Big Waterfall Landscape Painting

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 130.5cm x 66cm  ≈  51¼" x 26"

Silk/Brocade Border: 150.5cm x 76cm  ≈  59¼" x 30"


Waterfall Landscape Painting

The Chinese title means "Beautiful River (and) Mountains".

This painting is really big and has nice detail. It depicts a well-established waterfall that has carved these rocks for thousands of years.

The Chinese title kind of means "Well Established Flow, Going on Forever". It is a common way to describe something that is good and will last forever.

Besides the title, the other characters include the season and year painted (Early Summer, 2006), and the artist's signature.

About this artist:

The artist's name is Zhong Shan. He has kind of retired from painting now (at least he was talking about retiring when I got these paintings from him), but specialized in paintings like this. He now lives in a village outside of Guilin in Southern China.