Enso Zen Circle Wall Scroll

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 31.6cm x 32cm  ≈  12½" x 12½"

Silk/Brocade: 40.5cm x 93cm  ≈  16" x 36½"

Width at Wooden Knobs: 49.5cm  ≈  19½"

Enso Zen Circle Wall Scroll close up view

Close up view of the artwork mounted to this silk brocade wall scroll

This wall scroll is discounted because of some very tiny/minor specks/lines in the upper silk panel. You'd probably not notice the issue if I did not mention it. In fact, this one almost passed inspection, as I could not decide whether to discount it or not. Just to be safe, it's discounted drastically for you so there are no misunderstandings etc.

This is the Enso circle, also known as a Zen circle. It can represent the cycle of life, karma, or the world.