Shoshin - Mind of the Beginner -  Wall Scroll

Approximate Measurements

Artwork Panel: 32.4cm x 65.6cm  ≈  12¾" x 25¾"

Silk/Brocade: 41.5cm x 127.4cm  ≈  16¼" x 50¼"

Width at Wooden Knobs: 50.5cm  ≈  19¾"

Shoshin - Beginner's Mind

Reason for discount: There is a tiny/minor mark in the upper silk panel, so I am discounting this by more than 50%.

初心 is often translated in Japanese as "beginner's mind" or "beginner's spirit".

In Chinese, the dictionary definition is "one's original intention".

The first character means first, initial, primary, junior, beginning, or basic.

The second character means heart, mind, soul, or essence.

初心 is one of the five spirits of the warrior (budo) and is often used as a Japanese martial arts tenet.