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There are 124 total results for your wandering search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
làng rén
    lang4 ren2
lang jen
 rounin / ronin

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Ronin / Masterless Samurai
vagrant; unemployed person; rōnin (wandering masterless samurai)
(n,vs,adj-no) (1) ronin; wandering samurai without a master to serve; (2) out of work; (3) waiting for another chance to enter a university; (given name) Rounin



see styles
yún shuǐ
    yun2 shui3
yün shui
 unsui; kumomizu
    うんすい; くもみず

More info & calligraphy:

(1) itinerant priest; wandering monk; mendicant; (2) clouds and water; (given name) Unsui
雲兄水弟; 雲衲; 雲納 Homeless or roaming monks.


see styles
piāo bó
    piao1 bo2
p`iao po
    piao po
 hyouhaku / hyohaku
(of a boat) to float; to drift; to lie at anchor; (fig.) to roam; to lead a wandering existence
(n,vs,vi) (1) roaming; drifting about; wandering; (n,vs,vi) (2) drifting (with the current, on the tide, etc.)


see styles
wǔ lì
    wu3 li4
wu li
pañcabalāni, the five powers or faculties — one of the categories of the thirty-seven bodhipakṣika dharma 三十七助道品; they destroy the 五障 five obstacles, each by each, and are: 信力 śraddhābala, faith (destroying doubt); 精進力 vīryabala, zeal (destroying remissness); 念 or 勤念 smṛtibala, memory or thought (destroying falsity); 正定力 samādhibala, concentration of mind, or meditation (destroying confused or wandering thoughts); and 慧力 prajñābala, wisdom (destroying all illusion and delusion). Also the five transcendent powers, i. e. 定力 the power of meditation; 通力 the resulting supernatural powers; 借識力 adaptability, or powers of 'borrowing' or evolving any required organ of sense, or knowledge, i. e. by beings above the second dhyāna heavens; 大願力 the power of accomplishing a vow by a Buddha or bodhisattva; and 法威德力 the august power of Dharma. Also, the five kinds of Mara powers exerted on sight, 五大明王.


see styles
(noun/participle) loitering; roaming; sauntering; wandering about; prowling


see styles
 shouyou / shoyo
(noun/participle) wandering


see styles
shī niàn
    shi1 nian4
shih nien
(noun, transitive verb) forgetting; lapse of memory
To lose the train of thought, or meditation; a wandering mind; loss of memory.


see styles
dìng sàn
    ding4 san4
ting san
A settled, or a wandering mind; the mind organized by meditation, or disorganized by distraction. The first is characteristic of the saint and sage, the second of the common untutored man. The fixed heart may or may not belong to the realm of transmigration; the distracted heart has the distinctions of good, bad, or indifferent.


see styles
 teitei / tete
(adj-t,adv-to) (1) forever; endlessly; on and on; (2) meandering; wandering; winding; sinuous; serpentine; zigzagging; (surname) Teitei


see styles
(adj-t,adv-to) (1) forever; endlessly; on and on; (2) meandering; wandering; winding; sinuous; serpentine; zigzagging


see styles
páng huáng
    pang2 huang2
p`ang huang
    pang huang
 houkou / hoko
to pace back and forth, not knowing which way to turn; to hesitate; to waver
(n,vs,vi) wandering; rambling; roaming; (female given name) Kanata


see styles
(noun/participle) loitering; roaming; sauntering; wandering about; prowling


see styles
pái huái
    pai2 huai2
p`ai huai
    pai huai
to pace back and forth; to dither; to hesitate; (of sales figures etc) to fluctuate
(noun/participle) loitering; roaming; sauntering; wandering about; prowling


see styles
xīn guǐ
    xin1 gui3
hsin kuei
 shinki kokoro-no-oni
A perverse mind, whose karma will be that of a wandering ghost.


see styles
jiè dié
    jie4 die2
chieh tieh
Buddhist or Taoist ordination certificate issued by monastic authorities
A monk' s certificate, useful to a wandering or travelling monk.; 戒驗; 度牒 Certificate of ordination of a monk.


