Elegant Egrets in the Lotus Pond - Watercolor Painting

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 64.8cm x 65.2cm  ≈  25½" x 25¾"

Silk/Brocade Border: 74.8cm x 75.2cm  ≈  29½" x 29½"


Depend on Eachother

This beautiful painting features two Asian egrets amidst a pond full of lotus flowers and lilies.

The artist's title for this piece is 相依 or "Xiāng Yī" which means dependence [on eachother].

The rest of the characters, 辛卯年 秋月 立成畫, indicate this was painted in the Autumn of 2011 and signed Li-Cheng (the artist's given name). The artist's full name is Wang Li-Cheng. I only met him once, and don't have a lot of information about him. I can say he lives in Jinan City in the Shandong Province of Northern China. His artwork speaks for itself. I should head back to Jinan and get more.