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Mandala / Altar
altar; platform; rostrum; (bound form) (sporting, literary etc) circles; world
(1) platform; podium; rostrum; pulpit; (2) (ceremonial) mound; (suffix noun) (3) world (of haiku, art, etc.); (literary) circles; (4) (archaism) mandala; (given name) Mayumi
An altar; an open altar. In the esoteric cult it also means a maṇḍala, objects of worship grouped together.


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wǔ dà
    wu3 da4
wu ta

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Godai / Five Elements
(1) {Buddh} (See 五行・ごぎょう・1) the five elements (in Japanese philosophy: earth, water, fire, wind and void); (2) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 五大明王) five great wisdom kings; (surname) Godai
The five elements— earth, water, fire, wind, and space. v. also 五行 the five agents. In the esoteric cult the five are the physical manifestation, or garbhadhātu, v. 胎; as being in all phenomena they are called 五輪 the five evolvers; their phonetic embryos 種子 are those of the Five Dhyani-Buddhas of the five directions, v. 五佛.


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yǒng shēng
    yong3 sheng1
yung sheng
 eisei / ese
to live forever; eternal life; all one's life
eternal life; immortality; (personal name) Hisaki
Eternal life; immortality; nirvana is defined as 不生 not being born, i. e. not reborn, and therefore 不滅 not dying; 永生 is also perpetual life; the Amitābha cult says in the Pure Land.



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jìng tǔ zōng
    jing4 tu3 zong1
ching t`u tsung
    ching tu tsung
 Jōdo Shū
Pure Land Buddhism
The Pure-land sect, whose chief tenet is salvation by faith in Amitābha; it is the popular cult in China, also in Japan, where it is the Jōdo sect; it is also called 蓮宗(蓮花宗) the Lotus sect. Established by Hui-yuan 慧遠 of the Chin dynasty (317— 419), it claims P'u-hsien 普賢 Samantabhadra as founder. Its seven chief textbooks are 無量淸淨平等覺經; 大阿彌陀經; 無量壽經; 觀無量壽經; 阿彌陀經; 稱讚淨土佛攝受經; and 鼓音聲三陀羅尼經. The淨土眞宗 is the Jōdo-Shin, or Shin sect of Japan.



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guān shì yīn
    guan1 shi4 yin1
kuan shih yin

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Guan Shi Yin: Protector Of Life
Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara)
(out-dated kanji) Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva); Avalokitesvara; Kannon; Kwannon; Guanyin; Buddhist deity of compassion
Regarder of the world's sounds, or cries, the so-called Goddess of Mercy; also known as 觀音; 觀世音善薩; 觀自在 (觀世自在); 觀尹; 光世音 (the last being the older form). Avalokiteśvara, v. 阿 8. Originally represented as a male, the images are now generally those of a female figure. The meaning of the term is in doubt; it is intp. as above, but the term 觀自在 (觀世自在) accords with the idea of Sovereign Regarder and is not associated with sounds or cries. Guanyin is one of the triad of Amida, is represented on his left, and is also represented as crowned with Amida; but there are as many as thirty-three different forms of Guanyin, sometimes with a bird, a vase, a willow wand, a pearl, a 'thousand' eyes and hands, etc., and, when as bestower of children, carrying a child. The island of Putuo (Potala) is the chief centre of Guanyin worship, where she is the protector of all in distress, especially of those who go to sea. There are many sūtras, etc., devoted to the cult, but its provenance and the date of its introduction to China are still in doubt. Chapter 25 of the Lotus Sūtra is devoted to Guanyin, and is the principal scripture of the cult; its date is uncertain. Guanyin is sometimes confounded with Amitābha and Maitreya. She is said to be the daughter of king Śubhavyūha 妙莊王, who had her killed by 'stifling because the sword of the executioner broke without hurting her. Her spirit went to hell; but hell changed into paradise. Yama sent her back to life to save his hell, when she was miraculously transported on a Lotus flower to the island of Poo-too'. Eitel.

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imperial concubine
(suffix noun) princess; consort; (female given name) Hime
An imperial concubine; as implying production, or giving birth, it is used by the esoteric cult for samaya and dhāraṇī.


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wǔ shèng
    wu3 sheng4
wu sheng
The five vehicles conveying to the karma reward which differs according to the vehicle: they are generally summed up as (1) 入乘 rebirth among men conveyed by observing the five commandments; (2) 天乘 among the devas by the ten forms of good action; (3) 聲聞乘 among the śrāvakas by the four noble truths; (4) 緣覺乘 among pratyekabuddhas by the twelve nidānas; (5) 菩薩乘 among the Buddhas and bodhisattvas by the six pāramitās 六度 q. v. Another division is the various vehicles of bodhisattvas; pratyekabuddhas; śrāvakas; general; and devas-and-men. Another is Hīnayāna Buddha, pratyekabuddhas, śrāvakas, the gods of the Brahma heavens, and those of the desire-realm. Another is Hīnayāna ordinary disciples: śrāvakas: pratyekabuddhas; bodhisattvas; and the one all-inclusive vehicle. And a sixth, of Tiantai, is for men; devas; śrāvakas-cum-pratyekabuddhas; bodhisattvas: and the Buddha-vehicle. The esoteric cult has: men, corresponding with earth; devas, with water: śrāvakas, with fire: pratyekabuddhas, with wind; and bodhisattvas, with 空 the 'void'.


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wǔ zhì
    wu3 zhi4
wu chih
(place-name, surname) Gochi
The five kinds of wisdom of the 眞言宗 Shingon School. Of the six elements 六大 earth, water, fire, air (or wind), ether (or space) 曇空, and consciousness (or mind 識 ), the first five form the phenomenal world, or Garbhadhātu, the womb of all things 胎藏界, the sixth is the conscious, or perceptive, or wisdom world, the Vajradhātu 金剛界, sometimes called the Diamond realm. The two realms are not originally apart, but one, and there is no consciousness without the other five elements. The sixth element, vijñāna, is further subdivided into five called the 五智 Five Wisdoms: (1) 法界體性智 dharmadhātu-prakṛti-jñāna, derived from the amala-vijñāna, or pure 識; it is the wisdom of the embodied nature of the dharmadhātu, defined as the six elements, and is associated with Vairocana 大日, in the centre, who abides in this samādhi; it also corresponds to the ether 空 element. (2) 大圓鏡智 adarśana-jñāna, the great round mirror wisdom, derived from the ālaya-vijñāna, reflecting all things; corresponds to earth, and is associated with Akṣobhya and the east. (3) 平等性智 samatā-jñāna, derived from mano-vijñāna, wisdom in regard to all things equally and universally; corresponds to fire, and is associated with Ratnasaṃbhava and the south. (4) 妙觀察智 pratyavekṣaṇa-jñāna, derived from 意識, wisdom of profound insight, or discrimination, for exposition and doubt-destruction; corresponds to water, and is associated with Amitābha and the west. (5) 成所作智 kṛtyānuṣṭhāna-jñāna, derived from the five senses, the wisdom of perfecting the double work of self-welfare and the welfare of others; corresponds to air 風 and is associated with Amoghasiddhi and the north. These five Dhyāni-Buddhas are the 五智如來. The five kinds of wisdom are the four belonging to every Buddha, of the exoteric cult, to which the esoteric cult adds the first, pure, all-refecting, universal, all-discerning, and all-perfecting.


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wǔ gǔ
    wu3 gu3
wu ku
Wugu township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
(五股杵 or 五股金剛); also 五鈷, 五古, or 五M029401 The five-pronged vajra or thunderbolt emblem of the 五部 five groups and 五智 five wisdom powers of the vajradhātu; doubled it is an emblem of the ten pāramitās. In the esoteric cult the 五股印 five-pronged vajra is the symbol of the 五智 five wisdom powers and the 五佛 five Buddhas, and has several names 五大印, 五智印, 五峯印; 金剛慧印, 大羯印, and 大率都婆印, and has many definitions.


