Spirit - Chinese Symbol Wall Scroll

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 31.6cm x 31.8cm  ≈  12½" x 12½"

Silk/Brocade: 41cm x 87.8cm  ≈  16" x 34½"

Width at Wooden Knobs: 50cm  ≈  19¾"

Spirit - Chinese Symbol Wall Scroll close up view

Close up view of the artwork mounted to this silk brocade wall scroll

Reason for discount: Very minor paper flaw. It's just a spot where a bit of paper color is light/missing at the lower left portion of the artwork panel.

Spirit / Spiritual Essence

This is the simplest form of spirit. This single character alone will conjure up ideas of the spiritual world. This character can also be translated as "vital awareness" as in the fact that one must know they exist to exist (I think, therefore I am).