see styles
dǎ bāo
    da3 bao1
ta pao
to wrap; to pack; to put leftovers in a doggy bag for take-out; (computing) to package (i.e. create an archive file)
To wrap up or carry a bundle, i. e. a wandering monk.



see styles
guà dā
    gua4 da1
kua ta
variant of 掛褡|挂褡[gua4 da1]
掛褡; 掛單 One who hangs up all his possessions, i.e. a wandering monk who stays for the night in a monastery.


see styles
(rare) wandering in a distant land


see styles
fàng làng
    fang4 lang4
fang lang
 hourou / horo
unrestrained; dissolute; dissipated; unconventional; immoral; to debauch; to dissipate
(n,vs,vi,adj-no) wandering; roaming; drifting


see styles
(n,vs,vi) walking; strolling; roaming; wandering; exploring



see styles
shuǐ chén
    shui3 chen2
shui ch`en
    shui chen
An atom of dust wandering freely in water— one of the smallest of things.



see styles
shā mén
    sha1 men2
sha men
 shamon; samon
    しゃもん; さもん
monk (Sanskrit: Sramana, originally refers to north India); Buddhist monk
{Buddh} shramana (wandering monk); (surname) Shamon
śramaṇa. 桑門; 娑門; 喪門; 沙門那; 舍羅磨拏; 沙迦懣曩; 室摩那拏 (1) Ascetics of all kinds; 'the Sarmanai, or Samanaioi, or Germanai of the Greeks, perhaps identical also with the Tungusian Saman or Shaman.' Eitel. (2) Buddhist monks 'who 'have left their families and quitted the passions', the Semnoi of the Greeks'. Eitel. Explained by 功勞 toilful achievement, 勤息 diligent quieting (of the mind and the passions), 淨志 purity of mind, 貧道 poverty. 'He must keep well the Truth, guard well every uprising (of desire), be uncontaminated by outward attractions, be merciful to all and impure to none, be not elated to joy nor harrowed by distress, and able to bear whatever may come.' The Sanskrit root is śram, to make effort; exert oneself, do austerities.


see styles
(1) flow (of a fluid or gas); stream; current; (2) flow (of people, things); passage (of time); tide; passing; (changing) trends; tendency; (3) course (of events); (step-by-step) procedure; process; (4) group of people who remain together after the end of an event; (5) descent; ancestry; school; (6) {finc} forfeiture; foreclosure; (7) (usu. as お流れ) (See お流れ) cancellation; (8) drifting; wandering; roaming


see styles
liú wáng
    liu2 wang2
liu wang
 ryuubou / ryubo
to force into exile; to be exiled; in exile
(noun/participle) (1) (See 流浪) wandering; (noun/participle) (2) soil erosion


see styles
 ryuuguu / ryugu
(noun/participle) living a roaming life; wandering and settling in a foreign land


see styles
liú làng
    liu2 lang4
liu lang
 rurou / ruro
to drift about; to wander; to roam; nomadic; homeless; unsettled (e.g. population); vagrant
(n,vs,vi) vagrancy; wandering; nomadism
wander aimlessly



see styles
liú lí
    liu2 li2
liu li
 sasurai; ryuuri / sasurai; ryuri
    さすらい; りゅうり
homeless and miserable; forced to leave home and wander from place to place; to live as a refugee
(n,vs,vi) (kana only) wandering (e.g. bird, exile, lifestyle); wandering alone in a strange country; (female given name) Ryūri


see styles
 rourou / roro
wandering; unemployed


see styles
 rourou / roro
wandering; unemployed


see styles
fú yóu
    fu2 you2
fu yu
 fuyuu / fuyu
to float; to drift; to wander; variant of 蜉蝣[fu2 you2]
(noun/participle) floating; wandering; suspension