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liù dà
    liu4 da4
liu ta
{Buddh} the six elements (earth, water, fire, wind, void, and consciousness); (place-name) Rokudai
The six great or fundamental things, or elements — earth; water; fire; wind (or air); space (or ether); and 識 mind, or perception. These are universal and creative of all things, but the inanimate 非情 are made only of the first five, while the animate 有情 are of all six. The esoteric cult represents the six elements, somewhat differently interpreted in the garbhadhātu and vajradhātu. Also 六大界.


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huà qián
    hua4 qian2
hua ch`ien
    hua chien
In the Amitābha cult the term means before its first sutra, the 觀無量壽經, just as 爾前 in the Lotus School means 'before the Lotus.'


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shí fó
    shi2 fo2
shih fo
 ju būtsu
There are several, groups; that of the Huayan sūtra is Kāśyapa, Kanakamuni, Krakucchanda, Viśvabhū, Śikhin, Vipaśyi, Tiśya (or Puṣya), Tissa, ? Padma, and Dīpaṅkara. Another group is that of the Amitābha cult, one for each of the ten directions. There are other groups.



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sì lú
    si4 lu2
ssu lu
The four furnaces, or altars of the esoteric cult, each differing in shape: earth, square; water, round; fire, triangular; wind, half-moon shape.



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dì tán
    di4 tan2
ti t`an
    ti tan
 ji dan
Temple of Earth (in Beijing)
A square altar used by the esoteric cult.


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dì zàng
    di4 zang4
ti tsang
 jizou / jizo
Kṣitigarbha, the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow (to save all souls before accepting Bodhi); also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Womb, or Earth Store Bodhisattva
(surname) Jizou
Ti-tsang, J. Jizō, Kṣitigarbha, 乞叉底蘗沙; Earth-store, Earth-treasury, or Earthwomb. One of the group of eight Dhvani- Bodhisattvas. With hints of a feminine origin, he is now the guardian of the earth. Though associated with Yama as overlord, and with the dead and the hells, his role is that of saviour. Depicted with the alarum staff with its six rings, he is accredited with power over the hells and is devoted to the saving of all creatures between the nirvana of Śākyamuni and the advent of Maitreya the fifth century he has been especially considered as the deliverer from the hells. His central place in China is at Chiu-hua-shan, forty li south-west of Ch'ing-yang in Anhui. In Japan he is also the protector of travellers by land and his image accordingly appears on the roads; bereaved parents put stones by his images to seek his aid in relieving the labours of their dead in the task of piling stones on the banks of the Buddhist Styx; he also helps women in labour. He is described as holding a place between the gods and men on the one hand and the hells on the other for saving all in distress; some say he is an incarnation of Yama. At dawn he sits immobile on the earth 地 and meditates on the myriads of its beings 藏. When represented as a monk, it may be through the influence of a Korean monk who is considered to be his incarnation, and who came to China in 653 and died in 728 at the age of 99 after residing at Chiu-hua-shan for seventy-five years: his body, not decaying, is said to have been gilded over and became an object of worship. Many have confused 眞羅 part of Korea with 暹羅 Siam. There are other developments of Ti-tsang, such as the 六地藏 Six Ti-tsang, i. e. severally converting or transforming those in the hells, pretas, animals, asuras, men, and the devas; these six Ti-tsang have different images and symbols. Ti-tsang has also six messengers 六使者: Yama for transforming those in hell; the pearl-holder for pretas; the strong one or animals; the devīof mercy for asuras; the devī of the treasure for human beings; one who has charge of the heavens for the devas. There is also the 延命地藏 Yanming Ti-tsang, who controls length of days and who is approached, as also may be P'u-hsien, for that Purpose; his two assistants are the Supervisors of good and evil 掌善 and 掌惡. Under another form, as 勝軍地藏 Ti-tsang is chiefly associated with the esoteric cult. The benefits derived from his worship are many, some say ten, others say twenty-eight. His vows are contained in the 地藏菩薩本願經. There is also the 大乘大集地藏十電經 tr. by Xuanzang in 10 juan in the seventh century, which probably influenced the spread of the Ti-tsang cult.



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dà bǎo
    da4 bao3
ta pao
(archaic) throne
(surname) Oodakara
Great Jewel, most precious thing, i.e. the Dharma or Buddha-law; the bodhisattva; the fire-altar of the esoteric cult.


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tiān kǒu
    tian1 kou3
t`ien k`ou
    tien kou
(surname) Amaguchi
The mouth of Brahma, or the gods, a synonym for fire, as that element devours the offerings; to this the 護摩 homa, or fire altar cult is attributed, fire becoming the object of worship for good fortune. Fire is also said to speak for or tell the will of the gods.


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 suuhai / suhai
(noun, transitive verb) worship; adoration; admiration; cult


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dé tián
    de2 tian2
te t`ien
    te tien
Field of virtue, or of religious power, i.e. the cult of arhats and Buddhas.



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è gǎo
    e4 gao3
o kao
spoof (web-based genre in PRC, acquiring cult status from 2005, involving humorous, satirical or fantastical videos, photo collections, texts, poems etc)



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yì xué
    yi4 xue2
i hsüeh
Mental learning, learning by meditation rather than from books, the special cult of the Chan or Intuitional school, which is also called the School of the Buddha-mind.


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gǎi zōng
    gai3 zong1
kai tsung
 kaishuu / kaishu
(n,vs,vi) religious conversion
To change one's cult, school of thought, or religion.



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duàn ròu
    duan4 rou4
tuan jou
To forbid flesh; meat was permitted by the Buddha under the Hīnayāna cult, but forbidden in Mahāyāna under the bodhisattva cult, and also by Hīnayāna.


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jiāng hú
    jiang1 hu2
chiang hu
 gouko / goko
rivers and lakes; all corners of the country; remote areas to which hermits retreat; section of society operating independently of mainstream society, out of reach of the law; the milieu in which wuxia tales play out (cf. 武俠|武侠[wu3 xia2]); (in late imperial times) world of traveling merchants, itinerant doctors, fortune tellers etc; demimonde; (in modern times) triads; secret gangster societies; underworld
Zen disciples; (surname) Kōko
Kiangsi and Hunan, where and whence the 禪 Chan (Zen) or Intuitive movement had its early spread, the title being applied to followers of this cult.



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lián zōng
    lian2 zong1
lien tsung
see 淨土宗|净土宗[Jing4 tu3 zong1]
The Lotus sect founded by 慧遠 Huiyuan circa A.D. 390 at his monastery, in which was a 自蓮池 white lotus pond. It has no connection with the White Lily Secret Society which arose during the Mongol or Yuan dynasty. The Lotus sect is traced to the awakening of Huiyuan by the reading of the Prajñāpāramitā sūtra. He then turned his attention to calling on the name of Buddha to obtain salvation direct to his Pure Land. The school became that of the Amitābha or Pure-land sect, which in later years developed into the principal Buddhist cult in the Far East.


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xī zhǔ
    xi1 zhu3
hsi chu
 nishi no aruji
The Lord of the West, Amitābha, who is also the西天教主 lord of the cult, or sovereign teacher, of the western paradise.


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xī xíng
    xi1 xing2
hsi hsing
 seikou / seko
(noun/participle) going west; heading westward; (person) Saigyō Hōshi (1118-1190; Poet of the Heian period, included in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu)
Going west; practices of the Amitābha cult, leading to salvation in the Western Paradise.


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xié jiào
    xie2 jiao4
hsieh chiao
 jakyou / jakyo
evil cult
heretical religion; damaging religion; heresy
mistaken teaching


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cult; (place-name) Gardo



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bù dòng fó
    bu4 dong4 fo2
pu tung fo
 Fudō Butsu
不動如來; 阿閦鞞 or 阿閦婆, Akṣobhya, one of the 五智如來 Five Wisdom, or Dhyāni-Buddhas, viz., Vairocana, Akṣobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitābha, and Amoghasiddhi. He is especially worshipped by the Shingon sect, as a disciple of Vairocana. As Amitābha is Buddha in the western heavens, so Akṣobhya is Buddha in the eastern heaven of Abhirati, the realm of joy, hence he is styled 善快 or 妙喜, also 無瞋恚 free from anger. His cult has existed since the Han dynasty, see the Akṣobhya-Tathāgatasya-vyūha. He is first mentioned in the prajnapāramitā sutra, then in the Lotus, where he is the first of the sixteen sons of Mahābhijñā-jñānabhibhu. His dhyāni-bodhisattva is Vajrapāṇi. His appearance is variously described, but he generally sits on a lotus, feet crossed, soles upward, left hand closed holding robe, right hand fingers extended touching ground calling it as color is pale gold, some say blue a vajra is before him. His esoteric word is Hum; his element the air, his human form Kanakamuni, v. 拘. Jap. Ashuku, Fudo, and Mudo; Tib. mi-bskyod-pa, mi-'khrugs-pa (mintug-pa); Mong. Ülü küdelükci. v. 不動明王.


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fó yǎn zūn
    fo2 yan3 zun1
fo yen tsun
 Butsugen son
A term of the esoteric cult for the source or mother of all wisdom, also called佛眼部母; 佛眼佛母; 佛母身; 佛母尊; 虛空佛.



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liù dà guān
    liu4 da4 guan1
liu ta kuan
 rokudai kan
Meditation on the six elements; in the exoteric cult, that they are unreal and unclean; in the esoteric cult, that the Buddha and human elements are of the same substance and interchangeable, see above.



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shí èr dēng
    shi2 er4 deng1
shih erh teng
 jūni tō
The twelve lamps used in the cult of the Master of Healing 藥師.


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shí èr shén
    shi2 er4 shen2
shih erh shen
 juunijin / junijin
(place-name) Jūnijin
(十二神明王) The twelve spirits connected with the cult of 藥師 the Master of Healing. Also 十二神將. They are associated with the twelve hours of the day, of which they are guardian spirits. Their names are as follows: 宮 (or 金) 毘羅 Kumbhīra; 伐折羅 Vajra; 迷企羅 Mihira; 安底羅 Aṇḍīra; 頞儞羅 Anila; 珊底羅 Śaṇḍila; 因陀羅 Indra; 波夷羅Pajra; 摩虎羅 Mahoraga; 眞達羅 Kinnara; 招杜羅 Catura; and 毘羯羅 Vikarāla.


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sì zhì yìn
    si4 zhi4 yin4
ssu chih yin
Four wisdom symbols of the Shingon cult: 大智印 or 摩訶岐若勿他羅 mahājñāna-mudrā, the forms of the images; 三昧耶印 samaya-jñāna-mudrā, their symbols and manual signs; 法智印 dharma-jñāna-mudrā, the magic formula of each; 羯摩智印 karma-jñāna-mudrā, the emblems of their specific functions.


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 gaikouha / gaikoha
(1) pleinairism; pleinairisme; cult of the open air; (2) painter of pleinairisme; pleinairist



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dà chǎng dōng
    da4 chang3 dong1
ta ch`ang tung
    ta chang tung
OHBA Tsugumi (pen-name), author of cult series Death Note 死亡筆記|死亡笔记[si3 wang2 bi3 ji4]


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dà rì zōng
    da4 ri4 zong1
ta jih tsung
 Dainichi Shū
The cult of Vairocana especially associated with the 胎藏界 Garbhakośadhātu, or phenomenal world. The cult has its chief vogue in Japan.


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dà hēi tiān
    da4 hei1 tian1
ta hei t`ien
    ta hei tien
 Daikoku ten
Mahākāla 摩訶迦 (or 謌) 羅 the great black deva 大黑神. Two interpretations are given. The esoteric cult describes the deva as the masculine form of Kālī, i.e. Durgā, the wife of Śiva; with one face and eight arms, or three faces and six arms, a necklace of skulls, etc. He is worshipped as giving warlike power, and fierceness; said also to be an incarnation of Vairocana for the purpose of destroying the demons; and is described as 大時 the "great time" (-keeper) which seems to indicate Vairocana, the sun. The exoteric cult interprets him as a beneficent deva, a Pluto, or god of wealth. Consequently he is represented in two forms, by the one school as a fierce deva, by the other as a kindly happy deva. He is shown as one of the eight fierce guardians with trident, generally blue-black but sometimes white; he may have two elephants underfoot. Six arms and hands hold jewel, skull cup, chopper, drum, trident, elephant-goad. He is the tutelary god of Mongolian Buddhism. Six forms of Mahākāla are noted: (1) 比丘大黑 A black-faced disciple of the Buddha, said to be the Buddha as Mahādeva in a previous incarnation, now guardian of the refectory. (2) 摩訶迦羅大黑女 Kālī, the wife of Śiva. (3) 王子迦羅大黑 The son of Śiva. (4) 眞陀大黑 Cintāmaṇi, with the talismanic pearl, symbol of bestowing fortune. (5) 夜叉大黑 Subduer of demons. (6) 摩迦羅大黑 Mahākāla, who carries a bag on his back and holds a hammer in his right hand. J., Daikoku; M., Yeke-gara; T., Nag-po c'en-po.


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xiǎo tián jiàn
    xiao3 tian2 jian4
hsiao t`ien chien
    hsiao tien chien
OBATA Takeshi, manga artist, illustrator of cult series Death Note 死亡筆記|死亡笔记[si3 wang2 bi3 ji4]
(person) Obata Takeshi (1969.2.11-)


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wū dú jiào
    wu1 du2 jiao4
wu tu chiao
Voodoo (religious cult)



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fǎ lún gōng
    fa3 lun2 gong1
fa lun kung
 hourinkou; farungon / horinko; farungon
    ほうりんこう; ファルンゴン
Falun Gong (Chinese spiritual movement founded in 1992, regarded as a cult by the PRC government)
Falun Gong; Falun Dafa



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ā mí tuó
    a1 mi2 tuo2
a mi t`o
    a mi to
(out-dated kanji) (1) (Buddhist term) Amitabha (Buddha); Amida; (2) (kana only) (abbreviation) ghostleg lottery; ladder lottery; lottery in which participants trace a line across a lattice pattern to determine the winner; (3) (kana only) (abbreviation) wearing a hat pushed back on one's head
(阿彌) amita, boundless, infinite; tr. by 無量 immeasurable. The Buddha of infinite qualities, known as 阿彌陀婆 (or 阿彌陀佛) Amitābha, tr. 無量光 boundless light; 阿彌陀廋斯Amitāyus, tr. 無量壽 boundless age, or life; and among the esoteric sects Amṛta 甘露 (甘露王) sweet-dew (king). An imaginary being unknown to ancient Buddhism, possibly of Persian or Iranian origin, who has eclipsed the historical Buddha in becoming the most popular divinity in the Mahāyāna pantheon. His name indicates an idealization rather than an historic personality, the idea of eternal light and life. The origin and date of the concept are unknown, but he has always been associated with the west, where in his Paradise, Suikhāvatī, the Western Pure Land, he receives to unbounded happiness all who call upon his name (cf. the Pure Lands 淨土 of Maitreya and Akṣobhya). This is consequent on his forty-eight vows, especially the eighteenth, in which he vows to refuse Buddhahood until he has saved all living beings to his Paradise, except those who had committed the five unpardonable sins, or were guilty of blasphemy against the Faith. While his Paradise is theoretically only a stage on the way to rebirth in the final joys of nirvana, it is popularly considered as the final resting-place of those who cry na-mo a-mi-to-fo, or blessed be, or adoration to, Amita Buddha. The 淨土 Pure-land (Jap. Jōdo) sect is especially devoted to this cult, which arises chiefly out of the Sukhāvatīvyūha, but Amita is referred to in many other texts and recognized, with differing interpretations and emphasis, by the other sects. Eitel attributes the first preaching of the dogma to 'a priest from Tokhara' in A. D.147, and says that Faxian and Xuanzang make no mention of the cult. But the Chinese pilgrim 慧日Huiri says he found it prevalent in India 702-719. The first translation of the Amitāyus Sutra, circa A.D. 223-253, had disappeared when the Kaiyuan catalogue was compiled A.D. 730. The eighteenth vow occurs in the tr. by Dharmarakṣa A.D. 308. With Amita is closely associated Avalokiteśvara, who is also considered as his incarnation, and appears crowned with, or bearing the image of Amita. In the trinity of Amita, Avalokiteśvara appears on his left and Mahāsthāmaprāpta on his right. Another group, of five, includes Kṣitigarbha and Nāgārjuna, the latter counted as the second patriarch of the Pure Land sect. One who calls on the name of Amitābha is styled 阿彌陀聖 a saint of Amitābha. Amitābha is one of the Five 'dhyāni buddhas' 五佛, q.v. He has many titles, amongst which are the following twelve relating to him as Buddha of light, also his title of eternal life: 無量光佛Buddha of boundless light; 無邊光佛 Buddha of unlimited light; 無礙光佛 Buddha of irresistible light; 無對光佛 Buddha of incomparable light; 燄王光佛 Buddha of yama or flame-king light; 淸淨光佛 Buddha of pure light; 歡喜光佛 Buddha of joyous light; 智慧光佛 Buddha of wisdom light; 不斷光佛 Buddha of unending light; 難思光佛 Buddha of inconceivable light; 無稱光佛Buddha of indescribable light; 超日月光佛 Buddha of light surpassing that of sun and moon; 無量壽 Buddha of boundless age. As buddha he has, of course, all the attributes of a buddha, including the trikāya, or 法報化身, about which in re Amita there are differences of opinion in the various schools. His esoteric germ-letter is hrīḥ, and he has specific manual-signs. Cf. 阿彌陀經, of which with commentaries there are numerous editions.



see styles
bù èr fǎ mén
    bu4 er4 fa3 men2
pu erh fa men
 funi hōmon
the one and only way; the only proper course to take
is similar to 不二之法; also the cult of the monistic doctrine; and the immediacy of entering into the truth.



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wǔ zhǒng fǎ shēn
    wu3 zhong3 fa3 shen1
wu chung fa shen
 goshu hosshin
The five kinds of a Buddha's dharmakāya. There are four groups. I. (1) 如如智法身 the spiritual body of bhūtatathatā-wisdom; (2) 功德法身 of all virtuous achievement; (3) 自法身 of incarnation in the world; (4) 變化法身 of unlimited powers of transformation; (5) 虛空法身 of unlimited space; the first and second are defined as saṃbhogakāya, the third and fourth as nirmāṇakāya, and the fifth as the dharmakāya, but all are included under dharmakāya as it possesses all the others. II. The esoteric cult uses the first four and adds as fifth 法界身 indicating the universe as pan-Buddha. III. Huayan gives (1) 法性生身 the body or person of Buddha born from the dharma-nature. (2) 功德生身 the dharmakāya evolved by Buddha virtue, or achievement; (3) 變化法身 the dharmakāya with unlimited powers of transformation; (4) 實相法身 the real dharmakāya; (5) 虛 空法身 the universal dharmakāya. IV. Hīnayāna defines them as 五分法身 q. v.


see styles
wǔ bù zūn fǎ
    wu3 bu4 zun1 fa3
wu pu tsun fa
 gobu sonbō
五種壇法 (or 五部護摩 or 五部悉地). Ceremonials of the esoteric cult for ridding from calamity; for prosperity; subduing evil (spirits); seeking the love of Buddhas; calling the good to aid; cf. 五種修法.



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gè rén chóng bài
    ge4 ren2 chong2 bai4
ko jen ch`ung pai
    ko jen chung pai
personality cult


see styles
 kojinsuuhai / kojinsuhai
personality cult; cult of personality



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liù dà wú ài
    liu4 da4 wu2 ai4
liu ta wu ai
 rokudai muge
The six elements unimpeded, or interactive; or 六大體大 the six elements in their greater substance, or whole. The doctrine of the esoteric cult of tran-substantiation, or the free interchangeability of the six Buddha elements with the human, like with like, whereby yoga becomes possible, i. e. the Buddha elements entering into and possessing the human elements, for both are of the same elemental nature.



see styles
shí cháng yǎng xīn
    shi2 chang2 yang3 xin1
shih ch`ang yang hsin
    shih chang yang hsin
The ten kinds of well-nourished heart, essential to entry into the cult of the higher patience and endurance: a heart of kindness; of pity; of joy (in progress toward salvation of others); renunciation; almsgiving; delight in telling the doctrine; benefiting or aiding others to salvation; unity, or amity; concentration in meditation; wisdom; v. 梵綱經,心地品.


see styles
tiān tái sān jiào
    tian1 tai2 san1 jiao4
t`ien t`ai san chiao
    tien tai san chiao
 Tentai sangyō
The three modes of Śākyamuni's teaching as explained by the Tiantai sect: (1) the sudden, or immediate teaching, by which the learner is taught the whole truth at once 頓教; (2) the gradual teaching 漸教; (3) the undetermined or variable method-whereby he is taught what he is capable of receiving 不定. Another category is 漸 gradual, 頓 direct, and 圓 perfect, the last being found in the final or complete doctrine of the 法華經 Lotus Sutra. Another is: (1) 三藏教 the Tripiṭaka doctrine, i. e. the orthodox Hīnayāna; (2) 通教 intermediate, or interrelated doctrine, i. e. Hīnayāna-cum-Mahāyāna; (3) 別教 differentiated or separated doctrine, i. e. the early Mahāyāna as a cult or development, as distinct from Hīnayāna.



see styles
è gǎo wén huà
    e4 gao3 wen2 hua4
o kao wen hua
spoofing culture (Web-based genre in PRC acquiring cult status from 2005, involving humorous, satirical or fantastical videos, photo collections, texts, poems etc)



see styles
sǐ wáng bǐ jì
    si3 wang2 bi3 ji4
ssu wang pi chi
Death note (Japanese: デスノート), translation of cult manga series by author ŌBA Tsugumi 大場鶇|大场鸫[Da4 chang3 Dong1] (pen-name) and illustrator OBATA Takeshi 小畑健[Xiao3 tian2 Jian4]


see styles
 inarishinkou / inarishinko
cult of Inari; worship of the deity Inari



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xié diǎn diàn yǐng
    xie2 dian3 dian4 ying3
hsieh tien tien ying
cult film


see styles
 karutoshuukyou / karutoshukyo
cult religion; cult


see styles
 karutokyoudan / karutokyodan
religious cult


see styles
 karutoeiga / karutoega
cult film; cult movie



see styles
dà yuán shuài míng wáng
    da4 yuan2 shuai4 ming2 wang2
ta yüan shuai ming wang
 taigenmyouou; daigensuimyouou / taigenmyoo; daigensuimyoo
    たいげんみょうおう; だいげんすいみょうおう
{Buddh} Atavaka (guardian deity)
The great commander, one of the sixteen 明王 q.v., named Atavika 阿吒薄迦 (or 倶 or 皆). There are four sutras, chiefly spells connected with his cult.



see styles
ào mǔ zhēn lǐ jiào
    ao4 mu3 zhen1 li3 jiao4
ao mu chen li chiao
Aum Shinrikyo (or Supreme Truth), the Japanese death cult responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway


see styles
 kaagokaruto / kagokaruto
cargo cult (Melanesian belief system)


see styles
 kaago karuto / kago karuto
cargo cult (Melanesian belief system)


see styles
 kaagokaruto; kaago karuto / kagokaruto; kago karuto
    カーゴカルト; カーゴ・カルト
cargo cult (Melanesian belief system)

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.

This page contains 63 results for "cult" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary