivalent of the samādhis of the infinite. v. 住地.


see styles
(archaism) head, trunk, arms, and legs; the whole body


see styles
sì fó
    si4 fo2
ssu fo
 shi butsu
Four of the Five Dhyāni-Buddhas. i.e. the four regional Buddhas; they are variously stated. The 金光明經 gives E. 阿閦; S. 寳相; W. 無量壽; N. 微妙聲. The 大日經 gives E. 寳幢; S. 大勤勇遍覺華開敷; W. 仁勝 (i. e. 無量壽); N. 不動, i. e. 鼓音如來. The 金剛頂經 gives 不動; 寳生; 觀自在, and 不 空 成就如來. v. 五智如來.


see styles
(surname) Yosaku


see styles
sì yī
    si4 yi1
ssu i
 shi e
The four necessaries, or things on which the religious rely. (1) 行依 The four of ascetic practitioners— rag clothing; begging for food; sitting under trees; purgatives and diuretics as moral and spiritual means; these are also termed 聖種. (2) 法依 The four of the dharma: i. e. the truth, which is eternal, rather than man, even its propagator; the sutras of perfect meaning i. e. of the 道實相 the truth of the 'middle' way; the meaning, or spirit, not the letter; wisdom 智, i.e. Buddha-wisdom rather than mere knowledge 識. There are other groups. Cf. 事.


see styles
sì xìn
    si4 xin4
ssu hsin
(given name) Shinobu


see styles
(surname) Yotsumata


see styles
(surname) Shidawara


see styles
 yonsou / yonso
(place-name) Yonsou


see styles
sì dào
    si4 dao4
ssu tao
The four viparyaya i. e. inverted or false beliefs in regard to 常, 樂, 我, 淨. There are two groups: (1) the common belief in the four above, denied by the early Buddhist doctrine that all is impermanent, suffering, impersonal, and impure; (2) the false belief of the Hīnayāna school that nirvana is not a state of permanence, joy, personality, and purity. Hīnayāna refutes the common view in regard to the phenomenal life; bodhisattvism refutes both views.



see styles
sì yí
    si4 yi2
ssu i
four postures


see styles
(female given name) Shihiro


see styles
(surname) Yomoto


see styles
 shikou / shiko
{hanaf} (See 出来役) four 20-point cards (scoring combination); (surname) Shikou


see styles
(given name) Yonpachi


see styles
(given name) Shiroku


see styles
sì bīng
    si4 bing1
ssu ping
catur-an.gabalakāya; the four divisions of a cakravarti's troops— elephant, hastikāya; horse, aśvakāya; chariot, rathakāya; and foot, pattikāya.


see styles
(surname) Shitomi


see styles
 shikyou / shikyo
(See 四霊) the four inauspicious beasts from Chinese mythology


see styles
sì fēn
    si4 fen1
ssu fen
(noun/participle) divide into four pieces; one fourth; (place-name) Shibu
The 法相 Dharmalakṣana school divides the function of 識 cognition into four, i. e. 相分 mental phenomena, 見分 discriminating such phenomena, 自證分 the power that discriminates, and 證自證 the proof or assurance of that power. Another group is: 信 faith, 解 liberty, 行 action, and 證 assurance or realization.


see styles
four (fundamental) rules of arithmetic


see styles
sì lì
    si4 li4
ssu li
The four powers for attaining enlightenment: independent personal power; power derived from others; power of past good karma; and power arising from environment.


see styles
sì jié
    si4 jie2
ssu chieh
 shikou / shiko
{Buddh} (See 劫・1) the four kalpa (formation, existence, destruction, nothingness)
The four kalpas, or epochs, of a world, 成劫 that of formation and completion; 住劫 existing or abiding; 懷劫 destruction; and 空劫 annihilation, or the succeeding void. 倶舍論 12.


see styles
sì huà
    si4 hua4
ssu hua
abbr. for 個現代化|个现代化[si4 ge4 xian4 dai4 hua4], Deng Xiaoping's four modernizations


see styles
(place-name) Yonku


see styles
sì shí
    si4 shi2
ssu shih
forty; 40
forty; (surname) Yoto
catvāriṃśat; forty.


see styles
four thousand


see styles
(1) quarter; a fourth; (2) square (piece of) cloth


see styles
(surname) Shinohara


see styles
sì qǔ
    si4 qu3
ssu ch`ü
    ssu chü
catuḥ-parāmarśa, the four attachments, i. e. desire, (unenlightened) views, (fakir) morals, and ideas arising from the conception of the self. Also, the possible delusions of the 住地. Also, seeking fame in the four quarters.


see styles
sì jù
    si4 ju4
ssu chü
The four terms, phrases, or four-line verses, e. g. 句分別 The four terms of differentiation, e. g. of all things into 有 the existing; 空 nonexisting; both; neither; or phenomenal, noumenal, both, neither. Also, double, single, both, neither; and other similar applications.


see styles
 yongou / yongo
(place-name) Yongou


see styles
(given name) Yokichi


see styles
sì xiàng
    si4 xiang4
ssu hsiang
The four stages in Hīnayāna sanctity: srota-āpanna, sakṛdāgāmin, anāgāmin and arhan.


see styles
sì hán
    si4 han2
ssu han
idem 阿含經.


see styles
sì zhōu
    si4 zhou1
ssu chou
 shishuu / shishu
all around
(noun/participle) periphery; circumference


see styles
sì wèi
    si4 wei4
ssu wei
The four 'tastes': the Tiantai definition of the four periods of the Buddha's teaching preliminary to the fifth, i. e. that of the Lotus Sutra; cf. 五味.


see styles
(place-name) Shiwa


see styles
sì chàng
    si4 chang4
ssu ch`ang
    ssu chang
The four commanders or leaders; see Lotus Sutra 15.


see styles
sì yú
    si4 yu2
ssu yü
The four metaphors (of infinity, etc. ): 山斤 the weight of all the mountains in pounds; 海 the drops in the ocean; 地塵 the atoms of dust in the earth; 空 界 the extent of space.


see styles
sì yīn
    si4 yin1
ssu yin
four causes


see styles
 shii / shi
(noun/participle) surroundings; circumference


see styles
Shikoku (smallest of the four main islands of Japan); (place-name, surname) Shikoku



see styles
sì guó
    si4 guo2
ssu kuo
Shikoku (one of the four main islands of Japan)
(surname) Shikoku



see styles
sì wéi
    si4 wei2
ssu wei
all around; on all sides; encircled



see styles
sì yuán
    si4 yuan2
ssu yüan
idem 苑.


see styles
sì tǔ
    si4 tu3
ssu t`u
    ssu tu
{Buddh} four realms (in Tendai Buddhism or Yogacara)
The four Buddha-kṣetra, or realms, of Tiantai: (1) 凡聖居同土 Realms where all classes dwell— men, devas, Buddhas, disciples, non-disciples; it has two divisions, the impure, e. g. this world, and the pure, e. g. the 'Western' pure-land. (2) 方便有餘土 Temporary realms, where the occupants have got rid of the evils of 見思 unenlightened views and thoughts, but still have to be reborn. (3) 實報無障礙土 Realms of permanent reward and freedom, for those who have attained bodhisattva rank. (4) 常寂光土 Realm of eternal rest and light (i. e. wisdom) and of eternal spirit (dharmakāya), the abode of Buddhas; but in reality all the others are included in this, and are only separated for convenience, sake.


see styles
sì dì
    si4 di4
ssu ti
fourth ground (bhūmi)


see styles
(surname) Yoshisaka


see styles
(surname) Yomo


see styles
(surname) Shidare


see styles
(place-name) Shishiro



see styles
sì zhí
    si4 zhi2
ssu chih
The four erroneous tenets; also 邪; 迷; 術; there are two groups: I. The four of the 外道 outsiders, or non-Buddhists, i. e. of Brahminism, concerning the law of cause and effect: (1) 邪因邪果 heretical theory of causation, e. g. creation by Mahesvara; (2) 無因有果 or 自然, effect independent of cause, e. g. creation without a cause, or spontaneous generation; (3) 有因無果 cause without effect, e. g. no future life as the result of this. (4) 無因無果 neither cause nor effect, e. g. that rewards and punishments are independent of morals. II. The four erroneous tenets of 內外道 insiders and outsiders, Buddhist and Brahman, also styled 宗 the four schools, as negated in the 中論 Mādhyamika śāstra: (1) outsiders, who do not accept either the 人 ren or 法 fa ideas of 空 kong; (2) insiders who hold the Abhidharma or Sarvāstivādāḥ tenet, which recognizes 人空 human impersonality, but not 法空 the unreality of things; (3) also those who hold the 成實 Satyasiddhi tenet which discriminates the two meanings of 空 kong but not clearly; and also (4) those in Mahāyāna who hold the tenet of the realists.


see styles
 yotsudou / yotsudo
(surname) Yotsudou


see styles
(place-name) Shizeki


see styles
sì tǎ
    si4 ta3
ssu t`a
    ssu ta
The four stūpas at the places of Buddha's birth, Kapilavastu; enlightenment, Magadha: preaching, Benares; and parinirvāṇa, Kuśinagara. Four more are located in the heavens of the Travastriṃśas gods, one each tor his hair, nails, begging bowl, and teeth, E., S., W., N., respectively.


see styles
(surname) Yotsuzuka



see styles
sì chén
    si4 chen2
ssu ch`en
    ssu chen
four data-fields


see styles
sì jìng
    si4 jing4
ssu ching
all the borders



see styles
sì duò
    si4 duo4
ssu to
(墮落法) The four causes of falling from grace and final excommunication of a monk or nun; adultery, stealing, killing, falsity; v. 波羅夷.


see styles
 shisei / shise
four tones (of Chinese)


see styles
(given name) Shimu


see styles
sì dà
    si4 da4
ssu ta

More info & calligraphy:

Shidai / Sida / Mahabhuta
the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind (Buddhism); the four freedoms: speaking out freely, airing views fully, holding great debates, and writing big-character posters, 大鳴大放|大鸣大放[da4 ming2 da4 fang4], 大辯論|大辩论[da4 bian4 lun4], 大字報|大字报[da4 zi4 bao4] (PRC)
(1) {Buddh} the four elements (earth, water, fire, wind); (2) the human body; (3) Tao, heaven, earth and king
mahābhūta, 界; 大界. The four elements of which all things are made; or the four realms; i. e. earth, water, fire, and wind (or air); they represent 堅, 濕, 煖, and 動 solid, liquid, heat, and motion; motion produces and maintains life. As 實 active or formative forces they are styled 界 (大界) ; as 假 passive or material objects they are 大; but the 成實論 Satyasiddhi śāstra disputes the 實 and recognizes only the 假.


see styles
sì tiān
    si4 tian1
ssu t`ien
    ssu tien
the heavens of the four directions


see styles
sì yí
    si4 yi2
ssu i
 shii / shi
(derogatory term) (See 東夷・あずまえびす・2,西戎・せいじゅう) Four Barbarians; derogative name for various ancient non-Chinese peoples bordering ancient China; (surname) Shii
(夷戒 or 夷罪) v. 波羅夷.


see styles
(female given name) Shina


see styles
fourth-born daughter


see styles
sì xìng
    si4 xing4
ssu hsing
 shisei / shise
(1) the four great families of the age (esp. the Minamoto clan, the Taira clan, the Fujiwara clan and the Tachibana clan); (2) (See ヴァルナ) varna (each of the four Hindu castes)
The four Indian 'clans' or castes— brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya, and śūdra, i. e. (1) priestly, (2) military and ruling, (3) farmers and traders, and (4) serfs; born respectively from the mouth, shoulders, flanks, and feet of Brahma.


see styles
sì zì
    si4 zi4
ssu tzu
four logographs


see styles
sì jì
    si4 ji4
ssu chi

More info & calligraphy:

The Four Seasons
four seasons, namely: spring 春[chun1], summer 夏[xia4], autumn 秋[qiu1] and winter 冬[dong1]
the four seasons; (female given name) Yomogi


see styles
(surname) Shitaku


see styles
sì zōng
    si4 zong1
ssu tsung
The four kinds of inference in logic— common, prejudged or opposing, insufficiently founded, arbitrary. Also, the four schools of thought I. According to 淨影 Jingying they are (1) 立性宗 that everything exists, or has its own nature; e. g. Sarvāstivāda, in the 'lower' schools of Hīnayāna; (2) 破性宗 that everything has not a nature of its own; e. g. the 成實宗 a 'higher' Hīnayāna school, the Satyasiddhi; (3) 破相宗 that form has no reality, because of the doctrine of the void, 'lower' Mahāyāna; (4) 願實宗 revelation of reality, that all comes from the bhūtatathatā, 'higher ' Mahāyāna. II. According to 曇隱 Tanyin of the 大衍 monastery they are (1) 因緣宗, i. e. 立性宗 all things are causally produced; (2) 假名宗, i. e. 破性宗 things are but names; (3) 不眞宗, i. e. 破相宗, denying the reality of form, this school fails to define reality; (4) 眞宗, i. e. 顯實宗 the school of the real, in contrast with the seeming.


see styles
sì dìng
    si4 ding4
ssu ting
The four dhyāna heavens of form, and the four degrees of dhyāna corresponding to them.


see styles
(female given name) Yotsumi

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "四" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary