Guanyin Buddha Wall Scroll

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 45.6cm x 114.5cm  ≈  18" x 45"

Silk/Brocade: 54.8cm x 170cm  ≈  21½" x 67"

Width at Wooden Knobs: 63.8cm  ≈  25"

Guanyin Buddha Wall Scroll close up view

Close up view of the artwork mounted to this silk brocade wall scroll

This wall scroll is discounted because of some spots in the upper background of the painting. The spots are just artifacts, husks, or fibers that are common in handmade paper. Therefore, these are just part of the painting. I don't want there to be any misunderstandings, so I discounted this.

Note: This is a partial-print. The fine black lines were printed. The color portions were painted by hand.