Tiger Asian Symbol Wall Scroll

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 52.8cm x 98.5cm  ≈  20¾" x 38¾"

Silk/Brocade: 62cm x 153.8cm  ≈  24½" x 60½"

Width at Wooden Knobs: 71cm  ≈  28"

This artwork was discounted because of some stains, marks, and a red signature ghost. Far from perfect, but a bargain for this size of scroll (you are basically just paying for the cost of shipping from Beijing and delivery to you).

Tiger Symbol

This is a very unique form of calligraphy. It's a Chinese character that is made to look like an actual figure. In this case, a roaring tiger.

The large character is pronounced "hu" in Chinese. It's also the symbol for tiger in Japanese Kanji and old Korean Hanja. Though it might take a bit of imagination to actually "read" this tiger-shaped character.

These are some of the variations of how the tiger character has been written in the past 3000 years: 虎 虎 虎 虎
The last one is a curive style, and you may see the curly stroke in the body of the tiger that matches this one.