Dignity / Honor Wall Scroll

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 32.4cm x 63.6cm  ≈  12¾" x 25"

Silk/Brocade: 41.7cm x 118.2cm  ≈  16½" x 46½"

Width at Wooden Knobs: 50.7cm  ≈  20"

Dignity / Honor Wall Scroll close up view

Close up view of the artwork mounted to this silk brocade wall scroll

This wall scroll is discounted because of a very minor paper flaw.


Dignity / Honor / Sanctity / Integrity

This form of honor is showing great respect for yourself, other people, and the rules you live by.

When you are honorable, you keep your word. You do the right thing regardless of what others are doing.

This is the kind of personal honor or dignity that is of great value. If you lose this, you have lost yourself and perhaps the reputation of your family as well.

While this is not directly the same thing as "face" or "saving face" in Asian culture, it is associated with the same concept in China.