Many custom options...

Tan Paper and Copper Silk Love Wall Scroll
Red Paper and Ivory Silk Love Wall Scroll
Orange Paper Love Scroll
Crazy Blue and Gold Silk Love Scroll

And formats...

Love Vertical Portrait
Love Horizontal Wall Scroll
Love Vertical Portrait

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Try other similar-meaning words, fewer words, or just one word.

Chinese Sign in Chinese...

Buy a Chinese Sign calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Chinese Sign” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Chinese Sign” title below...

See also: Chinese Zodiac / Animal Years

  1. Cancer

  2. Pisces

  3. Aquarius

  4. Aries

  5. Cancer

  6. Capricorn

  7. Gemini

  8. Leo

  9. Libra

10. Ophiuchus

11. Pisces

12. Sagittarius

13. Scorpio

14. Taurus

15. Virgo

16. Conquering Yourself is a Sign of Strength

17. Gemini

18. Repel Evil / Expel the Devil

19. Presence of Mind

20. Eight Black Horses

21. Homosexual / Gay

22. Therapeutic Massage

23. Homosexual / Gay

24. 1 Corinthians 14:22

25. Remember

26. Accountant / CPA

27. Engineer

28. Beauty Shop / Beauty Salon

29. Woman

30. Phenomenon

31. Double Happiness Guest Book

32. Rat / Mouse

33. Ox / Bull / Cow

34. Tiger

35. Rabbit / Hare

36. Snake / Serpent

37. Horse

38. Goat / Sheep

39. Dragon

40. Monkey

41. Dog

42. Boar / Pig

43. Rooster / Chicken

Cancer Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 xiè zuò
Cancer Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

蟹座 is the Japanese way to write Cancer (crab) of western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Japanese (see the other version if Chinese is your audience).

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Pisces Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 yú zuò
Pisces Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

魚座 is the Japanese way to write Pisces (fish) of western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Japanese (see the other version if Chinese is your audience).

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Aquarius Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 shuǐ píng zuò
Aquarius Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

水瓶座 is the Chinese and Japanese way to write Aquarius (water bearer) of western astrology.

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Aries Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 mù yáng zuò
Aries Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

牡羊座 is the Chinese and Japanese way to write Aries (ram) of western astrology.

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Aries Zodiac Symbol / Sign

(Alternate / Chinese)

 bái yáng zuò
Aries Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

白羊座 is an alternate Chinese way to write Aries (ram) from western astrology.

I don't believe it is used at all in Japanese, so the other version is probably better or at least more universal.

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Cancer Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 jù xiè zuò
Cancer Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

巨蟹座 is the Chinese way to write Cancer (crab) from western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Chinese (see the other version if Japanese is your audience).

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Capricorn Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 shān yáng zuò
Capricorn Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

山羊座 is the Chinese and Japanese way to write Capricorn (horned goat) from western astrology.

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Capricorn Zodiac Symbol / Sign

(Alternate / Chinese)

 mó jié zuò
Capricorn Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

摩羯座 is an alternate Chinese way to write Capricorn (horned goat) from western astrology.

I don't believe it is used at all in Japanese, so the other version is probably better or at least more universal.

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Gemini Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 shuāng zǐ zuò
Gemini Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

雙子座 is the Chinese way to write Gemini (twins) of western astrology.

This was also the version used in Japan until they simplified the first Kanji to 双 after WWII. If you need the modern Japanese 双子座 instead of the older 雙子座, just let me know when you place your order.

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Gemini Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 shuāng zǐ zuò
Gemini Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

雙子座 is the Japanese way to write Gemini (twins) from western astrology.

This also happens to be the Simplified Chinese version of this title - however, I recommend the Traditional Chinese version if your audience is Chinese.

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Leo Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 shī zǐ zuò
Leo Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

獅子座 is the Chinese and Japanese way to write Leo (lion) of western astrology.

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Libra Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 tiān chèng zuò
Libra Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

天秤座 is the Chinese and Japanese way to write Libra (scales) of western astrology.

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Ophiuchus Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 shé fū zuò
Ophiuchus Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

蛇夫座 is the Chinese way to write Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer) of western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Chinese (not Japanese).

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Pisces Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 shuāng yú zuò
Pisces Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

雙魚座 is the Chinese way to write Pisces (fish) from western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Chinese (see the other version if Japanese is your audience).

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Sagittarius Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 shè shǒu zuò
Sagittarius Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

射手座 is the Chinese and Japanese way to write Sagittarius (archer) of western astrology.

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Scorpio Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 tiān xiē zuò
Scorpio Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

天蠍座 is the Chinese way to write Scorpio (scorpion) from western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Chinese (see the other version if Japanese is your audience).

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Taurus Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 jīn niú zuò
Taurus Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

金牛座 is the Chinese way to write Taurus (bull) from western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Chinese (see the other version if Japanese is your audience).

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Virgo Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 chù nǚ zuò
Virgo Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

處女座 is the Chinese way to write Virgo (virgin) from western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Chinese (see the other version if Japanese is your audience).

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Virgo Zodiac Symbol / Sign

 yǐ nǚ zuò
Virgo Zodiac Symbol / Sign Scroll

乙女座 is the Japanese way to write Virgo (virgin) from western astrology.

Please note this version is only used in Japanese (see the other version if Chinese is your audience).

See Also:  Chinese Zodiac

Conquering Yourself is a Sign of Strength

 zì shèng zhě qiáng yě
Conquering Yourself is a Sign of Strength Scroll

自勝者強也 means “One who conquers oneself is strong” in Chinese.

自勝 = Self-overcoming or self-conquering
者 = is
強 = Strength
也 = Also

 shuāng zǐ
Gemini Scroll

雙子 is the short version of the title Gemini (star sign).

This also means twins.

Repel Evil / Expel the Devil

 qū mó
Repel Evil / Expel the Devil Scroll

驅魔 is the way you would write a sign or symbol to repel the devil or drive away evil in Chinese.

Presence of Mind

 tài rán zì ruò
Presence of Mind Scroll

泰然自若 is a Chinese and Japanese proverb/word that means “cool and collected,” “showing no sign of nerves,” “perfectly composed,” “having the presence of mind,” “self-possessed,” “imperturbable,” and/or “calm and self-possessed.”

Eight Black Horses

 hēi bā mǎ
Eight Black Horses Scroll

黑八馬 means “eight black horses” in Chinese.

This is an unusual title for calligraphy, but several people have searched for it, so we added it.
Eight horses are a sign of success in business in Chinese culture.

Homosexual / Gay

 tóng xìng liàn
Homosexual / Gay Scroll

A great way to tell your Chinese friends about your lifestyle while keeping your Anglo friends in the dark.

Kind of a huge bold sign to say “I'm Gay” without anybody knowing.

同性戀 literally means “same-sex feeling” or “same-sex affection” in Chinese.

Therapeutic Massage

 tuī ná
Therapeutic Massage Scroll

推拿 is “Tui Na,” a Chinese version of therapeutic massage.

The title suggests a pushing and pulling motion.

In reality, this is the most legitimate form of massage in China. Seeing this on a sign in front of a building tells you it's a place for health improvement via massage. No mistaking this for any illicit version of massage.

Homosexual / Gay

 tóng xìng ài
Homosexual / Gay Scroll

同性愛 is a great way to tell your Japanese friends about your lifestyle while keeping your Anglo friends in the dark.

Kind of a huge bold sign to say “I'm Gay” without anybody knowing.

These Kanji characters literally mean “same-sex love.” This phrase would also be understood in Chinese but this combination would act to really emphasize the “love” component to a native Chinese person.

1 Corinthians 14:22

 zhè yàng kàn lái shuō fāng yán bù shì wéi xìn de rén zuò zhèng jù nǎi shì wéi bù xìn de rén zuò xiān zhī jiǎng dào bù shì wéi bù xìn de rén zuò zhèng jù nǎi shì wéi xìn de rén
1 Corinthians 14:22 Scroll

Here is 1 Corinthians 14:22 in Chinese.

The text with punctuation:

Hand-painted calligraphy does not retain punctuation.

This translation is from the Chinese Union Bible.

You may know it from the KJV as:
Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.

 míng jì
 mei ki
Remember Scroll

銘記 means to keep in mind, to take note of, or simply to remember, in Chinese characters and Japanese Kanji.

The first character means to engrave, inscribe, or carve an inscription.

The second character means to remember, note, mark, sign, record, history, chronicle, or annals.

When used in the context of a person, this means to engrave on the heart or to inscribe a memory in one's mind. In short, it's the idea of deeply remembering something, some event, or someone forever.

Accountant / CPA

 kuài jì shī
Accountant / CPA Scroll

會計師 is the occupational or legal title of an accountant in Chinese and Korean.

In Asia, particular studies and certifications are needed to obtain this title. Therefore, this is the closest match to the English term for Certified Public Accountant. Such a professional might have a sign on his desk or a name badge that has his/her name on it and this title in Chinese characters. It's not too common to see this on a wall scroll in Asia, but you can take such liberties in the west.

 gōng chéng shī
Engineer Scroll

工程師 is the occupational title of an engineer in Chinese.

In China, an engineer might have a sign on his desk or a name badge with his/her name on it and this title. It's not too common to see this on a wall scroll in China, but you are allowed to take such liberties in the west.

Note that in China, a wall scroll like this is sometimes given to a teacher who builds (engineers) the spirits of their students. It's a way to honor a teacher, and in this case, the meaning departs from an occupational title.

Beauty Shop / Beauty Salon

 měi róng diàn
Beauty Shop / Beauty Salon Scroll

美容店 is how to write “Beauty Shop” or “Beauty Salon.”

If you own such a business, this will make a nice wall scroll to hang up - and many of your Asian customers will be able to read and appreciate it.

When traveling in China, you will see signs like this in the window of any place that offers full services of hair styling, manicures, pedicures, and often shampoo with head and back massage.

However, as a handmade wall scroll, this becomes a very fancy piece of artwork that shows the high class of your business (a great sign for your window if you don't get direct sunlight).


The ancient way to say Woman

 jīn guó
Woman Scroll

巾幗 is the very old way to say woman in Chinese.

A common title in ancient China, this actually refers to the scarf or head wrapping worn by virtually all women at that time.

巾幗 is kind of a cool way to say Woman now. The actual gender character alone on a wall scroll would actually look like a fancy sign for the woman's restroom (WC).
女If you are curious, the character to the right means female or woman. Knowing 女 is useful information if you are a woman searching for a toilet in China or Japan.

 xiàn xiàng
Phenomenon Scroll

I must first say that 現象 is an odd thing to put on a wall scroll in Asian cultures. It won't make a lot of sense alone unless you have a special or personal meaning that you attach to it for yourself.

These two characters mean phenomenon in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Hanja. They can also be translated as “a happening,” depending on context.

The sum of these characters is a little different than their individual meanings. But I will break it down anyway...
The first character means present, existing, actual, apparent, now, or current.
The second character alone means pattern after, imitate, image, shape, sign (of the times), form, appearance, to be like, to resemble, to take after, to seem, or elephant.

Double Happiness Guest Book

Customize a special Asian guest book for your wedding

Double Happiness Guest Book Scroll

Start customizing a “Double Happiness Guest Book Wall Scroll” Here!

The paper panel length can be whatever you choose from 68cm to 135cm (27” to 53”).

If you don't mention what paper length you want in the special instructions tab (on the next page), we'll make it about 100cm (40”).

How many signatures fit

The medium-size scroll with a 33cm x 100cm (13” x 40”) paper panel can usually handle up to 89 signatures. That breaks down to 37 signatures per empty square and 15 signatures around the 囍 character. If you switch to a 135cm paper panel, add another 37 potential signatures.

We can splice two 135cm papers together, but that would be a crazy-long scroll. These are only estimates, your mileage may vary.

With silk panels, this will yield a wall scroll about 155cm (61”) long. That's enough for up to 89 signatures. Of course, that depends on if your guests just sign a brief salutation and name, or more verbose good wishes. Customer feedback is that 126 people can sign the 135cm long paper on a medium-sized scroll. If we go bigger than that, there will be a minor paper seam and an extra charge. Email me with your specifications if you need something special.

Most customers pick the festive red paper with gold flecks and white or ivory silk. Red is a good luck color in Chinese culture, thus the most popular choice. But, you can do any color combination that you want.

There is a long history of Chinese-character-use outside of mainland China. This Double Happiness character is also seen at weddings in Korea, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, as well as in Chinese communities in Thailand, Indonesia, and elsewhere. While Japan borrowed Chinese characters into their language, you won't see 囍 as often at Japanese weddings.

Rat / Mouse

Year of the Rat / Zodiac Sign

Rat / Mouse Scroll

鼠 is the character for rat (and sometimes mouse) in Chinese, old Korean, and Japanese.

If you were born in the year of the Rat, you . . .

Are sensitive and smart.
Easily adapting to new environments.
Have a curious nature.
Are good at using the opportunities that are presented to you.

In some contexts, this character could mean “mouse.”

See also our Chinese Zodiac page.

Ox / Bull / Cow

Year of the Ox / Bull - Zodiac Sign

Ox  /  Bull / Cow Scroll

牛 is the character for bull, cow, ox, or bovine creature in Chinese, old Korean, and Japanese.

If you were born in the year of the ox/bull/cow, you . . .

Are dedicated to your work.
Are discrete, careful and conscientious.
Value work and family.

Note that in this Chinese character, there is no distinction between bull and cow. All bovine creatures fit into the definition of this character. To distinguish between male and female, another sex-designating character is added in front of this character. Therefore, in China, the energy drink “Red Bull” (Hong Niu) is often translated in the minds of Chinese people as “Red Cow” or even “Red Ox.”

See also our Chinese Zodiac page.


Year of the Tiger / Zodiac Sign

Tiger Scroll

虎 is the character for tiger in Chinese, old Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji.

Since you already know what a tiger is, here's some trivia: If you look at the Japanese pronunciation, you might remember a movie called “Tora Tora Tora” which was the code word used to initiate the attack on Pearl Harbor. It simply means “Tiger Tiger Tiger.”

In Chinese culture, the tiger is considered to be the king of all animals (in much the way we see the lion in western culture).

From the Chinese Zodiac, if you were born in the year of the tiger, you . . .

Have a strong personality.
Are full of self-confidence.
Love adventure
Don't like to obey others.

See also our Chinese Zodiac or Tiger Calligraphy pages.

Rabbit / Hare

Year of the Rabbit / Zodiac Sign

Rabbit / Hare Scroll

兔 is the character for rabbit or hare in Chinese, old Korean, and Japanese.

If you were born in the year of the rabbit, you...

Are gentle and full of sympathy.
Love to help others.
Enjoy a quiet life.
Are a good worker.
Are, however, a bit of a pushover.

See also our Chinese Zodiac page.

Snake / Serpent

Year of the Snake / Zodiac Sign

Snake  /  Serpent Scroll

蛇 is the character for snake or serpent in Chinese, old Korean, and Japanese.

If you were born in the year of the snake, you . . .

Are calm.
Are an inspiration to others.
Have a stubborn nature like a mule (you do not like to concede).

See also our Chinese Zodiac page.


Year of the Horse / Zodiac Sign

Horse Scroll

馬 is the character for a horse in Chinese, old Korean, and Japanese.

If you were born in the year of the horse, you . . .

Are outgoing and active.
Don't give up easily.
Are known to have a bad temper.

See also our Chinese Zodiac page.

Goat / Sheep

Year of the Goat / Zodiac Sign

Goat  /  Sheep Scroll

羊 is the character for goat or sheep in Chinese, old Korean, and Japanese.

If you were born in the year of the goat (sheep), you . . .

Are sophisticated and considerate
Can always find the best solution to problems.
Are tolerant.
Are not afraid of hardship.
Know how to save money (thrifty).

See also our Chinese Zodiac page.


Year of the Dragon / Zodiac Sign

 ryuu / tatsu
Dragon Scroll

龍 is the character for dragon in Chinese, old Korean Hanja, and Japanese Kanji.

The dragon is a creature of myth and legend that dominates Chinese, Japanese, and even European folklore. In China, the dragon is the symbol of the Emperor, strength, and power, and the Chinese dragon is known as the god of water.