see styles
 fuyuu / fuyu
(noun/participle) floating; wandering; suspension


see styles
 watari(p); watari
    わたり(P); ワタリ
(1) crossing; passage; transit; (2) importing; import; (3) wandering; wanderer; (4) (See 渡り鳥) migration; (5) (See 渡りを付ける) contact; relations; negotiations; (6) {go} (usu. as ワタリ) connection; (7) {ling} glide; (surname) Watari


see styles
 hyourou / hyoro
(noun/participle) (rare) wandering


see styles
piāo fú
    piao1 fu2
p`iao fu
    piao fu
to float; to hover; to drift (also fig., to lead a wandering life); to rove; showy; superficial


see styles
 hyouchou / hyocho
wandering bird



see styles
piāo yù
    piao1 yu4
p`iao yü
    piao yü
(bird species of China) wandering tattler (Tringa incana)


see styles
niú jiè
    niu2 jie4
niu chieh
To live as a cow, eating grass with bent head, etc. — as certain Indian heretics are said to have done, in the belief that a cow's next reincarnation would be in the heavens.


see styles
 rounin / ronin
(n,vs,adj-no) ronin; wandering samurai without a master to serve



see styles
chán bìng
    chan2 bing4
ch`an ping
    chan ping
The ills of meditation, i.e. wandering thoughts, illusions. The illusions and nervous troubles of the mystic.


see styles
wandering life of a gambler


see styles
(adj-t,adv-to) (1) forever; endlessly; on and on; (2) meandering; wandering; winding; sinuous; serpentine; zigzagging


see styles
wān yán
    wan1 yan2
wan yen
(of a snake) to wriggle along; (of a river etc) to zigzag; to meander; to wind
(adj-t,adv-to) (1) forever; endlessly; on and on; (2) meandering; wandering; winding; sinuous; serpentine; zigzagging


see styles
(adj-t,adv-to) (1) forever; endlessly; on and on; (2) meandering; wandering; winding; sinuous; serpentine; zigzagging


see styles
xíng sēng
    xing2 seng1
hsing seng
wandering monk


see styles
xíng jiǎo
    xing2 jiao3
hsing chiao
(n,vs,vi) (1) {Buddh} pilgrimage; (n,vs,vi) (2) walking tour; travelling (on foot)
(行僧) A wandering monk.


see styles
xíng xíng
    xing2 xing2
hsing hsing


see styles
zǒu shén
    zou3 shen2
tsou shen
absent-minded; one's mind is wandering


see styles
 basshou / bassho
(n,vs,vi) wandering


see styles
 meisou / meso
(n,vs,vi) straying; wandering (off course)



see styles
yóu guàng
    you2 guang4
yu kuang
to go sightseeing; to spend one's leisure time wandering around



see styles
biàn lì
    bian4 li4
pien li
to traverse; to travel throughout; (math.) ergodic


see styles
palanquin bearer; coolie; wandering robber; (given name) Kumosuke



see styles
yún nà
    yun2 na4
yün na
wandering monks



see styles
yún yóu
    yun2 you2
yün yu
 unyuu / unyu
to wander (typically of an errant priest)
{Buddh} wandering aimlessly; (surname) Un'yu


see styles
 hyouhyou / hyohyo
(adv-to,adv) (1) whistling (of the wind); blowing; (2) fluttering (in the wind); waving; flapping; flying; (3) tottering; staggering; (4) aimlessly; wandering about; roaming; (5) aloof from the world; easygoing; transcendental; detached



see styles
piāo péng
    piao1 peng2
p`iao p`eng
    piao peng
to float in the wind; by ext., to lead a wandering life



see styles
piāo líng
    piao1 ling2
p`iao ling
    piao ling
 hyourei / hyore
to fall and wither (like autumn leaves); (fig.) drifting and homeless
(noun/participle) (1) (rare) blowing in the wind (e.g. leaf, petal); (noun/participle) (2) wandering; roaming; (noun/participle) (3) being ruined (reduced to poverty); falling low; going under; coming to ruin



see styles
piāo piāo
    piao1 piao1
p`iao p`iao
    piao piao
 hyouhyou / hyohyo
to float about; to flutter (in the breeze); (dialect) gay guy; (Tw) ghost
(adv-to,adv) (1) whistling (of the wind); blowing; (2) fluttering (in the wind); waving; flapping; flying; (3) tottering; staggering; (4) aimlessly; wandering about; roaming; (5) aloof from the world; easygoing; transcendental; detached


see styles
(ik) (1) ronin; wandering samurai without a master to serve; (2) out of work; (3) waiting for another chance to enter a university



see styles
wǔ lèi tiān
    wu3 lei4 tian1
wu lei t`ien
    wu lei tien
 gorui ten
The five kinds of devas: (1) 上界天 in the upper realms of form and non-form; (2) 虛空天 in the sky, i. e. four of the six devas of the desire-realm; (3) 地居天 on the earth, i. e. the other two of the six devas, on Sumeru; (4) 遊虛天空 wandering devas of the sky, e. g. sun, moon, starvas, (5) 地下天 under-world devas, e. g. nāgas, asuras, māras, etc. Of. 五大明王.


see styles
zuò xià yóu
    zuo4 xia4 you2
tso hsia yu
 zage yu
A certificate of "retreat" given to a wandering monk.



see styles
dàn guō sēng
    dan4 guo1 seng1
tan kuo seng
 tanga sō
A wandering monk, who stays for a night.



see styles
dàn guō liáo
    dan4 guo1 liao2
tan kuo liao
 tanga ryō
A monastery at which a wandering monk 旦過僧 stays.


see styles
 arukigami; arikigami
    あるきがみ; ありきがみ
(archaism) wandering god; god who attracts wanderers and travellers


see styles
 fuyuurei / fuyure
(See 地縛霊) wandering ghost


see styles
 murasakigoten; murasakigoten
    むらさきごてん; ムラサキゴテン
wandering jew (Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea'); purple secretia; purple-heart; purple queen



see styles
zǒu shén r
    zou3 shen2 r5
tsou shen r
absent-minded; one's mind is wandering


see styles
walking wherever one's legs lead one; wandering



see styles
pǎo shén r
    pao3 shen2 r5
p`ao shen r
    pao shen r
absent-minded; one's mind is wandering


see styles
 urouro / uroro
(adv,adv-to,vs) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) loiteringly; aimless wandering; restlessly


see styles
(adj-na,adv-to,vs,adj-no) (1) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) unsteady (e.g. on one's feet); staggering; reeling; tottering; dizzy; (2) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) wandering; without knowing what one is doing; having no goal in mind



see styles
liù zhǒng zhèn dòng
    liu4 zhong3 zhen4 dong4
liu chung chen tung
 rokushu shindō
The six earthquakes, or earth-shakings, also 六種動相, of which there are three different categories. I, Those at the Buddha's conception, birth, enlightenment, first preaching, when Māra besought him to live, and at his nirvana; some omit the fifth and after 'birth' add 'leaving home '. II. The six different kinds of shaking of the chiliocosm, or universe, when the Buddha entered into the samādhi of joyful wandering, see 大品般若經 1, i. e. east rose and west sank, and so on with w. e., n. s., s. n., middle and borders, borders and middle. III. Another group is shaking, rising, waving, reverberating, roaring, arousing, the first three referring to motion, the last three to sounds; see the above 般若經; which in later translations gives shaking, rising, reverberating, beating, roaring, crackling.


see styles
(yoji) constant travelling; constant traveling; being on the move; restless wandering


see styles
 tenjikurounin / tenjikuronin
wandering lordless samurai


see styles
gū hún yě guǐ
    gu1 hun2 ye3 gui3
ku hun yeh kuei
wandering ghosts without living descendants to pray for them (idiom); person who has no family or friends to rely on


see styles
xīn bù zài yān
    xin1 bu4 zai4 yan1
hsin pu tsai yen
absent-minded; preoccupied; inattentive; with one's thoughts wandering


see styles
yōu rán shén wǎng
    you1 ran2 shen2 wang3
yu jan shen wang
thoughts wandering far away


see styles
 hourouseikatsu / horosekatsu
(leading) a vagabond life; (leading) a wandering existence



see styles
fǎ huā yóu yì
    fa3 hua1 you2 yi4
fa hua yu i
 Hōke yui
Wandering Thoughts on the Lotus Sūtra


see styles
 chuuisanman / chuisanman
(See 注意力散漫) inattention; distraction; mind-wandering


see styles
 rurounotami / ruronotami
wandering people; nomadic tribe



see styles
liú lí shī suǒ
    liu2 li2 shi1 suo3
liu li shih so
destitute and homeless (idiom); forced from one's home and wandering about; displaced


see styles
 watariahoudori; watariahoudori / watariahodori; watariahodori
    わたりあほうどり; ワタリアホウドリ
(kana only) wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans)



see styles
qín jiàn piāo líng
    qin2 jian4 piao1 ling2
ch`in chien p`iao ling
    chin chien piao ling
floating between zither and sword (idiom); fig. wandering aimlessly with no tenured position


see styles
sè jiè shēng xíng
    se4 jie4 sheng1 xing2
se chieh sheng hsing
 shikikai shōgyō
birth and wandering in the form realm


see styles
 yuukoujofu / yukojofu
(archaism) (See 浮かれ女・うかれめ) wandering prostitute


see styles
 yuusousaibou / yusosaibo
wandering cell



see styles
yún shuǐ xíng jiǎo
    yun2 shui3 xing2 jiao3
yün shui hsing chiao
(yoji) itinerant monk being on pilgrimages to many lands
wandering like clouds and water



see styles
yún nà nà zǐ
    yun2 na4 na4 zi3
yün na na tzu
 unnō nōshi
wandering Seon monk


see styles
(noun/participle) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) loitering; hanging around; wandering around


see styles
(exp,v1) to become a wandering ghost; to appear as a spirit


see styles
 chuuiryokusanman / chuiryokusanman
(See 注意散漫) inattention; distraction; mind-wandering


see styles
 rourou / roro
(adj-no,n) wandering; jobless; unemployed


see styles
 hyouhyou / hyohyo
(adj-t,adv-to) (1) whistling (wind); blowing; howling; (adj-t,adv-to) (2) fluttering (in the wind); waving; flapping; swirling; dancing; (adj-t,adv-to) (3) staggering; tottering; wandering; roaming; aimless; (adj-t,adv-to,vs) (4) aloof from the world; easygoing; transcendental; detached


see styles
 hyourei / hyore
(n,vs,vi) (1) (obsolete) fluttering to the ground (of a leaf or petal); (n,vs,vi) (2) (obsolete) wandering; roaming; (n,vs,vi) (3) (obsolete) coming down in the world; going to ruin; falling low


see styles
(adv,adv-to) (1) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) (See ぶらぶら・1) dangling; swaying; swinging; (adv,adv-to) (2) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) (walking) leisurely; aimlessly; strolling; wandering; rambling; (adv,adv-to) (3) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) idly; lazily; leisurely; aimlessly



see styles
yuán lín yóu xì dì mén
    yuan2 lin2 you2 xi4 di4 men2
yüan lin yu hsi ti men
 enrin yukichi mon
entry out into wandering in the forest



see styles
bō lì pó luó zhē qié
    bo1 li4 po2 luo2 zhe1 qie2
po li p`o lo che ch`ieh
    po li po lo che chieh
male or female wandering ascetic


see styles
wandering jew (Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea'); purple secretia; purple-heart; purple queen


see styles
 merikenkiashishigi; merikenkiashishigi
    メリケンきあししぎ; メリケンキアシシギ
(kana only) wandering tattler (Tringa incana)

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "wandering" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary