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in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy an calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “勇” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “勇” title below...

  1. Bravery / Courage

  2. Brave Warrior

  3. Bravery / Courage

  4. Courage and Strength

  5. Bravery / Courage

  6. Advance Bravely / Indomitable Spirit

  7. The Brave Have No Fears

  8. Brave Heart

  9. Courage to do what is right

10. Honor Courage

11. Inspire with redoubled courage

12. No Fear

13. No Guts, No Glory

14. Strength and Courage

15. Warrior Soul / Heroic Spirit

16. Soul of a Warrior

17. Warrior’s Heart

18. Strength and Courage

19. Fidelity Honor Courage

20. Honor Courage Commitment

21. Dragon Quest

22. Fortune Favors The Brave

23. Honor Courage Commitment

24. Fortune Favors the Bold

25. Fortune favors the brave

26. Courage To Do What Is Right

27. Value of Warrior Generals

28. Learning leads to Knowledge, Study leads to Benevolence, Shame leads to Courage

29. Serenity Prayer

Bravery / Courage

Single Character for Courage

 isamu / yu-
Bravery / Courage Scroll

勇 can be translated as bravery, courage, valor, or fearless in Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

勇 is the simplest form to express courage or bravery, as there is also a two-character form that starts with this same character.

勇 can also be translated as brave, daring, fearless, plucky, or heroic.

This is also a virtue of the Samurai Warrior
See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

Brave Warrior

 yǒng shì
 yuu shi
Brave Warrior Scroll

勇士 is the Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja for a brave warrior, a brave person, a hero, or a brave man.

In Japanese, this can be a given name, Yuuji.

Bravery / Courage

Courage in the face of Fear

 yǒng gǎn
 yuu kan
Bravery / Courage Scroll

勇敢 is about courage or bravery in the face of fear.

You do the right thing even when it is hard or scary. When you are courageous, you don't give up. You try new things. You admit mistakes. This kind of courage is the willingness to take action in the face of danger and peril.

勇敢 can also be translated as braveness, valor, heroic, fearless, boldness, prowess, gallantry, audacity, daring, dauntless, and/or courage in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. This version of bravery/courage can be an adjective or a noun. The first character means bravery and courage by itself. The second character means “daring” by itself. The second character emphasizes the meaning of the first but adds the idea that you are not afraid of taking a dare, and you are not afraid of danger.

勇敢 is more about brave behavior and not so much the mental state of being brave. You'd more likely use this to say, “He fought courageously in the battle,” rather than “He is very courageous.”

Courage and Strength

 yǒng lì
 yuu ri
Courage and Strength Scroll

勇力 is a very short way to say “courage and strength” in Chinese and Japanese.

In Japanese, it's read more like “strong courage” or “powerful courage.” This can also be the personal name Yuri or Yuuri in Japanese.

Bravery / Courage

Courageous Energy

 yǒng qì
Bravery / Courage Scroll

勇氣 is one of several ways to express bravery and courage in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

This version is the most spiritual. This is the essence of bravery from deep within your being. This is the mental state of being brave versus actual brave behavior. You'd more likely use this to say, “He is very courageous,” rather than “He fought courageously in the battle.”

The first character also means bravery or courage when it's seen alone. With the second character added, an element of energy or spirit is added. The second character is the same “chi” or “qi” energy that Kung Fu masters focus on when they strike. For this reason, you could say this means “spirit of courage” or “brave spirit.”

This is certainly a stronger word than just the first character alone.

Beyond bravery or courage, dictionaries also translate this word as valor/valour, nerve, audacity, daring, pluck, plucky, gallantry, guts, gutsy, and boldness.

This is also one of the 8 key concepts of tang soo do.

Japanese 気 While the version shown to the left is commonly used in Chinese and Korean Hanja (and ancient Japanese Kanji), please note that the second character is written with slightly fewer strokes in modern Japanese. If you want the modern Japanese version, please click on the character to the right. Both styles would be understood by native Chinese, Japanese, and many (but not all) Korean people. You should make your selection based on the intended audience for your calligraphy artwork. Or pick the single-character form of bravery/courage which is universal.

Advance Bravely / Indomitable Spirit

 yǒng wǎng zhí qián
Advance Bravely / Indomitable Spirit Scroll

This proverb creates an image of a warrior bravely advancing against an enemy regardless of the odds.

This proverb can also be translated as “indomitable spirit” or “march fearlessly onward.”

The Brave Have No Fears

 yǒng zhě bú jù
 yuu sha fu ku
The Brave Have No Fears Scroll

This proverb means “Brave people [are] without fear,” or “The brave are without fear.”

勇者不懼 is a proverb credited to Confucius. It's one of three phrases in a set of things he said.

This phrase is originally Chinese but has penetrated Japanese culture as well (many Confucian phrases have) back when Japan borrowed Chinese characters into their language.

This phrase has also been converted into modern Japanese grammar when written as 勇者は懼れず. If you want this version just click on those characters.

 yǒng gǎn de xīn
Brave Heart Scroll

勇敢的心 is the title “Braveheart,” as in the movie starring Mel Gibson.

The character meanings break down this way:
勇敢 brave.
的 possessive particle.
心 heart/mind.

Courage to do what is right

 jiàn yì yǒng wéi
Courage to do what is right Scroll

見義勇為 means the courage to do what is right in Chinese.

This could also be translated as “Never hesitate to do what is right.”

This comes from Confucian thought:
Your courage should head in an honorable direction. For example, you should take action when the goal is to attain a just result as, without honorable intent, a person’s gutsy fervor can easily lead them astray.

One who flaunts courage but disregards justice is bound to do wrong; someone who possesses courage and morality is destined to become a hero.

Some text above paraphrased from The World of Chinese - The Character of 勇

Honor Courage

 zūn yán yǒng qì
Honor Courage Scroll

尊嚴勇氣 is a word list that means “Honor [and] Courage.”

Word lists are not common in Chinese, but we've put this one in the best order/context to make it as natural as possible.

We used the “honor” that leans toward the definition of dignity and integrity since that seemed like the best match for courage.

Inspire with redoubled courage

 yuuki hyaku bai
Inspire with redoubled courage Scroll

勇気百倍 means to inspire someone with fresh courage or redoubled courage in Japanese.

The Kanji breakdown:
勇気 (yuuki) courage; bravery; valour; valor; nerve; boldness.
百 (hyaku) 100; hundred.
倍 (bai) twice; double; 2-times; 2-fold.

No Fear

(four-character version)

 yǒng zhě wú wèi
No Fear Scroll

勇者無畏 is a complete sentence that means “Brave People Have No Fear” or “A Brave Person Has No Fear” (plural or singular is not implied).

We translated “No Fear” into the two variations that you will find on our website. Then we checked Chinese Google and found that others had translated “No Fear” in the exact same ways. Pick the one you like best. A great gift for your fearless friend.

No Guts, No Glory

 wú yǒng bù róng
No Guts, No Glory Scroll

While difficult to translate “No guts no glory,” into Mandarin Chinese, 無勇不榮 is kind of close.

The first two characters mean “without bravery,” or “without courage.” In this case, bravery/courage is a stand-in for “guts.”

The last two characters mean “no glory.”

The idea that guts (internal organs) are somehow equal to courage, does not crossover to Chinese. However, translating the phrase back from Chinese to English, you get, “No Courage, No Glory,” which is pretty close to the intended idea.

Strength and Courage

 riki to yu ki
Strength and Courage Scroll

力と勇気 may not be the most common Japanese phrase, but this is how to write “strength and courage” or “power and bravery” in Japanese.

Warrior Soul / Heroic Spirit

 yǒng shì jīng shén
Warrior Soul / Heroic Spirit Scroll

勇士精神 can be translated as the warrior's spirit or warrior's soul. The first two characters can be translated as “warrior” or literally “brave soldier/man,” although some will translate this word as “hero.” Therefore, this is also how to say “heroic spirit.”

The second two characters mean vigor, vitality, drive, spirit, mind, heart, mental essence, and psychological component. Basically “your soul.”

We have two versions of this phrase. The only difference is the first two and last two characters are swapped. The version here suggests that you admire or like the idea of the spirit of a warrior. The other version suggests that you are the warrior or hero.

Soul of a Warrior

 jīng shén yǒng shì
Soul of a Warrior Scroll

精神勇士 can be translated as the spirit or soul of a warrior. The first two characters can be translated as vigor, vitality, drive, spirit, mind, heart, mental essence, and psychological component. Basically, “your soul.”

The second two characters mean “warrior” or literally “brave soldier/man,” although some will translate this word as “hero.” Therefore, this is also how to say “soul of a hero.”

Note: This title is best for Chinese and old Korean. It does make sense in Japanese but is not a common or natural Kanji combination in Japanese.

We have two versions of this phrase. The only difference is the first two and last two characters are swapped. The version here suggests that you are the warrior or hero. The other version suggests that you admire or like the idea of the spirit of a warrior.

Warrior’s Heart

 yǒng shì zhī xīn
Warrior’s Heart Scroll

This is “Warrior’s Heart” in Chinese.

Strength and Courage

 lì liàng hé yǒng qì
Strength and Courage Scroll

While 力量和勇氣 is not a typical Chinese phrase, this is how to write “strength and courage.”

If this is an important idea for you, we can make a great custom Chinese “strength and courage” wall scroll for you.

Fidelity Honor Courage

 xìn yì zūn yán yǒng qì
Fidelity Honor Courage Scroll

信義尊嚴勇氣 means fidelity, honor, and courage in Chinese.

This is a word list that was requested by a customer. Word lists are not common in Chinese, but we've put this one in the best order/context to make it as natural as possible.

We used the “honor” that leans toward the definition of “dignity” since that seemed the best match for the other two words.

Please note: These are three two-character words. You should choose the single-column format when you get to the options when you order this selection. The two-column option would split one word or be arranged with four characters on one side and two on the other.

Honor Courage Commitment

 róng yù yǒng qì zé rèn
Honor Courage Commitment Scroll

榮譽勇氣責任 is a word list that reads, “榮譽 勇氣 責任” or “honor courage commitment.”

If you are looking for this, it is likely that you are in the military (probably Navy or Marines).

We worked on this for a long time to find the right combination of words in Chinese. However, it should still be noted that word lists are not very natural in Chinese. Most of the time, there would be a subject, verb, and object for a phrase with this many words.

Dragon Quest

 yǒng zhě dòu è lóng xì liè
Dragon Quest Scroll

This is the title of the Nintendo Dragon Quest series/game in Chinese.

Fortune Favors The Brave

 mìng yùn zhōng qíng yú yǒng shì
Fortune Favors The Brave Scroll

命運鐘情於勇士 means “Fortune favors the brave” in Chinese.

This is not the only way to express the idea of fortune favoring the bold or brave.

It's not originally a Chinese phrase, so it's been translated into Chinese in various ways.

Honor Courage Commitment

 meiyo yuuki ketsui
Honor Courage Commitment Scroll

This means “Honor, Courage, Commitment” in Japanese.

名譽勇気決意 is a common military phrase in English used in the Navy and Marines.

This is a word list, which is not the most natural kind of composition in Japanese (usually there is a subject, object, and verb - or a single word).

Fortune Favors the Bold

 xìng yùn juàn gù yǒng gǎn de rén
Fortune Favors the Bold Scroll

幸运眷顾勇敢的人 can be translated as “Fortune favors the brave/bold/courageous” in Chinese.

Fortune favors the brave

 yuusha ha kouun ni megumareru
Fortune favors the brave Scroll

勇者は幸運に恵まれる is a Japanese proverb that suggests that in history, the brave or courageous tend to be the ones who win.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Courage To Do What Is Right

Courage To Do What Is Right Scroll

義を見てせざるは勇なきなり is a Japanese proverb that means “Knowing what is right and not doing is a want of courage.”

I've also seen it translated as:
To see what is right, yet fail to do so, is a lack of courage.
To know righteousness, but take no action is cowardice.
You are a coward if you knew what was the right thing to do, but you did not take action.
Knowing what is right without practicing it betrays one's cowardice.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Value of Warrior Generals

 bīng zài jīng ér bú zài duō jiàng zài móu ér bú zài yǒng
Value of Warrior Generals Scroll

兵在精而不在多將在謀而不在勇 is a proverb that informs how it is better to have warriors of quality, rather than just a large quantity of warriors in your army/force.

This literally means: [Just as] warriors [are valued for their] quality and not [just] for quantity, [so] generals [are valued] for their tactics, not [just] for [their] bravery.

Learning leads to Knowledge, Study leads to Benevolence, Shame leads to Courage

 hào xué jìn hū zhī lì xíng jìn hū rén zhī chǐ jìn hū yǒng
Learning leads to Knowledge, Study leads to Benevolence, Shame leads to Courage Scroll

好學近乎知力行近乎仁知恥近乎勇 is a Saying from Confucius which relates certain actions to virtues.

A more verbose translation:
To love learning is akin to knowledge,
to study diligently is akin to benevolence,
to know shame is akin to courage.

Serenity Prayer

 shàng dì cì wǒ píng jìng qù jiē shòu wǒ suǒ bù néng gǎi biàn de wǒ yǒng qì qù gǎi biàn wǒ suǒ néng gǎi biàn de bìng wǒ zhì huì qù fēn biàn zhè liǎng zhě
Serenity Prayer Scroll

This is the serenity prayer, as used by many 12-step programs and support groups.

In Chinese, this says:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Serenity Prayer

 kamisama ha watashi ni kaeru koto no deki nai mono o ukeireru odayaka sa to kaeru koto no dekiru yuuki to sono chigai o shiru kenmei sa o ataeru
Serenity Prayer Scroll

This is a Japanese version of the serenity prayer, as used by many 12-step programs and support groups.

In Japanese, this says:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Not the results for 勇 that you were looking for?

Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition

see styles
 yuu / yu

More info & calligraphy:

Bravery / Courage
(See 勇気) bravery; courage; heroism; (personal name) Yūji
Brave, bold, courageous, fearless.


see styles
yǒng lì
    yong3 li4
yung li
 yuuryoku / yuryoku

More info & calligraphy:

Courage and Strength
courage and strength
courage; (personal name) Yūri


see styles
yǒng shì
    yong3 shi4
yung shih
 yuushi / yushi

More info & calligraphy:

Brave Warrior
a warrior; a brave person
brave warrior; hero; brave man; (given name) Yūji


see styles
yǒng gǎn
    yong3 gan3
yung kan
 yuukan / yukan

More info & calligraphy:

Bravery / Courage
brave; courageous
(adjectival noun) brave; heroic; gallant



see styles
yǒng qì
    yong3 qi4
yung ch`i
    yung chi

More info & calligraphy:

Bravery / Courage
courage; valor


see styles
yǒng wǎng zhí qián
    yong3 wang3 zhi2 qian2
yung wang chih ch`ien
    yung wang chih chien

More info & calligraphy:

Advance Bravely / Indomitable Spirit
to advance bravely


see styles
 yuukihyakubai / yukihyakubai

More info & calligraphy:

Inspire with redoubled courage
(noun/participle) inspire someone with fresh courage; with redoubled courage



see styles
jiàn yì yǒng wéi
    jian4 yi4 yong3 wei2
chien i yung wei

More info & calligraphy:

Courage to do what is right
to see what is right and act courageously (idiom, from Analects); to stand up bravely for the truth; acting heroically in a just cause


see styles
 giomitesezaruhayuunakinari / giomitesezaruhayunakinari

More info & calligraphy:

Courage To Do What Is Right
(expression) (proverb) knowing what is right and not doing it is a want of courage


see styles
 ichiyuu / ichiyu
(given name) Ichiyū


see styles
(given name) Mitsuo


see styles
(given name) Hisao


see styles
 kouyuu / koyu
(personal name) Kōyū


see styles
(personal name) Akitake


see styles
 niyuu / niyu
(personal name) Niyū


see styles
(given name) Yukio


see styles
 kyouyuu / kyoyu
gallantry; chivalry


see styles
(given name) Toshio


see styles
(given name) Yasuo


see styles
(given name) Nobutake


see styles
 giyuu / giyu
(given name) Giyū


see styles
(personal name) Mitsuhaya


see styles
(given name) Mitsuo


see styles
(personal name) Masao


see styles
(given name) Tomoo


see styles
 kenyuu / kenyu
(given name) Ken'yū


see styles
(personal name) Toshio


see styles
 seiyuu / seyu
(personal name) Seiyū


see styles
(adj-na,n,adj-no) bravery; prowess; (personal name) Tsuyotake


see styles
(personal name) Rikio

Click here for more results from our dictionary

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
isamu / yu-yǒng / yong3 / yongyung
Brave Warrior勇士yuu shi / yuushi / yu shiyǒng shì / yong3 shi4 / yong shi / yongshiyung shih / yungshih
勇敢yuu kan / yuukan / yu kanyǒng gǎn / yong3 gan3 / yong gan / yongganyung kan / yungkan
Courage and Strength勇力yuu ri / yuuri / yu riyǒng lì / yong3 li4 / yong li / yongliyung li / yungli
勇气 / 勇気
yuuki / yukiyǒng qì / yong3 qi4 / yong qi / yongqiyung ch`i / yungchi / yung chi
Advance Bravely
Indomitable Spirit
勇往直前yǒng wǎng zhí qián
yong3 wang3 zhi2 qian2
yong wang zhi qian
yung wang chih ch`ien
yung wang chih chien
The Brave Have No Fears勇者不懼
yuu sha fu ku
yu sha fu ku
yǒng zhě bú jù
yong3 zhe3 bu2 ju4
yong zhe bu ju
yung che pu chü
Brave Heart勇敢的心yǒng gǎn de xīn
yong3 gan3 de xin1
yong gan de xin
yung kan te hsin
Courage to do what is right見義勇為
jiàn yì yǒng wéi
jian4 yi4 yong3 wei2
jian yi yong wei
chien i yung wei
Honor Courage尊嚴勇氣
zūn yán yǒng qì
zun1 yan2 yong3 qi4
zun yan yong qi
tsun yen yung ch`i
tsun yen yung chi
Inspire with redoubled courage勇気百倍yuuki hyaku bai
yuki hyaku bai
No Fear勇者無畏
yǒng zhě wú wèi
yong3 zhe3 wu2 wei4
yong zhe wu wei
yung che wu wei
No Guts, No Glory無勇不榮
wú yǒng bù róng
wu2 yong3 bu4 rong2
wu yong bu rong
wu yung pu jung
Strength and Courage力と勇氣
riki to yu ki
Warrior Soul
Heroic Spirit
勇士精神yǒng shì jīng shén
yong3 shi4 jing1 shen2
yong shi jing shen
yung shih ching shen
Soul of a Warrior精神勇士jīng shén yǒng shì
jing1 shen2 yong3 shi4
jing shen yong shi
ching shen yung shih
Warrior’s Heart勇士之心yǒng shì zhī xīn / /
Strength and Courage力量和勇氣
lì liàng hé yǒng qì
li4 liang4 he2 yong3 qi4
li liang he yong qi
li liang ho yung ch`i
li liang ho yung chi
Fidelity Honor Courage信義尊嚴勇氣
xìn yì zūn yán yǒng qì
xin4 yi4 zun1 yan2 yong3 qi4
xin yi zun yan yong qi
hsin i tsun yen yung ch`i
hsin i tsun yen yung chi
Honor Courage Commitment榮譽勇氣責任
róng yù yǒng qì zé rèn
rong2 yu4 yong3 qi4 ze2 ren4
rong yu yong qi ze ren
jung yü yung ch`i tse jen
jung yü yung chi tse jen
Dragon Quest勇者鬥惡龍系列
yǒng zhě dòu è lóng xì liè
yong3 zhe3 dou4 e4 long2 xi4 lie4
yong zhe dou e long xi lie
yung che tou o lung hsi lieh
Fortune Favors The Brave命運鐘情於勇士
mìng yùn zhōng qíng yú yǒng shì
ming4 yun4 zhong1 qing2 yu2 yong3 shi4
ming yun zhong qing yu yong shi
ming yün chung ch`ing yü yung shih
ming yün chung ching yü yung shih
Honor Courage Commitment名譽, 勇気, 決意
名誉, 勇気, 決意
meiyo yuuki ketsui
meiyo yuki ketsui
Fortune Favors the Bold幸運眷顧勇敢的人
xìng yùn juàn gù yǒng gǎn de rén
xing4 yun4 juan4 gu4 yong3 gan3 de ren2
xing yun juan gu yong gan de ren
hsing yün chüan ku yung kan te jen
Fortune favors the brave勇者は幸運に恵まれるyuusha ha kouun ni megumareru
yusha ha koun ni megumareru
Courage To Do What Is Right義を見てせざるは勇なきなりgiomitesezaruhayuunakinari
Value of Warrior Generals兵在精而不在多將在謀而不在勇
bīng zài jīng ér bú zài duō jiàng zài móu ér bú zài yǒng
bing1 zai4 jing1 er2 bu2 zai4 duo1 jiang4 zai4 mou2 er2 bu2 zai4 yong3
bing zai jing er bu zai duo jiang zai mou er bu zai yong
ping tsai ching erh pu tsai to chiang tsai mou erh pu tsai yung
Learning leads to Knowledge, Study leads to Benevolence, Shame leads to Courage好學近乎知力行近乎仁知恥近乎勇
hào xué jìn hū zhī lì xíng jìn hū rén zhī chǐ jìn hū yǒng
hao4 xue2 jin4 hu1 zhi1 li4 xing2 jin4 hu1 ren2 zhi1 chi3 jin4 hu1 yong3
hao xue jin hu zhi li xing jin hu ren zhi chi jin hu yong
hao hsüeh chin hu chih li hsing chin hu jen chih ch`ih chin hu yung
hao hsüeh chin hu chih li hsing chin hu jen chih chih chin hu yung
Serenity Prayer上帝賜給我平靜去接受我所不能改變的給我勇氣去改變我所能改變的並給我智慧去分辨這兩者
shàng dì cì wǒ píng jìng qù jiē shòu wǒ suǒ bù néng gǎi biàn de wǒ yǒng qì qù gǎi biàn wǒ suǒ néng gǎi biàn de bìng wǒ zhì huì qù fēn biàn zhè liǎng zhě
shang4 di4 ci4 gei3 wo3 ping2 jing4 qu4 jie1 shou4 wo3 suo3 bu4 neng2 gai3 bian4 de gei3 wo3 yong3 qi4 qu4 gai3 bian4 wo3 suo3 neng2 gai3 bian4 de bing4 gei3 wo3 zhi4 hui4 qu4 fen1 bian4 zhe4 liang3 zhe3
shang di ci gei wo ping jing qu jie shou wo suo bu neng gai bian de gei wo yong qi qu gai bian wo suo neng gai bian de bing gei wo zhi hui qu fen bian zhe liang zhe
shang ti tz`u kei wo p`ing ching ch`ü chieh shou wo so pu neng kai pien te kei wo yung ch`i ch`ü kai pien wo so neng kai pien te ping kei wo chih hui ch`ü fen pien che liang che
shang ti tzu kei wo ping ching chü chieh shou wo so pu neng kai pien te kei wo yung chi chü kai pien wo so neng kai pien te ping kei wo chih hui chü fen pien che liang che
Serenity Prayer神様は私に変える事の出来ない物を受け入れる穏やかさと変える事の出来る勇気とその違いを知る賢明さを与えるkamisama ha watashi ni kaeru koto no deki nai mono o ukeireru odayaka sa to kaeru koto no dekiru yuuki to sono chigai o shiru kenmei sa o ataeru
kamisama ha watashi ni kaeru koto no deki nai mono o ukeireru odayaka sa to kaeru koto no dekiru yuki to sono chigai o shiru kenmei sa o ataeru
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


Lookup in my Japanese & Chinese Dictionary

Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...

7 Heavenly Virtues7 Virtues Off BushidoAadhyaAaliyahAbdulrahmanAbhishekAbielAdaraAdeelAdenAdrianoAguilarAimanAimeeAinsleyAjayAkumaAlastorAlayaAlexandraAliaAlinaAlizeAllionsAllysonAlmightyAmanAmayaAmereAmirAmitAmnaAmonAnalynAnasAndersonAndraAndreaAngelAngiAniaAnikAnjaliAnna-MariaAnoopAnyaAreebAreebaAriaArianneArlynArmstrongArthurArunArunaAryanAsadAshokAshrafAsmaaAspenAsuraAtticusAugustusAveryAyanAyraAzharBalanceBangladeshBarbBarryBartonBe Like WaterBe Water My FriendBeautiful SpiritBeauty of NatureBeckyBelenBelieve in YourselfBellaBenaBennettBernadetteBerryBlacksmithBlancaBless This HouseBlessed by GodBlessingsBohaiBooneBoundlessBradleyBraxtonBrianBrigitaBritneyBrodieBrodyBroken SoulBrotherly LoveBruce LeeBrysonBubbaBudoBufordBushido CodeCadeCainCaineCaleCalm and Open MindCardenasCaringCarmesiCarpe DiemCarsonCasanovaCassandraCatherineCaydenCeireCerysChaeChantelleCharltonChaudharyChaunceyChazCherry BlossomChetChi EnergyChi GongChonsuChop Wood Carry WaterChristophClaizaCobraCocoComptonCristianoDaikomyoDaltonDamionDanaDaniyaDaronDarshanDeannaDeath Before DishonorDeepikaDela-CruzDelilahDesireeDestinyDimasDinahDisciplineDivinaDontaDottieDouble HappinessDragon EmperorDragon FistDragon HorseDragon WarriorDrewDudoEdisonEekayElijahElinElineEllenEllieElmoElonaElroeElsieEmmettEnduranceEndureEnjoy LifeEnso CircleEricErinaEstherEstonEternal EnergyEternal LoveEternal PeaceEuniceEusoffEverleeEverything Happens for a ReasonEvgenyEzraFabianFailure is a Stepping Stone to Success

All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.