From the Chinese Zodiac, if you were born in the year of the Dragon, you . . .

Have a strong body and spirit.
Are full of energy.
Have vast goals.
Have a deep level of self-awareness.
Will do whatever you can to “save face.”

See also our Chinese Zodiac or Dragon Calligraphy pages.


Year of the Monkey / Zodiac Sign

Monkey Scroll

猴 is the monkey character in Chinese.
猴 means ape in Japanese due to an error made long ago as Japan absorbed Chinese characters.

If you were born in the year of the monkey, you . . .

Are smart, brave, active, and competitive.
Like new things.
Have a good memory.
Are quick to respond
Have an easy time winning people's trust.
Are, however, not very patient.

See also our Chinese Zodiac page.

Note: This character does have the meaning of monkey in Korean Hanja but is not used very often.


Year of the Dog / Zodiac Sign

 inu / ku
Dog Scroll

狗 is the character for dog, canine, or hound in Chinese.

If you were born in the year of the dog, you . . .

Are strong-willed
Loyal to your friends and mate.
Never compromise when you think you are right.

Note: Can be pronounced, and means dog in Japanese but feels like a very old word (see our other dog if you need a Japanese dog).

See also our Chinese Zodiac page.

Boar / Pig

Year of the Pig / Zodiac Sign

Boar / Pig Scroll

豬 is the character for boar, pig, or swine in Chinese and old Korean.

If you were born in the year of the boar/year of the pig, you...

Are optimistic.
Have good luck with wealth and money.
Are honest, generous, and warm-hearted.

猪The character shown to the right is the Japanese Kanji for "wild boar."
it’s an alternate/simplified form of pig/boar in Chinese (can be read by both Chinese and Japanese people). Click on that character instead of the button above if you want this version.

See also our Chinese Zodiac page.

Rooster / Chicken

Year of the Rooster / Zodiac Sign

Rooster / Chicken Scroll

鷄 or 雞 is the character for rooster or chicken in Chinese, old Korean, and Japanese.

If you were born in the year of the rooster (chicken), you . . .

Have a unique sense of color.
Are highly principled and responsible.
Have persuasive power.
Are honest.
Have a great ability to communicate.

Common Chinese chicken Alternate Chinese chicken #1 Alternate Chinese chicken #2

Please note: There are a few different ways to write rooster/chicken, as shown to the right. If you are particular about the form, please let us know when you place your order.

See also our Chinese Zodiac page.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Cancer Zodiac Symbol
蟹座kani-zaxiè zuò / xie4 zuo4 / xie zuo / xiezuohsieh tso / hsiehtso
Pisces Zodiac Symbol
uo-zayú zuò / yu2 zuo4 / yu zuo / yuzuoyü tso / yütso
Aquarius Zodiac Symbol
水瓶座mizugame-zashuǐ píng zuò
shui3 ping2 zuo4
shui ping zuo
shui p`ing tso
shui ping tso
Aries Zodiac Symbol
牡羊座ohitsuji-zamù yáng zuò
mu4 yang2 zuo4
mu yang zuo
mu yang tso
Aries Zodiac Symbol
白羊座bái yáng zuò
bai2 yang2 zuo4
bai yang zuo
pai yang tso
Cancer Zodiac Symbol
巨蟹座jù xiè zuò
ju4 xie4 zuo4
ju xie zuo
chü hsieh tso
Capricorn Zodiac Symbol
山羊座yagi-zashān yáng zuò
shan1 yang2 zuo4
shan yang zuo
shan yang tso
Capricorn Zodiac Symbol
摩羯座mó jié zuò
mo2 jie2 zuo4
mo jie zuo
mo chieh tso
Gemini Zodiac Symbol
futago-zashuāng zǐ zuò
shuang1 zi3 zuo4
shuang zi zuo
shuang tzu tso
Gemini Zodiac Symbol
futago-zashuāng zǐ zuò
shuang1 zi3 zuo4
shuang zi zuo
shuang tzu tso
Leo Zodiac Symbol
shishi-zashī zǐ zuò
shi1 zi3 zuo4
shi zi zuo
shih tzu tso
Libra Zodiac Symbol
天秤座tenbin-zatiān chèng zuò
tian1 cheng4 zuo4
tian cheng zuo
t`ien ch`eng tso
tien cheng tso
Ophiuchus Zodiac Symbol
蛇夫座shé fū zuò
she2 fu1 zuo4
she fu zuo
she fu tso
Pisces Zodiac Symbol
shuāng yú zuò
shuang1 yu2 zuo4
shuang yu zuo
shuang yü tso
Sagittarius Zodiac Symbol
射手座ite-zashè shǒu zuò
she4 shou3 zuo4
she shou zuo
she shou tso
Scorpio Zodiac Symbol
tiān xiē zuò
tian1 xie1 zuo4
tian xie zuo
t`ien hsieh tso
tien hsieh tso
Taurus Zodiac Symbol
金牛座jīn niú zuò
jin1 niu2 zuo4
jin niu zuo
chin niu tso
Virgo Zodiac Symbol
chù nǚ zuò
chu4 nv3 zuo4
chu nv zuo
ch`u nü tso
chu nü tso
Virgo Zodiac Symbol
乙女座otome-zayǐ nǚ zuò
yi3 nv3 zuo4
yi nv zuo
i nü tso
Conquering Yourself is a Sign of Strength自勝者強也zì shèng zhě qiáng yě
zi4 sheng4 zhe3 qiang2 ye3
zi sheng zhe qiang ye
tzu sheng che ch`iang yeh
tzu sheng che chiang yeh
shuāng zǐ
shuang1 zi3
shuang zi
shuang tzu
Repel Evil
Expel the Devil
qū mó / qu1 mo2 / qu mo / qumoch`ü mo / chümo / chü mo
Presence of Mind泰然自若taizenjijakutài rán zì ruò
tai4 ran2 zi4 ruo4
tai ran zi ruo
t`ai jan tzu jo
tai jan tzu jo
Eight Black Horses黑八馬
hēi bā mǎ
hei1 ba1 ma3
hei ba ma
hei pa ma
tóng xìng liàn
tong2 xing4 lian4
tong xing lian
t`ung hsing lien
tung hsing lien
Therapeutic Massage推拿tuī ná / tui1 na2 / tui na / tuinat`ui na / tuina / tui na
douseiai / doseiaitóng xìng ài
tong2 xing4 ai4
tong xing ai
t`ung hsing ai
tung hsing ai
1 Corinthians 14:22這樣看來說方言不是為信的人作証據乃是為不信的人作先知講道不是為不信的人作証據乃是為信的人
zhè yàng kàn lái shuō fāng yán bù shì wéi xìn de rén zuò zhèng jù nǎi shì wéi bù xìn de rén zuò xiān zhī jiǎng dào bù shì wéi bù xìn de rén zuò zhèng jù nǎi shì wéi xìn de rén
zhe4 yang4 kan4 lai2 shuo1 fang1 yan2 bu4 shi4 wei2 xin4 de ren2 zuo4 zheng4 ju4 nai3 shi4 wei2 bu4 xin4 de ren2 zuo4 xian1 zhi1 jiang3 dao4 bu4 shi4 wei2 bu4 xin4 de ren2 zuo4 zheng4 ju4 nai3 shi4 wei2 xin4 de ren2
zhe yang kan lai shuo fang yan bu shi wei xin de ren zuo zheng ju nai shi wei bu xin de ren zuo xian zhi jiang dao bu shi wei bu xin de ren zuo zheng ju nai shi wei xin de ren
che yang k`an lai shuo fang yen pu shih wei hsin te jen tso cheng chü nai shih wei pu hsin te jen tso hsien chih chiang tao pu shih wei pu hsin te jen tso cheng chü nai shih wei hsin te jen
che yang kan lai shuo fang yen pu shih wei hsin te jen tso cheng chü nai shih wei pu hsin te jen tso hsien chih chiang tao pu shih wei pu hsin te jen tso cheng chü nai shih wei hsin te jen
Remember銘記mei ki / meikimíng jì / ming2 ji4 / ming ji / mingjiming chi / mingchi
kuài jì shī
kuai4 ji4 shi1
kuai ji shi
k`uai chi shih
kuai chi shih
gōng chéng shī
gong1 cheng2 shi1
gong cheng shi
kung ch`eng shih
kung cheng shih
Beauty Shop
Beauty Salon
美容店měi róng diàn
mei3 rong2 dian4
mei rong dian
mei jung tien
jīn guó / jin1 guo2 / jin guo / jinguochin kuo / chinkuo
genshou / genshoxiàn xiàng
xian4 xiang4
xian xiang
hsien hsiang
Double Happiness Guest Book
xǐ / xi3 / xihsi
nezumishǔ / shu3 / shu
ushiniú / niu2 / niu
Tigertorahǔ / hu3 / hu
usagitù / tu4 / tut`u / tu
hebishé / she2 / she
umamǎ / ma3 / ma
hitsujiyáng / yang2 / yang
ryuu / tatsu
ryu / tatsu
lóng / long2 / longlung
Monkeyhóu / hou2 / hou
Doginu / kugǒu / gou3 / goukou

inoshishizhū / zhu1 / zhuchu
鷄 or 雞
鸡 or 鶏
niwatorijī / ji1 / jichi
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...

50th AnniversaryA Journey of a Thousand MilesAartiAbhishekAdapt and OvercomeAdielAdinaAdnanAgonAguilarAhmadAhmedAikido YoshinkanAikoAimanAimeeAireenAizahAjaniAjayAkariAkashAkbarAkiraAlexAlinaAllahAlondraAlone With Only Your Shadow for CompanyAlvinAlways and ForeverAlways Striving for Inner StrengthAmalAmanAmaneAmayaAmbroseAmeerAmeliaAminAmirAmitaAmmarAmnaAnalynAnderAngelAngusAnieAnikAnjiAnshuAntonAnuragArchangelArchieArdiArethaAriaAriesArjayArleneArleyArmanArneArnoldArunArvinAsadAshwinAsmaaAtonementAuroraAveryAyanAyeshaAylaAzuraBarunBe GratefulBeatriceBeautiful MindBenjamimBernBibekBlacksmithBless This HouseBlessingsBojitsuBoschBradenBrandiBraveBrave WarriorBrettBriceBriellaBrodieBrodyBroken Mirror RejoinedBrotherBrotherly LoveBuddha ScrollBuddyBushiBushidoBushido CodeBusterCadeCaidenCalistaCallieCarpe DiemCatherineCeciliaCelineCesarChambersChandraChaquanCharismaCharlesCharleyCharmaineChaudharyChavonChi ChiChi EnergyChinaChinese TeaChoiChop Wood Carry WaterChristianityChristopherClarisseCliffCliveColsonConradCorinthians 13:4Courage to Do What is RightCreativityDaito Ryu Aiki JujutsuDanaDaniDanielDanikoDaniyaDanniDark AngelDaronDarryDarshanDaveDavinaDeath Before DishonorDeath Before SurrenderDebbieDeepakDeepikaDeirdreDela-CruzDelilahDerekDevinDidelphis MarsupialisDinahDipakDirkDisciplineDogenDojoDominicDragon EmperorDragon HorseDrakeDrewDrunken FistDurhamDwayneEddieEdithEgonEhsanEldest DaughterElenElenaEliasElijahElineElizaEllyElmoEmeryEmilEmiliaEmmanuelEmptyEnergyEnjoy Life

All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Chinese Sign Kanji, Chinese Sign Characters, Chinese Sign in Mandarin Chinese, Chinese Sign Characters, Chinese Sign in Chinese Writing, Chinese Sign in Japanese Writing, Chinese Sign in Asian Writing, Chinese Sign Ideograms, Chinese Chinese Sign symbols, Chinese Sign Hieroglyphics, Chinese Sign Glyphs, Chinese Sign in Chinese Letters, Chinese Sign Hanzi, Chinese Sign in Japanese Kanji, Chinese Sign Pictograms, Chinese Sign in the Chinese Written-Language, or Chinese Sign in the Japanese Written-Language.