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Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
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There are 54 total results for your belonging search.

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Simple Dictionary Definition

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(interjection) (1) (See うん・1) yes; yeah; uh huh; (interjection) (2) huh?; what?; (aux-v,suf) (3) (negative verb ending used in informal speech; abbr. of negative verb ending ぬ) (See ぬ・1) not; (particle) (4) (abbr. of particle の; indicates possessive) (See の・1,の・4) 's; of; belonging to; (particle) (5) (abbr. of particle に, used esp. when it precedes the verb なる) (See に・1) at (place, time); in; on; during

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skate (cartilaginous fish belonging to the family Rajidae); ray (fish)


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wǔ zhì
    wu3 zhi4
wu chih
(place-name, surname) Gochi
The five kinds of wisdom of the 眞言宗 Shingon School. Of the six elements 六大 earth, water, fire, air (or wind), ether (or space) 曇空, and consciousness (or mind 識 ), the first five form the phenomenal world, or Garbhadhātu, the womb of all things 胎藏界, the sixth is the conscious, or perceptive, or wisdom world, the Vajradhātu 金剛界, sometimes called the Diamond realm. The two realms are not originally apart, but one, and there is no consciousness without the other five elements. The sixth element, vijñāna, is further subdivided into five called the 五智 Five Wisdoms: (1) 法界體性智 dharmadhātu-prakṛti-jñāna, derived from the amala-vijñāna, or pure 識; it is the wisdom of the embodied nature of the dharmadhātu, defined as the six elements, and is associated with Vairocana 大日, in the centre, who abides in this samādhi; it also corresponds to the ether 空 element. (2) 大圓鏡智 adarśana-jñāna, the great round mirror wisdom, derived from the ālaya-vijñāna, reflecting all things; corresponds to earth, and is associated with Akṣobhya and the east. (3) 平等性智 samatā-jñāna, derived from mano-vijñāna, wisdom in regard to all things equally and universally; corresponds to fire, and is associated with Ratnasaṃbhava and the south. (4) 妙觀察智 pratyavekṣaṇa-jñāna, derived from 意識, wisdom of profound insight, or discrimination, for exposition and doubt-destruction; corresponds to water, and is associated with Amitābha and the west. (5) 成所作智 kṛtyānuṣṭhāna-jñāna, derived from the five senses, the wisdom of perfecting the double work of self-welfare and the welfare of others; corresponds to air 風 and is associated with Amoghasiddhi and the north. These five Dhyāni-Buddhas are the 五智如來. The five kinds of wisdom are the four belonging to every Buddha, of the exoteric cult, to which the esoteric cult adds the first, pure, all-refecting, universal, all-discerning, and all-perfecting.


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 aryuu / aryu
(1) (inferior) imitator; epigone; poor imitation; copycat; (2) follower; adherent; person belonging to the same school (e.g. of thought); (female given name) Aru


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(n,vs,adj-no) attached; belonging (to); included; enclosed; affiliated; annexed; associated; subordinate; incidental; dependent; auxiliary


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fó wù
    fo2 wu4
fo wu
things belonging to the Buddha


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 senyou / senyo
(noun/participle) using something belonging exclusively to someone else



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gōng chē
    gong1 che1
kung ch`e
    kung che
bus; abbr. for 公共汽車|公共汽车[gong1 gong4 qi4 che1]; car belonging to an organization and used by its members (government car, police car, company car etc); abbr. for 公務用車|公务用车[gong1 wu4 yong4 che1]


see styles
gòng yǒu
    gong4 you3
kung yu
 kyouyuu / kyoyu
to have altogether; in all
(noun, transitive verb) (1) joint ownership; co-ownership; sharing (e.g. a viewpoint); (noun, transitive verb) (2) sharing (files, devices on a network, posts on social media, etc.)
belonging or applicable to many or all


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(See 主権在民) belonging to the citizenry; residing in the people


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(1) official publication; government publication; (2) book belonging to a government office; (surname) Kanmoto


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(n,vs,vi) (1) belonging; ascription; attribution; imputation; possession; jurisdiction; (n,vs,vi) (2) reversion; return; restoration


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(n,vs,vi,adj-no) belonging to (a group, organization, etc.); affiliation (with); being attached to; being under the control of; serving (in the military, congress, etc.)



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suǒ shǔ
    suo3 shu3
so shu
one's affiliation (i.e. the organization one is affiliated with); subordinate (i.e. those subordinate to oneself); belonging to; affiliated; under one's command
See: 所属


see styles
zhāo tí
    zhao1 ti2
chao t`i
    chao ti
(place-name) Shodai
拓鬪提舍 caturdiśaḥ, the four directions of space; cāturdiśa, belonging to the four quarters, i. e. the saṃgha or Church; name for a monastery.



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huǒ chē
    huo3 che1
huo ch`e
    huo che
train; CL:列[lie4],節|节[jie2],班[ban1],趟[tang4]
(1) {Buddh} fiery chariot; (2) kasha (mythical beast said to devour dead bodies); (3) steam locomotive (in China); (4) (abbreviation) (archaism) (See 火車婆) vile old hag
The fiery chariot (belonging to the hells); there is also the 火車地獄 hell of the fire-chariot, and the fire-pit with its fiery wheels; the sufferer first freezes, then is tempted into the chariot which bursts into flames and he perishes in the fire pit, a process each sufferer repeats daily 90 koṭīs of times.


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belonging to no party or school of thought



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dú shǔ
    du2 shu3
tu shu
belonging exclusively to; exclusively for; reserved to; special


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(1) one's company; company one works for; (can act as adjective) (2) in-house; belonging to the company


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 tsuuji / tsuji
distinctive character used in the names of all people belonging to a single clan or lineage


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 bemin; bumin
    べみん; ぶみん
(hist) (See 部) people belonging to a hereditary occupation group (Yamato period)


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(1) golden label; golden protective talisman; (2) (hist) kinsatsu (Edo-period paper money); (3) (hist) kinsatsu (early Meiji-period paper money); (4) (See 鉄札・2,閻魔) golden tablet belonging to Yama that is inscribed with the names of souls to be sent to paradise; (surname) Kanefuda


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(1) rectangular iron plate; (2) {Buddh} (See 金札・4,閻魔) iron tablet belonging to Yama that is inscribed with the names of souls to be sent to hell


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(n,vs,adj-no) attached; belonging (to); included; enclosed; affiliated; annexed; associated; subordinate; incidental; dependent; auxiliary



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hóng yú
    hong2 yu2
hung yü
skate (cartilaginous fish belonging to the family Rajidae); stingray


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(1) {sumo} meeting or association of stable masters belonging to the same grouping; (2) meeting or association of followers of a famous performer (in rakugo, etc.)


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(particle) (archaism) (indicates possessive; 之 used esp. on tombs) (See の・1) 's; of; belonging to


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attached or belonging to a house


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feeling of belonging to; sense of belonging



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fàn zhòng tiān
    fan4 zhong4 tian1
fan chung t`ien
    fan chung tien
 bonshu ten
brahmapāriṣadya (or brahmapārṣadya), belonging to the retinue of Brahmā; the first brahmaloka; the first region of the first dhyāna heaven of form.



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guī shǔ gǎn
    gui1 shu3 gan3
kuei shu kan
sense of belonging


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(can be adjective with の) belonging to no (political) faction


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dì sān dì
    di4 san1 di4
ti san ti
territory belonging to a third party (as a neutral location for peace negotiations or as a transit point for indirect travel or trade etc)
third ground



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jiā lán tuó
    jia1 lan2 tuo2
chia lan t`o
    chia lan to
? karaṇḍa, ? karaṇḍaka. A bird which flies in flocks and has a pleasant note; also, a squirrel which awakened Bimbisāra to warn him against a snake. (2) The karaṇḍa-venuvana, a garden belonging to an elder called Karaṇḍa, used by a Nirgrantha sect, then presented by King Bimbisāra to Śākyamuni. Other forms: 迦蘭夷; 迦蘭馱; 迦蘭多迦; 迦藍陀; 伽鄰; 羯蘭鐸迦 (or 羯蘭馱迦).



see styles
biān yuán rén
    bian1 yuan2 ren2
pien yüan jen
marginalized people (not part of mainstream society); marginal man (term coined by social psychologist Kurt Lewin, referring to a person in transition between two cultures or social groups, not fully belonging to either)


see styles
(exp,n) (hist) (See 部民) people belonging to a hereditary occupation group (Yamato period)


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shē mó tā pǐn
    she1 mo2 ta1 pin3
she mo t`a p`in
    she mo ta pin
 shamata hon
belonging to the quality, or category, of calm abiding


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xiǎo shèng jiǔ bù
    xiao3 sheng4 jiu3 bu4
hsiao sheng chiu pu
 shōjō kubu
The nine classes of works belonging to the Hīnayāna, i.e. the whole of the twelve discourses; the Vaipulya, or broader teaching; and the Vyākaraṇa, or prophesies.


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(a feeling of) identification (with); sense of belonging


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 kenbangeisha / kenbangesha
(See 検番) geisha belonging to a call-office (usually a skilled geisha)



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pí lú shèn à
    pi2 lu2 shen4 a4
p`i lu shen a
    pi lu shen a
Vairocana, 'belonging to or coming from the sun' (M. W.), i. e. light. The 眞身 q. v. true or real Buddha-body, e. g. godhead. There are different definitions. Tiantai says Vairocana represents the 法身 dharmakāya, Rocana or Locana the 報身 saṃbhogakāya, Śākyamuni the 應身 nirmāṇakāya. Vairocana is generally recognized as the spiritual or essential body of Buddha-truth, and like light 徧一切處 pervading everywhere. The esoteric school intp. it by the sun, or its light, and take the sun as symbol. It has also been intp. by 淨滿 purity and fullness, or fullness of purity. Vairocana is the chief of the Five dhyāni Buddhas, occupying the central position; and is the 大日如來 Great Sun Tathāgata. There are numerous treatises on the subject. Other forms are 毘盧; 毘盧遮那 (or 毘盧折那); 吠嚧遮那; 鞞嚧杜那.


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(adj-no,n) (1) native-born; trueborn; (adj-no,n) (2) (belonging) from the start (to a group, organization, etc.); career (e.g. diplomat)


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 seikatsusaika / sekatsusaika
(company) Seikatsu Saika (convenience store belonging to Poplar Co. Ltd.); (c) Seikatsu Saika (convenience store belonging to Poplar Co. Ltd.)



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xì shǔ wū xīn
    xi4 shu3 wu1 xin1
hsi shu wu hsin
 keizoku os hin
belonging to the (aggregate of consciousness) mind


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 taikeidoubutsu; fukurogatadoubutsu / taikedobutsu; fukurogatadobutsu
    たいけいどうぶつ; ふくろがたどうぶつ
aschelminth (any invertebrate animal formerly classified as belonging to phylum Aschelminthes)


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(colloquialism) (from ジャニーズ + タレント) (See タレント・1) male idol belonging to the agency Johnny's & Associates


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 intaizoubusshi / intaizobusshi
secretly hoarded goods (esp. those belonging to the Japanese military at the end of WWII)


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(company) Kurashi House (convenience store belonging to Poplar Co. Ltd.); (c) Kurashi House (convenience store belonging to Poplar Co. Ltd.)


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 suriieito / surieto
(c) Three Eight (convenience store belonging to Poplar Co. Ltd.)


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shēn sān kǒu sì yì sān
    shen1 san1 kou3 si4 yi4 san1
shen san k`ou ssu i san
    shen san kou ssu i san
 shinsan kushi isan
The three commandments dealing with the body, prohibiting taking of life, theft, unchastity; the four dealing with the mouth, against lying, exaggeration, abuse, and ambiguous talk; the three belonging to the mind, covetousness, malice, and unbelief.


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 surii eito / suri eto
(c) Three Eight (convenience store belonging to Poplar Co. Ltd.)


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(n,vs,vi,adj-no) (1) being attached (to); being affiliated (to); belonging (to); going with; (2) (abbreviation) (See 付属学校) attached school; affiliated school


see styles
 suriieito; surii eito / surieto; suri eto
    スリーエイト; スリー・エイト
(company) Three Eight (convenience store belonging to Poplar Co. Ltd.)


see styles
 nonsekutorajikaru; nonsekuto rajikaru
    ノンセクトラジカル; ノンセクト・ラジカル
radical political activist belonging to no particular sect (wasei: non-sect radical)

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.

This page contains 54 results for "belonging" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary