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There are 1015 total results for your Indomitable Spirit - Indomitable Attitude search. I have created 11 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

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(1) (See 仙人・1) hermit; wizard; (2) (See 仙術) wizardry; (personal name) Hisa
僊 ṛṣi, 哩始 an immortal. 仙人; 人仙 the genī, of whom there is a famous group of eight 八仙; an ascetic, a man of the hills, a hermit; the Buddha. The 楞嚴經 gives ten kinds of immortals, walkers on the earth, fliers, wanderers at will, into space, into the deva heavens, transforming themselves into any form, etc. The names of ten ṛṣis, who preceded Śākyamuni, the first being 闍提首那? Jatisena; there is also a list of sixty-eight 大仙 given in the 大孔雀咒經下 A classification of five is 天仙 deva genī, 神仙 spirit genī, 人仙 human genī, 地仙 earth, or cavern genī, and 鬼仙 ghost genī.

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Heart / Mind / Spirit
heart; mind; intention; center; core; CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4]
(1) (See 心・こころ・1) heart; mind; spirit; vitality; inner strength; (2) bottom of one's heart; core (of one's character); nature; (3) (usu. written as 芯) (See 芯・2) centre; center; core; heart; (4) (See 心臓・1) heart (organ); (5) {astron} (See 二十八宿) Chinese "Heart" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (6) (archaism) (child. language) friend; (given name) Haato
hṛd, hṛdaya 汗栗太 (or 汗栗馱); 紀哩馱 the heart, mind, soul; citta 質多 the heart as the seat of thought or intelligence. In both senses the heart is likened to a lotus. There are various definitions, of which the following are six instances: (1) 肉團心 hṛd, the physical heart of sentient or nonsentient living beings, e. g. men, trees, etc. (2) 集起心 citta, the ālayavijñāna, or totality of mind, and the source of all mental activity. (3) 思量心 manas, the thinking and calculating mind; (4) 緣慮心; 了別心; 慮知心; citta; the discriminating mind; (5) 堅實心 the bhūtatathatā mind, or the permanent mind; (6) 積聚精要心 the mind essence of the sutras.

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moon; month; monthly; CL:個|个[ge4],輪|轮[lun2]
(1) Moon; (2) month; (3) moonlight; (4) (See 衛星・1) (a) moon; natural satellite; (female given name) Runa
candra, 旅達 (旅達羅); 旂陀羅; 戰達羅; 戰捺羅 the moon, called also 蘇摩 soma, from the fermented juice of asclepias acida used in worship, and later personified in association with the moon. It has many other epithets, e. g. 印度 Indu, incorrectly intp. as marked like a hare; 創夜神 Niśākara, maker of the night; 星宿王 Nakṣatranātha, lord of constellations; 喜懷之頭飾 the crest of Siva; 蓮華王 Kumuda-pati, lotus lord; 白馬主 Śvetavājin, drawn by (or lord of) white horses; 大白光神 Śītāṃśu, the spirit with white rays; 冷光神 Sitamarici, the spirit with cool rays; 鹿形神 Mṛgāṅka, the spirit with marks m form like a deer; 野兎形神 Śaśi, ditto like a hare.

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Life Energy / Spiritual Energy
gas; air; smell; weather; to make angry; to annoy; to get angry; vital energy; qi
(out-dated kanji) (1) spirit; mind; heart; (2) nature; disposition; (3) motivation; intention; (4) mood; feelings; (5) ambience; atmosphere; mood

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 shin; jin
    しん; じん

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Spirit / Spiritual Essence
god; deity; supernatural; magical; mysterious; spirit; mind; energy; lively; expressive; look; expression; (coll.) awesome; amazing
(1) spirit; psyche; (2) (See 神・かみ・1) god; deity; divinity; kami; (female given name) Miwa
Inscrutable spiritual powers, or power; a spirit; a deva, god, or divinity; the human spirit; divine, spiritual, supernatural.

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visitor; guest; object (in grammar)
(out-dated or obsolete kana usage) visitor from afar; guest; (1) visitor from afar; (2) joy-bringing spirit from the divine realms; (surname) Bin
A guest; to entertain; to submit.

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 rei / re

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Rai / Rei
Japanese variant of 靈|灵
soul; spirit; departed soul; ghost; (given name) Rei

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Spirit / Soul
quick; alert; efficacious; effective; to come true; spirit; departed soul; coffin
Spirit, spiritual, energy, effective, clever.

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(1) bone; (2) frame; (3) outline; core; (4) backbone; spirit; fortitude; (noun or adjectival noun) (5) laborious; troublesome; difficult; (personal name) Hone
Bone: bones, relics.

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 oni(p); ki
    おに(P); き

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Ghost Demon
disembodied spirit; ghost; devil; (suffix) person with a certain vice or addiction etc; sly; crafty; resourceful (variant of 詭|诡[gui3]); one of the 28 constellations of ancient Chinese astronomy
(1) ogre; demon; oni; (2) (See 亡魂) spirit of a deceased person; (3) (おに only) ogre-like person (i.e. fierce, relentless, merciless, etc.); (4) (おに only) (See 鬼ごっこ・おにごっこ) it (in a game of tag, hide-and-seek, etc.); (5) (き only) {astron} (See 二十八宿,朱雀・すざく・2) Chinese "ghost" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (prefix) (6) (おに only) (slang) (See 超・1) very; extremely; super-; (surname) Miniwa
preta 薜荔多, departed, dead; a disembodied spirit, dead person, ghost; a demon, evil being; especially a 餓鬼 hungry ghost. They are of many kinds. The Fan-i ming i classifies them as poor, medium, and rich; each again thrice subdivided: (1) (a) with mouths like burning torches; (b) throats no bigger than needles; (c) vile breath, disgusting to themselves; (2) (a) needle-haired, self-piercing; (b) hair sharp and stinking; (c) having great wens on whose pus they must feed. (3) (a) living on the remains of sacrifices; (b) on leavings in general; (c) powerful ones, yakṣas, rākṣasas, piśācas, etc. All belong to the realm of Yama, whence they are sent everywhere, consequently are ubiquitous in every house, lane, market, mound, stream, tree, etc.

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Soul / Spirit
soul; spirit; immortal soul (that can be detached from the body)
(See 魄) Yang energy; spirit; (female given name) Kokoro
The mind, the soul, conscious mind, vijñāna; also 魂神.


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sān mèi
    san1 mei4
san mei
 sanmai; zanmai
    さんまい; ざんまい

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Samadhi (Buddhist term)
(1) (さんまい only) {Buddh} samadhi (state of intense concentration achieved through meditation) (san:); (suffix noun) (2) (usu. ざんまい) being immersed in; being absorbed in; indulging in; doing to one's heart's content; (suffix noun) (3) (usu. ざんまい) prone to; apt to; (given name) Sanmai
(三昧地) Samādhi, "putting together, composing the mind, intent contemplation, perfect absorption, union of the meditator with the object of meditation." (M. W.) Also 三摩地 (三摩提, 三摩帝, 三摩底). Interpreted by 定 or 正定, the mind fixed and undisturbed; by 正受 correct sensation of the object contemplated; by 調直定 ordering and fixing the mind; by 正心行處 the condition when the motions of the mind are steadied and harmonized with the object; by 息慮凝心 the cessation of distraction and the fixation of the mind; by 等持 the mind held in equilibrium; by 奢摩他, i.e. 止息 to stay the breathing. It is described as concentration of the mind (upon an object). The aim is 解脫, mukti, deliverance from all the trammels of life, the bondage of the passions and reincarnations. It may pass from abstraction to ecstasy, or rapture, or trance. Dhyāna 定 represents a simpler form of contemplation; samāpatti 三摩鉢底 a stage further advanced; and samādhi the highest stage of the Buddhist equivalent for Yoga, though Yoga is considered by some as a Buddhist development differing from samādhi. The 翻譯名義 says: 思專 when the mind has been concentrated, then 志一不分 the will is undivided; when 想寂 active thought has been put to rest, then 氣虛神朗 the material becomes etherealized and the spirit liberated, on which 智 knowledge, or the power to know, has free course, and there is no mystery into which it cannot probe. Cf. 智度論 5, 20, 23, 28; 止觀 2; 大乘義章 2, 9, 1 3, 20, etc. There are numerous kinds and degrees of samādhi.


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sān hún
    san1 hun2
san hun

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Three Souls
three immortal souls in Daoism, representing spirit and intellect


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zhōng dào
    zhong1 dao4
chung tao

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The Middle Way
road through the middle; middle road; (place-name, surname) Nakamichi
The 'mean' has various interpretations. In general it denotes the mean between two extremes, and has special reference to the mean between realism and nihilism, or eternal substantial existence and annihilation; this 'mean' is found in a third principle between the two, suggesting the idea of a realm of mind or spirit beyond the terminology of 有 or 無, substance or nothing, or, that which has form, and is therefore measurable and ponderable, and its opposite of total non-existence. See 中論. The following four Schools define the term according to their several scriptures: the 法相 School describes it as the 唯識, v. 唯識中道; the 三論 School as the 八不 eight negations, v. 三論; the Tiantai as 實相 the true reality; and the Huayan as the 法界 dharmadhātu. Four forms of the Mean are given by the 三論玄義.


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fó xīn
    fo2 xin1
fo hsin

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Buddha Heart / Mind of Buddha
Buddha-like heart (full of compassion); spirit of Buddha (awakened to reality and no longer clinging to appearances)
The mind of Buddha, the spiritually enlightened heart. A heart of mercy; a heart abiding in the real, not the seeming; detached from good and evil and other such contrasts.


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Stamina / Vigor
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) lively; full of spirit; energetic; vigorous; vital; spirited; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) healthy; well; fit; in good health; (female given name) Motoki


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chū xīn
    chu1 xin1
ch`u hsin
    chu hsin

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Mind of the Beginner
(one's) original intention, aspiration etc; (Buddhism) "beginner's mind" (i.e. having an attitude of openness when studying a subject just as a beginner in that subject would)
(1) one's original intention; one's initial enthusiasm; (n,adj-no,adj-na) (2) inexperience; naivety; greenness; (female given name) Ubu
The initial resolve or mind of the novice.


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shí fǎ
    shi2 fa3
shih fa

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Ten perfect Mahayana rules
The ten 成就 perfect or perfecting Mahāyāna rules; i.e. in (1) right belief; (2) conduct; (3) spirit; (4) the joy of the bodhi mind; (5) joy in the dharma; (6) joy in meditation in it; (7) pursuing the correct dharma; (8) obedience to, or accordance with it; (9) departing from pride, etc.; (10) comprehending the inner teaching of Buddha and taking no pleasure in that of the śrāvaka and pratyeka-buddha order.



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qǐ fā
    qi3 fa1
ch`i fa
    chi fa

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To inspire or enlighten
to enlighten; to explain (a text etc); to stimulate (a mental attitude); enlightenment; revelation; motivation


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píng děng
    ping2 deng3
p`ing teng
    ping teng
 byoudou / byodo

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equal; equality
(n,adj-na,adj-no) equality; impartiality; evenness; (place-name) Byōdō
sama; samatā. Level, even, everywhere the same, universal, without partiality; it especially refers to the Buddha in his universal; impartial, and equal attitude towards all beings.


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yù yǐng
    yu4 ying3
yü ying

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Divine Spirit
divine spirit; spirit of the dead; (p,s,f) Mikage
[wooden] images of saints


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zhèng niàn
    zheng4 nian4
cheng nien
 shounen / shonen
correct mindfulness (Buddhism)
(1) {Buddh} (See 八正道) right mindfulness; (2) true faith (in rebirth in the promised land); (place-name) Shounen
samyak-smṛti, right remembrance, the seventh of the 八正道; 'right mindfullness, the looking on the body and the spirit in such a way as to remain ardent, self-possessed and mindful, having overcome both hankering and dejection. ' Keith.



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qì pò
    qi4 po4
ch`i p`o
    chi po

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Positive Attitude
spirit; boldness; positive outlook; imposing attitude


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Inugami / Dog Spirit
evil dog spirit; dog god; (surname) Inugami


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yú jiā
    yu2 jia1
yü chia

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yoga (loanword)
{Buddh} (See ヨーガ) yoga; (surname) Yuga
yoga; also 瑜誐; 遊迦; a yoke, yoking, union, especially an ecstatic union of the individual soul with a divine being, or spirit, also of the individual soul with the universal soul. The method requires the mutual response or relation of 境, 行, 理, 果 and 機; i.e. (1) state, or environment, referred to mind; (2) action, or mode of practice; (3) right principle; (4) results in enlightenment; (5) motivity, i.e. practical application in saving others. Also the mutual relation of hand, mouth, and mind referring to manifestation, incantation, and mental operation; these are known as 瑜伽三密, the three esoteric (means) of Yoga. The older practice of meditation as a means of obtaining spiritual or magical power was distorted in Tantrism to exorcism, sorcery, and juggling in general.


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{Shinto} shintai; object of worship believed to contain the spirit of a deity, typically housed in a shrine


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shén dào
    shen2 dao4
shen tao
 shintou(p); shindou / shinto(p); shindo
    しんとう(P); しんどう

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Shinto (Japanese religion)
Shinto; Shintoism; (surname) Jindō
The spirit world of devas, asuras, and pretas. Psychology, or the doctrines concerning the soul. The teaching of Buddha. Shinto, the Way of the Gods, a Japanese national religion.


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jīng shen
    jing1 shen5
ching shen
 seishin / seshin

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vigor; vitality; spirited; good-looking
(1) mind; spirit; soul; heart; ethos; (2) attitude; mentality; will; intention; (3) spirit (of a matter); essence; fundamental significance; (given name) Seishin
Vitality; also the pure and spiritual, the subtle, or recondite.



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yīng qì
    ying1 qi4
ying ch`i
    ying chi

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Heroic Spirit
heroic spirit



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háo qì
    hao2 qi4
hao ch`i
    hao chi

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Heroic Spirit / Heroism
heroic spirit; heroism


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 toushi / toshi

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Fighting Spirit
fighting spirit; (will to) fight; (given name) Toushi


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 toukon / tokon

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Fighting Spirit
fighting spirit


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xióng xīn
    xiong2 xin1
hsiung hsin
 yuushin; ogokoro / yushin; ogokoro
    ゆうしん; おごころ

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Heroic Spirit / Great Ambition
great ambition; lofty aspiration
heroic spirit; brave heart; aspiration; ambition; (surname) Yūshin



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líng gǎn
    ling2 gan3
ling kan

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inspiration; insight; a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor
靈應 Spirit-response, efficacious as in response to prayer.



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gǔ qì
    gu3 qi4
ku ch`i
    ku chi

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Courageous Spirit
unyielding character; courageous spirit; integrity; moral backbone


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hún pò
    hun2 po4
hun p`o
    hun po

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Ghost / Soul / Spirit
soul; spirit; ghost
Animus and anima; the spiritual nature or mind, and the animal soul; the two are defined as mind and body or mental and physical, the invisible soul inhabiting the visible body, the former being celestial, the latter terrestrial.



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lóng shén
    long2 shen2
lung shen
 ryuujin / ryujin

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Dragon Spirit
(1) dragon god; dragon king; (2) (Buddhist term) naga; (place-name, surname) Ryūjin
A dragon-god, or spirit.


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independent spirit



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guān shì yīn
    guan1 shi4 yin1
kuan shih yin

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Guan Shi Yin: Protector Of Life
Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara)
(out-dated kanji) Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva); Avalokitesvara; Kannon; Kwannon; Guanyin; Buddhist deity of compassion
Regarder of the world's sounds, or cries, the so-called Goddess of Mercy; also known as 觀音; 觀世音善薩; 觀自在 (觀世自在); 觀尹; 光世音 (the last being the older form). Avalokiteśvara, v. 阿 8. Originally represented as a male, the images are now generally those of a female figure. The meaning of the term is in doubt; it is intp. as above, but the term 觀自在 (觀世自在) accords with the idea of Sovereign Regarder and is not associated with sounds or cries. Guanyin is one of the triad of Amida, is represented on his left, and is also represented as crowned with Amida; but there are as many as thirty-three different forms of Guanyin, sometimes with a bird, a vase, a willow wand, a pearl, a 'thousand' eyes and hands, etc., and, when as bestower of children, carrying a child. The island of Putuo (Potala) is the chief centre of Guanyin worship, where she is the protector of all in distress, especially of those who go to sea. There are many sūtras, etc., devoted to the cult, but its provenance and the date of its introduction to China are still in doubt. Chapter 25 of the Lotus Sūtra is devoted to Guanyin, and is the principal scripture of the cult; its date is uncertain. Guanyin is sometimes confounded with Amitābha and Maitreya. She is said to be the daughter of king Śubhavyūha 妙莊王, who had her killed by 'stifling because the sword of the executioner broke without hurting her. Her spirit went to hell; but hell changed into paradise. Yama sent her back to life to save his hell, when she was miraculously transported on a Lotus flower to the island of Poo-too'. Eitel.



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ā xiū luó
    a1 xiu1 luo2
a hsiu lo
 ashura; asura
    あしゅら; あすら

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Frightful Demon / Asura
Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology
{Buddh} Asura; demigod; anti-god; titan; demigods that fight the Devas (gods) in Hindu mythology; (female given name) Ashura
asura, 修羅 originally meaning a spirit, spirits, or even the gods, it generally indicates titanic demons, enemies of the gods, with whom, especially Indra, they wage constant war. They are defined as 'not devas', and 'ugly', and 'without wine'. Other forms are 阿須羅 (or 阿蘇羅, or 阿素羅); 阿修倫 (or羅須倫 or 阿修輪 or 羅須輪); 阿素洛; 阿差. Four classes are named according to their manner of rebirth-egg, born, womb-born, transformation-born, and spawn- or water-born. Their abode is in the ocean, north of Sumeru, but certain of the weaker dwell in a western mountain cave. They have realms, rulers, and palaces, as have the devas. The 阿修羅道 is one of the six gatis, or ways of reincarnation. The 修羅場 or 修羅巷 is the battlefield of the asuras against Indra. The 阿修羅琴 are their harps.


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(1) stance; attitude; standpoint; (2) {sports} stance; posture; (personal name) Stans



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tuán duì jīng shén
    tuan2 dui4 jing1 shen2
t`uan tui ching shen
    tuan tui ching shen

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Esprit de Corps / Team Spirit
group mentality; collectivism; solidarity; team spirit

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owner; master; host; individual or party concerned; God; Lord; main; to indicate or signify; trump card (in card games)
(1) head (of a household, etc.); leader; master; (2) owner; proprietor; proprietress; (3) subject (of a rumour, etc.); doer (of a deed); (4) guardian spirit (e.g. long-resident beast, usu. with mystical powers); long-time resident (or employee, etc.); (5) husband; (pronoun) (6) (familiar language) (See おぬし) you; (given name) Mamoru
Chief, lord, master; to control.

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variant of 即[ji2]; promptly
To draw up to, or near; approach; forthwith; to be; i.e. alias; if, even if; 就是. It is intp. as 和融 united together; 不二not two, i.e. identical; 不離 not separate, inseparable. It resembles implication, e.g. the afflictions or passions imply, or are, bodhi; births-and-deaths imply, or are, nirvana; the indication being that the one is contained in or leads to the other. Tiantai has three definitions: (1) The union, or unity, of two things, e.g. 煩惱 and 菩提, i.e. the passions and enlightenment, the former being taken as the 相 form, the latter 性 spirit, which two are inseparable; in other words, apart from the subjugation of the passions there is no enlightenment. (2) Back and front are inseparables; also (3) substance and quality, e.g. water and wave.

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variant of 廁|厕[ce4]
(dated) privy; toilet
A privy, cesspool; also called 西淨; 東淨; 東司; 雪隱; 後架; 起止處, etc. Ucchuṣma, v. 烏, is the guardian spirit of the cesspool.

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(bound form); appearance; shape; form; state; attitude; (grammar) voice
(n,n-suf) (1) condition; figure; appearance; (n,n-suf) (2) {gramm} (See ボイス) voice

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to shake; to flap; to vibrate; to resonate; to rise up with spirit; to rouse oneself
(surname) Furu
To shake, rouse, restore.

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(bound form) general; approximate; without exception; categorically; (bound form) bearing; deportment
(1) appearance; look; aspect; (2) (rare) (See 気概・きがい) strong spirit; mettle; (personal name) Kaiji

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evil spirit; goblin; witchcraft; variant of 妖[yao1]; common erroneous variant of 祆[Xian1] Ormazda

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god of the earth
To revere, venerate; only; translit. j in 祇園精舍; 祇樹給孤獨園 The vihāra and garden Jetavana, bought by Anāthapiṇḍaka from prince Jeta and given to Śākyamuni.; The Earth-Spirit; repose; vast; translit. j, g.

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evil spirit

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to receive blessings in a sincere spirit

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 sei / se
essence; extract; vitality; energy; semen; sperm; mythical goblin spirit; highly perfected; elite; the pick of something; proficient (refined ability); extremely (fine); selected rice (archaic)
(1) spirit; sprite; nymph; (2) energy; vigor (vigour); strength; (3) fine details; (4) (See 精液) semen; (given name) Makoto
Cleaned rice, freed from the husk, pure; essential, essence, germinating principle, spirit; fine, best, finest.

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meat; flesh; pulp (of a fruit); (coll.) (of a fruit) squashy; (of a person) flabby; irresolute; Kangxi radical 130
(1) flesh; (2) meat; (3) flesh (of a fruit); pulp; (4) the physical body (as opposed to the spirit); flesh; (5) thickness; (6) content; substance; flesh; (7) (See 印肉) ink pad
māṃsa. Flesh.

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liver (CL:葉|叶[ye4]); (slang) to put in long hours, typically late into the night, playing (a video game); (of a video game) involving a lot of repetition in order to progress; grindy
(1) liver; innards; (2) courage; spirit; pluck; guts; (3) crux; essential point

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waist; lower back; pocket; middle; loins
(suffix noun) posture; position; pose; attitude; (surname) Koshitaka
The waist, middle.

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(noun/participle) (1) (kana only) echo; (noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) (2) (kana only) to echo; to reverberate; (3) the spirit of a tree; tree spirit; (surname) Kodama

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liquor; spirit

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(literary) soul; mortal soul (i.e. attached to the body)
(See 魂・こん) Yin energy; spirit

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 miiru / miru
demon; magic; to charm
(female given name) Miiru
An ogre, evil spirit.

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(bound form) evil spirit; devil; (prefix) supernatural; magical
(1) demon; devil; evil spirit; evil influence; (suffix noun) (2) (See 覗き魔) -crazed person; -obsessed person; fiend; (can be adjective with の) (3) dreaded; terrible; awful; dreadful; (surname) Ma
魔羅 Māra, killing, destroying; 'the Destroyer, Evil One, Devil' (M.W.); explained by murderer, hinderer, disturber, destroyer; he is a deva 'often represented with a hundred arms and riding on an elephant'. Eitel. He sends his daughters, or assumes monstrous forms, or inspires wicked men, to seduce or frighten the saints. He 'resides with legions of subordinates in the heaven Paranirmita Vaśavartin situated on the top of the Kāmadhātu'. Eitel. Earlier form 磨; also v. 波 Pāpīyān. He is also called 他化自在天. There are various categories of māras, e.g. the skandha-māra, passion-māra, etc.


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (1) (polite language) errand; mission; going as envoy; (2) (polite language) messenger; bearer; errand boy; errand girl; (3) (polite language) (honorific or respectful language) familiar spirit


see styles
pert girl; girl with "attitude"; lively minx; tomboy


see styles
guts; pluck; nerve; spirit



see styles
yī bǎo
    yi1 bao3
i pao
 ippou / ippo
(surname) Ippou
The one precious thing, the spirit, or intelligent nature; the intelligent mind (behind all things).


see styles
sān wèi
    san1 wei4
san wei
 sanmi; sani
    さんみ; さんい
(1) (esp. さんい) third place; third rank; (2) (esp. さんみ) third rank (in the Japanese court system); (3) {Christn} (esp. さんみ) Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; (surname) Mitsui
three stages


see styles
sān jiè
    san1 jie4
san chieh
(1) {Buddh} (See 欲界,色界,無色界) the three realms of existence; (2) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 三千大千世界) the whole universe (of a billion worlds) that Buddha enlightened; (3) {Buddh} (See 三世・さんぜ・1) past, present and future existences; (suffix) (4) far-off ...; distant ...; (surname) Mikai
Trailokya or Triloka; the three realms; also 三有. It is the Buddhist metaphysical equivalent for the Brahmanic cosmological bhuvanatraya, or triple world of bhūr, bhuvaḥ, and svar, earth, atmosphere, and heaven. The Buddhist three are 欲, 色, and 無色界, i.e. world of sensuous desire, form, and formless world of pure spirit. (a) 欲界 Kāmadhātu is the realm of sensuous desire, of 婬 and 食 sex and food; it includes the six heavens of desire, the human world, and the hells. (b) 色界 Rūpadhātu is the realm of form, meaning 質礙 that which is substantial and resistant: it is above the lust-world and contains (so to speak) bodies, palaces, things, all mystic and wonderful一a semi-material conception like that in Revelation; it is represented in the 四禪天, or Brahmalokas. (c) 無色界 Arūpadhātu, or ārūpyadhātu, is the formless realm of pure spirit, where there are no bodies, places, things, at any rate none to which human terms would apply, but where the mind dwells in mystic contemplation; its extent is indefinable, but it is, conceived of in four stages, i,e. 四空處 the four "empty" regions, or regions of space in the immaterial world, which are 四無色 the four "formless" realms, or realms beyond form; being above the realm of form, their bounds cannot be defined. v. 倶舍論世間品.


see styles
zhōng zōng
    zhong1 zong1
chung tsung
(surname) Nakamune
The school or principle of the mean, represented by the 法相宗 Dharmalakṣaṇa school, which divides the Buddha's teaching into three periods, the first in which he preached 有 existence, the second 空 non-existence, the third 中 neither, something 'between' or above them, e. g. a realm of pure spirit, vide the 深密經 Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra and the Lotus Sutra.


see styles
 shunou / shuno
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) head; leader; leading spirit; (2) (archaism) important part


see styles
 nori(p); nori
    のり(P); ノリ
(1) riding; ride; (2) spread (of paints); (suffix noun) (3) -seater (e.g. two-seater); (4) (kana only) (esp. ノリ. possibly from 気乗り) (getting into the) mood; (entering into the) spirit; energy; enthusiasm; rhythm; feeling


see styles
jiǔ yào
    jiu3 yao4
chiu yao
 kuyou / kuyo
(surname) Kuyou
九執 q.v. Navagraha. The nine luminaries: 日 Āditya, the sun; 月 Sōma, the moon; the five planets, i.e. 火星 Aṅgāraka, Mars; 水 Budha, Mercury; 木 Bṛhaspati, Jupiter; 金 Sukra, Venus; and 土 Śanaiścara, Saturn; also 羅睺 Rāhu, the spirit that causes eclipses; and 計都 Ketu, a comet. Each is associated with a region of the sky and also with a bodhisattva, etc., e.g. the sun with Guanyin, Venus with Amitābha, etc.


see styles
jī tóng
    ji1 tong2
chi t`ung
    chi tung
spirit medium


see styles
wǔ míng
    wu3 ming2
wu ming
 gomyou / gomyo
(hist) the five sciences of ancient India (grammar and composition, arts and mathematics, medicine, logic, and philosophy); (surname) Gomei
pañca-vidyā, the five sciences or studies of India: (1) śabda, grammar and composition; śilpakarmasthāna, the arts and mathematics; cikitsā, medicine; hetu, logic; adhyātma, philosophy, which Monier Williams says is the 'knoowledge of the supreme spirit, or of ātman', the basis of the four Vedas; the Buddhists reckon the Tripiṭṭaka and the 十二部教 as their 内明, i. e. their inner or special philosophy.


see styles
 bourei / bore
(1) departed spirit; soul of the dead; (2) ghost; apparition



see styles
wáng líng
    wang2 ling2
wang ling
departed spirit


see styles
wáng hún
    wang2 hun2
wang hun
 boukon / bokon
soul of the deceased; departed spirit
departed soul; spirit
The soul of the dead.


see styles
rén xīn
    ren2 xin1
jen hsin
 jinshin(p); hitogokoro
    じんしん(P); ひとごころ
popular feeling; the will of the people
(1) human nature; human heart; human spirit; kindness; sympathy; (2) (じんしん only) public feeling; people's sentiments; (3) (ひとごころ only) (See 人心地・ひとごこち・1) consciousness; awareness; (given name) Jinshin
minds of men


see styles
 hitogitsune; ninko
    ひとぎつね; にんこ
fox spirit that possesses people (typical of the Chūgoku region)


see styles
rén jīng
    ren2 jing1
jen ching
sophisticate; man with extensive experience; child prodigy; Wunderkind (i.e. brilliant child); spirit within a person (i.e. blood and essential breath 血氣|血气 of TCM)


see styles
 ninkyou / ninkyo
    jinkyou / jinkyo
(adj-na,n,adj-no) chivalry; generosity; heroism; chivalrous spirit; helping the weak and fighting the strong


see styles
 ninkyou / ninkyo
(adj-na,n,adj-no) chivalry; generosity; heroism; chivalrous spirit; helping the weak and fighting the strong; (given name) Ninkyō


see styles
bàn yè
    ban4 ye4
pan yeh
伴靈 To watch with the spirit of a departed monk the night before the cremation.



see styles
zuò shì
    zuo4 shi4
tso shih
to adopt an attitude; to strike a posture



see styles
zuò tài
    zuo4 tai4
tso t`ai
    tso tai
to put on an attitude; to pose


see styles
(1) errand; mission; going as envoy; (2) messenger; bearer; errand boy; errand girl; (3) familiar spirit; (n-suf,n-pref) (4) use; usage; user; trainer; tamer; charmer


see styles
object representative of a divine spirit; object to which a spirit is drawn or summoned; object or animal occupied by a kami; (female given name) Iyo


see styles
 kyoushin / kyoshin
(obsolete) (See 義侠心) chivalrous spirit; chivalry


see styles
 kyouki / kyoki
chivalrous spirit; chivalry


see styles
 kyoukotsu / kyokotsu
chivalrous spirit


see styles
 kenshou / kensho
spirit; pep; energy; (personal name) Kenshou


see styles
yuán shén
    yuan2 shen2
yüan shen
primordial spirit; fundamental essence of life
(surname) Motogami


see styles
gōng xīn
    gong1 xin1
kung hsin
fair-mindedness; public spirit


see styles
yuān hún
    yuan1 hun2
yüan hun
ghost of one who died unjustly; departed spirit demanding vengeance for grievances


see styles
 reizen / rezen
(adj-t,adv-to) cold (attitude); indifferent; unsympathetic; aloof


see styles
 reishi / reshi
(noun/participle) giving a cold look; icy stare; taking a cold-hearted attitude


see styles
níng zhòng
    ning2 zhong4
ning chung
dignified; grave (expression); imposing (attitude); heavy (atmosphere); (music etc) deep and resounding
(surname) Korishige


see styles
(v2d-s,vi) (1) (archaism) to leave; to exit; to go out; to come out; to get out; (2) (archaism) to leave (on a journey); to depart; to start out; to set out; (3) (archaism) to move forward; (4) (archaism) to come to; to get to; to lead to; to reach; (5) (archaism) to appear; to come out; to emerge; to surface; to come forth; to turn up; to be found; to be detected; to be discovered; to be exposed; to show; to be exhibited; to be on display; (6) (archaism) to appear (in print); to be published; to be announced; to be issued; to be listed; to come out; (7) (archaism) to attend; to participate; to take part; to enter (an event); to play in; to perform; (8) (archaism) to be stated; to be expressed; to come up; to be brought up; to be raised; (9) (archaism) to sell; (10) (archaism) to exceed; to go over; (11) (archaism) to stick out; to protrude; (12) (archaism) to break out; to occur; to start; to originate; (13) (archaism) to be produced; (14) (archaism) to come from; to be derived from; (15) (archaism) to be given; to get; to receive; to be offered; to be provided; to be presented; to be submitted; to be handed in; to be turned in; to be paid; (16) (archaism) to answer (phone, door, etc.); to get; (17) (archaism) to assume (an attitude); to act; to behave; (18) (archaism) to pick up (speed, etc.); to gain; (19) (archaism) to flow (e.g. tears); to run; to bleed; (20) (archaism) to graduate


see styles
(v1,vi) (1) (ant: 入る・はいる・1) to leave; to exit; to go out; to come out; to get out; (v1,vi) (2) to leave (on a journey); to depart; to start out; to set out; (v1,vi) (3) to move forward; (v1,vi) (4) to come to; to get to; to lead to; to reach; (v1,vi) (5) to appear; to come out; to emerge; to surface; to come forth; to turn up; to be found; to be detected; to be discovered; to be exposed; to show; to be exhibited; to be on display; (v1,vi) (6) to appear (in print); to be published; to be announced; to be issued; to be listed; to come out; (v1,vi) (7) to attend; to participate; to take part; to enter (an event); to play in; to perform; (v1,vi) (8) to be stated; to be expressed; to come up; to be brought up; to be raised; (v1,vi) (9) to sell; (v1,vi) (10) to exceed; to go over; (v1,vi) (11) to stick out; to protrude; (v1,vi) (12) to break out; to occur; to start; to originate; (v1,vi) (13) to be produced; (v1,vi) (14) to come from; to be derived from; (v1,vi) (15) to be given; to get; to receive; to be offered; to be provided; to be presented; to be submitted; to be handed in; to be turned in; to be paid; (v1,vi) (16) to answer (phone, door, etc.); to get; (v1,vi) (17) to assume (an attitude); to act; to behave; (v1,vi) (18) to pick up (speed, etc.); to gain; (v1,vi) (19) to flow (e.g. tears); to run; to bleed; (v1,vi) (20) to graduate; (v1,vi) (21) (vulgar) to ejaculate; to cum; (place-name) Izuru


see styles
(1) attitude; approach; move; (2) theater usher; theatre usher

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Indomitable Spirit - Indomitable Attitude" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary